
Her thoughts

Having a strong connection was the best way demons could consume whatever they wanted out of a human. That was why he kisses Liliana whenever he needed her memory, and memories being the power to humans, weakens Liliana as he sucked out her memories.

Apparently, there were other ways they could connect with a human, by giving them strong sleeping pills and while they are asleep, they touch their head and absorb whatever they wanted from the human that was because as the humans are asleep, they totally surrender themselves and wasn't in the right state of mind, and there are also few other ways to acquire more from humans, but why didn't Tristan take her memory?

First, the connection between the both of them while he kissed her didn't only make an effect on her, but also affected him greatly. Tristan knew himself to be remorseless but now, he was beginning to care for her, and he should stop that feeling from growing.

Second, he wanted her to have a hint of who he was without knowing why he wanted that.

Tristan stood by his balcony with his hands folded, thinking whether she might be done changing or not. Then he paced back and forth, thinking of when she'd be done. Even if she was, she wouldn't just come out of her house and inform him. He needed to know whether she was done or not.

He teleported back to her house, landing in the living room, but she wasn't there. He sensed her presence and trailed her. She was still in the bathroom and the bathtub with her eyes closed.

Tristan stood by the door staring at her, when he thought she was done changing, she was here in deep thought.

What was she thinking? He closed his eyes and focused, but she wasn't thinking anything, or he didn't hear clearly.

'If only every day could be like this, staying inside this tub in peace without that jerk of a neighbor disturbing my life' she finally thought.

Tristan breathes in in anger, so he was the jerk of a neighbor.

'A sorcerer…Tch, he thought I'd be scared of him… Well, I was somewhat scared, but I need not to… He's just a stupid jerk that wants me to come bowing to him like he's God because he can perform some magic… Crazy man' she thought again. 'Oh, I can't wait for his annual payment to expire, so I can chase him out… He actually thought I'd talk to him,' she chuckled with her eyes closed.

'His stupid dark eyes, scaring me and his cold voice, sending shivers down my spine. He really does enjoy seeing me in pain. Which man or sorcerer on Earth would want his sexy landlady to be in so much pain? The scratch he caused on my upper chest still shows, and my nipples still hurt if I press it. He's the first guy to punish me that way… I wish I'm not as nice… I wish I'm like Raquel who can fight for herself…' she sighed inside her head while Tristan continued to listen, humans thoughts were just so loud.

"A sorcerer," she said out. She breathe in through her mouth with gritted teeth.

'I don't hate that he's are a sorcerer, even when he treats me so bad sometimes… I want to hate him, I want to always ignore and feel anger for him, but I find myself forgetting it and feeling less angry about it, I still believe that that stupid neighbor of mine has a good side.'

Then, she replayed the moment they kissed each other. 'He kissed…he actually taught me to kiss, and he's… I shouldn't say it, I shouldn't' she shook her head. 'I wish he can just show his good side to me frequently even if every so often he's bad' she said still in her mind. If only she knew someone was reading and hearing it all

Tristan swallowed the lump in his throat. She doesn't hate him after what he did to her. He tortured her, knowing she didn't do anything wrong… She did… by saving that woman, that was what others would do if they were in her state then. If he sets his eyes on that woman again, he'd kill her Instantly without thinking twice.

Tristan opened his eyes and looked at the naked landlady soaked in the soap suds. She wasn't going to stop saying things in her mind if he doesn't stop her. "Thought you're hungry dear landlady," he said, this time with his unpleasant voice.

'And his irritating voice, I can't believe I can hear that in my head, he still disturbs me while I'm in peace. What a jerk…' she paused, his silvery voice now echoing in her mind, 'he should actually use his other voice, it's pleasant and calm making him look different, he sure has a good side, but he's just a jerk… A jerk!' she said with a smile.

Tristan went closer to her and filled his palm with water below the soap suds before pouring it on her face.

Liliana opened her eyes immediately and met his gaze, she was speechless and couldn't think straight. She looked at him and then her naked body inside the soap suds.

Liliana blinked a few times, thinking she was imagining things or was still in her imagination, but Tristan was right in front of her. How did he…? Ah, he's a sorcerer!

She instantly drew her legs to her burst after recovering. She screamed and screamed, but Tristan only looked at her like she was a movie he was watching.

"Stop shouting dear landlady, don't forget I've seen you like this before and I really can't see your sweet body because of the soap so stop," he said.

She closed her mouth and stared at him with a grimaced face. "Even though, I still feel uncomfortable… Just go out!" she yelled. Splashing the suds on his body.

Tristan looked down at her and smirked, "stop acting like a child. Do you think…" He splashed suds at her too, "… doing this will send me out?" He asked.

"No, you are a sorcerer, so it wouldn't affect you… Just go, please" She pleaded, still hugging her legs to her body.

"Okay," he said and left which totally surprised her. Did he just…? Something must be wrong with him. Is he perhaps drunk? Or wants to apologize to her for maltreating her but is finding a way to do that?

Liliana cleaned up and went to put on her pajama before going to the living room to lock her door and all windows, but to her surprise, Tristan was sitting at the dining table with food in front of him. She was hungry and then, she swallowed.

"Come eat," he told her and also motioned for her to. She went and sat across him. He shook his head and instructed her to sit next to him by patting the chair. She eyed him. 'Then I'm not eating, I'm sure I can last until tomorrow' she stood up.

"Alright, sit wherever you want to," Tristan told her. He should probably leave, but his body made no movement to leave. Everything about him was radically wrong.

"Wait, why are you being nice?" She asked. "What's your motive?" Liliana squinted her eyes in an askance look.

Tristan saw she wasn't so stupid. Wait…Why was he being nice? He asked himself this time. He shook his head. He was definitely not okay.

She gasped. "Oh, you wanna poison me…I should have known, you hate me so much and…"

He picked up the spoon and packed some rice before planting it in his mouth and then swallowed. He even drank water with it. She looked at him with her mouth open.

"It doesn't prove anything, I mean, you're a sorcerer!" She almost yelled.

Tristan became fed up. "If you prefer not to eat, it's your fucking problem…" He said and began to serve himself.

She watched him and as he ate, she felt starving so, she served herself too. "If I die, it's on you," she said. If only she knew that he'd tried to kill her once or twice or maybe thrice, she wouldn't say that. She stared at him before eating.

It was so silent as they ate and when she was done, she drank water and became sleepy, sleepy that when she stood up, she was staggering.

Liliana took all the plates to the kitchen and thanked Tristan in her mind before accusing him again of her dying.

"You can go now, neighbor. I've eaten," she said with her eyes half closed. Tristan walked out the door before she locked the doors and windows.

Liliana fell on her bed before falling into a deep slumber.

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