
The Draugr

It was the night before the full moon and when Elijah, Niklaus and Thorfinn were meant to show up at Hesteins village. Thorfinn and Rebekah were lying on the bed in the room under the stables in a naked heap. Her sweaty body was plastered to his own as she breathed heavily, Thorfinn wanted to give it a bit of time before they met again as he didn't want to get caught, but Rebekah had told him there was no way she'd let him go on this dangerous quest without giving him something to remember her —and he certainly would remember her.

Rebekah felt satisfied as her leg curled up on Thorfinns body and she lay her head on his chest. She felt his seed inside of her and it was almost enough to make her want to mount him and have sex once again, but she was content to hold him and be held in return. She knew it was not wise to let him spill his seed inside of her —especially the amount that he shoots— but she couldn't help it in the heat of the moment, and when she thinks of her belly swelling with his child she feels all giddy and forgets about the consequences of such a thing.

She held Thorfinn close to her, she was worried about the quest that he and her brothers would be embarking on. She believed in the Draugr a lot more than the others seemed to and she was worried that even though there would be many warriors, they would still not be able to handle it. She felt a chill go down her spine every time she thought about the look on Hesteins face, he truly looked like a man who was already dead.

"I don't want you to go tomorrow..." Rebekah murmured into his chest as she held him tightly.

Thorfinn chuckled "I don't particularly want to either, but I think it might be more dangerous to not listen to his wishes," he said with a laugh.

Rebekah slapped his chest and glared at him "I'm serious Thorfinn, I have a bad feeling about this, what if Hestein is right and a Draugr truly plagues his land?" She asked.

Thorfinn shrugged "We cut off its head and burn it," he replied.

"If it were such an easy task why would Hestein have come before the Jarl and then my Father?" Rebekah asked.

"I don't know... it'll be fine Rebekah, your brothers are great warriors and I have improved much too," Thorfinn said as he tried to reassure her.

Rebekah still didn't feel good, she wanted to go with him, to keep him safe, but she knew she would be helpless in such a situation. She wanted to be a shield maiden when she was younger but her father had declined saying he didn't need another warrior but rather a maiden, a goddess in human form. 'Perhaps when we are together Thorfinn will teach me," she thought to herself.

"Will you run? if it looks as if you'll lose," Rebekah asked.

"No," Thorfinn replied without a moment's hesitation.

"That is not our way Rebekah, I would rather face my death and join the Aesir before running like a coward," Thorfinn said with conviction. Though a pang of worry rushed through him as he thought of the god and Valhalla, if he died now would he be rejected from its halls as he had been with Rebekah?

Rebekah expected the answer but it didn't make it hurt any less. She would rather have Thorfinn alive and with her than dead in a place far from here. She started running her soft hands along his chest, tracing her fingers through his muscles. Her tongue snaked out of her mouth and started to circle his nipple which got a small inhale from him.

She pushed herself up to her knees and learned foreword placing a soft kiss on his lips. She then placed a kiss on his chin, then his chest, then his abs and then moved down to his groin. Thorfinn hissed in pleasure when she ran her tongue down the shaft of his cock. It hadn't been too long since they had been intimate, but he found himself already getting hard once more. Rebekah could taste herself on his cock, but she could also taste something else, something saltier 'This must be his seed,' she thought as she kept licking his cock clean enjoying the taste of it.

She was so absorbed in what she was doing that she didn't realise that Thorfinns cock was already hard and throbbing. She placed her hand around it and started to stroke it; Thorfinn looked down at Rebekah who lay between his legs with her feet in the air behind her. She looked him in the eyes as she licked up the side of his cock and placed a kiss on the side of its head. He lay there in anticipation for the moment when she would finally put the whole member in her warm and wet mouth but instead, she got on her knees and smirked at him as she continued stroking him.

"Come back to me and I'll do this until your balls shrivel up," she said as she leaned down engulfing his cock with her mouth and pressing her tongue against the underside of it "Gods!" Thorfinn groaned as he bit his fist. She bobbed her head up and down a few times before releasing the grip her mouth had. Thorfinn opened his eyes and looked down to discover why she stopped only for her to still have a smile on her face. "Now you'll have to come back to me," she said as she stopped stroking him and jumped off the bed with a giggle.

