
XXV · Oh, Hell No!

Mass release: 20/25


"He's not loyal. He's a bloody fucking pervert, who assaulted me. I was passing by where he was with triplet girls and a blonde guy, while trying to come here, and when I tried to avoid them, he grabbed my ass and said something about being able to make me want to kiss him while he fucked me. Saying that once I taste a golden, I would never want anything else," her grip on her dagger tightened. "I met Hope after that, she watched it all, and told me he was dating, to a girl named Ana from the Raven House who's friends with your people. So, I'm warning you, he's not worthy of you, he's disloyal, and he's taking you for granted."

"What?" The blonde cried, jumping up, being considerably taller than Emerald, just like everybody else. "He did what? He… He wouldn't."

"Well, he did. Wanna see my ass? He grabbed it so hard, it might have left a mark, if you don't believe me. But again, that's on you, it's you that he's dating, it's you that he's being disloyal to, Cinderella, not me. You can choose to not believe me and stay with him, and keep being cheated on, but Hope will publish the video she made of it, since she was recording a vlog when she saw it all, and got it recorded. The choice is yours to make, I'm simply telling you out of sorority as a witch, as a woman."

"Fuck," Florence cursed. "What the hell did you do to him?"

"I gave him a lesson," she rolled her shoulders. "I broke his nose, his spine, kicked his dick more than once, and also made a light cut on his throat with my poisonous dagger," Emerald grinned viciously, playing with the dagger in question. "His friends tried to come at me, so, I kicked them, broke the blonde's nose, put them unconscious. Though Maya pissed the hell out of me, so, I beat her up and stabbed her in the ribs. Now Jeffrey the Pervert and Pimple-Maya are cursed, and I will not break the curses, or heal them. That's for them to learn to not mess with me."

"You did what?" Simon yelled. When she didn't pay him attention, he lost it, getting up and grabbing her by her left biceps and forcing her to look at him. "What the fuck did you do to the kids in my House?"

Damn it, she felt her skin burning. Why did he had to smell so good like this? What is this? Woody with a hint of cinnamon and strawberry? How can a men smell like this?

"Emerald," he hissed at her.

"Simon," she purred with a vicious grin.

And he almost halted hearing her say his name. "What did you do?"

"Exactly what I just said," she scoffed, glaring up at him, almost cracking her neck by doing it. Why is he so tall? He's titanic. "I heard you have a cat nose and some shit," she brought the blade up to his throat, "sniff and you will know if it's Jeffrey the Pervert and Pimple-Maya's blood, no? Aren't they your kids and some shit? I don't do idle threats. Can't you tell when someone is lying? You know I did exactly what I said, no?"

"Are you trying to make me your enemy, Emerald?" He hissed.

She couldn't help rising her eyebrows, "Aren't we that already? I heard you would want me dead just because I'm Dior the Maniac's pupil, since she killed your mamma. Ain't that why you've been giving Saoirse a hard time? Because you're trying to throw your anger at people near her?"

His grip tightened on her skin, and she did the same with the dagger.

"What? Want to finish what your master started?" He snapped.

No. I would never do that. Not to aunt Gwyneth's son. "No, but I confess I'm very tempted to making you bleed, Simon," she whispered, and this time there was no viciousness in her voice. "I wonder how someone as strong as you will taste," she stared deep into his eyes that darkened at her words. "Will you bleed gold or red? Both? Will the scent of your blood be as," she swallowed her words, blinking, surprised with herself.

["Oooh, how intensssssse,"] Jade purred mischievously.

"Say another word and I'll toast you up, and make sure you won't live long enough to taste this eatable mountain gold you've been all but annoying the hell out of me to get for you," she snapped at Jade, taking more than just a step back. "Hand off me, singing squirrel!" She growled, staring at how he was holding her biceps, in such a tight grip it made her lose her breath for an entirely different reason. Oh, hell no. The first time I feel attracted to a men and you want it to be HIM? Absolutely not. No. No. That's not fucking happening.

Speechless, he did that, taking a step back away from her, staring at her face, "Why do you use those eyeglasses, Emerald?"

Oh, hell no. "Didn't you hear Dior?"

"Was what she said true?" He countered.

Clenching her jaw, she stepped away even further, "Fuck off. I told you to stay away from me, singing squirrel. The next time you touch me without my permission, I swear to Selene and Nyx, that I'll stab you and make sure to put an unbreakable curse on your ass."

"And when I do it with your permission?" The fucker grinned.

She swallowed and scoffed, "That will never happen."

But as his grin turned wolfishly, and his mismatched eyes darkened even more, she knew she had fucked up, because she had just fucking lied and he fucking knew it. Struggling to breath, she clenched her hands on the two daggers, trying to be angry because anger was a more familiar feeling than whatever what he was making her feel was named.

When her eyes went to the two black cats now on the top of the table, staring deeply at her, one with red eyes and a green little necktie on his neck, and the other with golden eyes and a red little necktie on his neck, she couldn't hold the wave of laughter that took over her, and she instantly covered her mouth, shaking with it. I can't believe he styled Theodore in green and Alvin in red like the squirrels in the movie bro.

"Zeus above, she's like the fucking Joker," Davian gasped.

