
The Witch and the Kishin

"Arachne.. why didn't you tell me the enemy was the Doom Slayer..?" He asked calmly, though he was everything but calm in the moment.

"The only ones I was concerned about was Death and Medusa. Let's see if fighting can be avoided here.." Arachne replied and prepared to negotiate.

That's when Arachne decided to step up and try to address the man in armor. Though that was quickly cast aside when the man was blasted thirty feet back by an untransformed Neo, whose body was bathed in lightning. Sporting a large grin on her face, she quickly took out Yamato and watched as the Kishin picked himself out of the wall.

Arachne then turned back to see Neopolitan, who had released the illusion on her. Her smirk mirroring Neo's as black bat-like wings and two curved horns appeared on her. A thin but long arrow pointed tail coming out from her lower back came after as she took out Ascalon from her inventory. Arachne watched as the mute Ice Cream girl gave her the 'bring it' gesture.

"Quickly deal with them so we can leave.. They're reincarnators" Arachne yelled to her partner as a shockwave of powerful magic was unleashed by her.

"Here I was, worried for nothing..!" Tenmei Mikogami put his hand on his neck and cracked it, looking as if he wasn't just hit thirty feet away.

"I'm insulted. Looks like I was right though. All out it is" Neo then utilized her proxy form as her now white hair glowed and crackled with electricity.

At this, Tenmei's smile widened and the battle between Witches and a Kishin started.

-Meanwhile, down the hall-

Gilgamesh was mad. No, actually the more fitting term to describe it, was livid. The two women before him, who he previously had called Mongrels, were proving to be hard to kill. The red headed one, absurdly so. His barrage of Noble Phantasms had continued but the need to engage them closer up was needed. He quickly dodged another flaming sword from the older woman before the redhead parried his blade with her shield.

He managed to have a Noble Phantasm hit her, though it wasn't a particularly strong one and the magnetism power she possessed was very strong, for some reason, the blade bounced off her skin. Backing up, he blocked the older one's strike from behind with the Chains of Heaven while focusing on the incredibly hardy warrior woman. He leapt away and fired higher grade Noble Phantasms at them, but Pyrrha held out her hand and they began to be pushed back while Raven, fed up, was now using her more elementally destructive attacks on the King of Heroes.

"It seems I was mistaken..!" Gilgamesh using his Noble Phantasms to handle the explosions of golden flames.

"You are not Mongrels. I feel it. Your bloodlines. That Divine scent.. I will take you seriously then!" He unleashed the chains and his top tiered Noble Phantasms now, instantly obliterating the hall further.

Raven grit her teeth as numerous cuts appeared on her body. She and Pyrrha both were sent flying back from the sheer destruction. Pyrrha's skin taking damage this time.

"We need to quickly kill him off.. I can't stop those weapons with my polarity anymore" Pyrrha got up and looked to Raven, who stood back up with a soft grunt.

"I think I have an idea" Raven pulled into her inventory and took out Hrunting.

"What does it do..?" Pyrrha asked, seeing the ominous black blade.

"As long as his blood is tasted by it? What it will do is kill him. Both of us are going to engage him in close range now. Follow my lead" Raven then took off, followed by Pyrrha.

As soon as Gilgamesh saw them running at him, the unleashed the Gate of Babylon once again. He sent the chains of heaven after Raven, but she suddenly transformed into a black and golden bird and narrowly avoided them. Pyrrha transformed Milo into spear form and whipped it at him like a javelin before deflecting incoming Noble Phantasms with her shield, though it suffered considerable damage from the battering.

Raven transformed back into her human form while Gilgamesh caught Milo. She tucked her body in and slashed across his cheek, drawing blood as she slid beside him. Pyrrha used his flare of rage at Raven to get closer, retrieving Milo with her semblance and using it on his golden armor, slowing down his body while he was trying to cut Raven in half. Seeing her objective complete, Raven saw Hrunting glow red as her slashes to Gilgamesh increased in pace. Every single slash drew blood and was optimized to the maximum. Seeing the blade turn from black, to a dark red, she backed away from Gilgamesh, who had impaled Pyrrha with two Noble Phantasms and kicked her down the hall once again. Now, he summoned Ea, looking as if he had enough.

"I don't know what your plan was, Woman. I don't care.. You are going to be utterly erased now. Ea!" Gilgamesh raised the strange blade as a swirling power was unleashed from it.

