
Chapter 96: Preparing for the Academy

Since we had a week until the Academy started, Kurenai and I helped each other review the material we would need to teach our new students; for me, the Tai and Kenjutsu needed was rather basic, and those classes consisted more of improving the students bodies and techniques, refining their rough edges.

As for my Kunoichi class, Miss Tiaga wasn't wrong; it was incredibly basic compared to when I used to attend the Academy, and was more of a glorified study hall and ask-the-teacher-anything kinda class.

Which, admittedly, sounded rather nice; a break for me and the girls, as well as a way to give them extra guidance should they need it.

For Kurenai, she needed to devise a basic enough Genjutsu to put her students under, and then have them attempt to break free from it without injuring themselves or those around them.

She also had a large textbook delivered to her, and she needed to start writing her lesson plan for History, which, I did not do well in helping her with.

My grasp on history was loose at best, since I never really cared for it as a kid and didn't have a chance to pursue the finer arts when the war broke out.

Besides that, I started training Naruto, Hinata, and Karin in the basics of Taijutsu and Kenjutsu as both a reminder for myself and a way to gauge how hard it would be for each kind of student to grasp.

Hinata and Naruto excelled in Taijutsu, while Karin struggled with it, both due to her weaker body and lack of talent for it.

However, Karin was a natural at Kenjutsu, while Hinata was mediocre and Naruto...

Well, he was abysmal.

His blade ended up on the floor more often than not, and he seemed uncomfortable the entire time, making excessive movements and overcorrecting himself way too often.

When I received the packet for Kenjutsu, it also informed me that I would be covering Shuriken and Kunai along with blades, so I tried each of the three young Shinobi in those as well.

Karin had a knack for precision with everything, managing to group each blade as close as humanly possible every time.

Hinata was good with Kunai, but she was subpar with Shuriken and Senbon; she couldn't throw that well, but up close she was a little tigress with those smaller blades.

Naruto was decent with each, and his Shuriken and Kunai throwing was quite good, but he couldn't grasp Senbon; he preferred things with weight to them when throwing, like the Fuma Shuriken.

I added all that on top of their normal training, and Karin was improving at an incredible pace, which made me both proud and anxious; with every day that she improved, I had to prepare to tell her that, until we could completely hide her identity from the masses, she could NOT go outside...

And considering how attached she was to Naruto, and how much she wanted to go to the Academy, I doubt that will be an easy conversation to have...

Besides training the kids, Kurenai and I also toured the village with Cameia, introducing her to both people and the layout so that she could come and go as she pleases.

Anko was also resuming her missions, and was currently in the evaluation process for the Interrogation unit, but considering her history, they were reluctant to take her.

Especially considering the curse mark on her shoulder.

So, our Snake Charmer was delving back into missions, sometimes taking Cameia with her if they were something she thought was beyond just her.

With a steady stream of income again, I felt relieved as we slowly refilled our bank accounts, and Kurenai and I had talked about using half of our own salary to pay off the house.

Of course, after the main house came the guest or branch houses outside, then the greenhouse, as well as any other projects we would want to complete...

Which meant a LOT more money than we currently had.

But, that was for the future, since the things that I were mainly worried about were the three children that consisted of two girls wanting to murder each other, and my new job as an instructor at the Academy.

After all, the classes I were to teach were the ones that Naruto was in, and they consisted of almost every Clans heir...

Which was troublesome, but also meant that, should I succeed in teaching them well, I'll have proved to the Academy and to myself that I can teach.

I was to take over all of the Third Years, and with how the Academy worked, I would 'travel' with them through each year; I would always be their teacher until they graduated, and then I would take over a new class.

So that was why I was currently sitting at our kitchen table, my foot tapping nervously on the floor as I reviewed my class rosters, locations, times, material and so on...

Three hour before I had to leave.

I was more nervous now than I was when we were tasked to hunt Juzo Biwa, and he was a damn Swordsman of the Mist!


So, some changes.

Kokoro will ONLY be teaching the main cast; like I said above, she will be teaching just them and will be doing so for the next three years.

This way I can follow their growth, attach you all to some familiar faces and some new ones, and eventually transition into a Genin Squad, which is where I want to take this story.

I will be changing some teams around, but most of them will stay the same.

This means that this 'arc' will look over the next three years, of not only the classes growth, but Kokoro's and her family, which may or may not expand~

I will do missions still during the Academy breaks so as to not bore everyone with constant character conversation, and some will be mini arcs that span 5~10 chapters, though not many.

This is where a LOT more things move away from Canon Naruto, so I'm both excited and nervous lol~

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!


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