
Knocking On Death's Door

{Approximately 5 years ago}




I have...

Never seen the outside world.

That's because stepping out of the forest is the greatest sin of all.

I don't know what kind of punishment you get for breaking the law.

Because nobody's ever broken it.




Just now, the boy saw his best friend. "Pairo!"

He quickly ran to him and sat down next to him on a rock.

"The village elder has rejected you again, hasn't he? Maybe it's time to give up?" said Pairo, but the boy refused to let his will be broken, stood up and threw stones across the river.

"Not a chance! I'll get to the outside world! One! Hundred! Per! Cent! And I know you want to go too!"

Pairo struggled to stand up. "Uh, yeah, but my eyes and legs aren't as good as the others."

"It doesn't matter!", The boy said, crossing his arms.

"And I don't want my family to get hurt", Pairo he added.



"... Ah, that's right, why do they even have that rule?

They don't take children seriously! We can't even take the test to go out until we're adults! They don't even teach us the language. It's always a no, no, no!!!"

Pairo stared at the boy, whereupon the latter replied with a puzzled face. "What?"

"Your eyes are red."

"Of course, I'm angry!"

Pairo looked pitifully at the boy. "They say people in the outside world are different."

'?!', The boy looked at him questioningly, wanting Pairo to keep talking.

"Kurapika, the Kurta clan are the only people whose eyes turn red when they are emotional."

(Picture of Pairo and Kurapika ->)

"Really?", Asked Kurapika.

"Yeah", said Pairo. "I asked my father."

Pairo leaned back a little and dripped eye drops into his eyes. "I also asked him why we had this rule, he told me I wasn't ready for the truth, but then told me anyway."

"And what is it?!"

Pairo looked grim. "People from the outside world discriminate and bully people who are different from them."

But before he could say his last word, Kurapika was gone.




One hundred and twenty eight kurtas in a beautiful, rich forest.

That was the only world I knew....

Until... I with Pairo spotted an injured man.

Knocking On Death's Door.




"Quick Pairo! His legs are completely slashed!", Shouted Kurapika as he pushed the bushes away from his body.

Every blade of grass was splattered with blood.

The person had hundreds of stab wounds and cuts.

When the two saw all the blood, they both panicked.

Kurapika held his finger under the person's nose. "Pairo, this person is still breathing, please go to the village and get help!"

Pairo looked at Kurapika with concern. "Ok!"

Dozens of Kurtas gathered around him.

They looked at the person with concern and pity, the parents covering the curious eyes of their children.

The village doctor examined his body for hidden cuts, most of which had already been treated and covered with a special leaf.

The village clan elder, a small man, patted the doctor's shoulder. "Does it make sense to treat him at all? Even an elephant could not survive with these wounds."

(Picture of the Kurta Clan Elder ->)

"Yes but-"

Just as the doctor was about to protest, the person suddenly started coughing.


With all his strength, the person pushed himself up until he was sitting.

He looked at the eyes of the people around him.

While most people were filled with hope, the doctor asked for the person to lie down again.

But instead of doing that, confusing words came out of the man's mouth.

The person did not hear... No, he could not understand what the doctor said.

Kurtas are only raised with their native language, other languages are not allowed to be taught, only the elders could understand the language of the outside world.

"Bag?", The village clan elder asked as he translated the man's words.

The man nodded and pointed to his bag, which was hanging on one of the high branches of a huge tree.

Kurapika quickly went to fetch it as the village clan elder ordered and held out the bag to the bleeding man.

"... ... ..."

The man said something again, which the village clan elder immediately translated. "Kurapika, open the bag, look for a purple leaf!"

When Kurapika did so, he found countless of daggers that were well-packed, with two looking particularly strange.

He took out all the items until only one purple leaf was visible, which he then gave to the man.

The man divided the leaf and ate half of it....



What happened next, the Kurtas could only consider a miracle of God.

Suddenly, his skin began to steam...

Strangely enough, the oodles of stab wounds began to heal.

"That! That can't be!", The doctor said as he fell backwards in horror.

The kurtas were all over it, some holding their hands in front of their mouths, others even getting so emotional that their eyes turned red.

"Is that a person from the outside world?", One child asked curiously.

"What is this magic?!", Screamed a woman.

There was a huge turmoil, which only increased the numbers Kurtas watching.

"Calm down!", Said the kurta clan elder loudly, pointing at the person. "I believe this person can answer all our questions."

The person stood up and wiped away all the blood on his arms and chest.

"Thank you!", he said. "Without you, I would be six feet under."

The village clan elder shook his head. "Oh don't worry about it, sing us your name instead."

He looked astonished. "Hahaha, my name? Is that the first thing you people ask here? Not why I was almost dying here?"

The man laughed, which made the village clan elder a little bit perplexed and angry. "Argh! Always the youth of today! As soon as you try to help others, they laugh at you!"

Most of the Kurtas looked at the two, confused.

"Why is that man laughing?"

"Do you know what the village clan elder said?"

"No, that was all in the language of the outside world people."

"Rex", The man wiped away tears of joy and pointed to himself. "You can call me that, but I prefer the name...







'Oh fuck,' Rex thought to himself as he randomly picked a name from his memory. 'Ah, can't change it now, I guess!'


Of course, the name can be changed... Feel free to tell me whether we should keep the name or change it 🗿🗿🗿

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!! This was our first contact with one of the 4 main protagonists. I'm hoping it was surprising!

Strangely enough, in almost all the HxH fanfics I've read, I've almost never heard of the Kurta clan (or it being involved), this needed to be changed...

So I came up with a little something.

(I hope you guys liked this idea)




I think it's now obvious who the second person will be.

(✯ = Pov change)

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