
Meeting with A...monk?

—— pov Norman ---

'Okay, I'm sure that can be arranged.' Harry's reply echoed in my mind

These monks interest me, I haven't heard of them before and Harry could be a great connection to them. With our mental immunity, I don't have to fear any mental manipulations and neither does Harry that was one of the biggest reasons I let him go.

When I see Harry I hope to see him carrying a different demeanor, Harry isn't a bad kid per se but he did get pampered by me a lot and the poor kid decided wuxia novel young masters are cool.

'Dad you can come later today if you want! If you go to India you should be able to reach my shadow!' I heard Harry say in my mind

'Okay, kiddo.' I responded in my mind

Well, at least I know the kid still underestimates me if he thinks I can't go to him directly.

Spending a little more time researching creating beefed up soldiers I decided to leave shortly after.

I appeared right behind Harry as I came out of his shadow. He seemed to sense me since Harry quickly swiveled around sending a kick to my side. *pah* I easily caught the kick with one hand, now seeing a clear view of me Harry's eyes widened then a bright smile adorned his face.

"Dad good to see you! Sorry, you startled me a bit." The now free Harry said bashfully.

"Good to see you too. And I expected an attack if you didn't I would be doubting this training of yours." I replied while sending my son a small smile

"Hehe seems like something you would say," Harry responded with a cheeky little laugh

"Anyways let me lead you to master," Harry said walking away with me by his side

"Tell me, son, what have you been up to?" I asked

As Harry and I caught up with what each other has been doing we slowly made our way through the beautiful temple grounds the landscape seemed enchanting to even be in let alone live, truly a place fit for monks.

Harry explained to me the training he's had to go through since he got here, it seems that he had to wear a blindfold up until now to hone his other senses. He also told me that he likes the blindfold more than not wearing one so he is going to get a good one to wear. He also told me about his journeys traveling the more poverty stricken areas of India, it was quite saddening to hear about what he saw and the number of people suffering, they had barely any food and hardly any options to make money. His tale made me want to see the world again, the last time I traveled the world I was mainly focused on business and finding good areas for shadow walking.

Eventually, both of us ended up in front of an old man I don't honestly think would ever be called a monk by someone who doesn't already know the fact. He looks just like Yujiro Hanma but bald and riddled with scars I know this because he obviously doesn't care for upper body threads.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet the father of my student." Said the monk

"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet my son's master," I replied

"Harry I think you should leave so your father and I can properly talk," he said looking at Harry

"Yes master, bye father enjoy your talk." Harry said giving a small bow with his hands cupped then leaving

"He's a good student and a fast learner." The monk said

"Thank you. As you must already know my name is Norman Osborn and I would like for you to keep the fact that Harry and I were ever affiliated with the temple secret." I replied

"It's a pleasure to meet you Norman, my name is Amon Ajagavakar you're probably one of the few who know me by my name now. You and your family's identities will be kept secret I assure you." Amon said

"Thank you," I replied

"Amon I have to be honest what do you want from my son? Monks don't appear out of thin air, offering to train people." I said

Amon's expression faltered and he let a small frown adorn his face.

"Norman although we do have some motives our intentions are pure," Amon said

"What are your motives?" I asked

"We at this temple practice sound-based arts, that much you know but we also happen to be protectors." He said

"Go on."

"I will return to the protector topic shortly. Your son has a miraculous connection to sound much stronger than our own. His connection drew him to us which lead us to take Harry in and train him. Harry has explained to me about the X-Gene and that his sound ability is closely connected to it but, I have to say although his ability might be classified as an X-Gene power it is also not, the X-Genes awakening did not grant Harry the power to be attuned with sound it merely facilitated the process and helps him channel it." Amon said

This is very important information. What if all X-Gene abilities are like that? Let's just say for argument's sake that the X-Gene helps filter and control the output of my abilities and awakening it opens the channel that means so much what if I can open the channel more will I be stronger?

"I see," I said finishing my thoughts

"It makes sense. What about this protector part?" I asked

"Have you heard of Kamar-Taj ?" he asked me

"Yes they are sorcerers that protect the Earth from mystical threats," I responded

"I see you are quite knowledgeable. We are like Kamar-Taj, the Temple of Aavaaz, or in your language, the temple of sound are a group of warriors that protect the earth from mythical threats Harry is now a member of our temple." Amon said

"Hm the sorcerers don't deal with both and what do you mean by mythical?" I asked trying to dig for as much information I could

"Your assumption may sound right but regrettably it is not. Magic, unfortunately, does not harm most mythical creatures seeing that sorcerers were powerless against them the four temples were made to train warriors capable of doing so." Amon said before pausing for a brief moment