Thorfinn considered running after her, but by the time he sat up, she'd already gotten her dress on. There's no way he'd be able to get his hour's up with his cock as it was. In the end, all he could do was lie back down and give himself some relief before heading back to his room. Though he'd definitely punish her for this when he got back.


The next morning Thorfinn was woken up from his bed by Elijah hitting him in the head with a wooden sword. He had decided to let his guard down since they wouldn't be training today, but apparently, Elijah felt differently. Though on the bright side, he only hit him once before Thorfinn was awake and rolled out of the way.

Mikael didn't take this situation seriously, he only saw it as an opportunity to increase his wealth and get a suitable wife for his son. Therefore there were no goodbyes and no wishes of good fortune, they were expected to leave early in the morning and that was it. It was a lot different from how things were in Ragnar's home; Lagertha saw him off every time he left for Kattegat and during the summer raids they would all go to Kattegat to see him off from the Harbour.

Elijah, Niklaus and Thorfinn all rode on horses towards Hesteins Farmstead. Though Thorfinn had never ridden before and needed to be given some time to get acclimated to riding, something Niklaus found hilarious. They took horses as they could afford to and because it would cut the normal 12-hour journey in half. "Do you believe in Hestein?" Thorfinn asked as he rode next to Elijah.

"Do you believe a draugr plagues his lands?" He clarified.

Niklaus barked a laugh at his words "Are you scared Thorfinn? Do you think a man made of bones will take you from your bed and bury you alive," he mocked as he rode on the other side of Elijah.

"Did you not see his face when he came to your home, that was not the face of a liar," Thorfinn said ignoring the mocking.

"The man has taken leave of his senses, he probably sees shadows at night and calls them Draugr," Niklaus said as an offered explanation.

"What say you brother, do you believe in this dead man?" Niklaus asked.

"A man would not offer all he has for a lie, there is more to this situation than has been revealed," Elijah said bluntly shocking Niklaus.

"You can't be serious brother," Niklaus said.

"I am Niklaus, our mother is proof that there are powers beyond our understanding, what concerns me is where this Draugr came from," Elijah replied.

"What do you mean Elijah?" Thorfinn asked.

"Something must've happened if a Draugr awoke now, their resting place must've been disturbed," Elijah explained.

"I can't believe you are even entertaining this," Niklaus said as he shook his head, but Elijah ignored him and turned to face Thorfinn.

"I believe Hestein is not being honest with us," Elijah said to Thorfinn.

"Who cares if he isn't, by tomorrow we will have secured the land and you a wife," Niklaus said with a laugh.

Thorfinn had forgotten about that part of the deal, but it did make him wonder why it was Elijah who would get the wife "Isn't Finn the oldest? Shouldn't he be married first," Thorfinn asked.

Elijah nodded "He was married, but not too long after his marriage she died and he has refused to marry ever since."

"Father doesn't care too much since he has four other sons that can marry," Niklaus added.

"It does seem like I'll be the one winning Tatia's affection though brother," Niklaus said with a grin on his face. They had both been competing for the affection of the same girl for over a year now and she had yet to decide between them, but now that Elijah was getting married Niklaus felt secure in his victory.

"I wouldn't be so sure brother, there is no law saying I cannot take a second wife," Elijah replied with a grin of his own.

"We both know the kind of woman she is, she'd never play second choice to another woman," Niklaus stated.

"She'd prefer that over being stuck with you," Elijah replied making Niklaus laugh.

The rest of the journey they joked and spoke of women, Niklaus especially had a lot to say about the Jarl's wife. Though Thorfinn had to be vague when he spoke of the type of woman he found attractive, something that amused Elijah. It had just passed noon when they finally crossed into Hesteins farm, a lot of tents were set up outside of the longhouse showing the amount of people that had been called by Hestein to deal with his problem.

"You still feel confident in getting Hesteins reward?" Thorfinn asked with a laugh.

Niklaus tutted "None of the men here have half the skill we do in fighting, even you could fight them Thorfinn," he said in a pissed-off tone.

Thorfinn rolled his eyes as he tried not to feel insulted by Niklaus' words. A lot of the men were sitting around campfires eating and drinking, it seemed they didn't take this situation seriously either. None of them were very well dressed and they looked either old and dirty or young and green. It seemed only those who had nothing decided to humour Hestein as they could gain a large amount of wealth and a bride in a single night.

