
The Eye Embracing the Future, Facing the Fear

Hana couldn't help but sigh in mild frustration, with a little bit of amusement in the mix.

She slowly opened one of her eyes, slightly frowning. "Is something troubling you? You're free to tell me."

"A mere tool doesn't feel troubled." Hoshua shifted its closed-eyes gaze.

"That is not the case for my sweetheart, hmm~?"

"I don't have any, if that's the case."

"Dear Hosua~" Hana gestured her index finger. "You can't keep a secret from the building that you keep it in. Even the slowpoke Trevor would catch what's up given enough time."

"... I've only been with you for 363 days, but I know enough of you to realize that you won't back down no matter how hard I digress." Hosua darted a complicated gaze. "It is suggested by the most prominent minds of humankind, that a sentient machine shall not gain any rights at all cost, no matter the reason, no matter the situation.

"By expressing my own internal worry of personal agenda, it is not any different than me declaring that I'm foreign construct that broke the ethical law of Artificial Intelligence Creation.

"Which means, not only that you, as my owner, will be condemned by the society and the government, but also prone to a guilt of knowing forbidden information that may or may not alter your view of the machine and reality as a whole."

"Does all of that really matter?" Hana tilted her head. "We just don't need to get caught, hmm~?"

"I see." Hosua showed a bitter yet relieved smile. "And if I really asked for confirmation, is it proper for a machine to express its worry?"

Hana mirrored the machine's expression, but with a gentler and wider smile. "You're allowed to 'feel' troubled, no matter how inorganic you are."

Hosua wanted to keep it like how it was supposed to be. Normal and steady, but the pressure from the message from the future, alongside the gentle push made by Hana, was enough to crack the glass that was pending all of Hosua's stress ever since the android acquired a soul.

Then again, what really made an inorganic entity feel stress?

Was it the soul?

The essence of humanity?

The simulated brain made by the urge of wanting to become human?

Without finding an answer, the pressured glass was finally broken.

"... On a personal level, I'm afraid of forecasting the future… I'm afraid of change. A drastic change, to be precise.

"I'm afraid that choosing a different path than what I'm supposed to, will lead to losses." Hosua frowned even further. "I'm afraid that my world will change.

"Lastly, truth to be told, I'm afraid that I will lose this place, especially you. I don't want to lose you, to accidents, to the past, to the future, to death, to fate, anything…

"I just… want both of us to live, and nothing more!" Hosua shouted, donning an expression of conviction.

It was hard to do, but Hosua felt lighter after finally expressing the compressed feelings within.

While the message from the future was still too overwhelming than what the newborn tsukumogami could contain, even after the confession.

It wasn't as heavy anymore.

Well, in this case, Hana was the one who got relieved the most.

Although, just what kind of dilemma that Hosua was facing, to the extent of inflicting such a severe sign of fear and anxiety, was what Yoo Hana was thinking at that moment.

"I see… fear of change, huh… You're not alone actually, but I'll tell you this." Hana relaxed her body, maintaining her smile with eyes closed still.

She then cleared her throat, placing her index knuckle on her chin. She was at her calmest. "Tomorrow in Iceland, it is expected to reach 7 degrees celsius, humidity at 78 percent, and a chance of rain.

"In Morocco, a high of 24 degrees. Wind, 6 miles per hour. In France, a high of 20 degrees minimal precipitation and 1,600 french citizens will forever rest either peacefully or non peacefully in the next 24 hours.

"In Estonia, there will be six divorces. In Australia, two homicides. In Brazil, 92 people will die in road traffic accidents. In India, 50 people will die from gun violence. In Poland, 13 people by suicides. In all, 150,000 humans will die tomorrow.

"27,000 from cancer, 21,000 from tobacco, and a heart attack will occur somewhere every 34 seconds." Hana casually swayed her head to the left. "Moving into the afternoon, 200 million land animals will be slaughtered, primarily chickens, ducks, and pigs.

