
He's a sorcerer

Tristan found himself always stopping the lighter from working. Liliana tried and tried, but the lighter wasn't working, so, she dropped it and went to get matches.

Without knowing what made him or pushed him to do something, he made himself visible and grabbed her by the belly.

"Are you stupid, Liliana? Can't you perceive the gas?" He yelled at her, and then her smelling sense worked. How and why didn't she smell it? She wanted to pull out of his enfold, and she tried, but he held her tightly before taking her to his house.

Liliana didn't utter a word, she had told herself that she wouldn't say anything to him or speak to him and she was adamant to do so, no matter what happens. That would avoid any trouble.

"You can stay in here until the gas fades away," he said after releasing her. The girl lifted her eyes to stare at him, wondering when he began to care. It might just be one of his skims, so she drew her eyes from him and paced to the door only to settle her body on the balcony. That was how serious she was about avoiding him.

Liliana stared into space, having different thoughts. One is about the man at the hospital. Two, she was worried that Tristan would hurt her. Three, how he got into her house and how he knew about the gas leakage. She preferred not to open her mouth to talk to him, it was better that way, if they don't speak to each other. She wanted to know how he got into her room, but she let it go. Four, she was hungry!

Liliana was still staring into space when her stomach growled. She stared at her belly. 'Oh, I'm hungry' she told herself.

"I don't know how to cook," he startled her, causing her to flinch. She eyed him before lowering her gaze.

'How's that my business if you don't know how to cook?'

"You are hungry… I have some food items, you can use my kitchen instead," he told her, but she acted like he wasn't speaking.

Tristan got upset. 'You should be grateful I saved your life'

"You put her in danger, why should she be grateful?" He searched for where the voice came from, and then he saw those ghost couple again. He couldn't talk to them in front of Liliana, so he ignored them, but they walked up the stairs and went to Liliana. They touched her, but she felt nothing. They spoke to her, still, she was numb to their touches and presence, and she heard nothing.

"Liliana, why can't you hear me?" Her mother touched her hand. "You don't know that you are living with a demon…He planned to kill you," her mother cried without tears as she was a ghost and then rested her body on her daughter's. "She can't hear us, we are dead to her," she told her husband who couldn't do anything but stare.

Just then Liliana's gaze fell on her father's face. He could see her, but she didn't, and then she sighed.

'The gas must be gone by now, but I have nothing that can provide fire for my cooking. I'll have to get something to eat from outside' she decided to go get something, so she walked away from Tristan who was staring at her parents embracing and warning her.

"Why are you doing this to our daughter?" Her father asked after Liliana left their sight. "Is killing us not enough? Our daughter doesn't have anything to do with what we did." He said.

"I never knew she's your daughter, if I did, I'd have killed her a long time ago," Tristan replied.

"Please spare our daughter, please we're begging you," her mother pleaded, they both pleaded. It was useful, but he wasn't actually listening to their pleas. He just couldn't make himself kill her. Who knows what she had done to him, was it because she was pure, and he wanted her? Because she was innocent? She was pretty? And different? 'cause she was the first girl he'd ever made a mistake by almost opening up to her while kidding. He sighed. If his father finds out about him feeling remorse for a girl, he would punish him badly or kill the girl. "You can go now," he said like a command, and they left. They wanted to say more, but he sent them away. He had the power to do that.

Tristan followed his landlady from behind. She was surprised when she felt someone was behind her and when she turned, she saw Tristan. Liliana didn't say a word and kept walking and sometimes takes glances to know if he was still behind her. He watched her in thought until, he saw a pit, and she was walking to it, she wasn't concentrating on the road because of him, so she fell into the pit and began to scream for help as the water came her way, flowing through her legs. It started to rise and all she wished for was for someone to come save her. She was suffocating and was having problems breathing underground. She knew Tristan wouldn't come to save her and might have even gone past her, but she wished… She hoped that he'd come.

