
Thorfinn Helbane

Thorfinn sat by the fire pit in the house nursing his aching body and wounds. Being thrown through a wall hurt, but it was the pieces that stuck inside your skin that bothered him. He had brought both Elijah and Niklaus into Hesteins chambers where they slept, he hoped they would wake up soon so they could leave this cursed place.

"Thorfinn..." Hild said gently as she knelt at his feet holding a plate of meat and cheese with a cup of mead for him. "My father kept this mead to celebrate the day the Draugr would be vanquished, now it is yours," she said as she handed him the cup and food.

Thorfinn hissed as he grabbed the plate and cup from her, the wood embedded in his skin shifted as he moved which sent sharp pains throughout his body. Hild brought a cloth to his wound wiping the dried blood from them "Eat, you must regain your strength," Hild said, she had already forced him to take his clothes off so she could treat his wounds.

Thorfinn nodded as he began to eat the meat and cheese. He grunted every time Hild pulled splinters of wood from his skin, the mead helped drown the pain out as it made him feel a bit dazed; Thorfinn hadn't had the opportunity to try something as rich and strong as Mead before, it was usually only wealthy men and Jarls that had the opportunity to have such delicacies. "What did you mean when you said your father brought this fate upon himself," Thorfinn asked as he winced once again —a large splinter being removed from between his fingers.

Hild wiped away the blood some more before putting her head in Thorfinns lap. "My father has gained his wealth from the cave that is on his land, it is filled with much iron that can be mined," she explained.

"He came home one day excited as they had discovered a new cavern that contained silver, but when they tried to mine it, the wall collapsed revealing a tomb and a large door of stone." She then held up an old-looking gold coin.

"These were littered around a sarcophagus near the stone door, my father thought inside must be a treasure trove fit for a dragon, I tried to warn him only death lay inside the coffin but he did not listen," she continued.

"So the Draugr came to reclaim the gold your father took?" He said as he took the gold from her hand.

Hild shrugged before going back to cleaning Thorfinn "Perhaps, but it always took bodies back to its lair, for what reason I know not," she replied.

Thorfinn sighed as he leaned back in his seat, drinking deeply from his cup. "It is over now, I am content never knowing," he said wiping his mouth of the amber liquid.

"It is and it is thanks to you like I always knew... will you claim your prize once again," Hild said as her hands ran up Thorfinns legs and to his cock that was tucked away. Thorfinn felt desire flood his mind as he felt her hands brush against his cock, he knew he should resist her advances as he already had Rebekah, but having her kneel before him ready to give herself was pushing any rational thoughts to the back of his mind.

"I have a woman already, one that I wish to marry," Thorfinn said bluntly.

Hild didn't stop tracing his cock with her hands as she undid the laces of his hosur and fished his cock out. "I know, I hope one day you'll love me half as much as you do her," Hild said as she ran her tongue up his shaft bringing him to full hardness before she stood up and let her dress fall from her body.

Thorfinns cock throbbed as he looked at Hild's body, she was a few winters older than Rebekah and so her body was a lot fuller, her breasts were a little larger, but she didn't have the same softness her flat stomach was slightly muscled and she had a thicker thatch of blonde pubic hair surrounding her sex. Regardless of how soft she was, she was still a beauty and her body was enough to send clear liquid running down the edge of his cock. "How would you like to take me..." she said as she stood before him.

He looked down at her womanhood and saw that her nectar was dripping down her thighs, he would not need to be gentle with her. "Turn around and bend over," Thorfinn commanded as he stood up letting his clothes hit the floor. Hild obeyed and turned revealing a large arse that seemed to have been hidden by her gown; Thorfinn reached out and grabbed her cheeks roughly, spreading them and massaging them "Mmmmm," Hild moaned in approval before bending over and bracing her hands on a chair.

Thorfinn grabbed his cock and lined himself up with her hole" Aaah!" He groaned as he pierced her with his cock and sheathed himself inside her.

"Gods!" Hild said with a sultry smile, she closed her eyes as she sunk into the sensations that Thorfinns cock was giving her. She dreamed of this moment and now that it had come it was even better than the dreams she had. She still felt slight pain after becoming a woman, but the sheer pleasure of being thrust from behind and knowing that it was Thorfinn who was doing so almost sent her twitching in pleasure. She knew that Thorfinn had another love, but she wouldn't allow him to escape her, she would have him, she would give herself entirely to him and she knew he would not be able to resist.