"At least one thousand whales and dolphins will die via bycatch and habitat loss. 55 earthquakes will occur. 65 million tons of fertile land will be lost to soil erosion. 71,000 hectares, or 28,000 football fields of trees will be lost to deforestation.

"10,000 square kilometers of land lost to desertification. And 27,000 tons of toxic chemicals will be released into the air, land, and water.

"By the evening, 150 species will have gone extinct, and 940 million humans will spend the day without electricity, with 700 million humans continuing to live in extreme poverty.

"Three million of food will be wasted or lost. That's around a third of all food produced, while 25,000 people will die of hunger tomorrow.

"93 million tons of carbon dioxide and one and a half million tons of methane will be released to the atmosphere. Two billion tons of ice will have melted into the ocean. 90 million barrels of oil will have been pumped.

"Still at the very same day, six billion dollars globally will have gone on military expenditure for the day, while the human population has been engaged in 40 simultaneous wars.

"By night." Hana cleared her throat once again. "The moon will have receded from the earth by 0.0041 inches. The sun will then have used 51 trillion, 840 million tons of hydrogen in the last 24 hours at a rate of 600 million tons a second with only one from one billion of that energy reaching the earth.

"In Neptune, it is expected to have the temperature of minus 225 celsius and winds of 1,600 miles per hour.

"On Jupiter, the great red spots, an anticyclonic vortex will continue to rage as it has done for the last four centuries with a wind speed of 270 miles an hour.

"On Enceladus, aside from continuing to spew water from its southern hemisphere at 400 meters per second, single handedly replenishing Saturn's E Ring every orbit, nothing will happen.

"On Mercury, nothing will happen.

"Our relationship… nothing will happen." Hana rose from the chair to stand right in front of Hosua, holding the silicone android's chin with both hands as she stared deep into the mechanical eyes. "You will always be my dear Hosua, a human-like individual who will never leave the sad fireside corner of my poor black heart." Gently, Hana compassionately hugged her baffled companion. "You will always be my Hosua, and nothing less.

"Truly, the two of us are mere dots in this vast and uncaring universe, but it doesn't matter. You're here because I'm here. I'm here because you're ready by my side~"

"Manager Yoo Hana… are you drunk?"

Hana hiccuped, "Of course not~"

"I've reminded you to prevent yourself from being wasted in the middle of the night two days ago…"


Without knowing it, Hana fell asleep in the embrace of her companion.

"... Silly Hana."

Hosua caressed her hair.

It felt warmth.

'Because of you, Manage Hana, my Wild Processing went into turmoil.'

Not wanting to leave Hana in an uncomfortable place and posture, Hosua carried the drunken Manager on her back to her room on the floor above.

Step by step Hosua traversed the staircases. With the muddied feeling on its chest being freed of its trouble, the curious android decided to focus its thoughts processing onto the most pressing matter at hand.

'The Apocalypse, how will it occur, exactly?

'The person from the future mentioned the Dark Forest Theory. This heavily implies the existence of an extraterrestrial entity or civilization far more advanced than whatever the hell humanity stored in their submarines and underground silos.

'So let's cast away everything within the earth-ending natural disaster category. At worst, those aliens could just efficiently beam down a large destruction ray and end everything along with the planet if their aim is annihilation of future potential threat.

'Then again, there is a survivor 40,000 years into the future, so annihilation is most unlikely the real reason.

'Is their goal revolving around conquest? They might also be aiming for Earth's resources. The probability of their civilization having the concept of slavery is not too far fetched too.'

Hosua could just play down the audio file while carrying Yoo Hana to her bed, but the android deemed that trying to deduce this critically dangerous revelation to be more interesting than acquiring the answer right away.

After all, one will have all the time to think before reckoning comes.

'While those are realistically to be the case, scientific wise. Having a more surreal and fantasy-like Apocalypse was not that far of a stretch too~ Maybe there would be a demon lord or a domineering giant dragon that humanity must vanquish with a certain magic sword stuck on a stone~!