"I'm telling you this because I think Harry could be one of the most talented practitioners of my temple's art," Amon said

"I see, you do know Harry will only train here for a period of time and not stay right," I said my tone showed that I wasn't asking I was telling

"Yes, I'm well aware of that fact. But he can still protect the earth when it needs him." the monk said

"I see, so what creatures are we talking about here?" I asked putting some hints of 'worry' in my tone

" everything you probably know. Dragons, Harpies, Griffins, Quillin, and many more." Among stated

" I see that's not scary at all as a father. " I said 'nervously

"No need to worry most creatures stay hidden in the world we rarely are called upon to fight." Amon stated with a reassuring smile

"That does help put my mind at ease," I said heaving a 'sigh of relief'

"I'm glad," Amon replied

We continued to chat a bit more until night began to fall.

"It seems rather late Amon, I should be leaving now it was a pleasure to meet you and learn more interesting facts," I said

"Yes Norman it has been a pleasure have a good night." Amon said

I left back to where I could feel Harry along the way I met many monks and they all looked like true warriors I wonder if Harry will end up like that?

"Hey dad! How was your conversation with master?" Harry asked

"It was enlightening." I said

'Did you know the temples true purpose?' I mentally sent Harry a message whilst we talked about random things

'Yes I thought that him telling you would be better though.' He sent back

'I see. You do realize I am a Jinn right?' I asked Harry

'Yes I know that's why I thought you showing a genuine reaction when hearing about Mythical creatures would help.' Harry replied

'Sometimes your smart son but sometimes I wonder about you. I could easily fake my emotions and heartbeat perfectly I am a JINN after all.' I replied

'Oh, I see well better safe than not right?' he replied

'True.' I said back

"I love you kiddo be safe okay?" I said to harry out loud

"Okay dad I love you too," he replied giving Me a hug

After our goodbyes, I went back home.

Appearing next to Felicia I swooped her up into a hug.

"How was it dear?" Felicia asked

She wanted to originally go along but Harry said that his master should probably only meet me they aren't too keen on visitors and well Felicia would have definitely stolen a few items.

"It was interesting, to say the least," I replied

Felicia and I laid down for the night as I told her all about my day.

"They hunt beings like you?!" she exclaimed

"Yes dear, I don't know how they couldn't tell I was a mythical being but I'm glad they couldn't" I replied

"Yeah me too," Felicia said before giving me another passionate kiss

----Narrator pov ---

[two days since Norman met Harry]

Norman was attending yet another small protest in New York, specifically manhattan. While he was protesting a young red-haired girl was also present at the time she looked to be a junior in high school around seventeen years old.

The girl was reading everyone's minds at the protest by sheer instinct her powers are too hard for her to control. Suddenly she stood still, her eyes widened in shock and unease her stare transfixed on a single person Norman Osborn.

'I can't read his mind!' the girl thought

Just when she was about to look away Norman turned his head around and smiled at her, this seemingly innocent smile sent shivers down her spine.

"Jean are you okay?" one of the girl's friends asked

"Um y-yeah, we should probably head back now." jean said quickly before turning around and leaving the scene.

-scene change jeans room--

In a dark room, Jean Grey sat on her bed thinking about what she learned today.

'Is Norman Osborn a metahuman?' she thought

At first, she immediately wanted to inform the professor of what she figured out but, something inside of her felt it was a bad choice. And that very same something increased her mind protection without Jean even knowing.

Inside Jean, the Phoenix force was contained and it's been suppressed by Charles Xavier for too long it needs to break free. When Jean saw Norman the Pheonix felt the presence of a Jinn it remembers such creatures clear as day the past hosts of the Phoenix force have seen them before and some interacted with their people before they all were wiped out.

The Phoenix knows that the Jinn honor thy contracts. Therefore Norman is the Phoenix's best bet to be set free.

---Odin pov ---

I'm not sure how that creature Is managing to evade Hemidal and me from locating it I know there will be a time when it slips up and that shall be its doom.

---Norman pov ----

I'm spending a little more time with Felicia before I go on my world tour of metahuman rights protesting. She, unfortunately, can't go because of the business work but I can pick her up at some places maybe in France.

Of course, I'm not just going for protests to boost my image but also to experience new cultures and new scenery to take in. To enjoy, to relish in new things. In my last life I didn't travel much and I sure as hell didn't go all around the world to experience anything other than military life. I was not some big shot military man I just spent a couple of years in the marine core then went onto engineering.

Tomorrow marks the start of Norman Osborn's trip around the world!

---End ---

A/N: a little more info on Jinns of my ff universe it's not like they are some big shot creature but the Phoenix force has been around since we'll ever and she was bound to meet them at some point.

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