
33. Killer Queen Part I ~Yoshiko Kira Wants to Live...

Kariel and Jedan walk around the streets searching for the fabled 24-hour theatre. It's night, so they let out their Stands just in case.

"I'm kinda scared of the serial killer here in Burnham City," said Kariel.

"He's been killing women for five years," said Jedan. "I doubt that he'd target you."

"Why don't you just watch the movie with Kuya?" asked Kariel.

"We got into a fight," said Jedan.

"What kinda fight?" asked Kariel.

"It's not a fight that kids like you would understand," said Jedan, as he then snickered.

"Oy!" shouted Kariel. "I'm not a kid anymore! If Kuya were here, he'd beat you to a-! *GASP* Were you two fighting about me?!"

Kariel smiled and fidgeted.

"Ugh," said Jedan. "Enough with the brother complex, Kariel."

"I don't!" he turned red. "I just really love him!" he smiled back.

"And you totally don't have a brother's complex!"

"Exactly! So... why'd you fight?"

"Because he's a simp!" shouted Jedan.

"Kariel!" cried All-Star, his Stand.

"What is it, Twinkle?"

"Kariel! I'm hungwy!" she cried.

Kariel sighed and took out a granola bar and fed it to him.

"Ew! I want chocolate!" she shouted.

"Twinkle," said Kariel. "You are not having chocolate for dinner. Not after last time."

Way before...

"Hey, kid," said the bartender. "I don't think you should be here."

Kariel is shown bowing his head down to the counter.

"You drinkin' to forget?" he asked.

"No," he replied.

"You drinkin' because you're down, buddy?" asked the bartender. "Wait... you were in the news, right? You're the one who lost his mother and brother!"



The bartender's hat went flying off.

"D-Did you just shoot at me?" asked the bartender, as he reached out for the telephone.

Kariel gritted his teeth.

"No," he smiled.

"But... You shot at-!" he shouted, but he looks around to see that none of the glasses behind him broke. No holes were on the roof, walls, or floor. Also, the boy didn't move an inch.

"-...no one..." said the bartender.

"You must be just imagining things," replied Kariel. "But do mind that I don't like you mentioning my family in front of me after such a tragedy."

"So... you have a roster over there," said the bartender. "You're a cop?"

"In a way," said Kariel.

"You gonna hunt that son of a bitch down?" asked the bartender.

Kariel shrugs.

"Who knows?" Kariel asked. "What I do know is that they'll all die... Every single one..."


"Miguel!" shouted Jedan, who is exercising by doing several reps of pull-ups.

"What?" asked Miguel, taking a nap on the couch.

"Migueeeel!" shouted Jedan.

"What!?" asked Miguel, feeling rather annoyed.

"MIGUEL!!!" shouted Jedan in his loudest.

"WHAT!?" asked Miguel, as Star Platinum emerged from his body.

"Let's watch Justice League: Darkseid War," said Jedan.

"Oh," said Miguel. "Sure."

"There's this 24-hour theatre way over in the Main Road," said Jedan. "Wanna go there?"

"Sure," said Miguel. "Oh, wait," he continued. "Sorry," said Miguel. "I can't. Anne and I have plans."

"Oh," he sneered. "Okay!"

Jedan snickered in the background.

"What?" asked Miguel.

"Nothing!" he smiled. "SiMp," he whispered under his breath.

"I have the ears of a wolf," said Miguel. "What was that now?"

"Nothing!" he said.

Miguel sits up and looks at Jedan with terrifying eyes.

"What do you mean, 'simp?'" asked Miguel.

"I mean that you're simpin' for Anne, Miguel," he smiled.

"Hay Naku..." said Miguel. "I don't like her."

"And there you are brushing her off," he laughed. "Man-up and face your feelings, man! What? You're still afraid for her with that conspiracy theory of yours about the Zeppelis's fates?"

"Yeah, pretty much," said Miguel. "And it's not a theory, it's a fact! Zeppelis die young!"

"And it's not a theory, it's a fact! Zeppelis die young!" Jedan repeated in a high-pitched voice. "So, what if..."

