
32. Miguel JoJo and Anne Zeppeli ~First Date~

"Hello, there," said a beautiful blonde woman to her associates. She is 157 cm. She wears a purple polo with a heart-shaped hole on her polo's chest. She has a pair of blue pants with brown shoes. She has long curly hair. She has bright blue eyes and is of Japanese descent. She has an average bust with small ears, a small nose, and very thin and bright pink lips. She looks rather beautiful. She is also incredibly slender.

With her legs crossed, she cruelly stares at her associate who is being beaten senselessly.

"Speak again, Dylan Iura," she said, calmly staring at him. "May I ask, why did you present yourself to my beautiful self with such terrible news?"

"Because it's true," Dylan gasped for breath as they continued to beat him senseless.

The woman raises her hand, as they stopped beating her.

"Do you realize why you're such an annoyance to me, Dylan Iura?" she asked, smiling with a monotonous tone. "Because you bring me such terrible news. You're saying my entire team is dead. Where is your proof, Dylan?"

The woman grabs him by the neck using her Stand, Killer Queen. Killer Queen is a cat-like Stand. It is a pink humanoid with cat ears, cat eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Killer Queen has long, pink, curly hair. Killer Queen also has a black armored bra to cover her breast and a black armored skirt. She also has black armored boots. Killer Queen is also incredibly muscular, much like Sticky Fingers, but also slender. She has spiked collars around her wrists and her ankles. Killer Queen has an average bust and a curvy body.

Killer Queen demonically stared at Dylan with a pair of dead eyes. The woman smiled with a quiet face.

"I am Yoshiko Kira, the one and only daughter of Bernardo Salvi. I will not have your presence insult me."

"I was only doing my job!" he sobbed with a trembling voice.


"NO!!!" shouted Dylan. "NO!!! Ms. Kira, please!"

Dylan's hands slowly disintegrated as he began to get erased, dusting into pieces as a small explosion happened.

"Ms. Kira..." said one of the men who held them down. "Why do you hate Miguel JoJo so much?"

"Sarah Quinito," said Yoshiko. "She's running for Mayor, you know? She's the sister of the previous Mayor.Do you know, soldier, about Political Dynasties?"

The men went silent as fear entered their hearts. She paced around before them with both her hands behind her back.

"The Filipinos consider this as a cancer of the nation, based on the words of Simoun JoJo. But the Filipinos don't know that these Dynasties are the ones that are keeping them in line. Political Dynasties help consolidate democracy. It also helps programs continue. People say the politicians do it for power, but in the end, that is how things are. Filipinos have adopted the personalities of their captors: The Greed and Power Hunger of the Whites." she calmly said. "But this loss of their integrity is what happens to keep our nation's structure clean and strong."

"So, why do you hate Miguel JoJo?" asked the same man.

"Because I'm just one of you replaceables," she calmly said. "I'm just another soldier to my father. Just how politicians see their own brethren and children as objects, Daddy just sees me as his soldier, not as his own daughter."

"So...?" asked the man.

"I eliminate his other choices... it's a matter of sibling rivalry. Even two brother bears kill the other for dominance over the parent. Like Cain killing Abel, my hatred of him is justified. Maybe, just maybe, if I kill him, he will find me much more useful."

"Jealousy?" said the man.

"Yes," she replied. "After killing him, gaining my father's attention would be as easy as pie."

She takes out a mutilated woman's hand and licks its fingers entirely.

The soldiers watched her in fear.

After sucking the fingers, she monotonously spoke. "Since those idiots are dead, I'll kill them myself... I'll start with his very own sibling he regarded as truer blood than I am..."


Jessica laughed with her friends as they began to spread rumors about Miguel.

"Hoy..." whispered Anne, appearing beside her.

"Oh! Hey! Annie!" smiled Jessica. "Oh, my, God! You won't believe who just confessed to me! It's that weird fat kid you used to be friends with!"

She and her friends laughed along with each other.

"Shut up," she said.

They went silent.

"A-Annie?" asked Jessica.

"Back of the school," said Anne, staring at Jessica. "Back of the school... now..."

"Anne got suspended for you?" asked Arthur.

"Why are you so concerned? You usually aren't," asked Miguel.

