Synopsis: Ren Keitaro, finds himself unexpectedly transported to a world anime High School of the Dead. Awakening in a high school classroom surrounded by familiar faces like Takashi Komuro, Hisashi Igou, and Rei Miyamoto, Ren realizes he has been thrust into a scenario he once only knew as fiction. The date displayed on his phone reveals it's eight months prior to the events of the anime. Ren is initially disoriented, grappling with the realization that he’s in a pre-apocalyptic world and uncertain of the motives behind his sudden relocation. With a unique adaptation skill at his disposal, which allows him to adjust to new environments and situations, Ren decides to focus on surviving and thriving in this dangerous new reality.
What would happen when someone from our world was suddenly reborn into the world of My Hero Academia with a Gacha System that rewards him with abilities, techniques, and skills from Jujutsu Kaisen? Grand epic fights and crazy shenanigans as he goes through the story to cause chaos and change the world to his liking. - Sunday - Free Chapter Monday - 400 PS (BC #1) Tuesday - 800 PS (BC #2) Wednesday - 1200 PS (BC #3) Thursday - 1600 PS (BC #4) Friday - 2000 PS (BC #5) Saturday- 2500 PS (BC #6)
Being a neurosurgeon and then dying from brain cancer wasn’t on my to-do list, but I was handling it… right up until a nurse suffocated me with a pillow. Yes, unfortunately, you read that right. Not exactly the way I expected to go, but it got me here—to the Rebirth Bureau—where I get an offer I can’t refuse: pick any world to be reborn in, with the ability to build my character like a video game: loot boxes and even a class. Naturally, I pick the Naruto world, but not as some overhyped Uchiha or Hyuga. No, I chose the Yamanaka clan—underrated, overlooked… perfect. With my character build, I’ll become not just the strongest Yamanaka, but the strongest shinobi, period. The Shinobi world has no idea what’s coming—and neither do you. Let’s begin. ### This story blends action, slice-of-life, comedy, and serious topics into a multi-dimensional journey. The MC is a genius, but nothing comes easy—he earns his power through hard work and strategy. Expect a lot of new jutsu, tactical battles, plenty of humor, good food, and even better vibes. If you’re into an overpowered yet smart protagonist, this is the story for you, so don’t hesitate any more and start reading!