Thorfinn was surprised that there were no others who would take him up on his offer, if you did not believe in the Draugr then there was nothing to lose. While that was true, the people of Kattegat believed that Hestein was a cursed man and that all that befell him was the workings of the gods, to tie themselves to him, even by marriage his misfortune could be placed onto them as well. Thorfinn just wanted to get this other with quickly and go back to Rebekah, he missed her warmth and her touch already and it had only been a night.

"Brother, what shall we do about the horses?" Niklaus asked.

"We'll have to tie them in the surrounding forest," Elijah replied getting a nod from Niklaus.

"Won't Hestein have somewhere to keep them?" Thorfinn asked.

"The men you see before you are either a few years older than you with not even a silver coin to their name, older men who have lost everything, or dishonourable scum who see this as an easy way to trick Hestein," Elijah explained.

"Horses are worth a lot, three are worth a small fortune, unless we want to be watching them the entire time we are here we best hide them," he stated.

Heading into the forest with Elijah and Niklaus they all hid their horses and began trekking back towards the Farmstead. Both kept their weapons handy as they approached the camp and the house as the men still camped outside Niklaus and Elijah didn't trust them, but they relaxed slightly as Hestein was already outside with a girl he had never seen before "Elijah, Niklaus and... I apologise I didn't get your name when I visited the house," Hestein said in an unusually cheery manner.

"Thorfinn," he replied

"Ah well, welcome to my home, let me introduce you to my daughter Hild," he said as he placed his arm around the girl and pushed her forward. Hild was a beautiful girl with blonde hair that went into two braids on either side of her shoulders. She wore a simple white linen gown and seemed to have a shy demeanour. Though it could be the fact that the men at the camp were looking at her like she was a tender piece of mutton.

"Hild," Thorfinn said with a nod of his head.

"Thorfinn..." she said in barely a whisper.

"Hestein, we've had a long journey and I'd like for you to tell us everything about this Draugr on your lands," Elijah said cutting the greeting short.

Hesteins body seemed to freeze at the mention of the Draugr, but he soon snapped out of his thoughts "Of course Elijah, please come into my house and I'll tell you all I can," he said as he gestured to his home.

"Niklaus, wait outside," Elijah instructed.

"Why? I want to hear whatever madness he speaks," Niklaus said with amusement not bothering to quieten his words.

"You'll have nothing but harsh words to offer the discussion, so there is no need for you to be there," Elijah replied.

Niklaus huffed but walked away in an attempt to find something to amuse himself. Meanwhile, Elijah and Thorfinn followed Hestein and Hild into their longhouse. As they approached the door Thorfinn could see what looked like nail marks against the wood 'The wood of the door looks newer than the rest of the house, it's been changed' he thought as he looked around the entrance.

When they went inside, Thorfinn could feel the stark difference between Mikael's home and Hesteins. While both were wealthy Mikael's home exuded wealth and warmth; Hesteins home felt cold, and the atmosphere felt dead as if this were a place where life should not tread. If hadn't even been ten seconds and yet Thorfinn already wanted to leave, he even started to believe it possible that Hestein might be cursed. Thorfinn saw that a lot of the furniture in the longhouse was used to barricade the windows and doors, leaving the rooms themselves fairly sparse.

Hestein led them into the main hall of the Longhouse where he gestured to both men to sit at the fire pit. Hild poured both of them a cup of ale before handing it to Thorfinn and Elijah, though as she gave Thorfinn his cup her fingers brushed against his own; Thorfinn caught her eye as he looked up and he saw how intensely she was looking at him.

"I apologise as I can not offer much, it has been difficult these past few months," Hestein said as he took a seat.

"You need not apologise as I have not come here to feast only to deal with your problem," Elijah replied as he took a sip from his cup before putting it down.

"And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming, I hope the gods will look kindly on you tonight, but they seemed to have abandoned my home long ago," Hestein said with a grim expression.

"When did the Draugr first show up in your land?" Elijah asked.

"It was five moons ago, it would come on the full moon every time without fail," Hestein replied.

"At first I believed myself to have fallen into madness, but my wife and sons could see it... the first month it took my oldest boy from me, snapped his neck like a twig and dragged him away!" Hestein said as he started to wail.

Elijah sat there looking at Hestein as he gave the man a minute to compose himself. "It will come every full moon and kill people, then drag their bodies away," Hestein continued.