"I have to show you something," said Arthur. "It's a book I've found in the dungeon of the Temple of the San Diego Grimms."


Miguel stood in his normal clothes to wait for Anne. A black trench cloak, a black baseball hat which this time has a star in the middle with a letter "J" before it, black pants, black boots, a gray shirt with a heart-shaped hole on its chest, a chain hanging on the collar of his trench coat, and a pair of fingerless gloves.

Anne, meanwhile, wore a white shirt with a cyan hoodie jacket. She wore a small pink skirt and long black socks with black rubber shoes.

Miguel chuckled softly.

"What?!" she asked, pointing her finger to his nose. He snickered.

"You look like a little girl," he calmly laughed. "Tch-!!!" he grunted out of pain.

Anne seemed to have stepped on his foot.

"I'm not a little loli!" she shouted quite loudly.

"I never said you are!" he shouted back.

Anne raises her fist.

"Tch-!" he said.

Anne brings out Sticky Fingers.

"Okay! Okay! Fine! I'm sorry!" shouted Miguel. "Tch-... Sorry..."

She then gave him a big smile. "It's fine! But if you ever suggest to call me a loli again, I'll zip your **** off!" she kept on smiling.

Miguel was slightly disturbed by this. He let out a big sigh. "Hay Naku..." he said again. "What do you wanna do?"

"Oh!" she smiled. Both were completely silent... for like... three whole minutes.

Anne steeples her index fingers.

"Well?" asked Miguel. "We have almost nothing in common. You're an extrovert and I'm an introvert. You're a dunce and I'm a robot. You're steepling your two index fingers like that because you're feeling really awkward right now. Right now you're probably feeling awkward because I keep talking while observing you profoundly."

He takes a closer look at her face.

"You even did make-up on your eyelashes. You usually don't do that unless it's a special occasion. Am I a special occasion to you?" he asked, as he went an inch closer.

Anne turned red and backed away. "How are you so calm?!"

"I'm not," said Miguel. "Right now, I am having a 157 bpm of heart rate. I'm actually using Star Platinum to slow it down so that I could calm the frick down. I feel like I wanna run away being this close to you. I've looked at your cleavage eleven times already, and you didn't even notice."

"Huh?!" she asked, as she covered her chest.

"I'm sweating right now and I feel like I wanna hide in a hole and die," he continued. "I don't wanna creep you out, but I've also checked you out."

"HUH?!" she asked, backing away some more.

"Also," he said. "Down there, I'm thro-..."

"Creep! Slow down! Hit the breaks! STOP!!!" she shouted, backing away.

Anne gave a fearful look as Miguel sighed.

"Sorry," he said, backing away from her. "I'll control myself. I was only teasing you."

Anne sighs. "Honestly..." she sighed. "You're such a weirdo, Miggy..."

She turned red.

"'Control yourself?'" she asked. "Do you... enjoy teasing me?"

"M," he said, with his cheeks slightly turning red. "Everyone does."

"Do you like it when... other people tease me?" she asked.

Miguel gave a long look at her.

"No," said Miguel, in a completely straight face. "Not at all."

The two stared at each other for a long moment.

"Pfft..." spat Anne, out of embarrassment.


Miguel grunted in pain as she zipped his eyelids shut.

"STOP STARING AT ME LIKE THAT, DUMBASS!!!" she shouted at the top of her voice, looking away. "You said something so cringey with such a straight face..." she sighed. "It's almost hilarious."

Miguel thinks of something to reply to her with.

He smirks and gives her a thumbs up.

"BUENA!!!" Sticky Fingers struck his face.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Anne facepalmed.

"Thumbs up to lighten the mood."


"Technically you were the one who initiated some sort of terrifying cringe sorcery," said Miguel. "Even Zed's magic can't reach the level of such manipulation and dabbling."


"And in the end, the sorcerer became the one who is being cursed," said Miguel. "If Jed were here, he'd laugh at my suffering," said Miguel. "But I'm not suffering, so joke's on him. That just means he's insecure. And you're suffering, and that's funny to me. You fell for my cringe trap."

"Nope. That means I'm awesome, Miguel," said Hierophant, who pops out of nowhere right beside them.

"GAH!!!" shouted the both of them.