Jedan sneered.

"I ended up... let's say... dating her?" asked Jedan.

Miguel turns to him with black eyes.

"I'd consider it," said Miguel.

"Who-ho-hoa!" said Jedan, nervously. "You're creeping me out...!"

"I'd allow you to have her..." said Miguel, as Star Platinum emerged from his body.

"Miguel!" shouted Jedan.

"S-Sorry..." said Miguel. "I'll retract my-!"

"SPLASH!!!" shouted Jedan.



The Emerald sliced his cheek.

"Self-defense," said Jedan. "I missed."

"You always miss," shouted Miguel, as Star Platinum reemerged. "Paranoid little-!!!"

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!" shouted Star Platinum, punching Jedan over and over again.

"STOP!!! WAIT!!! MERCY!!! ANKLE!!! ANKLE!!!" shouted Jedan.

"It's 'uncle', you idiot," said Miguel.

"Sorry for provoking you," said Jedan. "It's my fault."

"No... I'm sorry," said Miguel. "I was actually kinda pissed at you."

"Over that?! Are you insane, terrifying, or both?!" asked Jedan, as Miguel approached him again.



"And that's why we decided to take time away from each other," said Jedan, sighing.

"You're talking about him like he's your husband," said Kariel.

"Look who's talking, Wincest-er Cathedral Priest," said Jedan.

"I DON'T LIKE HIM THAT WAY!!!" shouted Kariel.

"It's called 'teasing', Kariel," said Jedan. "If Miguel were here he would beat me to a pulp. Actually... I sense his Stand energy nearby..."

Jedan closes his eyes and searches the entire city. He found them near a few benches at the edge of the city next to the grassy green hills in the wilds. The two began arguing.

"GAH!!!" shouted the both of them, seeing Hierophant in a fetal position sitting on the ground.

"'Sup," said Jedan. "Also..." Jedan points to Miguel. "AHA-!!!"

Star Platinum emerges from his body.

"Hey, Miguel! Wanna eat some Pansit Canton downtown?" asked Jedan through Hierophant.

"GET OUTTA HERE!!!" shouted Anne, stomping her foot.

"Kariel and I were just looking for someplace to eat-..."

"DO YOU WANT ME TO ZIP YOUR INSIDES?!!!" asked Anne, as Hierophant plopped away.

"Welp," said Jedan, as Hierophant returned inside his body. "That was rude. Anyways... Have you found the theatre ye-?"



Jedan witnesses a woman be dusted in an alley as he spoke with Kariel.

"Stand-Users are attracted to each other," said a woman, who came out of the darkness. She walked silently like a cat. "That is how Arthur JoJo met Ventura Zeppeli. That is how every assassin sent to kill Simoun and Elias found the pair wandering in the woods. We are connected because of our life energies... these life energies are directly connected to gravity. That is the law of this world. Everyone emits life energies, but overloading it will directly kill Cryptids. For humans, it takes time for them to dust, unlike us Cryptids. The only creatures capable of overloading us through conducting waste life energies emitted by other living creatures throughout the universe and beyond are Grimms. That is why my brother is a danger to our kind."

The woman's face is revealed in the light. This...

...is Yoshiko Kira...

Jedan and Kariel's eyes widen.

"I quit acting as my father's servant five years ago after I murdered my brother's mother," said Yoshiko, pocketing a disembodied hand she is holding. "Ever since then, I became known as the Killer Queen of Burnham."

"You're..." said Jedan. "...a woman?"

"Yes," said Yoshiko, as she approached them. "Problem, misogynist?"

The two backed away.

"No need to assume one's form of prejudice," he said, nervously laughing it off.

"Yet you assumed my sex?" asked Yoshiko in a monotonous tone.

"I'm... sorry!" he said. "I can sense powerful Stand Energy emitting from his body! HER body! No! Not that way! God! Am I a misogynist? Maybe Miguel was right after all!"

"You..." said Kariel. "Those eyes..." he said, staring at her cold and calm eyes. He remembered that night when the masked man knocked him out, he stared at those cold and calm eyes. "You killed my mother!"

