
Chapter 95: Lunch

It took the two another few attempts before they managed to reach the tenth, however, considering how shakily they stood after the tenth, I frowned as I barked "Again!"

They were improving, slowly but surely, and I wanted to push them as far as I could today.

It was during that attempt that Kurenai came back out, her face pulled into a fake scowl as she approached me.

She was carrying a large basket, and even from here I could smell the delectable scent of grilled meat.

However, she was walking with an annoyed, irritated gait, making me chuckle internally, already knowing what 'annoyed' the woman.

"How do you stand Anko's whims?! I was trying to make lunch, and then she just..! She just!"

Gesticulating with her hands, she made me raise a brow as I asked "You mean she wanted to vent a little?"

The raven haired woman glared at me, her voice cracking as she slightly shouted "A little?!"

That made Naruto and Hinata surprised, the two young Shinobi's dropping to the ground with a thud.

Sighing, I stared at Kurenai as she pursed her lips, muttering "Sorry..."

"Alright, that's enough you two. Lunch is here."

Giving her a smirk, I whispered "I'm perfectly content with Anko's whims, Kurenai... I have needs, and she fulfills them. Quite well too."

Rolling her eyes, she sat down with Naruto and Hinata, the two kids drenched in sweat and panting.

I walked over to Karin, the young Uzumaki girl still sitting down and moving her chakra throughout her body.

Waiting for her to finish up, I then gently tapped her head, making her open her crimson eyes.

"Come on Karin, eat some lunch."

She nodded and staggered to her feet, blinking a few times.

After a few deep breaths, she managed to walk in a straight line to the others, sitting beside Naruto and grabbing her own fresh sandwich.

I sat beside Kurenai and observed the sandwich, nodding at the grilled beef, cheese, and lettuce.

Taking a bite, I enjoyed the juicy, spicy meat that was subdued by the sharp tang of the cheese, making me nod at Kurenai with appreciation.

The three children were digging in with gusto, devouring the sandwiches before reaching for a new one.

However, there was a slight problem...

"I got it first!"

"No, I touched it first, so I get it!"

Karin and Hinata were back to glaring at one another, Naruto awkwardly sitting in the middle as he alternated his blue eyes between the two girls.

Sighing, I reached forwards and grabbed the sandwich, making the two girls gasp before turning their glares to me.

Raising a brow, I chuckled as I pulled the sandwich apart, splitting it into two halves.

Handing one to each, I watched on in mild amusement as they glared at one another before letting out huffs, only to blush shyly as they turned to Naruto, coyly asking ""N-Naruto, would you like..?""

Hearing that they asked the same thing, they glared at one another yet again, making me sigh.

Really, two women fighting over a love interest is a messy thing~

Chuckling, I sat back and watched on, remaining silent even as Naruto sent pleading eyes towards me.

Kurenai chuckled as well, and she leaned over and rested her shoulder against mine.

Enjoying the children's antics as they pettily fought over the other, Kurenai and I finished up eating.

Seeing that they were done as well, I said "Alright, Hinata, you and Kurenai will spar; I need to continue Karin's training and then see about Naruto's sealing."

The Hyuga nodded, before glaring at Karin.

Matching her glare, Karin got up and walked towards me, loudly 'whispering' "She's insufferable!"

Rolling my eyes, I dragged her and Naruto away, sitting them down apart from one another.

"Alright Karin, get back to what you were doing earlier. If you feel anything wrong with your body, stop immediately."

"Okay Aunty!"

Closing her eyes, she returned to her concentration, attempting to better control her chakra.

As for Naruto, I sat in front of him and said "How have your seals progressed?"

A wide grin appeared on his whiskered face, and he said "Great! I managed to get them to be stronger, and I even made one that was rather... hilarious~!"

Hearing that from the trickster, I frowned before asking "How is it... hilarious?"

His grin became slightly depraved as he whispered "It makes the area around the person slippery... and chakra barely works on it!"


Oh no...

What have I done..?

I helped nurture a monster...

I could already imagine the trouble he would get into with that seal, but...

It is, admittedly, quite useful as a trap as well; imagine walking down a path, thinking it's safe, only to slip.


If the pure boy in front of me utilized it correctly, well...

You have a one way slide down a cliff, for example.

Hell, if you apply it to the cliff as well, then it's perfect.

Letting out a sigh, I stared at him before saying "Are there any others you can show me?"

Nodding, he used his finger and quickly scribbled down a few lines of kanji, creating a rather complex seal in the dirt.

Watching as the kanji glimmered a pale green, I raised a brow at him, which made him give me an embarrassed half smile.

Seems like he found his element too...

Seeing the kanji disappear, I waited a few moments before looking back at him, only to return my gaze to the spot he inscribed the seal on as a gust of wind shot out from it.


Watching as it dissipated in the air, I listened as he said "So far, it's kinda weak, but I've been working on improving it! I'll be the best Sealmaster in the world, you best believe it!"

Chuckling, I got up and dusted off my pants before asking "Anything else?"

He shrugged, saying "I've been stocking up on a bunch of tags, since you seemed to need them."

Ruffling his blonde hair, I chuckled at that before saying "Well, thing is, I'll be an instructor at the Academy in the coming semester. Anko'll be the only one going on missions."

Seeing his blue eyes go wide at that, I matched his grin as he launched himself at me, wrapping me in a hug as he said "Really?! You mean it?!"

"Yeah Naruto, I mean it... I'll be your Taijutsu and Kenjutsu instructor, as well as the Kunoichi instructor."

Stepping back, he continued to grin at me before looking over at Karin, hesitantly asking "Will... Will Karin be going to the Academy as well..?"

Sighing, I shook my head "I don't think so. I'll personally teach her everything... I just don't want to risk her wellbeing by attending..."

Naruto nodded, his face going serious as he asked "Would she be able to attend if we properly died her hair? Maybe managed to make a seal version of the Henge?"

Pursing my lips, I stared at the boy in surprise before smirking, asking "Why, do you want her to be in your class~?"

His cheeks reddened slightly, only to tentatively nod.


Grinning, I pat his back and said "Well then, you need to get on that then huh?"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts
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