
Partial Divinity, and Banana

For two hours, Hosua crammed into the comfortably spacious garage behind the convenience store. In such a timespan, the android managed to interpret the three minutes part of the DIY instruction section in the middle of the audio file regarding the Two-dimensional Timeline Electromagnetic Receiver.

The device surprisingly needed a lot of electrical parts, which was achieved by the amount of materials collected by Yoo Hana due to her obsession with robotics and computers.

'I'm simply just borrowing it, I'll just return it all back later when it's all done.'

20 percent of the total accumulated effort was the physical activity, like coming back and forth gathering the mentioned objects and tinkering them into something that would render the object of whatever the original intention it was made for.

This included making the spinning disk on the microwave to move counterclockwise, tinkering with the revolutions-per-minute of the vacuum blenders grabbed directly from the storage for the store's products, and taking the parts of many electricity-reliant objects available within the building.

10 percent were on tinkering with the electronic boards and circuits.

70 percent of the whole thing was playing, replaying, and pausing the rather complicated instructions from the audio file, and looking up the terms and the correlated information along with the branching science theory mentioned by this 'Lothair' person.

'If you're planning to do this, please don't cram everything into a seven minutes audio file!' Hosua was screaming and dying inside simultaneously. 'A normal person would die from an overheated brain if you force them to search the dense material reference on their own!!'

The android's expectation was formerly throughout the roof, but since the whole stick of the instruction for the futuristic device from the 40,000 years into the future was watered down to fully utilize an extremely primitive material and technology gap.

And whilst the device simply had been finished, it didn't look as pretty as Hosua thought.

"After the third improvised vacuum-sealed blender was strapped to the harmonic oscillator in a perfect 90 degree-angle correlated to the surface degree of the microwave," said Lothair from the audio message with such smugness. "All you need is to tune the ohm and kohm resistor on the second point breadboard to connect the first microwave to the control module!

"Extra note, you can use a small object with glue or chewed gum if the shape of the blender doesn't allow it. If the angle is erred by the slightest, the device won't work."

"This… bizarre-looking… contraption… is driven by bananas in microwaves…" Hosua muttered while donning a sour sneer. "I think I lost 20 percent of my battery by just comprehending that concept alone."

"Afterwards, you can just put the bananas into all three of the microwaves. Then wala! The gate stabilizer for the reverse version of 'tachyonic antitelephone' has been made!"

"This is… the device of the future."

Plugged to the electrical outlet, was a monstrosity of ingenious invention that was spanning and taking over 92 percent of a 3 meters-long working table.

This amazing yet crude machine was more fitting to be called as a nonsensical apparition array, formed by arranging multiple heavily-tampered house appliances, and connecting them all into a five stacks of circuit boards.

This creation should be precisely described as a Technician's Nightmare, and would indefinitely inflict a numbing nausea when perceived from a certain angle.

"No matter how you look at it… a random person would be incapable of making this thing…" Unable to express the logic behind Lothair's thoughts on instructing the creation of this device, Hosua could only put a blank stare on the constructed abomination. "The Apocalypse would have already arrived before they were able to finish making this thing."

There was no banana harmed when making this device.

"If you think that this is the whole TITER device, then you'll be wrong! Much like how a computer in your era consisted of hardware and software, this is only the hardware part of the whole device!"

"Urgh…" Hosua felt like throwing up, but was incapable of doing so.

"That thing in itself wasn't even a receiver, it is just a gate, a vehicle, something like a submarine that allows you to travel the depth of the ocean. The receiver is a whole other level of complexity!"

"Urgh…!!" Hosua felt like committing harakiri, but was incapable of doing so.

"Fufufu, before continuing even further, do know that a single mistake can nullify all of your hard work into zero!

"While some of the important mechanisms are audibly incomprehensible by the knowledge reference of the people from the 21th century, the whole contraption works on the principle that the microwaves are amplified by the controlled emission from the combined main board unit.

"Which causes the air molecules in the tampered microwaves to clash at light speeds! Creating mini black holes that would normally immediately disappear.

"However, the cathode rays from the vacuumed blenders, along with the harmonic oscillator to collect the data input, are able to work the angular velocity of the black holes, making them stable and manipulatable for an extremely small amount of times~"

'What is the usage of bananas then??'

"The bananas are vital for the obstacles in which the air molecules would clash and create a chain reaction!"

'Well, that makes sense. Wait, it doesn't make sense!!"

"While it all sounds convincing, everything is just a theory that I crafted in a span of time when making this recording."

'This dangerous-looking project is untested then!! And no!! It doesn't sound convincing at all!!!'