"When will it come tonight?" Elijah asked.

"Midnight... when the moon is at its highest," Hestein replied.

"Have you discovered any weakness that the Draugr may have?" Thorfinn cut in.

Hestein chuckled grimly "If I had you would not be here?" He replied.

"I hope you are the one to slay the beast, Elijah, I do not want to give my legacy to one of the vagrants out there, I can be proud that my line will be secured with Mikaelson blood," he said as he stood up and clapped Elijah on the back.

"My home is yours for as long as you need, Hild will help you with anything that you need just ask, now I have some business to attend to before tonight," Hestein said before leaving the room.

When he left the room Thorfinn turned to Elijah "Do you think he is being honest?" He whispered.

"I suppose we shall find out tonight," Elijah said as he stood up from his seat.

"Get some rest, I imagine it will be a long night," he said before leaving the room to go and check on Niklaus.


The sun had disappeared behind the horizon and Thorfinn sat outside on a bench that hugged the wall of the Longhouse he had unattached his sword from his belt and held it under his chin as he looked to the camp of men. They were getting drunk and started wrestling not too long ago, and it seemed Niklaus was soon to become the champion.

Thorfinn didn't know where Elijah was, he hadn't seen him in hours but knew he must be doing something important. Thorfinn felt a bit envious of Elijah, he was a strong warrior from a well-respected and wealthy family and soon he would be given a wife and land that almost rivalled his fathers, but while he was envious he didn't like the thought of getting everything he wanted because it was handed to him. No, Thorfinn wanted to earn his riches, he did not want to settle on someone else's land and in a house that wasn't his.


He was snapped out of his thoughts by the soft voice of Hild who stood before him. "Hild..." he said with a small cough before straightening up his body.

"Is there something I can do for you?" He asked, but she shook her head.

"May I join you?" She asked and Thorfinn gestured to the space next to him. For a while, they sat there in silence as they listened to the laughs and cheers of the men in the camp.

"It's strange to see this place so full of life..."Hild said in a soft wistful voice.

"What do you mean?" Thorfinn asked.

Hild looked at him staring at him intensely once again "After the first month most of the people in the village in my fathers land left, and after the second month the rest followed, and after the third the thralls ran away deciding death and cowardice a better alternative," she explained.

"Are you and your father the only ones left?" Thorfinn asked.

Hild nodded. "Last month my younger brother died trying to protect me, he was only twelve winters old not even yet a man." Despite what she said she did not show a hint of sadness at his death, which was what Thorfinn thought until he saw a tear streak down her face and onto her lap.

"Why do you and your father not leave?" Thorfinn asked.

"My mother asked that as well before she died, but my father said no, he said that our home is the result of a lifetime of work and he couldn't abandon it and be driven to a life of a vagrant," she replied.

"A home is no different than a tomb if you must stay there alone," Thorfinn couldn't help but say. Hild didn't reply at first but looked at him strangely.

"You're much more different than I imagined you to be," Hild said after a few moments of silence.

Thorfinns eyebrows scrunched as he looked at her "What do you mean? We only met a few hours passed?" He asked.

Hild nodded "I dreamed of you..." she said as she leaned closer to him.

"As of late all of my dreams have been the same... I am wandering through an unending darkness, a world where there is no light."

"But last moon I dreamt of a light in the figure of a person, as I got closer I saw your face," Hild said, barely sitting an inch away from him.

Thorfinn frowned as he looked at her, despite her small stature she was rather intense and seemed to be able to look right through him. "When I saw you when you first approached my home I hoped for the first time in a long time," she said.

Thorfinn backed away from Hild "As much as I want to believe myself a hero I am not, there are those here who are much greater warriors than I, you should place your faith in them."

"My brothers were great warriors... and yet they lay dead, a hero does not always have to be a great warrior Thorfinn," She said to him as his hand reached out to brush his.

However before Thorfinn could reply he felt a chill run through his body, one that Hild felt as well as they both looked out into the forest. "It is coming..." Hild said as she began to shake.

Thorfinn felt a deep fear invade his mind as the unnatural chill rattled his bones and raised the hairs on the back of his neck. "Go inside..." Thorfinn instructed as he stood up, tied his sword back to his belt and picked up his shield.

Hild heeded Thorfinns words and went back into the Longhouse while Thorfinn quickly walked over to the others. They were still drinking and having fun, not noticing the chill that had swept through the land. "Niklaus!" He shouted.

