
While Waiting

"I hope you'll be watching," I said, just as I'd left Building #242 to sign up to challenge the Tower.

"Of course I'll be watching," said Chen Huan's voice from behind. I whirled around, not hiding my irritation in the slightest. "Do you HAVE to do that?"

Chen Huan chuckled. "Of course I don't have to—it's just that it's really really fun to. Anyway, though, I should probably point out the slight flaw in your plan. I'm not going to be able to see what goes on in that Tower, you know."

"Oh. Well I still have plenty of other reasons to not wait any longer to challenge it."

"True. And anyway, your sheer wanderlust actually managing to improve your Purity has gone a long way toward convincing me by itself. I'll hardly need to kill you if I can just appeal to curiosity about what you might find in the upper heavens to keep the quest going instead."

"Oh yeah? Then what's stopping us now?"


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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