"I get the impression he'll have better luck once he reaches Inner Court," said Chen Huan, "and if it's true that he was holding himself back until he learned that Ancient Grade Ice Outpost technique, there's basically no chance he fails at the Dragon Cup."
"It would be pretty good to have a Zodia team at the sect," said a disciple, the same one who asked me about Zodia before, "did you know, both the Golden Heaven Tower and the Celestial Artisan Castle both have them? But we, the most competitive sect, don't!"
"Yeah. The Ice King told me at the time. I'd love to join something like that, even. But I'm still a fair ways off from the needed skill level, I think. I mean, I could develop myself, but I have a hundred more pressing ways in which to develop myself than that."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: