
Surveillance and Subterfuge

In fact Albus was more than curious, he never knew what Harry was capable of and having him out of his sight unnerved him a lot, even worse was not knowing where he was. Ginny comforted him as Harry himself admitted that he had no reason to leave the light side as long as she was alive and happy. Albus simply had to hope she'd remain alive until the end of Voldermort.

Albus wanted to read their minds but he knew that Minerva's shields were good enough for her to detect him, and he couldn't afford to have her distrust him. As for Ginny, the last time Albus doubted it he had checked she had decent shields and no doubt improved since then. Even if she hadn't Albus knew Harry was keeping an eye out. Harry's mind was a tempting place to venture, but Albus controlled himself. If Potter was able to kick or in his case punch him out of another person's mind then he likely had good defences as well.

He watched quietly as those two left, wondering where they had gone. Once Harry and Ginny reached Remus's cottage they took his fireplace to 12 Grimmauld place after Remus revealed it's location as he was the places secret keeper. Once they got there they met up with Sirius in the kitchen.

"Hello lovebirds" Sirius greeted

"Hello Sirius" They both spoke at the same time "how are you doing today? The weather's lovely isn't it?" Sirius was silent for a moment

"You two know that's creepy right?"

"Yeah" Harry laughed "we're just messing with you, I've got to admit this place is cleaner than last time I came here"

"Sirius" Ginny spoke "is that painting in the hallway your mother?"

"Depends" Sirius replied, all of a sudden looking very serious, as did Harry "does her gaze draw the last vestiges of happiness from your soul like a dementor?"

"Does she pull her mouth slightly into a grimace" Harry spoke "as if she smelt the foulest stench known to humanity but refuses to admit defeat?"

"Does her claw-like hands look as though they're about rip the beating heart out of a child so she could eat it and prolong her own putrid existence?"

"Does her sharp teeth and big long ears make you wonder if she truly is a monster underneath that skin?"

"Does she look like she just claimed all of the Devils money after two timing him with his most loyal servant then divorcing him?"

"Does she look like the definition of abuse, murder and everything wrong in this horrible world of ours mixed into one thin skeleton covered in snake skin?"

"Um" Ginny wasn't sure how to respond "she's the one who glared at us when we walked past"

"That's probably her" Harry immediately responded

"Yeah definitely her" Sirius spoke just after Harry and the mood lightened "last time Harry was here he just managed to silence her."

"I'll go and remove her now then" Harry placed his trunk on the floor and walked out into the hallway.

"Harry it's impossible" Sirius called "she's stuck there with the strongest sticking charm known to man"

"Challenge accepted!" Harry called from the hallway, seconds later he walked in holding a portrait of Sirius's mother. "Do you want this?"

"Nah" Sirius immediately replied, Harry burnt the picture and the three began chatting. Ginny and Harry planned to stay there for the day before going on their honeymoon.

The day was going great, except for Kreatcher mumbling racist abuse constantly, but that ended after Harry found the locket horcrux in Kreatchers room. After Kreatcher told the tale of how Sirius's brother betrayed Voldermort and Harry promising to destroy it, Kreatcher became much more pleasant. Sirius and him even started getting along, Harry hypothesised that it was because his mother could no longer influence the poor house elf.

The next day Harry and Ginny took the portkey to Paris, despite Harry's insistence that they didn't need it but Sirius insisted on getting them one as a wedding gift. Soon the two arrived in Paris, and immediately stopped at a hotel. They had to use magic to convince people they were older than they looked but it worked and soon the two had their own hotel room. Once they had reached it they decided to sight see tomorrow and just enjoy each other's company for tonight, until they eventually enjoyed each other's company too much.


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