
Finishing up the Date (18+ NSFW)

Its a long ass chapter... 3.5k words long


Getting away from the pod racing arena me and my wives all moved off towards the limo air-speeder again, this time heading to an upper class restaurant on Coruscant with beautiful views and stunning reviews. I chose it because it was one of the most recognised and upstanding businesses on Coruscant, in a time where gangs pretty much ruled due to the sacking it just underwent from the Sith Empire not too long ago.

The trip there was rather uneventful but I continued to get looks from Blink, who was nervous about being left out by the other women and people forgetting she was there as well. I could feel her pain and anxiety creeping up the back of my neck and felt really bad for putting her through this. To be honest she had only been helping us since we first met and had treated us with nothing but kindness...

'Oceana... Either get Illyana to do something now, or I will just tell her myself... I don't want her to grow a hatred from her love.'

[Big sis... Fine... Jean is telling Illyana now. She may make a choice that you wouldn't normally accept.]

'Fuck... I know... even if she accept her position as a wife i'll just let the relationship grow until i feel comfortable, heck i may even abandon the adoption if she says she accepts.'


As i was stuck in my nervous thoughts Illyana coughed and looked straight at Blink, her eyes boring a hole into Blink's. The 18 year old was unnerved and looked at me for help, i simply smiled and looked at Illyana.

"So, I hear that you have accepted the adoption... But, you want to be more than a daughter."

Blink gulped as the rest of the women all looked at her at the same time, their eyes slightly glowing. Even i was a little fucking scared and even if i wasn't the one being targeted. I blocked my emotions and ultimately ended up philosophising about the inevitable death of all under entropy.

"Y-yes! I did say that and I still stand by it."

The atmosphere became more tense as I sat there.

'What is death anyway but the crescendo of ones achievements and life? Maybe it is just a new beginning or a path to becoming endless energy for the universe to feed on. Things to consider."

"I see... You are certain this is the path you wish to take, one where you are technically indulging in an incestuous relationship with the leader of The Veritas Empire."

Blink gulped again as my other women squinted their eyes, some in hostility, others in observation as they wished to pick up everything she was communicating... Jean even going so far as to lightly collect her surface thought.

`Don't do mind rape Jean!`

`Ahhh! Don't do that!`

`Well don't do what you were almost about to do!`

`Fine... I was just trying to see her real intentions.`

`Thank you, but I would prefer a kinder treatment to her, she is still our daughter.`


'Hah, the inevitability of a psychic trying to use their powers for fucked up shit.'

[I agree, that was uncalled for.]

'It's fine, she's just a little Yandere for me and our family.'

[Mmmm, Yandere isn't that safe is it?]

'Depends on the level of crazy attached to it... A little in a sane woman is sexy, too much in a crazy woman, madness and a death sentence.'

"I am not certain, no one ever is, all I know is that when I am with Emelia the pain of my past fades away!" She screamed the last bit. Her words were cloaked in pain and anger as she twitched a little under the stares.

I knew this would touch a cord within Illyana as she too went under some fucked up shit. I sighed within my mind, opening myself to the possibility of accepting her as a woman and not my daughter.

[She's certainly got issues... You know how to pick them don't you?]

'Don't even start.'


'Cheeky little gremlin.'

"I see... I have no issue with you joining the Harem, but you must not be a daughter to her. Jean? Idun? Skadi? Pixel? Kali? Oceana? any input?"

'*sigh* Why am i so irresistible to all women... My life is so hard...'

[ '" Uhhggh my loife is swo Hard..."' Says the woman who can literally buy a fucking country, rules her own world, can do magic, is immortal and has wives like us... Yeah its so fucking hard.]

I winced as i felt my heart getting pierced by numerous figurative arrows from her words, they made me love her and angry at her at the same time. It was weird, this was the first ascension of the love-hate emotion.

'Fine. I have life pretty easy... Keep going down that rabbit hole though and you'll get rougher treatment tonight!'

