
XXVI · Not Enemies, Rivals!

Mass release: 21/25


"What's your deal?" Florence dropped on her chosen table, eyes narrowed, right after she began eating her dark chocolate with coffee cake, after having two Swiss cheese sandwiches. Ignoring Hope who almost choked on her juice when she saw the blue-haired approaching.

Soon, Rowan, the blonde, joined, sitting with Florence.

Why can't they just leave me the fuck alone while I eat? Emerald kept her head down, focusing on her cake, and took a sip of her lemonade.

"We made you a question," Rowan growled annoyed.

"An inconvenient question," she countered bluntly. "Can't you see that I'm busy eating? To talk, I need to use my mouth, and I would much rather use it for something better such as eating my food, yeah? And she made a question, not you, Rowan Kayserling Hrisoverghi. Or when one of you speak, do they speak for all of you?" Another mouthful, "Fuck, this is delicious," she moaned.

"You shouldn't eat that much sugar at night," Simon dropped right in front of her, and Killian joined, then so did Briana, Davian, and Thalia.

Oh, what the fuck? She clenched her jaw, eating another mouthful of the cake, feeling suddenly anxious. "You don't get to tell what to do with my mouth, singing squirrel. If I want to eat a truck of sugar at night, then I will eat a truck of sugar at night." What the hell is wrong with him? "Stop staring at me while I eat," she hissed.

"That much sugar will get you up all night," Thalia scoffed. "That will be bad for you, especially if you always do that."

Emerald turned her head to the dark-skinned girl and ate another spoonful of cake in response, which got Hope choking on her laughter, who was now sitting right next to Emerald. After gulping a bit more of juice, she licked her lips that were a bit dirty with cake and tilted her head, "I would rather stay up on night than sleep," especially with the nightmares. "Sleep has done me no good," then began fill the spoon with cake again.

"Why did you decide to go to the greens instead of the reds?"

And be under my freaking dad? No, thanks. She didn't even spare a glare to Killian, "My favorite colorful color is green and I like snakes," she rolled her shoulders, because it may not be the actual answer to that, but it certainly is true. "I mean, my name is Emerald and my familiars are two emerald serpents," she scoffed, "the hell would I do in the middle of foxes like you?" Under my dad and a kid of the Circle. I mean, ew, no. "And," she tilted her head, "I do enjoy green magic a lot." Also true.

"What is that to like in green magic?" Rowan hissed.

"Ask your ginger friend, ain't he a green?" She mocked and then snapped her fingers. "You're are also a distant relative of Dior the Maniac, ain't you? Of her dead coven and some shit?"

All of them tensed up, "She said that?" He hissed.

"Nope, she got really fucking uncomfortable actually, but she said some stuff and I just put one and two together," another spoonful. "Damn, who makes those cakes around here? Fuck, I missed chocolate so bad. Once you live the way I did, you learn that chocolate is more expensive than your family made it look like. But now that I'm here I can eat a lot," she stared down at the case, smiling as if in love, "delicious," then another spoon, and she closed her eyes to enjoy the taste. I love chocolate.

"How can you eat like that after almost killing five kids?"

She only turned to Davian when she finished eating with a gulp of her lemonade. "I didn't almost kill them though," she purred.

"You stabbed them!" He hissed.

"I stabbed Pimple-Maya because she pissed me off, and I avoided all of her vitals when stabbing her in her ribs. I also didn't slice Jeffrey the Pervert's throat, though I could have and he gave me reason to do it, I just made a light cut. They weren't worthy killing, and it was funnier to curse them using the poison I poured in my daggers, than to end them mercifully like that," she rolled her shoulders as if that was nothing. "So no, I didn't almost kill them, I could've though."

"You broke Jeff's spine," Briana growled.

"Your healers can avert that, though," she countered.

"Did Dior teach you to do that?" Simon hissed under his breath.

"Can she do that?" Emerald countered mockingly surprised. "Just between us," she leaned closer and they instantly leaned back, except Simon who held his ground, "I haven't been with Dior as long as she said I have. And she certainly did not teach me any of that. In fact," she grinned, "her whole 'teaching'," she signaled with her fingers, "was purely her leaving me alone with all of her grimoires, in her lab, with everything I would need, so I could test all of her recipes. That," she grinned, "was fun."

"What?" Davian and Hope gasped. "Her grimoires?"

"Ah, yeah," she leaned back again, focusing on her cake. "Bhat did tell me that she never allowed anybody even looking at it, but I had no idea. Well, there was a bunch of cool stuff in there, and she was overjoyed when she saw that I was able to do every single potion more than perfectly. Which I'mma sell around here," then she turned to Hope, "can you spread that out without the supervisors knowing?"

She gasped, "Uh… Em, three of the supervisors in question, are in front of you," she said under her breath.

"Oh? I know," she mocked, "Bhat told me. Singing squirrel, the lil sidekick, and blue hair," licking her lips, she took in another mouthful. "Oh, my Goddesses, this is so good," she groaned. "Anyways, I don't really care, I'm still gonna sell my stuff, because I need money, and I'm not going to keep using what Dior the Maniac paid me for handing her one sample of each of my products. Well, she thinks I gave her one of each, though I hid some of them, because that maniac would make a mess if she got her hands on some things. Still, I want money, and I'mma make it, them liking or not."

"It's against the rules!" Florence snapped.