"Hmph.." Raven bathed Hrunting in golden flames while wind swirled around it, feeding it to extreme degrees as the hall was bathed in a glowing Golden light.

"You.." But Gilgamesh was cut off.

Her attack came much quicker. A Golden light mixed with a deep bloody one within was unleashed onto the King before he could swing Ea. Vast amounts of magic power swept through the underground as flames and bloodlust obliterated all but the very walls and ceiling. Once Raven confirmed the arrogant King was destroyed, she fell back on the wall and panted, having exhausted the rest of her magic power in the attack. Pyrrha too had suffered some burns, but the nature of her Noble Phantasm allowed her to shrug off another death.

"That.. hurt.." Pyrrha groaned and looked at the scorched hall.

"Is he dead..?" She asked between pants.

"Yeah.. he turned into smoke" Raven responded, panting herself.

"I hope Neo and Neopolitan are doing better.." Pyrrha quietly mumbled.

-Meanwhile, Kishin Sealing Room-

Neo had been punched into the ceiling by the monstrous strength displayed by the Kishin, Tenmei Mikogami. He was surrounded in an aura of Monster Energy, Magic, Madness and a trace of powerful dark energy Neo couldn't identify. He had managed to break through ger aura after five minutes of intense combat and had left Neo with a few injuries that were healing thanks to her Evolved Proxy form. Neo had been leaving her mark as well though, Tenmei had numerous cuts across his body left by the Yamato. Where she attacked with speed, magic, kicks and blades, he attacked while in his true form. His greatly enhanced body, martial techniques, madness wavelength, magic and Monster Energy fiercely clashing with Neo.

~Fuck me vertically.. this guy fights like a fucking Gorilla~ Wiping her mouth of blood, Neo stood back up, only to block another savage right hook from the Kishin and slide back.

"Hahahaha!! No time for thinking, shortstack! Are we fighting or tickling each other!?" Tenmei shouted with a laugh as he ran at Neo, only to receive a fist full of powerful lightning to the face.

"Heha! Now that's-" Then he suddenly felt that same hit five more times on his face, pushing him back.

~Nail punch. Fuck that hurts my arm though!~ Neo rotated her shoulder and pressed her attack, taking out Gram and slamming it down at the battle-hungry Kishin.

Meanwhile, Neopolitan was on the defensive. It started off as a battle of magic, but the amount of spells Arachne knew far outstripped her own. Neopolitan made her own but Arachne had thrown over eighty at her, forcing her to rely on her dexterity, flexibility and flight. Her illusions were being thrown at the Witch but thanks to her strange Soul Wavelength, she could break free of them. Arachne kept up the rain of powerful magic attacks on Neopolitan, making sure she couldn't focus on casting more powerful illusions. She wasn't merely a caster though, both had clashed in close quarter, Arachne pulling out some spells from games Neo knew.

Neopolitan had to dodge a giant hammer made of blue magic Arachne cratered the floor with. She wanted to get close enough to use Hush or Ascalon but every time she tried, Arachne seemed to know some devastating close ranged spell to keep her away. She was tempted to just roll a lot, hope for the best then stab her eyes out. Arachne was becoming more concerned though as time went on. She casted a giant wall of stone in front of Neopolitan and quickly turned to Tenmei, who had hit Neo with a full blast of his Madness wavelength.

"We need to go, NOW!" Arachne barked.

"Fuck!! I was having so much fun too.." Tenmei growled in annoyance.

"You know what happens if we stay here longer, Dumbass!" She yelled back, backing away from the shattering wall, courtesy of Neopolitan.

"Fine, fuck!" He seemed to pout as he backed up and grabbed Arachne's shoulder before a spell encompassed them both and they disappeared.

Neopolitan ran over to Neo, who seemed to be trying to hold herself together mentally. Her eyes fighting back the madness as much as they can. Neopolitan rubbed circles on her back and she calmed down after a minute. Panting, she looked around at the ruined room and back up at Neopolitan.

"They got away, didn't they?" She asked, begrudgingly.

She nodded slowly, furrowing her own brows in annoyance thinking about how hard Arachne was to hit. Neo sighed and got up, looking down the hall.

"I'm annoyed but their safety matters more. Come on" Neo gratefully smiled to her counterpart and proceeded to run back to check on Pyrrha and Raven.

I'm back! Had a week break to think and stuff. Thinking maybe I should do a voting poll to see what fics YOU guys wanna see updated next. Let me know in the Chap Comments and thanks for reading!

Saeko_Kaburagicreators' thoughts
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