Niklaus who was drinking with one of the other men turned his head to Thorfinn "Thorfinn! Have a drink!" He said as he slammed his cup into his hand urging him to drink.

Thorfinn threw to cup to the ground and grabbed Niklaus by the arm "Niklaus I think the Draugr is coming!" He shouted.

Niklaus looked at him before barking out a loud laugh "You hear everyone! The Draugr is coming!" He shouted out for everyone to hear. They all laughed and mocked Thorfinn not taking his words seriously in the slightest.

"Do you not feel the chill on the wind?" Thorfinn asked as he looked past him. Niklaus followed Thorfinns gaze and looked into the surrounding forest.

Niklaus shoved Thorfinn playfully "Look where we are! It's always fucking cold here!" He said with a laugh.

Thorfinn tutted and started looking around for Elijah as he would listen. "Where is Elijah?" He asked Niklaus who shrugged his shoulders as he grabbed another cup of ale that was left unattended.

"He's off inspecting the land like a father asked him to, check how rich the soil is," Niklaus told him.

Thorfinn went to leave to go and find him but before he did another chill swept through the camp almost blowing out the fire pits that had been lit. This managed to catch the attention of the dozen or so men who were there —Niklaus included.

Their waves of laughter were now silenced and they looked off into the forest as they put their cups down and stood up with weapons in hand. "Do you not see Niklaus, the Draugr has come!" Thorfinn whispered loudly as he grabbed his shoulder.

Niklaus shook him off with annoyance before unholstering his axe "You let Hestein talk to you too much, it's more likely raiders come to pick clean the last of Hesteins possessions," he said as he walked to the edge of the camp light. It was a full moon however so they could vaguely see to the treeline; the chill in the air became even worse and the men started to shiver. Thorfinn withdrew his axe —as it was much simpler than using a sword— and held his shield up.

The men started to murmur as they saw a figure at the edge of the treeline. It seemed to be large and spindly, not at all natural, just seeing it sent a chill down Thorfinns spine. The men could feel it too, the unnatural nature of what they were seeing, but there were some who still did not believe even when it was right in front of him.

Niklaus for the first time since he had heard this story hesitated. He had always had the best senses in his family —always been the best tracker— and he could see how unnatural the man at the tree line looked. His skin was grey and looked as if it was stretched tightly over his body, his cheeks were sunken in and he could see almost all the bones of his body through his skin and muscle.

"Out of the way I'll deal with this!" One of the older larger men said as he pushed Niklaus aside and walked out of the camp to the tree line. Niklaus tried to reach out and stop him but he was already trudging through the grass and was halfway to him.

"Come out and fight coward!" The man shouted before spitting on the ground.

"Come and face me! It shall be Ulrek who sends you to Valhalla!!!" He shouted as he held a double-handed axe high in the air.

The man didn't move from the tree line causing Ulrek to laugh at him and turn around "See there's no monsters here! Nothing but cowards in costumes!" He shouted out. The men started talking as they felt some of the tension leave the atmosphere, but that wouldn't be for long as they saw the man leave the tree line and walk straight towards Ulrek who was still turned around and mocking him to the men in the camp.

Thorfinn gripped his axe tightly, he watched as Ulrek turned around and got ready to fight, though he seemed to stumble back when he got a closer look at the man. He wildly swung his axe but missed and the man who they could now see was wielding a sword swung it to his waist. The men watched in shock as Ulrek seemingly stopped fighting and dropped his axe. A little after his axe hit the ground so did the top half of his body.

"Gods protect us!" One of the young men shouted as his arms started to shake.

"I can't..." Niklaus stood there in disbelief as he saw a hulking Draugr step over the body of Ulrek and walk towards him. Thorfinn was frozen with fear as he looked at the creature from the myth step towards them, it was surrounded by a mist so cold that the ground seemed to freeze and crack with every step it took.

Niklaus didn't move until the creature was right beside him, only then did he snap out of his daze and try to kill the creature with his axe. His blow struck true and it sunk into the Draugrs flesh, but the creature didn't flinch nor cry out in pain. Niklaus knew something wasn't right, it felt like he had struck the trunk of a tree.