[Mmmmmm, do your best.]

'... Oh... I will.'

"I honestly don't care." (Kali)

"Couldn't give a shit." (Oceana)

" I would prefer her not to be a daughter to us all and also fucking Emelia." (Jean)

"I am inclined to agree with Jean." (Idun)

"She's fine, i just think the incest thing has to be roleplay instead of an actual thing, like Oceana and Emelia." (Skadi)

"Fine to join, i agree with Skadi though." (Pixel)

"There, you have your choice. Answer later, we will come back to it after dinner."

Funnily enough we stopped at the restaurant soon after the end of their conversation, my emotions coming back fully to my face as I looked at them all. 

"Let's enjoy ourselves shall we?"

I stepped out of the air speeder and quickly started offering my hand to the ladies, all of them graciously accepting my hand. The restaurant was a beautiful mix of different styles, intertwining with a warmth that cascaded into the skin and soul making one feel as if they were floating on a cloud.

The view was phenomenal as well as you could see the beautiful lights of all of the entertainment districts, including the fireworks displays that pronounced themselves outwards from the dreary grey cloud coverage. The eyes of my women were aglow with fascination and happiness as they took in the venue and the effort i had gone to for them. I even received some flirtatious looks from Illyana and Skadi. I was surely getting some tonight.

We were guided into the restaurant by a beautiful human woman who's eyes were crystal blue in colouration which contrasted well with the completely red hair that draped itself over her shoulders. My women were a little discontent about the fact the waiter for the evening would be a woman but easily forgot about it when they saw the luxury of the restaurant from the inside.

Every space had a mood light and a smooth colour to it, the very light looking inviting. The table itself was made for a party of their size and tailored to the highest of standards as the cutlery and table cloths looked pristinely blue. Our table was tucked away from the majority of people as there were already three waiters waiting on us off to the side of the booth, ready to respond to our whims at any moment. It was perfect service.

All of my women looked at me as if to say: "Really...? All of this for us?", Their eyes were even watering a bit. I mean, for the hour and a half i spent on this planet before coming on the date I must have done something right as this was not the reaction i expected. I just expected them to enjoy the meal and want to fuck me... Didn't really get all emotional really. But not being an idiot i didn't correct them.

"Of course i would go to this effort for all of you. You are my women after all."

This got celestial smiles from them all as even some of the wait staff were smiling at my nature. Some of the women on the wait staff were eyeing me as well. 'Nope! This night is for my women.' That got a deeper smile from Oceana as she came up and grasped my right arm, dragging me to our seats.

From there the night went as expected, each piece of food was exquisite and unique. Some foods were completely alien and foreign, causing stirs amongst my women as they asked the waiters what beasts the meat came from, only to be told it was a vegetable from a planet called Hoth and was exceedingly rare. I put that on my check list of things to find and plant in Atlantis and continued to eat.

We had some small banter and chatter, Blink mostly staying quiet as she occasionally looked up at me with her misty green eyes. I felt some pity for her as she was just a young woman, like I am, and she had probably undergone horrible things in her past, like me. It was hard not to feel for her on an empathic level.

Dinner was almost finished, and my women were starting to look at me with the eyes of predators, making me feel like a doe caught in their headlights. Blink was constantly changing her facial expression and intensity for a while now as she knew she'd need to make a choice here. Abandon the hope of being my woman forever, or, become my woman and miss out on her kinky fantasies, honestly the choice would be simple if i was in her place. I'd choose to become a wife, i mean, who wouldn't fucking want me, i am great!

[Stop it.]


[I don't know but just stop whatever it is you are feeling...]

'What if it was to fuck you?'

[...T-then all you have to do is ask...]

'Haha, i know beautiful... Wait till after we get home though, okay?'


