
Fairy Yun


"My name is Qun Xing. I am currently the 27th ranked Outer Court disciple, and the highest ranked bow user."

I reflexively gave him an impolite smile, hastily changing it to a polite one. "What can I do for you, senior brother?"

"I've been hearing lately that you're quite good with a bow yourself. It's something of a hobby of mine to hold mini-tournaments among ranked disciples a few times a year—ones with special matches that allow for free movement rather than being restricted to a ring. I was hoping to invite you to the next one in a month so I can see if you're as skilled as the rumors."

"I have no reason to refuse," I said, meeting his eyes, "but simply as a point of curiosity, is this a tournament just for fun, or are there prizes?"


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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