The Draugr whipped his hand back and hit Niklaus in the face sending him tumbling across the ground and crashing into one of the tents. The men all roared out battle cries though it was clear some of them were of fear rather than bravery; the older men all charged at the creature while the younger ones seemed to still be frozen in place.

Thorfinn watched as the first man thrust his sword into the Draugr, the creature ignored this before pouncing on the man and ripping his throat out with its remaining teeth. The others all struck true and their blows hit the Draugr but nothing they did seemed to hurt the creature. One of the larger men was sent flying into the fire pit —his neck already snapped.

The Draugr then ripped the shield out of someone's hand and sliced their belly open allowing their guts to fall to the ground. Thorfinn saw a few of the younger people start to drop their shields and run away. He almost threw up when he saw the Draugr lift a man above his head and disembowel him, soaking in his blood as he did.

It was the bile in his throat that unfroze him from his spot and made him think of Niklaus. Thorfinn pushed the fear and horror away and started moving forward, he ignored the screams of men being torn apart and rushed to the tent that Niklaus had been thrown in.

Niklaus was already getting back up when Thorfinn arrived, but he seemed to have hit his head and he was struggling to stand. "Niklaus, come we have to get you into the house," Thorfinn said as he put his shield on his back and grabbed Niklaus's arm.

"No... I'll fight," he said deliriously as he seemed to pass in and out of consciousness.

Thorfinn ignored him and started rushing as fast as he could back to the longhouse, he looked at the creature and saw his cave in a man's face with a pommel strike; no matter how hard they hit him, he did not tire and he did not die.


The creature screeched after he finished slaughtering the older men he started to walk towards them, or more specifically towards Thorfinn and Niklaus 'Fuck!' He thought as he started to go faster. One of the braver young boys charged against the Draugr hoping the gods would favour him and guide his blade, but it seemed only Hela was present as the Draugr caught the blade in his hand and headbutted the poor lad which broke his nose and front teeth. The Draugr then kept walking which pushed the boy to the ground, he screamed as the Draugr stepped on his knees and then his chest —crushing the bones as he did.

It seemed as if a fight was inevitable so Thorfinn threw Niklaus down before grabbing his shield and axe. His arms were shaking but he held firm, he swung his axe aiming for the neck but much like Niklaus it was like striking a tree. Even being near the creature it felt like he'd been dunked beneath a frozen lake; Thorfinn looked into the lifeless black eyes of the creature and knew there was no hope for any of them.

The creature screeched as he swung his sword at Thorfinn. Thorfinn brought up his shield and blocked it, but was thrown roughly to the ground as he did. His shield flung out of his hand and he started backing up while trying to reach it. The Draugr continued to walk to him but then abruptly stopped, Thorfinn looked down and saw the grass seemed to tangle and grow around his feet stopping his movement. The Draugr just growled and roughly ripped his foot up and continued to walk, but it had given Thorfinn those precious few seconds to grab his shield and block the creature's next strike. "AH!" Thorfinn yelled out in pain, even using both hands his arms were wracked with pain as he blocked the strike.

All he could do was lay there and prepare for the next strike, but the Draugr was knocked to the ground as Elijah and Hestein both charged at it bashing it with their shields. "Thorfinn! Get Niklaus inside!" Elijah yelled at him as he unsheathed his sword and stabbed it into the Draugr's head but to no effect.

Thorfinn stood up ignoring the pain in his arms as he held his should. He picked Niklaus back up leaning him on his shoulder and rushed to the house. He kicked the door open and rushed inside putting Niklaus by the fire pit in the main room; Thorfinn then rushed back outside to see Hestein and Elijah trying to fight the monster, the survivors of the other group tried to get behind the Draugr and attack it from behind, but as soon as he felt their blades touch its body he would whip around with his jagged sword and slice them in half.

Elijah was a skilled warrior and quickly recognised that the creature had a god's strength, so he threw his shield down and only avoided and dodged his blows while slashing and stabbing the creature.

Hestein was a large man, and he had resorted to using a large metal hammer to destroy this creature, but all it achieved was pushing it off balance. The Draugr growls started to grow louder and it started swinging faster and more erratically "HA! Come Elijah we have it now, let us end this-"

Hestein abruptly stopped talking, both Thorfinn and Elijah looked at the large man and saw that blood was dripping down his neck and filling his mouth. He fell to his knees and he started choking on his blood, but he wouldn't suffer for long as the Draugr gripped his head in his hands and crushed it. Elijah backed away from the Draugr before turning on his heels and running back to the house "Inside!" He shouted as he pushed Thorfinn in and shut the door.