Kariel draws his gun as she continued to walk toward them, now smiling creepily.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" he shouted. "ALL-STAR!!!"

"Hewo!" smiled All-Star, emerging from his body.


"I'll shoot you right between your eyes," said Kariel.

"Try me," smiled Kira.


The bullet was shot upward, as the bullet curved toward her forehead.

Her Stand appears as it was about to grab the bullet. But the bullet curved away. All-Star appeared to have teleported in front of her Stand, as All-Star rode the bullet toward the back of her Stand's head.


Her Stand still managed to catch it.

Her Stand reaches for All-Star.

All-Star is horrified due to its speed, as its slender but clawed fingers reached for her tentacles.

All-Star immediately retreats to Kariel as she hugged his cheek and retreated behind his ear.

"All-Star!" shouted Kariel.

"So... you're The Ranger..." said Yoshiko Kira. "You're quite the trouble for me, seeing that you have a simple but useful ability. This is my Stand, Killer Queen. She's beautiful, is she not?"

He shot at the sky six more times. Kariel then reloads immediately.

"Killer Queen," she said, as Killer Queen catches all of the bullets.

"SHIBOBOBOBOBOBO!!!" shouted Killer Queen, blocking all of the bullets.

"Seven-bullet revolver," said Kira. "How, cute..."

"I have a hard time keeping track of bullets having more than seven bullets," said Kariel.

Jedan then took out Hierophant Green.

"EMERALD SPLASH!!!" shouted Jedan.



Kira blocked the Emeralds with Killer Queen as she then went for the kill.


She raised an index finger and charged it toward Jedan's face.

"Something about her fingers..." Jedan stood in fear.

Jedan immediately used Hierophant to grab Killer Queen's hands. Its tentacles tightened, keeping the fingers away from Hierophant's and his User's body.


"Oh, sweet baby Jesus!" shouted Jedan.

Kariel shot at Yoshiko as she spun and kicked him in the face. Kariel tumbled backward, turned off his safety, and shot to the ground three times.

Yoshiko ran toward Kariel as he shot at her four more times. He reloaded once more. Yoshiko is forced to handspring backward. He is now 16 meters away from her.

"Her Stand looks close-ranged..." he thought. "Being beyond 15 meters will keep her Stand from possibly injuring me. Whatever the heck it does, I'll make sure that Stand stays away from me."

Yoshiko then flipped a coin as Kariel grabbed it.

"Consider this a warning," she smiled.

"Kariel!" shouted All-Star, beginning to cry.

"It's alright, All-Star... I'm here," said Kariel, as he pointed at Kira.



Yoshiko smiled and dodged the bullets by running around Kariel in a circle. The bullets still homed toward her, as she then flipped four coins toward the four bullets. Each of the coins touched the bullets.

She then flexed her thumb.



The four bullets caused small explosions.

Kariel then pointed his gun once more.

"I warned you," she smiled.

Kariel realizes that he still has the coin in his pocket. He immediately grabbed it, took it out of his pocket, and threw it away.



The explosion of the coin was more powerful than the bullets. Some of the metal was lodged into Kariel's back.

Kariel spits out blood as he fell to the ground.

He trembled in pain as the metal sunk in his flesh.

He grunts in pain and shoots three times at Yoshiko. Killer Queen breaks free of Hierophant's grasp and managed to block the bullets.

"EMERALD SPLASH!!! NO ONE CAN DODGE THE-!!!" shouted Jedan, as Yoshiko backflipped to the car next to him. She then backflipped to the next car and jumped down to the ground.

Jedan realizes what she's planning. Jedan grabs Kariel and covered for him as the car...




"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH-!!!" shouted Jedan, as his back was blown into pieces. "OH MY GOD!!! AAAAAAAH!!!" he shouted some more, as he fell to the ground and bled out. His tentacles slowly regenerated each of his cells, though, slowly.

Jedan shook on the ground in pain as Kariel pointed his gun at her once again.

"STAY AWAY FROM US!!!" he shouted. His hand trembled while pointing the gun at her.