"'Sup," said Jedan. "Also..." Jedan points to Miguel. "AHA-!!!"

Star Platinum emerges from his body.

"Hey, Miguel! Wanna eat some Pansit Canton downtown?" asked Jedan through Hierophant.

"GET OUTTA HERE!!!" shouted Anne, stomping her foot.

"Kariel and I were just looking for someplace to eat-..."

"DO YOU WANT ME TO ZIP YOUR INSIDES?!!!" asked Anne, as Hierophant plopped away. "No one can deflect my INVITATIONS!!!"

"You're kinda overusing this new ability of yours," said Miguel. "Well... where the hell are we going, then? Kill someone related to the serial killer? Did you find someone else that might talk?"

"Huh?" asked Anne in her head. "What did he think this was?"

"I'm good going undercover in our civilian outfits. You're kinda overdoing it with your getup," said Miguel. "So? Where to?"

Anne stared blankly on the ground. "Wanna eat somewhere?"

"Wait... Oh! Sure! There's this movie coming out... Justice League 3. Wanna watch it?" asked Miguel.

Anne sighs and sits down on a bench. She looks up at the stars.

Miguel, confused, sits with her. He looks at the stars as well. Miguel uses Star Platinum to look around for a Stand-User.

A soft *zoom* could be heard in the background.

"Honestly..." she sighed. "You're such a weirdo."

"You know, I used to hate that word," smiled Miguel, looking down on the ground. "I used to hate being called bizarre. But then I realized how bizarre the world really is. That's how I, in my own way, became one with the world."

"You ruined this night," said Anne.

"How come?" asked Miguel.

"You're dense!" she shouted.

"I'm not," he sighed.

"I want to ask you something," said Anne.

"Then ask it," Miguel replied simply.

"Stop acting like you know what I want to say!" she shouted, as she grabbed her skirt.

"What if I do know?" asked Miguel.

"Then you're just toying with me!" shouted Anne.

"I'm not," said Miguel. "It's been a long time. What would you want to ask me?"

"I don't want to say!" she shouted.

"Stop mood swinging and start mood saying," said Miguel.

"Do you-..." she asked... she slowly turns to him. "Do you love me?"

"In a way..." said Miguel.

"No..." she said, steepling her index fingers. "Are you in love with me?"

Miguel simply sighed.

"No," said Miguel. "Not at all."

Jessica stared... flabbergasted.

Anne, baffled with tears in her eyes, stared at Miguel.

"You still love Jessica, then?" asked Anne.

"No," said Miguel. "That boat sailed away a long time ago."

"Are you gay?" asked Anne.

"I'm bisexual... with a hint of pansexuality," said Miguel. "I've had male partners on the island. But it was never to an extent where it was romantic. Only... sexual..."

"Were you leading me on?" asked Anne.

Miguel kept quiet and looked around, ignoring her.

"Was it because I left you for Tio?" asked Anne.

Miguel's eyes turned black for a split second.

"I joined Jessica's group, and I ended up dating Tio, right?" asked Anne. "I was your best friend, and I started bullying you with their clique."

"No," said Miguel.

"Liar," she said, as her eyes turned black as well. "You hate me because I hurt you."

"That's only a very small part of the reason," said Miguel.

Anne grabbed her chest.

"Are you a fucking sadist?" she asked him.

Miguel kept quiet.

"Did you ever love me?" asked Anne.

"Yes," said Miguel. "But then I fell for Jessica."

"Why did you like her? She treated you like absolute shit," she said, beginning to cry. "Why? Why did you do this? Why? Is it because I didn't tell you about my feelings?"

"Bingo," replied Miguel.

"How is that my fault?!" asked Anne. "I KEPT IT IN HERE FOR SO LONG-!!!"

"Exactly," said Miguel. "When were you ever going to tell me that you love me?I was dead, Anne. You thought that I was dead. I came back, and you still didn't tell me."

"So that's it? Because I'm apparently a coward in your book?" asked Anne. "Tell me... Why? I lost my brother and mother because of you."

"I specifically told you to not come looking for me," said Miguel. "I TOLD YOU TO STAY PUT!!! I CAN HANDLE THIS!!!"

"WHY DO YOU HATE ME?!!!" she asked, screaming.