"Barricade it! Hurry!" He shouted as he started moving whatever furniture he could in front of the door. After they were done he and Thorfinn both walked back into the hallway, the last cries of the men who had come to slay the Draugr disappeared and the night was now silent. Thorfinn could vaguely hear the sound of footsteps in the earth as it approached the door. After a few minutes of nothing happening, they started to worry where it might've gone.

"Did it leave-"


The door and barricade crashed open as the Draugr kicked it all to pieces, it walked through the barricade like it was water and growled at Elijah and Thorfinn. Elijah rushed forward swinging his sword towards the features head, it landed inside with a thunk but got stuck when he tried to remove it. The Draugr doesn't wait for Elijah to remove it and tries to slice him open but Elijah lets go of the sword and hops back.

In a surprising move, the Draugr lunged forward and grabbed Elijah by the arm making him scream under its grip. It brings its sword up to finish the job but before it can execute the swing Thorfinn uses his shield to strike its wrist as hard as he can causing a tiny snap and the sword to fall from its hand. The Draugr screeched before backhanding Thorfinn through a wooden wall into the main hall. He then grabs Elijah by the throat and lifts him in the air beginning to choke him and getting dangerously close to snapping his neck.

Thorfinn felt blood run down the side of his head as he pushed himself up. His mind felt hazy, but the sight of Elijah going limp in the Draugrs hands sobered him up, stumbling slightly he withdrew his sword the shine seemingly fighting away the coldness and terror he felt. He ran back through the wall and brought the sword down in a two-handed strike, and much to his surprise he sliced through both of the Draugrs arms causing Elijah to drop to the floor.


The Draugr looked to Thorfinn and tried to attack him barging him back into the main hall and crashing onto a wooden table. The Draugr which seemed feral now rushed towards Thorfinn as if desperate to kill him. Thorfinn rolled out of the way before swinging his sword and slicing off one of its legs; the Draugr was not finished and even with the stumps of its arms and its one leg it tried to catch Thorfinn.

Holding his sword in line with his chest he stabbed down to the creature's head which made it start screeching and shaking for what seemed like minutes before it went limp and still.

Thorfinn breathed heavily and stumbled back almost falling if it were not for Hild who caught him. "Lay down my hero..." she whispered as she helped him to the floor.

Thorfinn finally felt the adrenaline from the night wear off and his muscles burned with pain and exhaustion. "We couldn't save your father," he said to Hild as he lay down.

"I dreamed father would die long ago, in the end, he had no one to blame but himself," Hild said as she climbed on top of Thorfinn.

"What're you doing..." he said tiredly.

"You heard what my father said, if you slay the Draugr your reward is me and this land," Hild said as she pressed her body against his.

Thorfinn shook his head "I don't want this accursed land, and you are meant to be Elijah's bride."

"Elijah Mikaelson did not slay the Draugr, Thorfinn Fjallsson did," she replied, as she started to undo his trousers.

Thorfinn grabbed her wrist before she could go any further "You are not my bride," he replied.

"Perhaps not yet..." Hild replied as she fished his cock out with her other hand and stroked it. Thorfinn held in a groan as she did, he wanted to stop her but the pleasure he felt from his cock was urging him not to. Hild stroked him to full hardness before moving her hips up and sinking into him.

Thorfinn gasped as he felt himself engulfed in her womanhood. She sank on him fully and he felt his cock tear through her barrier and fill her completely. Hild showed the first visible emotion he had seen since he met her, one of ecstasy as she started to bounce up and down on his cock spraying her juices over his groin as she did. The way her hole tightly squeezed him was becoming difficult for him to handle and he soon reached his peak.

His hips arched up slightly as he started spraying his seed inside of Hild. The girl moaned as she felt this and allowed herself to fall onto Thorfinns chest.

With the pleasure of his relief counteracting his pain, he had something of a semblance of clear thought and realised how fucked he was if Rebekah found out, or worse Elijah.


(AN: So that's the end of that, Hild is a minor character from season 2 that I changed cause why not, she's like Aslaug and often dreams of the future. After this, we will be close to Thorfinn setting sail for England and bringing in his fortune. I hope you enjoyed the chapter)

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