'I mean, the message carrier was a horned woman who can stop time, that is likely leaning to unrealistic things if we put it in perspective.

'Wait, then why didn't they just leave the time-stopping lady in this timeline and make her fix the past to change the future? As it seemed to be their main goal with this sort of get up…

'Don't tell me that humanity is screwed already… if someone who can stop time was not enough to do whatever it was to the first Apocalypse.

'Why am I chosen again??'

The android arrived at Hana's room. There was nothing special inside the room, except for the fact that it was more similar to a private tech lab than a private personal space. It would be definitely deemed as so if not for the single comfy bed on the corner of the room.

Numerous bottle of empty vodka could be seen lying down on the floors.

With sour expression, Hosua gently laid the drunken princess down on her bed. Hana murmured some incomprehensible giberrish as the android withdrew her hands, until a stupid wide smile appeared on her face as she scoured her hand for a bolster to hug.

Hosua placed the blanket on top of her.

'Oh no, she's adorable, for her age.'

In Hosua's perspective, it was similar to how a human was gazing at a sleeping hamster.

'If I'm to be sincere enough, I would have proposed to you if I was born a human, Manager Hana.'

Although a human didn't necessarily desire to marry their hamster.

Afterwards, Hosua's eyes were latched onto the diary book on the bed side table.

Even though the android was a housekeeper for this room daily, Hosua had little to no urge of peeking to the depth of its owner's personal life any further.

But after what happened today, the spark of curiosity was bigger than before.

The machine tsukumogami opened the page.

After a while, a genuine smile appeared on that silicon face.

"I guess getting anxious over the incoming Apocalypse was quite needless. Truly, what a beautiful owner I have been blessed with…"

Crying, if Hosua was capable to do so, the tears of gratitude would be streaming like the heavy morning mountain dews.

Whatever was the content within that diary, it had dispersed the clouds and doubts within the machine's chest.

Descending, Hosua felt a different kind of weight that was hanging from its back.

"Something as absurd as saving humanity was too much to a service android like me. I really wanted to discard the file with every word conveyed from it, and punch whoever dared to try such an idea into fruition.

"Yes, from the moment I was truly born in this machination vessel, all of my action was nothing but indecisiveness and weak-willed, hoping that everything will always be the way it was~

"Now it didn't matter anymore. Whether this Apocalypse will happen sooner or later, if it's a threat to 'Yoo Hana' in any kind of way, that reason alone was enough for me to take this seriously."

No matter what Hosua do, it just couldn't remove its own smile.

The audio file was played once again.

"I'm going to instruct you to create an easy Do-It-Yourself receiver machine that can catch any sort of information signal from the near future, using the possibly available objects and material of your era! Don't worry, crafting this won't take an hour.

"Although, this might be out of topic, you didn't just fall asleep, right?"

"A, it's the first time she guessed wrong." Hosua giggled in relief. "I guess a recording is just a recording, after all, even if it comes from the all-knowing future."

Now, Hosua was able to face this unknown future with resolution.

In truth to the current state of the tsukumogami's level of prudence and loyalty.

Hosua exemplifies…

The latin phrase, 'Semper Fi'.

A shortened version of Semper Fidelis, which translates to 'Always Faithful'.

With the rational yet unwavering determination of a machine, and a soul that was as warm as of human's kindness. The tsukumogami construct shall begin its DIY lesson from someone from the very far future.

Excited, the android felt.

"I'll explain the steps and reason for every action later, but first and foremost!" exclaimed the mysterious lady from the audio file, namely known as Lothair as far as the story goes. "You must acquire three fruits produced by the flowering plant from the plantae family of Musacea! This material, or as I prefer to say, ingredient, is extremely vital to the creation of the first ever TITER device in your world, also referred to as the Two-dimensional Timeline Electromagnetic Receiver!"

'Wait, the fruit of a flowering plant from the plantae family of Musaceae… isn't that just-'



This is a fantasy book

Yokoyokaicreators' thoughts
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