Thorfinn growled as his cock slammed into her from behind, the cheeks of her arse rippled and pressed against him only spurring him on more. Hilds constant moans were like a song, and it wasn't long before he felt himself reaching the peak of his pleasure. "Oh.... ooooooh gods!" Hild moaned as she felt a rush of pleasure erupt from inside her, she curled her toes against the wooden floorboard as she lost herself in the waves of pleasure crashing into her. Thorfinn yelled out as he thrust deeply inside her shooting his seed within her once again, despite the pain and aches he felt he ignored them as he tried to get as deep as he could.

Hild stood up from the seat with Thorfinn still inside of her, she turned her head around and pressed her lips against Thorfinn. He grabbed her chin and kissed her roughly which made her sigh in contentment, he stumbled back a bit and fell into the chair with her on his lap. He had to admit he liked the feeling of her large backside on his slap, the way it spread across his thighs was enough to make him hard all over again. "I want to go again, but we must burn the body of the draugr, so his spirit may rest," Hild said.

Thorfinn nodded "Do you keep any animals?" He asked.

Hild nodded "We have pigs, chickens, and a cow," she replied.

"Bring me a pig, I must make a sacrifice to the gods," he said as he stood up and withdrew his cock from within her —making her shudder while he did.

"Freyja was with me tonight, she helped bind the Draugr while I lay on the ground and she guided my blade to strike truly," Thorfinn said as he started to clothe himself.

Hild nodded but first, she grabbed Thorfinns sword and cut the Draugrs head off "We will burn the body, but you shall keep this as your trophy," she said handing him the withered head. Thorfinn took it in his hands and stared into the pits of Hel that were its eyes.

"I will burn the bodies while you fetch me the pig," Thorfinn said before dragging the Draugr outside


After creating a pyre made from all the broken furniture Thorfinn lit it and the bodies of the fallen all lit aflame. They were all vagrants and nobodies, they had no families to claim them and no servants to accompany them to Valhalla. The best he would do for them was to burn them with their vanquished enemy in the hopes they may redeem themselves by battling in Valhalla or perhaps with the Draugr's spirit now free they will all feast together in the hall of the Aesir.

"Thorfinn," Hild said calling his attention away from the flames. In her hands were two pieces of rope which attached to two pigs' necks.

Thorfinn took the reins from her and pinned them down to the ground with two swords that were close by. Thorfinn took his clothing off again, Freyja was the goddess of nature so it was respectful to worship her in your natural form. Hild also joined him in getting naked.

"Heil Freyja, ástvaldandi ásynja! (Hail Freyja, Beloved Goddess)" Thorfinn shouted to the sky as he moved around the fire, Hild moved around the fire in the opposite direction whipping her hair around wildly.

"Heil Freyja, mær ágæt og völu! (Hail Freyja, Mighty and Wise!)" Hild shouted as she passed Thorfinn, their naked bodies touching as they danced around the flame.

"Láttu ást þína skína yfir mig! (Let your love shine upon me!)"

"Freyja! heyr þú mína bæn! (Freyja! Hear my prayer!)" They both shouted.

Both Thorfinn and Hild joined hands as they danced around the fire before taking a knee by the pigs. They both took swords from the ground and held the pigs close.

"Freyja, hrein kona,

Vér þökkum þér fyrir vernd þína og ást,

Taktu þessa veizlu með okkar innilegasta þakkir,

Máttu blessunir þínar vera á oss ævinlega."

(Freyja, pure woman,

We thank you for your protection and love,

Accept this feast with our deepest thanks,

May your blessings be upon us eternally.)

They slit the pig's throats allowing the blood to pour to the ground freely. While Thorfinn was able to hold his struggling pig still, Hild was weaker and struggled more, she climbed on the pig's back to hold it down as it got weaker. As they soaked the earth Thorfinn could see the grass seem to move and sway unnaturally, as if imitating their dance from before.

"Freyja!" Thorfinn howled out like a wolf.

"Freyja!" Hild joined him as she also felt the presence of the goddess.

