

"Hey rookie, come over here."

Stephen ran over to where Lola and Tammy were standing over the last surviving member of another enemy squad. He grinned and switched over to his revolver to hurry up and finish him off. This commando's last sight must have been a sad one to see. Lola sprinkling salt on the ground and Tammy L-dancing, and bloodthirsty Stephen, whose shirt had 'N00B' poorly scrawled by hand across the front with different colored crayons. He gave the commando a happy little wave goodbye and fired once.


Pop! Pop! Pop!

Yet another squad, suddenly rushing in from the middle of the lake. There were only three of them, and Lola recognized them as a crew from the winter holiday season. They were all shooting to kill. Stephen wasn't too good at building and scrambled as quickly as possible through a gate and to cover, but got tagged in the arm just before he got through.

Lola started building up immediately. She didn't even need to look over to know that Tammy was doing the exact same thing, manifesting a brick staircase out of thin air. Stone was always more her thing. Understandable; it was reasonably quick to build and was pretty durable at the same time. Lola however, preferred wood. It was slightly faster and while it was indeed the weakest material in a long term fight, it was the toughest to shoot down when first built. This came especially in handy if you knew how to rebuild over and over, rapidly, and under pressure.

She didn't need to do all that though, as this new squad that was pushing them wasn't that good. They were shooting up at Lola and Tammy, which was a losing fight from the low ground, when the correct move would have been to build up to meet them. Lola saw Tammy drop down on the yuletide ranger with a purple tactical shotgun, then aimed her own suppressed pistol over the edge and proved her trigger finger's worth. A ginger gunner tried to exchange fire but went down, and seconds later, so did the yuletide ranger, who'd managed to put up somewhat of a fight. Tammy saluted him before she sent him out.

Lola casually eliminated the ginger gunner with a few headshots, then reloaded and panned around for her ginger husband. As she was searching, gunfire erupted from down by the docks and she heard the rookie cry out. He must have pressed the merry marauder thinking he could win that fight. Kid had heart if nothing else. Lola jumped down to save him, switched to an impulse grenade she picked up off the commando's squad, and threw it in a perfect arc at Stephen's would-be eliminator.


The merry marauder, who was about to deliver Stephen the coup de gras with a pump shotgun to the back of the head, went flying through the air into the lake. Lola raised her pistol and put him down for good. All that was left when she reloaded again was a ton of loot floating in the water. She picked up the rookie and dropped a medkit for him, scanning the lake for more enemy squads while he healed. She hoped Bob was doing okay.

That was when the storm hit them out of nowhere and the temperature dropped at least thirty degrees in a matter of seconds. Lola could never get used to that, nor did she want to. Storm was the last place she or anyone wanted to be. Tammy tossed her a mini and they both drank at the same time.

"Come on," Stephen urged impatiently. "Let's get the hell out of here!"

Tammy tossed a Slurp Juice to him, saying, "Here, drink this."

He chugged it in one go and everyone took off.

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