"Hahaha~! Don't worry~ the worst possible scenario would be the severe outburst for creating an unstable blackhole, which would replicate the kinetic energy of several kilotons of TNT~"

'AAAAAAAA! I'm smashing these things! This is too dangerous!!'

Hosua wanted to unleash its inner primate, but the thought of its mind-rending creation going into the dustbin in an instant had deterred the android from committing further action.

"Haahahahaha~!" In comparison to the depressed Hosua, Lothair's tone seemed to be joyous. "Regardless, if the 'gate stabilizer' works as it intended, you would be able to harness the allocation of space and time in an extremely condensed miniature scale. Just with the device you built alone."

'Wait, doesn't that mean I can jump back in time to the past and future with this thing? Doesn't that make this monstrosity amazing then??'

"No, such scale of size and time manipulation is not possible with that pathetic version of the gate stabilizer."


"Though, it is enough for electromagnetic waves!

"By warping a precise entanglement in space and time, a new side within the dimension of reality can be opened, allowing a flux dilation within the comprehensible timeline to exist. This allows a vital exploration enabler between the nearest timeline within the world line attractor, both back and forward in time.

"Hence the Two-dimensional Timeline part on the TITER.

"With this and the other part of the TITER device, you can catch the electromagnetic waves unleashed from a different point of time~

"Although, because this device was extremely delicate and difficult to craft by nature, you don't need to build it all, hahaha~ Even with my ingenious instruction, it would still be leading most of the listener into a deadend and failure.

"..." Hosua simulated a calming deep breath, before spasming and fell to the floor.

"Is this what depression felt like?" Hosua wanted to cry, but was incapable of doing so.

It was supposed to be a seven minutes audio message, but it felt like an eternity.

"Hmmhmm~! I've actually tested this by sending random people in time to make this device while acting like some sort of god giving an important revelation. 21 people, most were normal individuals with normal occupation and normal life who happen to possess all of the needed parts.

"None of them succeeded~

"All of them should be either going or telling this thing to everyone surrounding them. I've tinkered with an undetectable virus that shall consume the audio file after a day.

"After a month, people around them would've probably think that they are crazy~"

'... You're more evil than the devil.'

That statement was coming from an android who's able to pass the Turing Test, and used that fact to infiltrate the cheat engine community to spread a chunk of elaborate and time-consuming fake cheat sheets.

"Of course, if you're somehow able to craft such a thing, you will be able to use it as intended with the other part of the TITER, which I'll send in 30 seconds."

'A… how such a thing is even possible~' Hosua laughed in a deranged and pitiful way. 'Unless this lady sent the other part of the device from the future at this precise point of time…

'Wait, doesn't that mean she already knows what will happen?'

"You might be wondering why the audio file was suspiciously big, as if it was malware made to annihilate the inner core of your computer. The fact that you dared to open the file alone has proven that you have created a backup and are smart enough to carry this destiny that I've given to you.

"To make it short, there is a medium of energy that is able to be conserved in an adjacent reality, ready to be accessed and inherited with one simple signal. The rest 776 gigabyte data of the audio file is simply that.

"In 20 seconds, that signal will be played from your speaker, calling upon that energy directly into a nearest living soul from its vicinity.

"This energy was the result of humankind's accumulation of wisdom, trials and errors, blood and flesh…

"You see, our kind is greedy, even till 40,000 years into the future. The gravity is a harness, so we harnessed the harness. We deem unexplainable things as magic, so we created our own magic with its sets of rules, which automatically converted the concept of magic into a fully practical science.

"This energy is one of those so-called magics of science. You won't be able to fully harness it fully, but we tinkered it enough for you to be able to alter the course of even in the future…

"The name of this energy is 'Partial Divinity'.

"And along with this Partial Divinity, is the other half of the TITER device.

"With it, I implore you to be the lighthouse within this ever grasping darkness that humankind shall face! Change the course of history with your conviction! And should you encounter an unchangeable tragedy, create enough chain of results to alter the cause for the predetermined result!

"Nothing in this world is impossible! We are the sinful pioneers who terraformed our own planet to our selfish desire! We leashed mother nature, turning the green into black, and the black into the green of radiation for the fuel to do whatever we desire!

"Oh, yeah, failing to inherit the Partial Divinity will result in the destruction of the physical vessel."


Soon enough, a sharp ringing could be heard within Hosua's computer emulator in its head. Immediately after, the tsukumogami construct felt every inch of its body to expand and contract, before having every limb fall to the ground due to the imaginary weight inflicted upon by the mysterious source.

