
Meet Your Creator [Edited]

Following a trail across every bush, Rex encountered swamps, dangerous predators and many exotic plant species.

Just now he was standing in front of two shrubs and remembered an old survival book he once read.

One bush contained orange berries, the other blue.

'If it's blue, chew.... If it's orange... Then... Darn, what comes after orange?'

As He was still pondering, a person suddenly appeared behind him.

"The orange kind is called Heart's Dewberry, go ahead and enjoy eating it, it's not poisonous in the slightest... The blue kind, on the other hand, will cripple your brain after a week, it's called Sore Snakeberry."

Rex turned around in annoyance then said sarcastically. "Thank you for your knowledge Mr. Biologist."

The person had an amused look on his face with a slight grin. "Haha, you don't have to thank me, but my name is Yajo Arao, are there many things you forget?"

Yajo Arao was the last member of the small organization to fulfill it.

His Hatsu ☆God's Mark☆ can mark any solid object with an Ourboros-like tag. To do this, he must touch the object with his hand.

With the mark he can then teleport a few meters near the objects and it doesn't matter how far away they are.

He was responsible for the transportation in their organization, most of the time.

Rex picked one of the orange berries, threw it in the air and then caught it with his mouth. "You left me alone in this jungle for a week, I was starting to worry that you had actually forgotten about me."

"What the? I'm right here, no need to panic."

"I'm not panicking- Oh, just take us to your next marker!"

"Why do you always have to be so loud? Did your creator program you that way?"

Rex ignored his jabbering. 'Amazing, I didn't know anyone else besides Naiki could be so fucking annoying.'

Yajo put his hand on Rex's shoulder and in a flash the two disappeared from their spot, the only thing left were their footprints on the muddy ground.




After a few more complications and days, Illumi and Rex faced each other again.

"I didn't expect you to be alive, just like after Heavens Arena... How did you do that? Was that your Hatsu?"

Rex scratched the back of his head. "Hahaha, we all have secrets..."

Suddenly, his expression became serious. "Anyways, I promised to do everything I could to get you in my group, so what about it?"

"I didn't expect you to actually kill yourself... Which sounds weird."

Rex shrugged. "Well, I guess that's what happens when you don't take words seriously.

So, are you joining me or not?"

Illumi stared at the ground, thinking. "If I have to, but not until I get more detailed information about everything there is."

"Yeah yeah information, I can give them to you afterwards."

"And what about the second member?"

His gaze drilled deep into Rex's eyes, but when Rex confidentially said that he already knew who the second member would be, which he determined to be no lie, he decided to join him officially.

"And what is this guy's name?", Asked Illumi.

Rex took out a card from his pocket and unfolded it.

He pointed his finger at the map. "This place is Lukso Province, that's where we'll meet him!"

But Illumi just looked at him slightly angry, Rex had ignored him, a bad habit that Rex always had.




Having arrived in the province after days of flight on a zeppelin, they left the human-inhabited regions and walked through a pebble-made path into a forest.

"This person lives in the woods?", Illumi wondered.

'And your family lives on the mountains, which they own', Rex thought.

Illumi kept thinking and supported his chin with his hand. "Oh, I see what you mean. The Lukso Province is the place where the infamous K-"

Illumi was forced to stop his sentence.

A dagger flew at top speed, missing Rex's face by only an inch and landing deep in a tree trunk.

Illumi pulled the dagger out of the tree and read the message attached to it.

[This Is Not Your Place! Get Out!]

"Rex, I think your colleague's family doesn't like us very much."

Illumi looked at the figure crouching on the tree branch, who had thrown the dagger.

Shortly after, he threw the dagger at that person, but Rex caught the blade mid flight with his hands. "We're not trying to start a fight here."

"And what's your plan?"

"Oh, you know-"

Another dagger came flying, this time aimed at Rex's head, but Illumi easily caught it. "It doesn't look like they're too happy about your arrival, does it? Are you sure this is a buddy of yours?"

"Illumi, I'm glad to hear of your enthusiasm, but please mimic me for a moment", Rex carefully placed the dagger on the ground and stretched his hands in the air.

"We're not here to pick a fight! Please take us to your clan elder."

The man didn't quite know what to do and looked at a figure behind him.

After a few seconds of talking, the two figures settled down and jumped from the large branches of the tree to the ground.

Then they unlocked two handcuffs and one of them spoke. "If you want to visit us, we have to seal your nen, agreed?"

Illumi stared at Rex, annoyed, and whispered to him softly. "Are you absolutely sure this isn't a trap?"

"Yes", Rex whispered.

As Illumi analyzed that there was no insecurity in the movement of Rex's muscles or speech, he decided to give in.

"Decide now or leave!"

"Yeah yeah, do what you want."


Yajo Arao is probably the last OC I'm gonna add ( There are too many anyways. Naiki, Aziel, Neo, Edward, Zoro, Syn etc...)

The second member, like Illumi, will not be an OC...

Be ready for the long ahhhh backstory next chapter.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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HxHEnthusiastcreators' thoughts
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