
6.) Northbound, news of the wild wolfs presence

An: here we go. Corlys being a sailor will help immensely in this regarding news. Right? All sailors get drunk and talk about the crazy shit they've seen.

So seeing a wolf as tall as a man's shoulder on the dock greeting another group of huge men both bearing Direwolf banners will make news begin to swirl. Whispers of the wild wolfs return will begin to manifest.


The North, Whiteharbor, 128 AC

Harald Pov

I woke up and immediately broke some ginger and chamomile into my tea to rid myself of last nights effects.

As I sit at my desk in the room I was given by lord manderly my thoughts begin to race with what I'm about to attempt. I've always had this ambition. Skagos, the bay of seals.

Anyone with any sort of first world knowledge understands how crucial such a place can be not only for the inhabitants of my new kingdom, but also for the north In general.

I have ideas of whaling, seal catching, ice trade, and of course my whiskey.

I believe such things will help immensely in generating gold. Such gold will help immensely. Especially if I can convince enough of the stubborn northern bastards to accept some of the freefolk clans, then the north wil be bar none the strongest kingdom.

I also have some thoughts about letting second sons of house Blackwood from the Riverlands to come north. Their weirwood has already been poisoned, why not give up on it and move back to their roots?

I have also set spies into Bolton land to find any degree of treachery, I just hope my hunch proves correct. From what I can remember, roose was said to not be the only Bolton in the long line of them to break the rules set by the starks after the red kings knelt to the direwolves during the first andal invasion attempt, 'no flaying.'

If such things are happening it will give me due cause to explain myself to other would be rebellious northern houses, such as the locke and white hill. In fact, I hope those idiots do make a stink about it, better for dissenting voices to be silenced. I've always hated the boltons. Sick bastards. Who flayes a living man? And then uses said skin to make things you consider heirlooms in your family? Gross.

This also leads to 'who would inherit the Bolton land after I kill them and their lords who've sworn to them? For that I honestly don't know. I'd sooner leave that to Cregan as it's not my territory to run. I will however give him the best advice ever when asking for a reward from the Targaryens.

Acquire the gifts back from the nights watch. Anyone with any sense knows how dumb such a decision was from the 'great' queen alysanne. Backed by her 'perfect' kingly husband.

I know many in this universe love the conciliator jaehaerys I, but I am northern. A royal northerner. So I know Just how devious he and his sister wife were. The move to turn the gift over to the 'poor men of the nights watch' was just what was told to the public. In truth, it was to get rid of stark influence over the north. With those two lands lost, the starks have only a modest amount of land they control. Hell, even the manderlys and umbers have larger territory than the former KINGS of the North.

Such things were never okay with me, my father never saw it. He Always said, "the conciliator would never do something like that." And "the good queen was named so for a reason boy, watch your tongue."

Again, how could you not hate the man? He'd been brainwashed by the southerners during his time in the riverlands to foster.

I shake off my thoughts of plots and ambition when I hear a knock on my door. I bid the person to enter and the door opens to my big brother who looks extremely worse for wear.

""Ahh Cregan, goodmorning. How do you feel?"" I asked trying to keep my smile hidden beneath the 'stark mask' my family is known for.

He looks at me with dark circles under his bloodshot eyes and speaks in a raspy voice, "Enough shit Harlad. Help me."

I laugh and make him the smart ginger chamomile tea and explain to him to drink it.

After about 15 minutes he looks a little better so I decide to send word to the servants for breakfast.

After receiving the food and eating I began my spill, ""I'll leave today. Once I've set up a stronghold I will inform you of my exact location. Burn the letter upon receiving and memorizing it. I do hate to leave you brother, but there are things we must get done before the war.""

He looks undeniably sad, which I understand. If there's one person I'd ever consider telling about my past life it'd be Cregan. The now man who sat beside me every night in my crib and spoke to me about his day and what he learned.

I spoke again, needing to say my goodbyes to him and have a quick discussion with lord manderly before setting off.