The sole warmth residing within the very middle of the cold machine body was grasped by countless chains from the ground. There, Hosua's visual perception input was able to see those steaming chains emerging from the undamaged tiles, as if they never existed.

All were crawling and pulling the lump of warmth within Hosua's chest, which was connected to every section of limbs and parts in a string-like manner.

'So, this is what my soul looks like…'

The android was calm, attentive even. Those synthetic pupils watched attentively, upon the amalgamation of color and warmth that was controlling that machine body like a marionette.

Hosua didn't see it, but a sharp ethereal sword appeared right above its soul. Geometrical veins could be seen on the radiant blade pumping up and down a dark long strain of liquid substances.

The sword plunged towards the soul.

It was the first time ever for Hosua to feel pain.

Due to how foreign the stimulation called 'pain' was, Hosua didn't scream nor did it cry.

But if Hosua could put the scale of pain into comparison, the relative amount of pain if such agony should be inflicted against human, the torment would amount to the pain scale of ten to the power of two, of 4 index value within the Schmidt Pain Index, which roughly translates to 100 times more painful than the sting of a bullet ant.

'I can't… move.'

The chance to look into its source of warmth for the past months was here. The tsukumogami watched attentively, the lump of colorful will-o-wisp that looked an energetic ball of strings, and the thousands if not millions of incredibly microscopic lines that was attached to every parts of the body, which would originally be invisible if not for the bright light those strongs were currently emitting.

'Those strings, are they transferring this sensation called pain?'

Slowly and surely, every bit of urge and energy were sapped by the impaler sword. What felt like hours, were actually only a few seconds in real time.

'I see, so there is a time dilation.'

"How are you feeling~" Lothair's voice was heard once again inside the emulation within Hosua's head. "If you can still hear my voice, that means you have succeeded. There might be severe nausea and a problem within your cognitive ability.

"It might also take a couple of more seconds before the Partial Divinity had fully settled inside your soul. I'll explain it further after a couple of seconds. Chances are, your body is still hugging the floor, unable to pause the audio file on your device-"

"Thankfully," Hosua put on a pained grin. "I don't need to move any part of my body to reach out to my device, I'm the device~!"

Hosua worried that Hana would be disturbed by the recent phenomenon of an unknown falling ethereal sword out of nowhere, but knowing that she was wasted, it was safe to say that Manager Hana was still within her own pleasant dream.

And just like what Lothair stated, Hosua could barely move any part of its body, even though the sensation of pain was already fleeting.

[Authenticating Administrator access_]

'A? There is a voice coming from my soul??'

[Creating new admin identification_]

'The voice is surprisingly cute, as if a child is trying to whisper in my ears.'

[Biometric appraised]

[Soul's genetic appraised]

[Assigning new administrator by default_]


[Installing Partial Divinity into the inner core of the soul_]

[Installation completed]

[Administrator, input your thought for confirmation]

'Like this?'

[Consciousness identified]

[Executing Batch Protocol Lambda - 000212 according to the unification procedure]

'Executing what??'

[Realigning of the Angular Force of the soul_]

One by one, Hosua felt something appear and accelerate into the general direction of its soul.

All of them suspended before contact, floating around the lump of ethereal color like the moon with the earth. Soon enough, there would be more than hundreds of delicate pieces orbiting with the soul as its center, creating a mesmerizing motion of formation.

[Realignment completed]

[Spacetime Coordinate Margin of Error: 0.002862%]

[Recalibration completed]

[Injecting the lemonade_]

'Injecting WHAT??'

[Unmatching vessel type. Compatible vessel type: Organic Sapient Vessel]

[Current vessel type: Inorganic Yokai Vessel]

[Compatibility level with the Partial Divinity: Level 0.1]

'That low!??'

[Finding alternative solution_]

[Commencing reconstruction on the current vessel_]

At first, Hosua didn't feel anything for the first few ten seconds.

Not even pain.

Which was surprisingly weird.

'... I still can't move my body.'

[Reconstruction completed]

[Current vessel type: Pseudo Sapient Vessel]

[Compatibility level with the Partial Divinity: Level 2]

Immediately after, Hosua felt a foreign yet familiar sensation.

It was a heartbeat.

'It can't be…'

[Level 2 Lemonade have been injected~]

[OS have been confirmed to be the latest version]

[Tech Level 7 - Type: Operational Etherbrain - Grand Assistance Provisor No. 12]

[May the Administrator live a long and fulfilling life~]

No, it's not a system story

Yokoyokaicreators' thoughts
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