
5.) two wolves

AN: hey guys, so we're still at it. About to have the talk with Cregan and things will really start to get rolling. I'm eager for this ice dragon meeting to happen, still trying to figure out how I want it to happen and where.


Cregan Pov

My brothers 'whiskey' as he calls it is truly remarkable. It keeps you warm though he said that is an illusion and to not use it to replace fire. A good thing that'll need to be told to all customers of the stuff.

How do I know there will be people willing to buy it? Easy, I've tasted it. Even if not super popular worldwide like dornish red or the shit from the reach, in the north it will be a new favorite.

The way wylan and Harald drink the stuff is incredible, the don't even seem to be drinking the same liquid that makes lord manderly and myself have a coughing fit.

I notice I'm extremely drunk. Drunker than I've been since I had my first true wild night with ale and wine.

This however is different. Harald even has to help me get to my bedchamber.

Once we sit down across the room from dusk whom is sitting by the brazier for warmth while also being in between us and the door. Such things most people wouldn't notice but I have, it seems direwolves are smarter than even I myself gave them credit for.

It feels like all the fun and alcohol induced haze I had reached since reuniting with my brother was just a cruel joke from the gods. I know this to be a fact when Harald speaks

""I will leave tomorrow.""

I sprang up out of my seat, ""what the hell do you mean?! You've only just returned. Father and uncle are dead. It's time winterfell saw the two wolves reunited."" I said sounding more like the younger brother despite my two year age advantage.

My brother smiles sadly at me before continuing, ""Cregan, the war is coming between the greens and blacks. Do you honestly believe the north will be allowed to sit out?"" He said with a seriousness I rarely hear from him.

I let out a sigh. It's true. War is coming to westeros.

After king viserys passed away, his second wife and son disobeyed his wishes for his daughter to Ascend the iron throne. Soon, dragons will dance in the sky. I just hope the north can survive it.

Seeing my silence, Harald begins speaking again, this time though theres a spark of that ambitious little boy who used to talk about giants and cave cats who are both extinct south of the wall, at least according to him.

""It's time my own conquest truly begins Cregan. On the morrow, I will build my own kingdom."" He says with such conviction I find myself momentarily caught off guard.

I quickly regain my composure and reply, ""what? Why? I can give you any land in the north you desire. Where would you even go?"" I ask in quick succession.

He smiles and pulls some things back from my desk that has a map stuck on the top with a knife. After removing the things on the northern side of the map, he points to a spot that sends shivers down my spine, skagos.

Any true northern son knows of what the inhabitants of skagos did and do.

They sided with the greystarks centuries ago. Because of this they were spared but would be relegated to their island and closing off their access to the sea. If they aren't extinct by now, they are certainly cannibals.

My brother sees my thoughts run across my face and laughs. ""Relax. All is fine. I will arrive with a considerable force at my beck and call. Should any cannibals remain, they'll be dispatched swiftly.""

I sigh. Knowing good and well trying to argue with Harald will only get me on his bad side. Instead I pose a question.

""Why are you doing this brother mine?""

He looks away from me for the first time since we sat across from one another and his gaze looks out the northern facing window with an unreadable expression on his face.

He stays like that for a long time before responding to me, ""what are house starks words?""

He asks me so quietly I'm not incredibly sure he said anything at all. However, my doubts disappear as I see something that usually never happens. My brothers eyes begin to glow while the whites of his eyes begin to fill with blackness.

This has only happened when he's truly emotional, so I know he's serious. I respond. ""Of course I do. Winter is coming.""

He nods and asks another query, ""hmm, and what do they mean?""

This one stumped me. Wasn't it kind of obvious? I pose that question to Harald himself outloud, ""it's obvious, winter, hardship, always comes and we have to be prepared for it. The starks most of all. ""

He sighs like a dissatisfied father who thought his son should've gotten the answer right but didn't.

He grunts and speaks, ""go into the library when you return to winterfell. Read up on the long night. Look at it as it is, a historical moment in time far more significant than anyone truly knows. Read them. And next we meet I will ask you the same question. I hope you satisfy me with your answer. Goodnight Cregan.""

He didn't even give me a second look as he bent down to scratch dusk behind the ears before opening my door and heading back out into the keep.

My gaze remained stuck on the door my younger brother just left. Maybe I should call gage umber over to winterfell, he's always been more verse in the true history of the north than anyone I know.

As I settle down for the night I can't get that image out of my head. My brothers eyes turning into the epitome of a full moon in a starless sky asking me, ""and what do our words mean?""

It's to that I fall asleep, swirling with thoughts of my brothers plans. Both the ones I do and do not know about.


An: heck yea. Another day another chapter. It's become a bit of a benchmark ive set. Write at least one chapter. Next we get some more intros will the wild wolf takes to the seas again.

Remeber to drop suggestions and check out the images page. People will be added. Also, there's my 'castle frost' look vote going on in there. Check it out and give some feedback, have a good day! 👋🏻

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