
The Next Day

I awoke to find all of my women smiling and mewling in their sleep, most of them piled up around me hugging different parts of my body. I softly sighed at this as I remembered the night before and how wild they got.

'Fuck, they may all be pregnant again...'

My eyes whirred into action as I looked into their wombs to see if I had impregnated any of my women. Jean wasn't pregnant, it seemed she had put a barrier between her eggs and the baby batter. Illyana was the same, she prevented it, i think they both wanted to wait till the other children are older. Oceana wasn't either as she did the same. Idun, was pregnant again... All well, it will always be good to bring joy to Idun. Skadi was definitely pregnant as I noticed three of her eggs were fertilized. Pixel had two and Kali had...five... Blink was even pregnant with another two.

'Holy shit... How hard did i fuck them last night for that to happen...?'

I felt a bit overwhelmed as I would have to look after 13 more babies in a year. I didn't know why this continued to happen; i did, but it was certainly a unique experience for me. I could split myself into clones and stuff but does that really count as paying attention to the kids? Not knowing the answer I quickly thought of a way of relaxing.

'Go see the Therapist, she'll have answers.'

Before I did that though I decided to teleport out of bed and whip up some breakfast. I cooked some salmon and cheese sauce and created enough for everyone. It took half an hour to cook it all but when i was done it was worth it all as i noticed all my women looking at the food in absolute joy. Food really was the way to a woman's heart and with my mastery over it I was certain i could sway any woman.

"Hello loves... Here is breakfast, also, i have something to tell you all."

They all quickly jumped onto the stools on the other side of the counter and began to dig in whilst looking at me. I laughed a little at their movements as they all were still somewhat 'full' and were walking funny. 

"Some of you got pregnant."

They all froze and fervent looks came from all of them, except Oceana, Jean and Illyana who looked on with smiles and grins.

"Who?" (Skadi)

"You, Kali, Pixel, Blink and Idun."

Idun looked at me in excitement as she jumped across the counter and hugged me. They needed to stop doing that, what if the bench had knives or something and they just impaled themselves? She didn't care and just started to rain kisses on my face, me reciprocating when i could manage.

"H-how many babies are there?" (Pixel)


Now everyone froze and i mean every one as Jean dropped her fork onto the plate in front of her, Illyana was holding her own in her mouth and Oceana was wide-eyed. Kali, Skadi, Blink and Idun all lambasted by my statement.

"th-thirteen!?" (Kali, Skadi and Pixel)

"As long as its from Emelia i don't care." (Blink)

"Yes... Idun has a single child, Skadi has three, Blink has two, Pixel has two and Kali has five."

I couldn't explain their faces or expressions anymore as there were so many shifting emotions that it continued to change. Even i was blown away by the idea of having another 13 babies, holy shit did i need some help. 'Maybe I should turn off my sperm...'

[No you fucking don't! Never, remove that idea from your head.]

'Honey... I don't want to have hundreds of children that i can't spend time with... And with the way we fuck every time, I'm gonna be like any other god within a pantheon, minus the rape.'

[Well... Were here to help and we'd bring them up knowing that their mummy is a awesome superhero.]

'Love you honey... It is still not sitting well with me, i should go visit my therapist again.'

[Good idea, maybe run the idea by her.]

Skadi, Pixel, Kali and Blink were all happy now that they had processed and came around the bench to give me hugs, their breasts pressing into my body as they all jumped up and down with happiness. I slipped my hands around them all and melted a little on the inside as i realised how much they had wanted this. Blink probably for all the wrong reasons but nonetheless she was cute.


Later in the day we had all settled down and relaxed, having conversations with regards to the children and how we're going to handle them all. That was when i had a genius Idea.

"How about we put the kids on a rotation?"

"As in?" (Wives)

"We choose groups of them and have them take a day or part of the week where they spend time with me. This way I can have a greater amount of connection to them all and show them I still love them. In the other parts of the week they can spend time with all of you."

"That's a good plan honey!" (Illyana)

Everyone of my wives nodded at the plan and quickly started to formulate the rotations whilst taking into consideration the parents of the kids and all the rest, eventually choosing to go with an equal amount of representation throughout, to show that I had no favouritism.

With that handled I had to got to work. For them they had a week off, but for me? Nope, no chance, I was a leader of a fucking nation. I gave them each a kiss and a little bit of a playful slap on the ass before whisking myself away, knowing that they were all super powerful in relation to the inhabitants of Coruscant. Plus they weren't stuck there, they could always come home if there are any issues.


Back in The Veritas Imperium I felt a headache coming on as i returned to a stack of paper. I activated my clones and got them to go through it all and answer them, sign them etc...

This lasted for half an hour until I noticed one of the paperwork was telling me about how the Japanese have done the opposite of what I asked and had in fact increased the amount of push for jobs. It was almost as if they were looking to wipe out their people.

'Fucking idiots!'

`Himari! Come to the control room.`

`Yes mistress!`

Within moments the teleporter shined and she appeared.

"Mistress? You asked for me?"

"Yes. Take command of three of our Asgardian ships and a two corps with you, to Japan. Bring them this piece of paper and tell them that they are under orders from the Global Government to follow previous orders or we will be forced to take control of their nation for the good of the people."

"Will this not spark conflict mistress?"

"I honestly couldn't give a fuck, just do it please. Oh, on your way tell your sister to come here as well."

"It will be done! Thank you for trusting me on this mission mistress."

"Don't worry I trust both you and your sister. You are some of the most integral parts of our society and my life, so please know that I do care for you both and I see you both as my children."

She started to tear up a little before running over and giving me a hug.

"I'll work as hard as i can!"

Her voice was a little muffled as she spoke, whilst her face touched my breasts.

"Good, now daughter, go show them what we are made of okay?"

"Yes mum." 

From that she ran off all excited and no doubt informed her sister about the upgrade in their status. I knew this a little later as Aurélie came in all smiles.

"Mother? You asked for me?" 'Yep she was told.' 

"I have a task for you as well, daughter. I would like you to take two aurora class battleships and two corps to China. Overthrow their regime and destroy it."

"But mother, weren't we trying to be peaceful?"

"Not anymore, they were creating biochemical weaponry to annihilate peoples of certain skin colours."



"That's not good... Welp, I am ready to go over there and overthrow the government."

"Good, please be careful daughter... Our people aren't expendable and need to be cared for, if you can just use them sparingly and do pin point strikes with our ships."

"I will do so mother, I shall go now to get the forces ready."

"Oh yes, tell your sister that she is to wear a field commander uniform."

"Yes mother, I'll make sure we both do."

"Good, love you both, be careful."

"Mmm, yes mum." 

She slipped away quickly, happiness spreading through her as she did so. It looked like they were growing souls as well, i could feel an evolution coming for them. I was looking at both of them before giving them orders and they were glowing in spectral white and black energy that was perfectly balanced.

'Is that the soul? So many thing to pay attention to, not enough of me to spread out. Maybe i should get my sister to learn as well and I can give her some position on Government to make small decisions... Possibly, wait till she had lived here for a while and has become a citizen fully.'

'Anyway... Fucking Chinese and Japanese, as stubborn as one another but hate each other with a passion. I don't know why I don't just fucking conquer the planet with my military and enforce my ideals... Too much work... Plus I'd be a true tyrant.'


Hope you enjoyed!


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Special Thanks to these people for the Power Stones!:




























Thanks to you all!

Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts
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