The pigs finally went still as most of their blood now soaked the ground around them. Hild climbed off the pig and knelt before Thorfinn, she raised a blood-soaked hand and brushed it across his face her hands traced down his forehead and nose before brushing against his lips; Thorfinn tasted the tangy metallic flavour of the blood from her hands, he savoured it as it was blood offered to Freyja.

"Thorfinn Helbane..." Hild whispered.

Thorfinn raised his blood-soaked and brushed it against her face. She closed her eyes and pushed her face forward ever eager for his touch, she let her tongue hang out as his fingers brushed against it, tasting the blood as well.

"Hild Draumr," Thorfinn whispered back.

Hild smiled at the name she was given, the grass seemed to shift and dance in excitement around them meaning that Freyja had approved as well. Thorfinn then grabbed her face and kissed her passionately, she gasped and moaned as his tongue wrestled with hers and it wasn't too long before Thorfinn pushed her down to the ground, her blonde hair turned red as it absorbed the blood, but she didn't notice as Thorfinn entered her roughly.

Thorfinn thrust into her while his hands were pressed against the bloody ground. As he moved the grass swayed with him "The gods are here!" He shouted as he thrust into Hild again and again.

"The gods have come to bless our union!" Hild shouted but it quickly turned into a moan as she felt Thorfinn go even deeper.

The fire from the pyre seemed to grow larger and brighter, up above them clouds of thunder seemed to strike in the distance. The grass at their feet caressed them and seemingly urged Thorfinn onwards, but most of all a Raven landed on the grass before them watching their coupling. Thorfinn hesitated for a moment but Hild moved her legs up behind him and dug her heel into him; he started again with renewed pace.

"Til Óðins, við mik en þér bíði,

Til Þórs, við mik en þér bíði,

Til Freyju, við mik en þér bíði,

Gef þú mér kraft og styrk,

Vernda mig á minum ferðum,

Leiða mig á réttum veg!" He yelled out as he came close to his release.

"Freyja, veitum oss börn,

Velsigna heim okkar með frjósemi,

Vér þökkum þér fyrir þínar gjafir!" Hild shouted as her pleasure peaked and she started shaking, her back arched and she pushed her hips against his cock sinking him deeper inside and making him release his seed. They both moaned and howled as they revelled in their pleasure and the presence of the gods. Thorfinn withdrew from Hild and went on his knees as the flames started to grow and brighten reaching up high. Thorfinn watched in awe as the Raven flew up into the air and started circling the fire.

"Odin has come to take the fallen to Valhalla himself..." Thorfinn said in awe as Hild knelt next to him holding his hand tightly.

"Heil! Odin!"

"Heil! Odin!"

They watched as the Raven flew up to the sky and disappeared into the night. The light of the fire died down and the grass stilled, only being moved by the wind. Thorfinn felt honoured by belief, he had been blessed with God's presence and they had accepted his thanks and his sacrifice.

'The Seer was right.'


Elijah woke up with an aching head that felt like he'd been hit with a mace. He groaned as he sat up, as his vision cleared he noticed he was still in Hesteins house, something that surprised him as he truly expected to be in Hel as he died without a weapon in his hands. "It seems I did not die," Elijah said to himself.

He turned and looked next to him and saw that his brother Niklaus was sleeping, cloth had been wrapped around his head. He was still though, too still, still enough for Elijah to put a finger under his nose and check his breathing. He felt a light breeze indicating he was alive.

Elijah sat up in bed and got to his feet, his body wasn't feeling too badly but there was a very bad pain around his neck —which didn't surprise him considering what had happened. He walked through the door and was greeted with the light from the sun at the end of the hallway; his thoughts went back to the broken door and how the Draugr smashed through it with ease. He walked into the main hall and noticed Thorfinn was sitting there with Hild by the fire eating breakfast.

As Thorfinn looked up and saw Elijah he put his bowl down and stood up "Elijah are you well?" He asked as he walked to his side.

"I have been in worse condition, tell me what happened after I passed out," Elijah requested.

"Come and eat first," Thorfinn said as he guided him down to a seat where Hild scooped some porridge into a bowl and gave it to him.

"My thanks," he said as he started to eat, gesturing with his hand for Thorfinn to start the story.