"I don't hate you," he replied.

"WHY DO YOU-?!!!"

"Anne," he calmly said. "I need you to stay away from me."


Anne slapped him on the cheek, stood up, and walked away.

Miguel stopped time and teleported in front of her.

"Anne," he said.

"Don't talk to me," said Anne. Anne went around him.

"Anne," he said again, teleporting in front of her once again.

"STOP IT!!!" she shouted at the top of her voice.

"Fine, I'll tell you."

"I don't wanna hear it!"

"It's because-..."

"Because WHAT?!!!"

"You'll die," said Miguel. "You're fated to die for me, Anne."

"Wh-What?!" she scoffed. "Are you joking right now? If you are I will-!"

"You've heard of the Curse of the JoJos, yes? It's a curse of carrying Vampiric Blood," said Miguel. "Have you heard of the Curse of the Zeppelis?"

Anne began laughing.

"How do you think each of your ancestors who were associated with a JoJo died? They each gave their lives to protect a JoJo!" he shouted. "Written in the Grimm Diaries... that a Zeppeli is meant to die for a JoJo."

"Why'd you recruit me, then?" asked Anne.

"B-Because-!" he shouted. "Because-... -your family deserves justice, too!"

"And you learned this... how?" asked Anne.

"My dad showed me the story of Simoun JoJo," said Miguel.

"And-?" asked Anne.

"Then he told me about what happened to your Uncle Ventura!" he shouted.

"And was there a written curse in the books about this?" asked Anne.

"Yes!" he shouted. "Well... no... But-!"

Miguel gasped.

"Something's on my lip," he told himself. "Something soft. It's faint... tastes like... cherry blossoms. Don't ask, Mr. Other Guy. It feels... nice."

Miguel looked down.

He turned red.


"Noice," said the other guy.

Time stopped.

Time resumed.

She kissed him.

Miguel is behind her, facing the other way.

He is covering his mouth with his sleeve.

"So... your basis was paranoia?" asked Anne.

"Tch-! K-K-K-K-!!!" he stuttered. "I'll kill you!"

Anne slowly walked around him and faced him. She brushed up his hair upward.

"Hoy!" he shouted, acting defensive. He backed away, as she went closer. He got so nervous that Star Platinum came out. "After all these years, I forgot how beautiful your eyes are. They say that the eyes are windows of the soul. Reddish-brown. That's your eye color."

Anne softly grabbed his arm and slowly put it down.

"Look what the island did to you," said Anne. "Poor thing."

"Tch-!" he gritted his teeth as...

...he woged.

His dark blue fur flowed in the wind as he snarled at her. He ticked his wings softly.

*tick... tick... tick... tick...*

"D-Did I just-?"

"You Erstewoged," said Anne.

Note: If you remember! Erstewoging can only be seen by Grimms! It only happens when a Cryptid is in extreme emotion!

"How adorable," she said. "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" she pointed and laughed. "I finally made you cringe! With yourself, even! OOOOOOOH!!! SNAP, SON!!! YEYUH!!!"

"I love you," said Miguel, in his grunted voice.

"-AHA HA-!!! Huh?" she asked. "Say that again?"

"No," he replied, turning around and walking away. "So! What's for dinner? Pakbet? I want some pakbet tonight. I at least deserve it."

Anne turned completely red as she covered her cheeks.

"You comin'?" asked Miguel turning to her.

"I love you, too," she replied.

Anne remembers something. The note in his pocket...



"Those letters from the note... what are they for?"

"They're clues given to me by the Rat King. They're the ones..."

"...who killed your mother? Who... are they?"

"I have a list. Don't you worry about that..."

Jesica muttered something in the background.

"I know," he sighed. "Hay Naku. So, what? Max's?"

"KUUUYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" shouted a familiar voice.

"Kariel!" shouted Miguel.


Jessica gasps and brings out Silver Chariot.

"What was that massive surge of Stand Energy just now?" asked Jessica to herself.

Jessica sees Miguel.

"Did you just... witness all that?" asked Anne.

Jessica nods.

Miguel responds with an awkward thumbs up.

Miguel brings out Star Platinum as Anne brings out Sticky Fingers.

"GAGO!!!!" shouted Miguel. The three began running.

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