Now was the moment, we were all finished and Illyana's eyes naturally slid over to Blink who stared at her as well. The two women were like tigresses fighting for the right to bone the male tiger. I was turned on to say the least, Oceana was also looking on and I could tell she liked the situation as well.

"I have chosen to not become your daughter."

Those words struck the small corner as the waiters all looked at us and had wide opened eyes. I looked at them, gestured for them to come over, which they did, and handed them some credits asking them to slip away for a few minutes for privacy. They nodded, taking the money and walked away.

"So you have chosen to become her wife?" (Illyana)

"Yes, if you would have me."

'As i felt, I am too fucking awesome to pass up.'

[Holy shit your narcissistic! When i left did you just get fed a bunch of narcissism tablets?]

'Nope! Just working on my self worth and boy is it working out!'

[I-i don't know what to say now... G-good for you? Ughhh, it hurts to say.]

'Don't worry, i'll make it hurt some more tonight.'

She blushed as Illyana was smiling at Blink, along with my other women; except Oceana of course. They all turned to look at me as I realised there was another conversation still going on.

"What? You want me to say no? Of course I'll accept her if you all do."

"So you didn't like me enough to actually chase after me?"


"No, that is not what I said! I had told my wives before that I would send them people to vet and look at before i officially accepted them."

"What about Hela, Hela and Sol?"

"They are my girlfriends, not Wives, when they get closer to that status they will talk with all 8 of you."

"8? You're already counting me?"

"Yes? They accepted you yeah?"

She blinked over to me instantly and gave me a massive kiss, in front of some waiters that were just coming back. They felt very confused and even a little horney at the display but I didn't care and just reciprocated the kiss, my other wives starting to get HOT as well. I broke the kiss off slowly, littering her lips with smaller kisses before setting her on her feet beside me.

"Waiters could we pay for the table now?"


The limo stopped at our pad and quickly left as I lead all of my women into the Apartment. Each of them were horny and wanting mini me, thus I quickly ushered them into the bedroom and started to slowly strip as they all watched from the massive bed.

I started with my underwear as it slowly slid off from under my dress, using the force to do it. My lacey black underwear slid out from under my feet and slowly drifted in mid-air only to be grabbed a moment later by Illyana who did the one thing that was guaranteed to turn me on more than i already was, sniff them.

The rest of the women started to lightly take off their dresses and underwear. I began to try to do the same but was told to keep my dress on. I agreed and kept it on, stripping off my bra before just jumping on the bed. Finally after a minute of teasing them with 'accidentally' missing the clip at the back of my bra I took it off and threw it at Jean who put it with her clothing. 'I'll never see those again.'

Before i could even have complaints though Oceana came up to me and took my lips, slowly dragging me to the bed. I got lost in the sauce and didn't even realise i was on the bed until my women were all around me.

Jean and Illyana mounted their pussies on my hands, my fingers being buried within their sacred folds. They moaned out slightly from the sensation as they started to gyrate slowly on top of my hand. Seeing this and feeling this I began to move my fingers inside of them, more moans coming out of them as they did.

I didn't get much time other than that to actually respond as Idun straddled my head and lowered her tasty pussy onto my mouth, grabbing my hair.

"Eat it." (Idun)

"Emelia! Ahh, there, right there." (Illyana)

"Harder... thereee..." (Jean)

following my 'orders' I started to lick her cunt out as she plopped it down into my mouth, the whole thing part way into my mouth. I licked furiously as I playfully bit into her pussy, as light as i could. 

"FUck! You're so gohoood! Emelia..." (Idun)

Just as that was happening I felt myself lift off of the bed slightly as Kali got below where i used to lay. I couldn't see what was happening but with my force powers I could feel Skadi standing in front of me. I wasn't even ready for what came next as it was so unexpected.

I was lowered again moments later, that was when i felt a large pole covering my ass and touching my pussy. I squirmed a little my tongue extending a little further causing Idun to scream moan as Illyana and Jean were furiously pounding my hands. Pixel and Blink were now straddling my arms and grinding on them as they kiss Jean and Illyana. 

