"So," said one of the admirers, "you're probably making those Inner Court Disciples pretty angry right now. I heard them bragging before the start of this thing that every one of the Outer Court Disciples invited were just for show, and Dragon Elder Lijing's new students were definitely going to be three of the four of them. If you get in, the two of them who don't will be out for your blood. How're you gonna deal with that?"
"Well, I guess they weren't expecting a Zodiac Champion." I looked over at Chen Huan, who nodded. "Really, I'm not. If they try to go after my life, that's when Chen Huan will get involved. At least in the Lower Divine Heaven, there probably isn't a single cultivator who can match him."
"For real?! You think, even the Branch Master?!"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: