
Spiritual Awakening

Shortly after the man pressed his hand against the man pad in front of him he began pushing his soul power into, his purple energy traveling through the array beneath the ground that would help transfer it with minimal energy lost.

Quickly the purple energy entered Tang Wulin's body from his feet and traveled up his body, at least it tried to. As soon as it touched his body it was instantly destroyed by the crimson destruction energy within his body.

"Huh? Did something go wrong?" The serious man asked, for the first time not seriously. He was completely shocked. He had done this same thing hundreds, perhaps thousands of times over the years, and never once had it malfunctioned let alone fail!

"No, it worked." Tang Wulin said emotionlessly, showing off the small gold scales on his arms. They were diamond shaped and shimmered in the light more so than any gem in the world ever could. They were breathtaking.

However, while beautiful they were even more dangerous. The scales were practically indestructible as the scales of the Golden Dragon King, the being with the body of the Dragon God, and were sharp enough to pierce through any defense if done correctly.

Yet that was not all his 'martial soul' was capable of. He could control a power that the mindless Dragon King could not, the power of annihilation or pure unbridled destruction if you will. Because he had full access to the Golden Dragon's powers without the risk of madness due to his lack of emotions he could control the universal force of destruction at its highest level.

'My destruction is better than that God of Destruction.' Tang Wulin noted to himself unbiasedly. He had seen the God of Destruction briefly after his second birth and while he would surely lose in terms of experience he was much better in terms of raw power. The only thing holding him back was his energy amount not being up to his requirements.

However, that is something he will keep to himself for as long as he requires even if that may be forever. His pure strength was more than enough to allow him to thrive in this life, more so than any other alive.

Instead, he shall use his power of annihilation to create another life that he can freely use. His 'teacher' had always taught him the importance of masks and so he would create another mask to operate under.

"I see. Congratulations. Based on your scales you have awakened the coveted Golden Dragon martial soul, an ultimate strength type martial soul!" The purple haired soul master said excitedly, his aloof demeanor gone like the wind.

"Mhm." Wulin replied simply, no pride in his mind. He understood that his fake martial soul was extremely good but that was all he thought about it. He didn't feel pride, arrogance, or even joy, he felt nothing as usual.

"We would like to extend an invita-" The purple haired man began excitedly, hopeful for the promotion he would receive for making such a talented child join their Spirit Pagoda, he may even be brought to the Headquarters!

However, he was ignored by the crimson haired child who simply pressed the glowing ball near him to test his soul power. Quickly the ball lit up, numbers quickly ascending upward before pausing on seven. Tang Wulin had awakened at rank 7.

"Once mor-'' The purple hair man began, however, the door closed in his face. It enraged him however he could do nothing about it, this boy would one day be his superior. "Please list-" He began once more.

"No." Tang Wulin said emotionlessly, not intending to listen to the poor man. He had no interest in the Spirit Pagoda nor sympathy for the man, why would he possibly listen to his rambles?

Luckily the man could not leave his post to follow after him so Tang Wulin had been spared from his complaints for the time being. The man was far from finished and would begin as soon as he was finished however that was for later and not now.

"How did it go?" Tang Ziran asked anxiously, a cold sweat on his brow as he bit his handkerchief as a means to calm himself down. When compared to his adoptive son's emotionless look he seemed to be the odd one of the two despite his reaction being fairly normal, tame even.

"Within expectations." Tang Wulin replied emotionlessly as he began walking out, his father by his side. He was going to go to Mang Tian's after this to gather more funds to further his own goals.

Blacksmithing was a career path he chose for two reasons. The first was that he struggled to control his strength in the past so it was a good way to learn as blacksmithing required fine control over one's strength.

However, the second reason was the most important. Blacksmithing was one of the most lucrative businesses in the world if not the most, he would never have trouble with funds if he received fame in the field.

And he needed wealth more than anything else. To not become unnecessary he needed to grow stronger and to grow stronger he required two things, materials and a strong backing. The first can only be bought with wealth and the latter can only be formed with wealth.

The former would be used to strengthen his reserves which would in return allow him to use annihilation with more freedom however the latter had little use in terms of pure battle power. Instead, its use would be determined by political power.

The most troublesome thing in this world was politicians getting in the way of your plans. If there was anything he has felt that may cause him to feel an emotion, it is the nuisance known as a politician inadvertently messing with his carefully thought out plan.

For that reason, he needed to become at the top of the world not only in strength but also in political influence. For most, it was an impossible condition however Tang Wulin was not most people.

'It will be easy.' Tang Wulin thought to himself as he walked, his father chasing behind him.

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