"Many rules were made to be broken," Emerald countered. "Hope, can you do that for me? I was thinking of making a page on this social media thing to post like, pictures of the stuff I have, just to pretend to be sharing my goods, but to be actually showing people a menu," she smiled proudly.

"I mean, sure, I can do that," she chuckled. "What do I gain?"

"I'll let you get whatever potion you want, for free. But only one."

"Only one?" She pouted.

"Don't be greedy, you will understand why when you see it!"

"Why don't you just join us?" Killian growled. "Siding with Dior won't take you anywhere good, Emerald. We are powerful in here."

"No, thank you, Yoda," she snapped.

"She is using you," Simon hissed.

"Oh? I know, but she ain't the one in control," she grinned. "And I'm not siding with her, I'm not in her lil group, I'm simply doing what's useful to me. Right now, she's more useful to me, even if I don't like her. And I don't like you either, by the way," it's true. "We were always bound to meet and be at each other's throats, be it because I'm her pupil and some shit, or because of… other matters. I don't like your type, I don't like who you are with, just as I don't like who Dior's with, or the shit she's done. But even then, I'll stay with the Dragons for now, because it's more useful to what I want right now, in here. I'm not with their faction, or the whites."

"But in the end of the day," she whispered, "I'm all for myself, I don't care about anybody else's fight. Had I been in your side, until you got a earful of what I can actually… do, you would use me to break the dragons up, to harm them, just as much as they want to use me to do that to you. I'll never be used, I'll never butt into a fight that has nothing to do with me, I'll never let anyone control me, I'll never be anybody's puppet, and I'll never be taken for a fool. I get your anger, I do, really, if there's something I get is anger, just as I get theirs, kinda. But that has nothing to do with me."

"I wasn't even born when the war between phoenixes and reds took place, yeah? Most of my life was out of the UK, I have nothing to do with your shit, and I only care about myself. Being in your conflict and taking sides, would do me no good. Someone I used to know," my mom, "taught me to pick my fights wisely, always. I took it to heart. Your fight is not my fight, Dior the Maniac killed your mothers, the killer of mine was someone else entirely," me. "My problem is not with Dior the Maniac yet, it's with her daughter, and it's only between her and me."

She ate a last spoonful of cake, enjoying the dismay and anger in their faces, "So," she spoke again after swallowing it all and sipping the last of her lemonade, "we are not friends, I don't intend to befriend any of you at all, and I want the top 1 of year 11, thus, we are rivals. And aside from the Emotional Control classes, I'm confident I'll take you all down. Thus, we are," she tilted her head, "academic rivals. I won't take the 1st place because Dior the Maniac asked, since she probably wants her daughter to get it, or because of anything else aside from the fact that I always do my best in all I do, and my best is better than you." She stood up and Hope followed her, "Now, if you will stop bothering me, you are not welcomed to seat with me again, thank you very much."

"You will regret making us your enemies," Florence hissed.

"Enemies? I said rivals, not enemies, sweetheart. You won't like to make me your enemy. Being enemies with me, means death, in more ways than you can imagine, and I don't want to kill any of you, because that's what Dior the Maniac probably wants me to do. But I won't, so, rivals it is, yeah? You're welcomed to my lil shop though, you're all rich, I'll be glad to ask you for twice the price," winking even though they can't see, she picked her tray up and walked away with no other word.

["Well, that went better than expected,"] Peridot purred.

I am almost fucking shaking in my bones here, I'm feeling sick as fuck, as if I'm about to puke all I just ate. My anxiety is through the rooftop and I don't think my heartbeat frequency is considered normal in any kind of circumstances. Sooooo, yeah, sure, it went better than expected.

Jade let out an amused sound, ["Anxiety asssssside, you handled them perfectly well, Em. I think thissssss wassss a sssssuccessssss!"]

I literally just screamed to the whole academy that I'm not friends with Saoirse or Dior, that I have no intention in befriending the Circle kids, that I'm not siding with either the Phoenixes or the Dragons, and that I'm also not with the whites. Ah, yes, I also just yelled that the Circle and I will never be friends and that they are my rivals, and I'm out for their points. But sure, I certainly succeed in widening the target in my fucking back. Yay.

["You sssssstood your ground, that'sssss important!"] Jade said.

["Do you regret what you jusssssst ssssssaid to them?"]

No, Peridot, I don't. Not at all. In fact, it felt really fucking good to say all of that to them, to Saoirse, and to the others. But I'm reckless and my desires are beyond chaotic, and this whole shit requires me to not be reckless. I've already blown half of the disguise, the only things still being hidden are the ones that actually matter. They can literally kill one another, there's a history of that happening in here, and right now, I'm the biggest target to everyone around. Especially now that I officially side with Hope.

["We like Hope,"] they said together.

She couldn't hold a smile, "They like you."

Hope blinked, "Me? Who?"

Emerald pointed to them, "Jade and Peridot, they like you."

The girl blushed, "Then, we can be friends?"

Laughing at how she was grabbing the opportunity, she rolled her eyes, "Let's not go that yet, alright? Just… well, you're not alone anymore. If somebody messes with me, I want you to tell me, yeah?"

She turned strawberry red, "I promise," she nodded.

"Good, good," she looked around. "Uh, can you take me back to the dorm? It'll take me a while to be able to walk around here."

"Oh, it took me eighteen months," she chuckled, lacing their arms again, she walked towards where they came from, passing by everyone, ignoring all of them. "Think you can learn it quicker than that?" She dared.

Emerald grinned, challenged, "Give me three months!"

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