"You thought you could take me, hm?" she asked as she paced around Kariel.

"STAY... AWAY!!!" he shouted.

Yoshiko slowly approached him.

"STOP IT!!!" he shouted, as he began to cry.

"Aw! What's wrong? You look as if I took away your mommy!" she sneered.

"I'll fill you up with God-forsaken lead if you don't STOP!!!" shouted Kariel.

Yoshiko mouths the gun's mouth.

"You want me to do it like this?" she asked, very slowly.

She was facing up. Kariel had pulled the trigger. Kariel stopped trembling.

"You really thought... *gag* that I would let you get away with that kinda shot?" she asked. She then spat the bullet into the ground. "Killer Queen caught the bullet right before it hit my insides. Oh. Jedan, I see that you've been trying to attack with Hierophant from behind."

Hierophant, is in fact, behind her. She saw it through the mirror of one of the cars.

Jedan, now fully recovered, slowly stood up, but still trembling in pain.

Killer Queen then grabs Hierophant by the neck.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!" shouted Kariel. "Drop Hierophant. Now."

Jedan felt the choking on his throat. He gripped his throat in pain as it began to bruise.

"Do you wanna know why I'm doing this?" asked Yoshiko. Yoshiko then spoke in a completely robotic and monotonous voice with a very straight face. "I am a normal woman. I am Yoshiko Kira. I live at 123 Feliz Street, Barangay R.E.O. My favorite food is fish. I always have a warm glass of chocolate baterole before bedtime. I don't like coffee, so I prefer tea. I don't like cheese too much. I like to go to the gym twice a week. As you can understand, I am someone who lives peacefully.

For five years, I've been finally living peacefully... then I discovered that Daddy wants me to come back to capture Miguel. Once he has Miguel... I'd be no longer important to him. You know what he does to those unimportant to him, right? Right... Therefore, he is my enemy. That is why I have to eliminate him. So I can continue to live peacefully."

Yoshiko takes out another coin.

"Eenie Meenie Miney Moe," she smiled, as she pointed to Kariel, Jedan, Jedan, then Kariel.

Kariel then shot at her once again.

She then threw the coin upward.

She handspringed backward as the coin exploded.




Jedan wakes up a minute later. Ringing could be heard in their ears.

Jedan managed to only suffer minor injuries from the attack.

The coin was lodged into Kariel's chest near his heart. He began to bleed out. Pints of blood could be seen all over the ground.

"Kuya..." he whispered as he gargled blood. "Kuya!" he shouted louder. "KUUUYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

"Oh, shit!" shouted Jedan, as Hierophant struggle to try and escape.

"You're next," she smiled, pointing at Jedan with two fingers. "Goodbye, Jedan Lige-..."




"EAUGH!!!" she screamed as she was thrown into a brick wall, which broke to pieces.

Killer Queen was forced to retract back into Yoshiko as Hierophant was let go.

"Kariel!" shouted Miguel, grabbing and carrying his head. "KARIEL!!!"

She slowly stood up.

She spat blood and stared at her sibling, dead in the eyes.

Anne and Jessica reach the battle.

"What's going on, guys!?" asked Anne. She then gasps seeing Kariel. "KARIEL!!!" she shouted, running toward him.

Jessica locked eyes with Yoshiko and felt as if she was connected with her.

"Tch-!" whispered Jessica.

"It's okay," whispered Jedan. "I got him."

Miguel clenched his fists and approached Yoshiko.

"Miguel," said Jedan. "She could bomb things with a touch of her finger."

"I can show what I can do with my finger," he said, clenching his fists. "She's the one, isn't she? The bitch that killed her."

"What are you gonna do, Miguel?" asked Jedan.

"Finish this," said Miguel.

"Oh, please," she said. "I don't think you can handle me."

"Looking forward to it," said Miguel.

*wee woo*

Sirens could be heard heading toward them.

"Tch-..." said Miguel. "'Til we meet again, then..."

"Looking forward to it," she smiled.

The six ran away and hid in the shadows.

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