My biggest surprise came when i felt the dome of a pole touch my pussy and a hand lightly graze against my skin to align the first pole my my asshole. 

'Holy shit! Double Penetration...!?'

Within seconds i felt two members plunge into me, my insides burning up from the level of lust i was experiencing. My sin was fully at charge. Easily both poles slipped in, only to be squeezed tightly in the next second as my Lust Sin made my body perfect for the intruders.

"Ugh! You feel so fucking tight and perfect Emelia!" (Skadi)

"Your body is perfect my love, please accept me fully." (Kali)

Instantly i moaned into Idun's soggy cunt, causing her to moan and rub her crotch on my face even more as she was close to orgasm already, she was already twitching.

I felt my hands escape the dampness of the my loves' pussies as they squirted all over my hand and fell backwards temporarily. It wasn't long that they were free however as Pixel and Blink soon sheathed my hand within their tight caves.

"I've wanted to do this for so looong!" (Pixel)

"Stir my insides up with your finger, mummy..." (Blink)

Not holding back i followed what they said as with a sustained pace i was continuously fucked by Skadi and Kali who were groaning underneath me as I moaned into Idun's cunt.

"Ahhhhhhh! Emelia! *pSSSSsssSS*" With that she was out for the count as she fell forwards and suffered several more orgasms, her squirt covering my face and dripping down into my mouth. Yet again I wasn't given much of a break as Oceana then jumped into her previous place and shoved her cunt into my face as well.

"Big sis, ahn, you better treat me roughly, you hear?"

Without hesitating I plunged my tongue into her cunt and bit inter her folds, not holding back like she asked. Causing her to moan allowed. It seemed she had become a masochist... 'Whatever, if she likes it I'll do some more of it. You hear, AHHHHN, m-me? I'll claim you as M-Ahhhhnnnuh!'

She got wet from that as i licked her out and bit into her enough to leave marks later. It was that moment that I heard Skadi and Kali grunt.

"GET, Pregnant!" Skadi thrust into me as she yelled this, her seed spraying into my womb as the warmth from it filled me up and left me wanting more. Kali also thrust up at this point, her member burrowing into the inner folds of my ass.

"Take my jizz in your ass!" (Kali)

At the same time I was filled with both of their spunk, my orgasm flourishing into fruition as I literally orgasmed twenty times in quick succession. I sprayed Skadi in my squirting fluids as she withdrew her Excalibur from my lake, no cum leaking out as a seal kept it inside of me. This wasn't the same for Kali however as when her member disappeared cum flowed out of my ass like a small pressured tap.

The two of them were pleased and quickly withdrew from the front of me, going to grinding on my body as Illyana and Jean then took their place in front and below me, filling me once again. My orgasm hadn't ended and only got more intense as they harpooned my cunt and asshole.

Oceana was riding my face like it was a fucking dildo as my tongue did its best to scoop her insides. It was working well too as she had already came once and now was on the edge of an orgasm from my constant prodding.


Each of my women took a turn, or two, fucking me in my ass and cunt, releasing their load inside and filling me up. I must have looked a mess when I finally escaped their clutches as I felt the large bump in my stomach, my womb only surviving due to my absurd healing factor and nature.

I dispelled the seal and quickly excavated all of the batter from my insides by pushing it out onto the floor, creating a lewd reaction from my wives as they all fingered themselves.

"O-o-okay, that's how you want to play it?"

"Fine then..." I grew my own member and they all squealed as they jumped on the bed, ass extended out for my selection. The night was long and it even extended into the next morning as each of the women who hadn't been pregnant the first time, became so, and those that had recently given birth were filled to the brim, a seal stopping their wombs from emptying.

And like that we all fell asleep.


Lewdness, deactivate! I hope you enjoyed the smut and please consider giving my Patr.eon a check out and my discord! 😈😈😈😈


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