
Chapter 11: Bridge's Decision

Will it be the expensive, but high-potential River Wolf pup?

The weaker, but cost-effective Ash Wolf pup?

Or the malleable wild-card Huricanine pup?

Bridge gave an audible gulp. This will likely be one of the most important decisions of his life.

"Before we make the final decision, maybe we should ask a breeder for more information on the needs for raising each of them?" Kain said after 5 minutes passed and Bridge was no closer to a decision.

The two approached a pink-haired breeder feeding the River Pup.

"Excuse me, we would like more information on caring for the wolf-type contract beasts?" Kain said.

"Well once you select your chosen partner you will receive a detailed manual on your contract's ideal diet, evolutionary path, and other unique needs. You will also receive one week's supply of all required materials for your contract. Afterwards it is up to you to provide for them. Although once your week's supply runs out you can continue to purchase food for your pet here and receive a student discount until you graduate."

Kain turned and whispered to Bridge, "How much do you have saved from working as a farmhand the last 3 years?"

"About 15000 Celestial Dollars."

"Not bad!" That should be enough to provide for his first contract for a period of time before Bridge has enough strength to explore nearby low-level wilderness regions to hopefully make even more money as a mercenary or explorer.

"How much would a week's supply of food for the River Wolf pup be?" Kain asked the

"19500 CD!!!" replied the breeder with a practiced salesperson grin.

"…And after the student discount?"

"That is the price including the 30% student discount!" Replied the breeder cheerily.

'Yeah the River pup is definitely out…' Thought Kain.

"What about the Huricanine pup?"

"Well, it depends on the development direction you choose to go for your contract. We provide the necessary diet and materials for 2 possible evolutionary directions, both of which are around 1100 CD per week!"

Both Bridge and Kain breathed a sigh of relief. Thankfully, the River pup is an exception and most contracts are not that expensive to provide for. Although it's still crazy to think that the Huricanine pup will use up the money Bridge spent 3 years saving in only a little more than 3 months.

"And the Ash Wolf…?"

The breeder's practiced salesperson smile was immediately less enthusiastic. "Since it only needs coal, it's only around 250 CD per week."

Turning away from the breeder's now deadpan expression Kain and Bridge convened to make the final decision.

"I think I should go with the Ash Wolf, Kain. I'd have no trouble feeding it for a long time, and I'd feel guilty spending money that could probably feed everyone in the orphanage for a year on my contract in just a few months."

"You need to think long-term, Bridge. The Ash Wolf is pretty weak among Bronze-quality beasts, meaning that you will have one of the weakest contracts when going for the college admissions tests. Also, unless we know the evolutionary conditions for a Gem Wolf, which it doesn't look like our school knows, then it can only follow the path of a Mine Wolf, meaning it's evolutionary potential is also low.

"If you contract the Huricanine wolf, your chances of getting admitted into a good college increase dramatically. Although you only have enough money to care for it for 3 months, within 3 months you may be a student at a top college by then and feeding it may not even be a big deal to you. Especially since I heard students at the top 5 colleges have the basic nutritional needs for their contracts covered by the school."

Seeing that Bridge was still hesitating, Kain patted him on the shoulder and continued, "I know you were saving some of that money to help out the orphanage director. However, don't you think you'd be able to help out the entire orphanage a lot better if you can get into a top college and earn a lot more money in the future?"

Bridge slowly nodded. Decision made, Kain and Bridge turned to the breeder waiting nearby. "We will take the Huricanine pup, as well as 4 weeks worth of food."

Seeing that they didn't choose the Ash Wolf and were even buying a month's worth of food at once, the breeder's happy expression immediately returned. "Perfect! Since the school covers the costs of your first contract we can immediately perform the contract before getting you checked out with the food you requested.

They all made their way over to the cage containing the sole Huricanine pup in the facility. "You made an excellent choice! C0039 is a pup not only with tremendous potential, but out of all the canine's in the facility she is one of the most obedient"

"C0039?" Asked Bridge.

"Ah, that's just her ID number. You can rename her once the contract is completed. Do you know how to conclude a contract?"

Both Bridge and Kain tentatively nodded their heads, after all, they knew how to conclude a contract in theory.

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