
Volume 0 (20): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 20 : Second Step Part 1.

On the way back to his home planet, and before entering the atmosphere, Marshack receives a transmission from an excited and angry Alaney.

*—Bverxkka!, insensible smartass, i have too much work to do and you send a Vessel for me to repair, an intelligent and technological advance one, the Quelizt is outstanding but not infallible, if i am not going to sleep, you better not be mating with Duchess Delené!, i am sending you what i need to produce the PELC, repair the ship and progress in my investigations.*

*—You have spoiled her too much, she doesn't show you any respect*; Duchess Delené is severely displeased.

Marshack assure the Damsel *—Aezza is overwhelmed by the responsibility of having the answers that i need, the same goes for Deriell, that is the reason i allow their behavior, the blatant disrespect from the former allowd her to destress while the latter flirt with me to not forget the limbo she lives in, too evolved for the majority and too far from the minority, unless she mate with his brother, she can't be with someone else, Dankner is different on this regard, he is enough for almost everyone aside the exceptions.*

*—General Crimcer and Myself?.* Inquire the Duchess and Marshack reply *—Indeed, but she can and has sporadic encounters with the Ark Duke, and is quite prideful, even if Gorng can be with her, if he can't defeat her, he is unworthy of her, that is the reason CEEPP Corindón wasn't with the General.*

*—Having the responsibility of "Pairing" the best candidates for more resilient offspring is quite exhausting, "I" personally abhorre the practice".*

*—This Practice gave birth to me*; State Marshack *»—And i do take in consideration the preferences of the candidates, your Nice is embelessed with Dankner, and once he understands his fellings for Aezza are obsession and not Love, the three of them are going to be really happy.*

*—We haven't formalized our relationship yet and you are already deciding who is going to be my niece's husband?!, the Ark Duke surely teach you how to be shameless!.*

*—Someone has forgotten my youngest days, i have always been shameless, growing let me learn how useful and necessary this attitude is.*

*—Right, how could i forget the little trickster grabbing our clothes and running around the exfoliation gel pool*.

*—Your skin was extremely soft … *; The Duchess respond *—That gel doesn't exist anymore.*

*—After my return, i make Aezza to produce a better one.* Marshack separates from the embarrassed Duchess Delené, his implie is quite direct and she likes it a tiny bit *—I will be waiting for you on my chamber.*

The female descends to the surface of Hûlfhednär and Marshack heads to his new target, deploying all his combat prowess, including his Traits.

The most notorious is his Epsidion (Feline) tail with 3 terminations, the robust legs of a Róc (Mythical Giant Eagle) with big sharp metallic claws that resemble his Darkest purple hair, the edges glow with a bright lilac energy just like his eyes.

The hands have this type of claws too, but are a bit smaller in comparison, then 2 small horns near his temples with the same aparece as the claws, that are surrounded by other 2 spiral horns of metallic obsidian with a spiral sharp edge resembling the vigorous orange of Prio Plasma, characteristic of the DarKill a Creature from the D'Kin Homeworld.


The travel is short with the speed that can exhort the Apex, entering in the Stream Flow, submerging again 2 more occasions to reach the place labeled as "Entrance 1-3".

A spatial distortion in the viscous grey energy with a toroidal shape is present, and is this anomaly the portal to a never ending flat universe divided in 3 layers, Vacuum of space, a grey sky and water, an unfathomable amount of liquid water.

With Quelizt drowning his circulatory sistem to improve the overall perception that he already possess, Marshack enter the distortion, check the surroundings and initiate his descend watching a spectacular view below encompassing this layer.

Blue greyish stone is precent sporadically in the scenery, water is the most predominant, 98.7% of what Marshack is currently seeing.

His landing is swift and uneventful, a translucent green aqua energy, cover his legs up to the knees, that way, Marshack body absorb all the kinetic energy generated by the impact to be used afterwards, having high manipulation of Kinetic Energy definitely has its perks.

Advancing towards the water, he jumps and sprint to acclimatize his body and movements to this marginal level of gravity, 100 Vul/sec (5.5 times gravity earth approx), which is 27,500 folds less than Hûlfhednär.

Few seconds later, Marshack reaches the border between the stone and the water, encountering the first observable life form on this Layer.

Dark green translucent skin, 5 Vul tall (2.5 meters), 3 grey and shiny big eyes, broad mouth, a sharp and sturdy bone nose, middle build body, 2 arms and legs with membrane between fingers and toes.

{The Slaidt label them as Anthropoid Deep Fish, Quality 1 Entity, except for 6 of the 268 present, that are Quality 2}.

The Slaidt revealed another fact while using Marshack's [Bicromy] as proxy, a part of the creatures brains contains "Synapse Complexity".

The creatures scratch the stone near them whit their claws and produce guttural sounds, the bone nose of the 6 Quality 2 creatures glows in a bluish green light, shooting an energy [Agglomeration] against the young Hûrngöth.

The translucent yellowish Personal Shield appear, enveloping his body, mitigating the aggression completely, after the failed attempt, the creatures run to intercept him.

He open fire, shooting glowing [Compress] Tier 1 Red Pyro Plasma from his bare hands.

After 15 shots with each hand, more than a quarter of the creatures lies dead over the blue stone.

This is Marshack's weakest attack, but his mastery over the Red Pyro Plasma is undeniable, piercing without stopping the chest of this creatures.

Using Blue Proto Plasma, Marshack killing tempo doesn't change much, from 6 to 7 creatures if the shot is aligned properly, to 2 up to 4 because there is less of the creatures and the Blue Proto Plasma is slightly less effective.

Finishing all the Creatures, Marshack gets near a creature, grabbing the head to know what is the Synapse Complexity.

To his utter dismay, the Slaidt generates a proboscis and pierce the creature skull, sucking something of the brain fastly before retracting, he immediately investigate what is Synapse Complexity, a brain substance with high nutritional value.

Without holding back, Marshack retrieve this Synapse Complexity of all creatures {This ingredient or plain food is too important to waste, clearly is usful to the Hûrngöth or the Slaidt hadn't informed me so evidently}.

Marshack resume his displacement, what Alaney wants is somewhere underwater, and while the gravity is laughable for him and any Hûrngöth or D'Kin, the unfathomable amount of water it is not.

In Hûlfhednär, water was rare, and even more scarce after the Unmentionable Brightness, the dense liquid was restricted to training swimming pools, here, could be possible that he is unable to reach the deepest parts due to the amount of pressure that provides this unimaginable quantity of water before him.

Submerging, swimming and diving through the water without stopping, Marshack watch a complete different view.

Filled with some type of water vegetation, the Slaidt name it as Segment Algae and Cutting Algae.

The former is green and produce neon bluish green electricity in it's vicinity, the latter has a lighter green colour and 3 sides, that ends in a glowing bluish green edge similar to the creatures, both are Quality 0, and looks like they are sensing him.

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