"After you were passed out I managed to set the creature alight with a torch, the fire seemed to weaken him where I was able to decapitate it with my sword," Thorfinn explained shocking Elijah, though his shock would only continue as Thorfinn reached into a bag and pulled the Draugrs head out nearly making Elijah drop his food.

"You slew the Draugr?" He said in equal parts disbelief and amazement.

"I got lucky, but I did," Thorfinn said.

"And you saw this?" Elijah asked Hild and she nodded.

"I saw what happened as clear as I see you now, he killed the Draugr," Hild repeated.

Elijah took time to think for a moment, his father would not be pleased at all, he wanted this land and the mine that came with it. In truth, he worried for Thorfinn as he knew the kind of methods his father would employ to get what he wanted. "Do you plan on claiming the reward?" Elijah asked while staring intently.

Thorfinn coughed nervously before taking a sip of his drink "Hild has agreed for me to take ownership of the land without marrying her, on the condition she can stay on it," he explained.

"I see..." Elijah said emotionlessly.

He could see how nervous Thorfinn was. It was understandable as most would think that he had just stolen Elijah's land and Bride, but Elijah did not see it that way. He failed and that is his responsibility, he will not condemn Thorfinn for his failure, nor will he allow his father to harm him if he tries to.

"Do not worry Thorfinn, I am not angry," Elijah said in a calm voice.

"You saved me and my brother while slaying a deadly creature, as far as I am concerned, I am in your debt," Elijah said with a bowed head.

"It was luck, Elijah, you equate too much to my ability, we could've all very easily died," Thorfinn stated.

"But we did not, we live," Elijah replied.

Thorfinn sighed but nodded, he did not like lying to Elijah but revealing the nature of his sword was not a smart move, especially against someone he wasn't sure he could trust.

Elijah for the first time this morning smiled "Wealthy and a Landowner before you even sail on your first summer raids, I'm sure they'll sing songs of this," he said jokingly

Hild nodded not understanding the joke "They will, they will sing of Thorfinn Helbane for as long as men have tongues to sing," she replied.

"Helbane... a good name Thorfinn, not anyone can earn a name so young, cherish it," Elijah said before finishing his breakfast and standing up.

"We should prepare to leave soon, the horses will grow restless and my father will expect us," Elijah stated and Thorfinn nodded.

"Hild will accompany us to Kattegat to find some of the people who fled from their homes here and let them know the evil has been vanquished," he stated.

"She can take Niklaus' Horse if he doesn't wake up soon," Elijah said as he left the room.

When he did Thorfinn turned to Hild "Are you certain you will be okay here alone?" He asked.

Hild nodded "I will miss you greatly but I will be fine, I promise to do as you ask and bring the land to some order, the people who live here are good and they loved my family, they won't be hard to convince.



Thorfinn, Hild, Elijah and Niklaus had been riding back to Kattegat and were nearly home. Niklaus had still not woken up and was sharing a horse with Elijah who kept him from falling off. Thorfinn road behind Elijah and Hild next to him, she had scarcely left his side after the sacrifice, and he knew it would be hard for her to say goodbye. Especially as she believed that the gods had married them under their law, she said that even if they never married that union that was witnessed by the gods would be enough for her.

Thorfinn wasn't sure how he felt, he felt guilty for betraying Rebekah, but the gods did not seem to chastise him for it, but instead celebrate it. He also didn't know how he felt about the fact he now owned a good amount of land and the properties on it. In one day he had gone from owning practically nothing to becoming one of the wealthy. Thorfinn kept the gold coins Hestein had taken in a small pouch around his neck, gold was rare and not as common as silver so it would be worth a lot, it would help in purchasing things for the longhouse.

On the bright side, however, was that he had one out of the three things he needed before asking for Rebekah's hand in marriage. He had land, and now all he needed was a large amount of wealth, while the coins were indeed a small fortune they would not last considering the amount of damage Hesteins land had sustained, so he would need more. He also needed to increase his reputation as a great warrior, he knew there would be people who did not believe that he defeated a Draugr, so he must kill people, hundreds, maybe thousands.

"We are reaching Kattegat soon," Elijah said loudly back to them which urged them to spur their houses next to them.