""One last piece of advice Cregan. When the Targaryens aproach you about supporting their cause and the prospect of rewards come up, you must attain the gifts back from the nights watch.""

He looked shocked, then I saw his mind working and actually assessing what I said before a wide smile broke out on his face, "Genius. That's genius. Many houses will push their luck with the need to rise in station. The starks have never cared about such things. Hells, we can't. Winters are too brutal for us. We spend all our time waiting the next snow to come."

I nodded and replied, ""indeed. Also, if my plan is actually implemented, the north will be the most populated, well fed kingdom in the world. Believe me Cregan, with the freefolk we can become truly strong again.""

He looked warily at me as I spoke. I understood. He's never met a wildling that wasn't trying to reave and rape their way through the stark kingdom. But I knew differently. Most of the clans don't bother going south at all. The only reason they did was because of the damn ice zombies that could raise All their dead ancestors body's up who were impervious to steel.

Of course they fled.

But I can't tell Cregan this. Not yet. It will come I'm sure. But not yet.

I didn't speak again. Only stood and grabbed the backpack equivalent of this time and walked out the door. Leaving my brother to think.


After making my way from lord manderlys solar with wylan in tow, we begin our journey to the docks.

After a while we arrived and I was surprised to see Cregan and dusk awaiting me.

I walk up to my brother and give him a hug while speaking, ""it was truly good to see you Cregan. When next we meet, I'll have a kingdom of my own."" I spoke with a cheeky smile. He just shook his head before responding.

""And I look forward to that little brother. Be safe. If you need any help just say the word and the entire northern army will be there.""

I shook my head at him. I needed to do this alone. That was the whole point. Complete autonomy. No help means nobody can hold it over my peoples heads. The lords of the North may be less ambitious in general than those south of the neck, but they are still men after all. And men, all men, are ambitious.

I'd rather cut out the middle man and possible conflict with any houses I truly like and respect. So that's exactly why I've called the company of the rose and explained to them that the bay of seals will belong to us. Eventually both the island of skagos and the bay on the north side of the wall will belong to us as well.

However, that's years away. When we have time to quell any and all complaints from the watch.

I pat dusk a few times then yell out to my Men as I walk up the plant, ((We are Northbound!))

I receive a Spartan like chant of three men souding noises as we set sail with my personal sigil decorating the flag.

A take on the yin and Yang symbol with wolves, the sun and moon instead of dots.

I thought this apt, after all, I'm in the world named ice and fire, fire and ice. Whatever. It's two complete opposites that fit perfectly together. Just like yin and Yang.

I leave Whiteharbor behind, ready to truly begin my journey in this world. Giants, mamoths, fire breathing lizards. It's all starting to happen. And I'm giddy like a child waiting for it.


Two weeks later, The Narow Sea, 128 AC


As I dock in my home on driftmark, I begin to instantly hear the buzz of sailors around me.

Such things are common after all. Sailors have loose lips and a bit of alcohol makes them even looser. As I walk by a tavern an interesting conversation catches my well trained ears.

"...saw the biggest wolf I've ever seen accompanying the stark lord. He greeted the wild wolf. The pups have both grown strong in their own right. And the men who accompanied the wild wolf were huge. Some said they have giants blood."

'Interesting, so the youngest wolf has returned home.' I thought to myself remembering all id heard about the second son of house stark.

Said to be a true inheritor of the 'wolfsblood' as people called it in the northern kingdom. A boy who spent more time out of the castle roaming the north than inside it learning the history of said home.

It was said he was exiled from the north by his father after refusing to accept the betrothal his father had tried to arrange for him. It was said the boy looked relieved to leave the north and move onto essos, we're his whereabouts always remain cloaked in mystery.

I begin to make my way to my keep, ready to speak abou the enigma that is Harald the wild wolf stark.


An: there we go. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Remeber to check out the images page for insight into how I imagine the chatacters to look. Have a great day

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