
Volume 0 (19): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 19 : First Step Part 2.

*— Accelerate to "Over The Flow".* Command Marshack with confidence.

The Siena Energy of the vehicles glows with more intensity, provoking a sudden burst of speed, leaving the leaders behind, Marshack holds the Duchess left hand with his right, and with the left one grabs Carteon wrist, he in turn grabs Norren, and the Apex surrounds them with his transluscent yellowish Personal Shield before accelerate, then, they reach the vehicles and match their speed.

*—Get used to the sensation, so you can do it on your own …*. Marshack observe the vehicles start to "Sink" in the vacuum of space and the open channel is used by Principal Oner *—CEEPP Bverxkka, the vehicle interface mention we can enter the Stream Flow, Do we proceed?.*

Marshack thinks to himself using the Quelizt and concludes is a good opportunity to test their resiliency.

*—Indeed, if anyone can't endure the pressure, we emerge to Over The Flow.*

Multiple *—#Understood#*; Are heard in the open channel before the convoy goes and submerge into the Stream Flow.

The viscous light grey energy present on the environment impulses the speed of the vehicles further, and all the pilots manage to withstand the pressure due to the employment of the [Active Adarga].

Less than 8 minutes (12 minutes) later, Marshack orders to leave the Stream Flow and Over The Flow too, confusion would strike into the pilots if it weren't for the onboard interfaces displaying they current location, showing they are in the vicinity of the Solar Sistem that is their destination.

The Multitask Work Vehicles advance fastly towards the asteroid belt to mine the Irlw'Thek Alunio (A platinum white metal) while the Scoutships scan the perimeter in search for the origin of the Psychic message.

*—Six hours, Bverxkka?*; Commented Carteon with playful tone, Marshack use the Quelizt, analyzing the possible answers for the outcome that occur.

*—The specifications were measured based on the performance within the Barriers negations* {The 4 of them if my hypothesis is correct}.

Norren inquire *—This applies to all its parameters?, such as the size of the cargo area based on its ability to alter the space inside?.

Marshack observe the vehicles with the [Bicromy] and realize what Norren just asked, seeing the spatial dimensions inside the cargo area is a few folds larger *—Indeed, you are correct Bastille, we have to carry out a new series of tests to determine the true capabilities of the technology that was bequeathed to us, although our evolution is a determining factor, could be more that is unbeknown to us*.

*—CEEPP Bverxkka*; Principal Oner inform their discoverys *—We encountere new Irlw'Thek Materials, the origin of the Psychic message, a "Natural Tubular Connection". and debris of several ships, similar in size to the Scoutships.*

*—Retrieve the debris and gather the Irlw'Thek Materials, but ensure to have more than 60% of the cargo filled with Alunio, keep patrolling, we investigate the message.*

Marshack advance to the location of the Psychic Message, a gas giant, one of his moons, has blue surface with a dense atmosphere and low gravity (For Hûrngöth standards).

*—A vehicle!*; Said Norren *»—It is bigger than what we have!, even the ones that are being repaired!*

The Vessel is made of a golden metal and shows that received several strikes of an Unknown type of Plasma, causing sufficient damage to crash on this moon.

*‡—Hûrngöth, what took you so long?*; The Vessel transmitted in a open frequency.

*—Reiker, this is the Language of Nobility*; Duchess Delené express with curiousity.

*—Indeed*; Reply Marshack to th Duchess before engaging in a conversation with the Vessel *»‡—We were impeded, Who am i speaking to?.*

*—Frigate of Combat Class Sypher, built by the Åwlön to fight the Avizjiel threat, Hûrngöth, my stay in the Existence will culminate in some Cycles, retrieve my database and warn my creators, your Allies, there is a more dangerous enemy than the Avizjiel.*

The Frigate provide a substantial amount of knowledge, including the location of an Hûrngöth Facility near the other side of the Natural Tubular Connection.

Carteon and Norren boarded the Vessel and with the assistance of 24 Multitask Work Vehicles, they managed to get the Frigate of Combat out of that moon and take her to Hûlfhednär.

Norren ask —You think they are together?.

Carteon reply —Maybe, i don't like interfere in the intimate lives of others, but if you want to be my brother-in-law, you better keep in mind that you are never going to get Bverxkka out of my sister's thoughts, i don't need to explain to you how absurd it is the task, right?.

—I am not a dumb Hûrngöth, i respect our traditions, and understand the way your sister thinks, she just wants some fun, and if is with me or someone else, that is her decision, i personally have a few Partners, so if your preoccupation is that i am not going to respect her, she is quite capable of reminding me my place.

—You are quite mature for your age.

—It is the course of the Nature. Said Norren accommodating his green nature hair, making Carteon laugh.


Meanwhile, Marshack and the Duchess went to explore the previously mentioned Facility.

The couple cross the Natural Tubular Connection and arrive to a Solar Sistem housing a Planet with corrosive atmosphere and the burgundy metal of the building is extremely notorious between the opaque yellow clouds of gases, but that is not the most relevant of the structure, if not the size it possess the abandoned edification, because it is about 30 folds larger of what the Frigate records stipulate.

Marshack and the Duchess descend, entering the installations and directly advancing towards the hidden control room to obtain the database that is in this place.

—Reiker, i …; Marshack interrupts her —You did what you thought was necessary for the continuity of your linage.

The Duchess lowers her sight —I shouldn't have resort to … : Marshack interrupt her again —Our inexistent personal relationship, Indeed, was inappropriate.

—Reiker … , i am trying to apologies.

—There is no need for you to do it Duchess Delené.

Marshack goes inside the hidden room and begin to download the information into his Slaidt.

The female approach him from behind, hugging him tenderly —I want more of what we had Reiker, seeing all my relatives die except for Niyeth made me remember that not everyone lives from millions of years like me.

—You were quite decisive about not engaging in a relationship with me …

—I was scared; Admitted the Duchess and Marshack retorts —Your current evolution doesn't change or adds any difference between us …

The Duchess sorrowful voice is quite downcasted and a bit shaky —I am not fearful of you Reiker, i was, i am still scared of being just another replacement, one more time in my life …

Turning around resolutely, Marshack state with seriousness and severity —No one can replace Annss, and not even Annss can replace you, Love can't be measured, divided or forgotten, you Love or you don't, is as simple as that …

—Y-You love me … ; Express incredulous the Duchess, Marshack speak to her —Are you going to say that you are insecure?, because i have no other option for a Partner …

An intense blush appears on the Duchess burgundy skin accompanied by embarrassment in her facial expression and posture, Marshack embrace the waist of the Duchess with his left arm, touching her belly with his right hand and whispering in her ear »—I am going to find a way to heal you and make you the Mother of my descendants "Norraine".

She opens her eyes wide, trembling her body in surprise and excitement, Marshack pronounce her name and she is ready to pounce at him {I am not a harlot, if he wants me, we can do it on my personal chambers, No, no, no, for Prismardial sake control yourself, i am not a descendant of "Obssenia", but i am a child of "Lustfuria", no, i am not ready …}.

»—Why are you struggling Norraine?.

—I can't control myself, so don't say my name, i want my first time on my personal chambers not in this dirty place.

—As you desire …

Marshack retrieve the restant information, carrying Duchess Delené and returning to Hûlfhednär.

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