The water had now gotten up to her waist level as she cried out for help. Liliana looked up at the hole with hopes but no one came, she lifted her hands high up, but she was down below. She gave up and let out a sigh.

Tristan walked past the hole, it was her fate to die. He'd tried to kill her, but he terminated his plan and now fate had planned her death for her so, he shouldn't stop it.

He got food not only for himself but also got for her too, he returned to the pit and jumped in. He was so stupid! Why couldn't he just let her die? He wanted to know, but how will he?

With the water soaking their clothes, he lifted his hand that had the food package, so it wouldn't get wet or soaked.

"Look at you Liliana, if you had listened to me and cooked in my house, you wouldn't be here," he said with his unpleasant voice. She hated that voice and liked the one he used to apologize to her then.

Liliana looked down, feeling the water soak her chest and almost up to her neck. 'If you want to save me do so and stop teasing me' she said inwardly staring at the dirty water.

Tristan sighed. "Landlady, what I'm about to do will be surprising okay, just accept it and don't ask any questions," he told her before teleporting into his house. He wanted her in his house.

As he expected, she looked really surprised and shocked when she found herself and him in his house. She closed and opened her eyes to make sure she wasn't imagining things.

"Yes, you are in my house, stop wondering," he said, turning around to drop the food package before turning back to the shocked Liliana. He began to take off his shirt and then tugged his trouser off his waist. "Let's just say I'm a sorcerer," he said, taking off his clothes in front of her. It was wet, and he needed to go change his clothes. But it was weird doing that in front of her. "I can perform so much magic," he lied to her.

Liliana looked perplexed, she wanted to speak but didn't, she stopped herself and then walked away to let herself wonder about things.

He was a sorcerer? So people like that exist. No, that can't be possible…She shook her head.

Tristan had left for the bathroom to change. He knew that she was doing her best to not say a word to him, but he could make her lose to him. He had always done that.

If he was a sorcerer, that means he performs a good deal of black magic. So, that was how he knew about the gas, then she remembered when he punished her. He was upset because she saved that woman. He wanted to kill her! That was when her heart began to beat faster. If he was a sorcerer, he could kill her too. She paced about in the living room. It was dark, and she felt terrified and went to switch on the light. His black and red house looked more like him. He was a sorcerer, he uses black magic…she couldn't believe this, she can't! Liliana shook her head as she touched her forehead. 'Demon'

"Ahh!" She screamed, where did that come from? How? Is he...Is he a demon? Her heart thumped. Oh, what had she gotten herself into? Tremors of fear began to suffuse her causing her heart to unsteadily beat.

"I told you that I do magic. What are you still thinking of?"

"AHH!" She fell to the ground because of how scared she was. Her heart almost jumped out of her chest and her body shivered. Liliana looked at him in horror.

"Don't… Don't!" She outstretched her hands to him with her eyes closed.

He had a towel around his waist as he stared at her. She was terrified, he could see that. 'Our daughter doesn't have anything to do with what we did,' he remembered her father's words. Liliana was so innocent and pure, he thought. If he wanted to kill her, he shouldn't do that without making her his. He wanted to stain her and wash her whiteness. He can actually turn her into a demon, but she was not going to be a strong one and would eventually turn out to be an instrument to demons so, that wasn't a good idea.

Tristan went closer to her, but she panicked and shakes, crying. "I'm not doing anything to you." He told her with that pleasant voice he got.

'I want to hear that voice again' she said inside her.

"Promise, I'm not hurting you," he told her, and slowly she dropped her quaking hands and looked at him with her face wet and her cold sweat and tears. She can be so scared. He bent over and took her shaky hands, bringing her to her feet.

Liliana was still shaking and breathing heavily as if the room was freezing.

"Want me to take you to your house, or you use my bathroom?" He asked. she felt calm hearing his calm voice. She nodded. 'My house' she said internally.

Tristan teleported to her house and fear caught her again, she couldn't stop her mind from wandering. Liliana was breathing heavily.

"I'll leave you," he said before using the door.

Why didn't he just kiss her and erase her memory?

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