
Massive Ego Points!

[Ignoring Teamwork: The host manages to distract the defender and position himself to score, but instead of working more collaboratively with Oka or the other players, he seems focused on his own actions and potential to score. His grin after stopping the ball and executing the power shot indicates a sense of satisfaction in his own ability to shine in that moment, rather than considering a more strategic or team-oriented play.

As a result, the system has decided to reward the host with an astonishing twenty Ego Points!]

Aoi was stunned, and unknowingly, he could not hide the grin forming on his face.

After all, the highest points he received earlier - when the system took some time to process the rewards after confronting Nakahara with his desire to enter the football club with Egoistic Behavior - was only ten Ego Points.

However, the system generously rewarded him with twenty points, and it was still just the first!

Aoi was thrilled, forgetting he was still frozen at the center, embarrassingly attracting strange gazes from the other players who caught his expression.

The system continued.

[Opportunism: Aoi seizes the opportunity when the ball is passed, but instead of ensuring that the play benefits the team as a whole, he focuses solely on his chance to score. This behavior can be seen as egoistic because it prioritizes personal glory over teamwork.

As a result, The system has decided to reward the host with an astounding twenty-five points!]

Aoi was taken aback, it was five points higher than the first.

He was more ecstatic than scoring his first goal.

If he thought about it, it made sense that the system had decided to add five more points than the first one when it appeared his actions were more selfish than the second.

After all, the Egoistic Ace System highly depended on the idea of a best striker being an egoist.

For an egoist to be an opportunist would result in the acknowledged best striker.

Ignoring teamwork was one thing, but looking for an opportunity to score the goal for the sake of making himself known to the world was another.

If Aoi continued his performance earlier, wouldn't he receive more Ego Points?

Just thinking about it made him go mad.

However, the system was not finished yet.

[In total, the host has received 45 Ego Points, adding to his already 5 Points, his current Ego Points totaled 50 Ego Points!

The system offered its congratulations to the host!

Ding! The system wants to remind the host that if the Ignoring Teamwork and Opportunism Egoistic Behavior occurs again in the future, the reward will not be the same anymore. It will be the same as the usual one to five Ego Points, depending on how it affects the impression of others.

Once again, the system wants to bid good luck to the host. Continue working on your Egoistic Behavior!]

Aoi was speechless, feeling the cold bucket pouring on his head when he heard the reminder of the system.

But then again, he realized he should not place too much hope if the system would act more generously anyway.

The way it was treating him, improving him a lot faster during the pre-try-out training, was more than sufficient to appreciate its assistance.

Hence, he could not complain much.

Aoi focused more on his current Ego Points, which was actually amounting to fifty. 

It was a massive Ego Point, no matter how he had to deny it.

Now, he had to spend it wisely.

However, Aoi did not have much time left to ponder as the game began almost a minute ago.

If he still has not made his move, at any moment, Oka would have long scored a goal himself.

His consciousness finally returned to reality, and realized the ball was still being passed around while he stood in the center.

He swept his gaze and met Oka's bizarre stare, causing him to smile lightly.

Without hesitation, he ran forward but then realized how slow he actually was.

Unless he utilized every inch of his muscle to activate the Power. But, he could not afford to do so, as his stamina would instantly diminish.

Although his Endurance was C+, his Power was B-, and so, the stamina the Power would consume if he activated it would be more than sufficient to drain his stamina even for a second.

Since he has many Ego Points anyway, he decided to upgrade his Dexterity to the same level as the Endurance.

[Dexterity: D>C+

7 Ego Points have been deducted.

Current Ego Points: 43]

Suddenly, his speed increased, and he felt like he appeared more agile than before. His Leg Dexterity certainly increased.

However, he realized the sudden alteration in his movement - appearing faster and agile - would garner the attention of others, even more so in the eyes of Nakahara, and he certainly did not want him to be suspicious about it.

But then again, would anyone believe in the system and its powers anyway?

At most, Nakahara would believe he was being deceived by Aoi, so he did not hold back anymore.

In no time, Aoi managed to catch up as Oka was dribbling the ball against the bald player, appearing tense, facing against Oka's scissors.

Aoi smirked, knowing Oka would manage to conquer the bald player anyway, so he observed the field instead.

At this point, he was being observed by three opponents, with one being Kaga, limiting their distance from him.

If Oka did not pass the ball and managed to slip by the bald player, they would quickly try to stop him.

However, if Oka passed the ball to Aoi, which they certainly doubted since Aoi had not dribbled the ball before but shamelessly and luckily obtained the ball, scoring it without problem, they would still try to obstruct him.

As they observed Oka performing scissors to the bald player, once again, the latter was tricked, causing Oka to successfully go past him.

Without hesitation, Kaga and the other defenders tried to arrive before Oka to stop him.

However, Oka grinned, and they did not expect him to pass the ball to his left without even looking at where he passed it.

Aoi smirked, shaking his head, as he received the ball with ease.

Kaga and the defender were taken aback by how Aoi appeared to control the ball when it was passed towards him.

They did not know Aoi upgraded the Ball Control to C+

[Ball Control: D- > C+

Eight Points have been deducted.

Current Ego Points: 35]

At this point, Aoi did not hold back anymore. 

He had to score a hat trick at all costs.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

CloverNinecreators' thoughts
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