
Noticing the change

A/N: votes were really close but don't join got one more vote. But just to let the join people know just because HE isn't joining hellfire club doesn't mean he is going to leave them alone. I'm positive that both sides will like the outcome it won't be until later though.


---Narrator pov ---

Change means making something different, to alter something we already perceive. Change happens all the time when one gets a haircut when someone buys new shoes when someone chooses a new job, all of these trivial things are a change in someone's life. Metahumans are noticing a change, a change of perspective a change of attitude. The protests started small and they changed and evolved into something bigger, bigger than a couple of people bigger than a single individual struggling to pave their path to life to their goals just because they are a metahuman.

Now, the protests represent a whole race of people, a race that is struggling not individually but together as one, and change has happened not political or lawful change but personal change individual growth that the world needed badly but never knew.

A high schooler walks into his class with slow unsteady steps dreading the verbal assaults and bullying that will follow his entry. Nothing happens, he was surprised of course it's publically known he is a metahuman and gets bullied constantly for it.

'What's going on?' the kid thought

Some kids even greeted him. It was no parade but a small show of respect? The 16-year-old high schooler has never experienced such a thing but, now he is. No one apologized for how they treated him in the past, sometimes actions speak louder than words.

Metahumans around the globe experienced similar instances, instances that will pave way for a brighter future.

Someone once said. "Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change." this quote spoke volumes about what is happening in the world.

---Norman Pov ---

It's been a few weeks since Harry's departure to train with the monks. I have been personally training my connection to the people I have tied to my powers. I have been able to send small messages so far not just emotions, Harry's school classes were deplorable I almost died of boredom. It slipped my mind that Harry would text friends usually because peter asked why I haven't been responding, it was rather awkward having to explain how I broke my phone and 'my' rich father wouldn't buy me a new phone until I prove some things. I made up a lie that I was in trouble for a specific reason and I didn't want to say it and now he won't buy me a new one.

Yeah, being Harry sucks.

Things on the metahuman side have made several progressive leaps the protests are still going on and, I can tell that metahumans see being treated better at least for now. People rarely use the term mutant now and stick to metahuman but, like all things good in life, there were some bad consequences derived from coining the term metahuman namely the fact that distasteful bigoted people use the term mutant as a slur word akin to another unsavory word.

My sand training has also progressed exponentially I have split up almost half of my telekinesis energy into sand size particles. With my energy already raindrop size, about two millimeters in diameter being split up into an even smaller size around 0.5 millimeters in diameter that would mean for every one raindrop three sand particles could be made. I would have to say that my training is paying off massively I only have fifty percent more to split up.

---pov Harry ---

It's been a couple of weeks since I got here, my father has been sending me emotional messages every day to make sure I'm okay. Recently I received a message that actually contained words 'how are you?' was the simple but meaningful message. Of course, I missed my family I haven't been away from both of them at the same time for such a long period Before. I responded in my head focusing intently on the link me and him shared, 'I'm okay!' was what I thought back.

These past few weeks have been enlightening, to say the least, every day I trained harder than ever before always trying to improve. Improve I did, now I have a better understanding of my powers over sound letting me manipulate and mold my powers more freely. it was obvious there was a more Intricate reason for why the monks of this temple wanted to train me, my biggest hint is the nickname 'child of sound.' it's what almost all of the monks call me and I can't figure out why is it because of my mutant ability making my connection to sounds stronger than there's?

"We are here." my master said pulling me out of my thoughts

Today my master decided to take me on an outing, we traveled to Alirajpur district in Madhya Pradesh one of the poorest areas of India. As we made our way through the town master and I handed out food and other goods to the people.

Culture shock was real. I'm so used to my pampered rich lifestyle the scenes in front of me are hard to bear. The kind people before me were all but skin and bones I could smell blood in the air someone has died recently. People are dying every minute because of Starvation I felt sad for the circumstances they live in. A sense of admiration for the way they were able to survive, in these harsh conditions. I lived a life of wealth and food, but, these are the people who do not have a proper diet, no shelter or have depleted shelter, live in unsanitary conditions, and have a lower life expectancy than the majority of the population! These people remained determined, determined to live!