"Adorable," she chuckled, talking about the cats, still laughing she turned around, eyes on where Saoirse was staring at her with discontent, that was enough to make any sign of a smile disappear from her face. "Ah, and Saoirse," she said loudly, making her blue eyes go to her, pointing her dagger at the girl, "the next time I hear that you talked about me in here, I will make you pay for that."

"I… I didn't," she gasped, eyes widening.

"Oh? So, Hope lied when she told me that you told your friends in a party, that I fuck around and don't kiss anyone?" Her white skin turned as red as her hair and she swallowed. "There you go," she scoffed bitterly.

"Wait, Em, I," she jumped up, "it was truth or dare, I,"

"You are more than professional in lying, are you not?" Emerald hissed. "Hah, I don't even know why I'm surprised. You played with me for two years, only to betray me for points," feeling her hands shaking, she clenched them harder. "I should know where your priorities lie, but even then, I still find myself getting more and more disappointed at you. If you keep it up, you will kill the last ounce of feeling I still have for you, and there will be no protecting you from me and my fury."

She swallowed, "That's not my fault, Em. There… there is a spell that makes so we can't lie in the truth or dare. They pressed me about it,"

"Had it been me, I would have stayed shut," she hissed. "But what would you know? You have no sense of loyalty aside from your dear mom, do you? All you do if for her and yourself. It was my mistake. I shouldn't have trusted you just because you was the first human who showed me any kind of kindness and accepted me how I am," feeling her confidence shake, she clenched her jaw again. "Or better, pretended to accept me. But don't worry, babe, I am a smart woman who learns from her mistakes. Don't take my threat lightly, Saoirse, I don't want to kill you, but I will if you keep it up with talking about me."

"So, you were her summertime friend!" Florence chuckled.

Emerald frowned, "Summertime friend?"

"Oh, yeah," Thalia joined, grinning, "she bragged about having a summertime friend in Australia that would make her win the competition this year. She said she was strong and would make whoever we brought look weak. She's been saying that since year 9. We didn't believe her."

Nostrils flaring, she clenched her jaw so hard it made a noise, and she turned to her ex-friend, "You planned this since you met me?"

"No, wait, Em, don't listen to her. She's from the Circle, damn it."

"Did. You. Plan. It. From. The. Beginning?" She hissed slowly.

"I… I just… I really need the points, and,"

Emerald lowered her head, covering it with her hands, feeling like crying. Not here. Not here. Not now. "I should have ran to Egypt instead," she whispered to herself, swallowing her pain like a lump. "I shouldn't have gone to Australia. Not like I can go back in time," she smile brokenly, self-deprecatingly, sighing and rising her head again. "Well, it certainly stings."

"Em, you have to understand the importance of the points, and,"

"Stop!" She screamed so loudly everyone flinched, except Simon. "If you had asked me, if you had told me from the beginning, if you had been honest and opened up to me that you were suffering bullying by the kids of the children of your mom's victims, whose families were guilty for the death of your family, I would have come. I would have gone against all that was important to me, and I would come and help you out. You know what that meant to me, Saoirse. I opened up to you about my past, about my pain, about my heart, about so many things, and you promised to keep it a secret, and I believed you. But no, you told everything to your mom."

"You knew she that if she got her hands one me, she would use me to… to do what she wants me to. Because of my power, that she wants to use for herself, to kill everyone else. You knew she would trick me and make me get under her, you know what that would mean to me, and,"

"No. No," she cried. "I didn't know she would do all that, because you never told me your full name. If you had,"

"If I had, she would have used me earlier than she did," she yelled. "You would have used me, because you hate my," she swallowed, cursing. "You know what, damn it, Saoirse."

"You… you wouldn't come to Alexandrini, Em, you're running,"

"For obvious reasons," she hissed. "And even then, I would have swallowed my fear, and walked inside this hell for you, because to me… to me you were my best friend. You were my only friend. You…" normal tears rolled down her cheeks that began to redden and she took a step away from everyone, "you know what I went through, how everyone treated me, how they all… you know. I told you. I told you what happened to me, what I… all that… You know what I survived, Saoirse. You know what I lost. But while to me you were everything I had, I was just… points to you."

"Why don't we talk out of here and,"

"No. I'm not going anywhere alone with you," she hissed, forcedly brushing the tears away. "You ain't ever manipulating me again. And if you ever try that again, I will murder you, the same way your mom murdered so many other people. Your death is mine to claim, whoever tries to harm you, will deal with me, for now. But don't feel so special, as soon as all I feel is dead, I won't give two shits if anyone else take your death for themselves."


"Another step and I'll take my bracelets and kill you right fucking now, together with everyone present in this room," she yelled.

Saoirse swallowed, "Don't curse me like that, Em. Please, I,"

"Get fucked, Saoirse," she turned to where Hope was, watching it all in pure shock. "Let's go, Hope, I'm hungry," without a second thought, Hope ran to her, unable to her smile, intertwining her arm on hers.

"Hungry for?"

"Chocolate," she smiled softly, trying to ignore all the bad emotions begging to explode everything around her. "I'm addicted to it."

"Peanut butter is for me," Hope winked.

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