
Harry and Ginny's Return

Harry and Ginny entered the common room the morning they returned back to school from their honeymoon. The honeymoon was all fun, apart from when Harry teleported to the Ministry and stole the records of the bond and dropped them off at his house. The rest of the week was spent eating, sightseeing, spending time together and doing whatever felt like fun. Both were disappointed it had to end, when they entered all eyes immediately fell on them.

"We're back bitches!" Harry shouted

"Really?" Ginny chuckled

"Yes I've always wanted to say that"

"Hey!" Ron shouted and the whole common room sighed "where did you and Ginny go?!"

"We will neither confirm nor deny anything" Ginny responded

"Apart from the fact that we're confirming that we won't confirm or deny anything" Harry joked "anyway Ron, what've you done to prepare for the final task?"

"Well…I've been…training really hard you know…. Learning new spells like…scourgify!"

"Ron" Hermione spoke softly "that's a household cleaning charm"

"Actually it's a good thing" Ginny smiled "he can clean up after Harry wins, then when he get's home he can take over mums job as the housewife"

"No way!" Ron refused

"Shame" Harry replied "I beat the twins would pay good money to see you in an apron"

"Every last galleon" George agreed

"Just answer the question" Ron continued "what did you do with my sister?"

"Nothing more than your sister wanted" Harry responded "or allowed. Frankly I don't think it matters what we did, it's not like it's any of your business"

"What do you mean?! She's my baby sister"

"Ron" Fred spoke "She's not six anymore"

"Yeah" George nodded "you can't tell her what to do"

"And trust me when I say she's no baby" Harry grinned and Ginny blushed a little.

Ron lost patience and before anyone could say anything he lunged at Harry. The next day Harry, Ron, Ginny, the twins, Neville and Hermione were called into a meeting with the head of houses. Once Ron entered everyone seemed to notice the fact that he had a bandaged right leg and left wrist, a bruised face and crutches.

"Again?" McGonagall asked

"Again" Harry and Ginny spoke at the exact same time.

"Well then Mr Weasley" Snape spoke "perhaps you could tell us why you've once again attacked Potter."

"Well he disappears with Ginny for a whole day then says he's leaving for a week and takes her with him"

"So naturally that provides you with a sufficient reason to attack Mr Potter again?" Snape asked sarcastically "I know you're not the most intelligent Gryffindor but I would've figured that the numerous times he's put you in the hospital wing would've clued you in on how the 'run at him and punch him' tactic doesn't seem to work"

"Sir" Ginny spoke respectfully "Ron tends to have a habit of not thinking when he's angry"

"Shut up!" Ron yelled before he cringed at the pain in his face

"Little bro" Fred spoke "she's right"

"Plus you kind of proved it when you shouted at her in front of all the teachers" George added

"Fine" Ron growled "I admit I should have kept my temper but what about him?"

"I kept my temper" Harry smiled

"Mr Weasley" Sprout spoke "according to the twins and Mr Longbottom, you attacked first and Harry just defended himself. The rest of the common room are saying the same thing."

"It's true miss" Neville spoke up "everyone saw Ron accusing Harry of doing inappropriate things with Ginny. Harry then said he didn't do anything that Ginny wouldn't approve of and then Ron attacked him."

"Professors" Hermione spoke "admittedly Ron did attack Harry but I think this goes slightly beyond self-defence"

"Mr Potter?" McGonagall looked at him "would you like to explain how this happened?"

"Yes" Harry immediately replied "Ron tried to attack me so I side stepped and broke his knee after putting more force into my kick than I intended to, at the same time Ginny fired a spell at him which is what caused the bruise on his face. In my defence he'd already be healed if Madam Pomfrey didn't run out of potions"

"And his wrist?"

"I temporarily lost concentration when I was levitating him and accidentally dropped him on the floor" Harry replied, it wasn't a total lie.

"Accidently?!" Hermione didn't believe him

"Careful Granger" Ginny replied "it sounds like you're trying to make accusations that you can't prove" Hermione opened her mouth before realizing that Ginny was right, so she wisely kept shut.

"Now" McGonagall spoke up "Mr Weasley, I assure you your sister and Mr Potter had a good reason for their absence but if they do not wish to tell you then you will not know and you will not force them to tell you. Now to discuss your punishment, you are aware that the only reason your punishments were never so severe is because of Mr Potter?"

"What?" Ron asked

"Ronald" Flitwick spoke "usually if someone is proved to be a constant danger than they are expelled"


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