The sound coming off of the district of Alirajpur sounded so sad and painful that it almost brought tears to my eyes.

So many places are suffering just like this village. The sadness that revelation brings me is overwhelming.

"Master I want to go out with you more," I stated

"Okay but be warned we might visit even worse places than this," Master replied in a calm yet gentle tone

"Yes master I understand," I replied before walking toward the suffering people.

As I handed out food to the local residents I felt a burst of happiness wash over my body each time. The grateful smiles and tears of happiness I saw that day would never be forgotten but, so will the Memories of sadness and grief that were always looming in the village.

---Narrator pov ---

The night sky shrouded New York, the pale ethereal glow of the moon shining off in the distance provided enough moonlight to see somewhat clearly. A man no a boy in a spider suit could be seen stopping crime, Peter Parker was his name, and stopping crime was his game. He has been busy since the protest started in queens. Thugs saw a chance to commit crimes when everyone was focused on the protests and they seized the moment and took the opportunity like true criminals. Worry not because the friendly neighborhood spider is taking the multitudes of thugs down at an alarming rate.

The infamous spider has been gaining the attention of a lot of people now, he truly is making a change in queens.

'I wonder where that asshole is? He is so full of himself I wish I could tell Harry and Ned about that clown. Although he beat me last time now I have made some preparations for our next show-off. Bastard said some wuxia shit them disappeared he's probably informing his ancestor about me escaping him.' Peter had a big smile thinking of this in, his thoughts about that idiot are anything but friendly.

--Scene change Nick fury office--

'I should have revealed Cap when that Mackenzie girl got shot but Norman Osborn beat me to it! For some reason, I don't like that guy.' thought Fury

Fury's original plan was simply to wait until the protests got worse and worse until they were hanging on by a thread then Captain America will appear and be the hero like usual. But, since Norman appeared and ignited the spirit and drive in the protester's Hearts everything went wrong. He lost his chance a chance that only comes once every lifetime.

---Odin pov ---

I asked my son Thor about the Jinn again and I carefully listened to the abilities he listed.

"He could control shadows or darkness to father! Would you like me to travel to Midgard and slay that bastard?" Thor said with a large grin

"No now leave." is all he got in return

Shadow huh? Hmm oh yes! Curse my old age I missed it there is a group residing in Midgard I've seen do that! He must be the leader of such a group. It seems I need to find their leader.

---Norman Pov---

Seeing as I didn't have much to do now I decided to go back to my research on Abominations genes and Hulks. I want to make something like a big brute that has insane physical strength. They could be useful in so many situations. Time flew by and before I knew it a pair of arms hug me from behind. Apparently, dinner was ready. I ate dinner relatively quickly and started my work up again.

Days passed and soon I was being pulled out of my lab to spend some time with her.

"What movie do you want to watch?" I asked

"Let's watch the notebook!" Felicia said while giggling remembering how boring he thought it was

"Ugh fine," I said in a defeated tone

The movie finished and Felicia fell asleep on my shoulder. I mean she has watched the movie so many times I lost count it has bound to get boring eventually.

--- Narrator plc ----

The sun 's rays on the horizon looked so beautiful against the clouds. It made them turn all different shades of pink, gold and orange. Soon enough, the sunlight has filled up the entire temple. Harry just finished up his daily training,while he listened to the birds singing in the trees. A cold breeze picked up in the wind making me shiver. Harry truly loved these sounds.

While Harry was relaxing he got a message

'I want to meet these monks that are training my son.' Norman's voice boomed in his head

'Okay, I'm sure that can be arranged.' Harry answered

A fated meeting was approaching fast and no one can stop it.


1.6 k words it's shorter than usual sorry this chap was hard to write. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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