"I wanted to say Thorfinn that you made the right decision in continuing to stay with my family, your fighting skills are still below average, I think a few more months could increase them drastically," Elijah stated. 

"Last night taught me how weak I was and if it wasn't for the gods I'd be dead," Thorfinn replied.

"Well I can promise you that I will be training you much harder than I did before, you'll be begging for the Draugr before I am done with you," Elijah said with a small smile.

Thorfinn chuckled nervously as he believed Elijah to be joking, but by the look on his face, he could see it was anything but a joke. They made small talk for the rest of the journey until they finally came upon Kattegat and the bay it was on, even though it was only a single night it felt good to be back. All of them rode into the city towards Mikael's longhouse, however halfway there Hild stopped which caused Thorfinn to "This is where we part ways," she said with a sad smile.

"I am going to find our people and convince them to come back, I hope to see you when you get back," Hild said as she reached forward and brushed her hand against his as they couldn't be too affectionate in such a public place.

"I will see you soon Hild," Thorfinn said with a smile.

"We have been bound together by the gods, that much I know," he said before watching her dismount her horse and hand the reins over to Elijah who nodded goodbye to her.

Thorfinn and Elijah then continued their journey back to the Mikaelson home. "Do not fear what my father may say to you Thorfinn, you slew the Draugr and earned your prize," Elijah said as he tried to reassure Thorfinn. One of Mikael's men must've seen them coming we when they reached the Longhouse the whole family stood outside waiting for them. Mikael had a smug smile on his face as he did not doubt that his son would've brought him victory, the other siblings apart from Finn looked worried at the state of Niklaus while Esther didn't seem to be present.

Thorfinn felt his heart swell up when he caught sight of Rebekah, had the family not been there he would've jumped off the horse and taken her into his arms. "My son, you have returned with news of your victory I assume," he said, his grin still present.

Elijah dismounted his horse and approached his father, while Thralls carried Niklaus down and took him inside. "I come with news of victory Father, but I am afraid it is not mine," Elijah said bluntly.

Mikael lost his smile immediately "You know I am not one who takes kindly to jests Elijah," he said with a stern tone.

"I know Father, which is why I am serious, it was not I who vanquished the Draugr, but Thorfinn," he said as he pointed to him. The whole family gasped at his announcement, none more than Rebekah who couldn't decide if she wanted to kiss him or punch him in the face.

Mikael stood there in disbelief for a moment looking at Thorfinn before an ugly expression came upon his face. "You allowed a boy to take what should've been ours?" He growled out.

Elijah shook his head "I allowed nothing, I failed to defeat the Draugr and if it hadn't been for Thorfinn both me and Niklaus would be dead," he explained.

"This is madness, Hestein can't possibly agree to this! Where is he!" Mikael shouted.

"He is dead father... as is everyone apart from us and his daughter," Elijah stated.

Mikael scowled at his son "Do not play me for a fool Elijah, we all know there is no Draugr, it was the ramblings of a madman."

"The Draugr was real father," Elijah said as he looked over to Thorfinn.

Thorfinn got the signal and reached into the bag before taking out the head. All the thralls backed away in shock and started murmuring prayers, while the family gasped. Though Kol instead stepped forward and looked interested. The head looked decomposed, but unlike a regular decomposing body it had eyes and skin, something that shouldn't be possible with how old it looked.

Mikael couldn't believe it, he had to accept the Draugr was real, he had seen many skulls and bones in various stages of decomposition, but he had never seen anything like this. "Thorfinn Helbane slew the Draugr and Hild Draumr, the last child of Hestein Eriksson acknowledges him as the owner of her land!" Elijah shouted out loudly for everyone to hear, even people who were passing by which was what Elijah wanted.

A permanent scowl seemed to rest upon Mikael's face before he turned around and walked back into the Longhouse; Thorfinn considered sleeping in the stables that night as he wasn't entirely confident Mikael wouldn't murder him in his sleep. Elijah let out a large breath of relief as the confrontation with his father was now over.

"I hope you're ready Thorfinn, because by spring's end you will either break or become a warrior."

(AN: Another Chapter done, I hope you enjoyed it, how many of you guys like Hild? Want her to stick around? Let me know. I hope you enjoyed it and let me know any other characters you'd like in the harem, this can include Vikings characters the originals or even just historical figures.)

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