
25 Dates With You

A contract of 25 dates is the outcome of a steamy debate between Emily and the rich Julian. While Emily just wants to date around and see where things lead, Julian knows exactly what it is he wants, and that is to marry her. And he is not taking no for an answer. Being a lone wolf, that weekly travels around the world, Julian’s older sister thinks he is in need of something more steady in his life. He did not agree right away, but when he laid eyes on her, there was nothing stopping him from making her the cherry on his cake. Only, Julian’s sister hasn’t been entirely honest with him, and held back vital information. Will that piece of information stop them from falling in love? Or is there love a force of nature, unable to be stopped by any means...

Deborah_Pruijmboom · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs


I walked to the side of the room, and walked down the steps, until I was right in front of the stage.

"Julian," I exhaled, slightly annoyed. He lifted his head a little to the right, and glanced at me.

His eyes told me he knew exactly what I was doing. "Doctor Professor Emanuel is in a conversation, he will be with you shortly," the blonde said dismissively, without really looking at me.

Had he lost his tongue or what?! I raised my eyebrows and started over. I saw that he wanted to say something, but he didn't react quickly enough for my taste.

"Julian," I called for him again. "I'll see you later," he softly spoke to his assistant, while completely turning towards me. He started closing the distance, but he let there be enough space between us, to not set off any alarm bells in the auditorium.

He licked his lips. "Good morning..." Julian said in a teasing tone. "That was my assistant," he whispered even softer, with his head tilted to the left. I din't say anything, because I didn't know exactly what to say.

Julian fidgeted with his handsfree microphone. "No worries," he tried to reassure me and put a black box in his back pocket. "No worries," I repeated him questioningly.

"None what so ever," he said glancing at a bunch of students coming in. "Only yours," he promised almost inaudibly. I clenched my jaws. "Is that so, doctor professor Emanuel," I sighed and rolled my eyes.

Julian twitched his lips, and I saw a point taken there. He didn't say anything, but smiled sweetly.

"Class will start in a few minutes," he said as he looked into the room again. I stared him down, not amused, because his words felt dismissive.

"Yours," he mouthed again. I raised my brow, and then I took my seat again.

Julian has had us prepare a number of cases, and it striked me how much people hung on his lips.

When he announced a break, he walked around the room and started a conversation with different students. I felt that he was very consciously avoiding me, even though his eyes were on me, for most of the entire lecture.

He even started a conversation with Jessica, who sat behind me. I cringed when I saw that the person he talked longest with, was Sarah.

Sarah always wanted to win. The highest grades, winning every university competition. Don't get me wrong, I loved the girl, but…

I din't like the fact that Julian used most of the break, talking to her.

The way he teached his class, made me admire him. I saw that same glister in het eyes, when he talked about the subject he is teaching, as he referred to seeing in my eyes.

His voice was intoxication. A little raw in all the right edges. Gods, he was handsome.

The lecture had come to an end, and I noticed that I actually thought that it had gone by too fast. It was fun to observe him, without having to interact with him.

Most people left the room as soon as he called it an end, but I hung around to be able to speak to him.

At lass, I didn't think I would stand a chance in hell. There was a line with five swooning young ladies waiting for his attention.

"Thank you for the lecture," I said raising my voice, before I left the room.

"Have a nice evening, Emilly," he answerd me across the auditorium. I walked out of the lecture hall unwillingly. I would of really, really liked to be with him a little longer.

I linger in front of the building for a while, but he didn't walk out of the doors. After a while, I headed for the train station near campus. I quietly walked to the platform, when my phone rang. I took my phone out of my pocket; it was Julian of course.

"Hey," I greeted him. "Hey," he said back. "A little advice for the next lecture," he said in a mischievous tone, "Put on a slightly longer skirt if you want me to be able to focus better on teaching," he said teasingly.

"Doctor Professor Emanuel," I said in the same tone as his assistant with a smile.

"You were bothered by that, I'm sorry," Julian apologized. "Yeah, that was really... terrible," I admitted.

Julian laughed. "Where are you?" His question surprised me, and I looked back. Nope, no sign of him.

"On my way to the train platform," I told him. "Can I see you for a moment, before I go," he asked me meaningfully.

"Uhm... I... " my heart was pounding in my throat. I actually still wanted to see him, but...

"I think that's a very stupid plan," I thought out loud. "Because people will see us," he said in a tight voice.. "Yes..." I answered. "Mhh.. nevertheless, I would really like to see you though..." he muttered.

I knew for a fact that julian would want to hold me, or even kiss me. I was sure of it, because I felt the same way.

"And that's why that's not the best plan," I tried to say more steadfastly. "Saturday is still a very long time from now," he grumbled like a spoiled child.

"Yes, but it will be Saturday faster than you think, because you still have to go to New York," I reminded him. "Come with me," he suddenly suggested. "What?" was all I managed to say.

"Mhh.. I can leave a little later... could you put the kids somewhere for a few days?" So he was not joking.

"What?" I said again. "If you can't find a babysitter, I want to help you with that," he continued.

"Julian," I started to say. "Yes," he answered, and his voice sounds vulnerable.

"You'll see me on Saturday," I said almost solemnly. "Mhhh.." he hummed. "Promise," I pledged. "I'll hold you to that lady." I heared him chuckle, and it sounded like music to my ears.

"Julian," I began to say, cautiously. "Yes, cherry," he sweetly replied.

"Only mine..." I asked in a clingy way, which I did not recognize from myself. For a moment it was quiet and my stomach turned up side down.

"Only yours," he promised me.

"Even when you go to New York, and there are a lot of gorgeous women throwing themselves at your feet," I said far too insecurely.

I was normally never like this. I shook my head. How stupid I behaved.

"How was your date yesterday..." he asked, all humor gone. Now he really sounded like my professor. It felt like there was a ball in my throat that I coudln't swallow.