

As I was slowly coming back to the world of the living after my whole ordeal, I slowly open my eyes, and even slower and for some reason painfully lift my body off what I guess they call a bed. Everything is blurry as I look around, and as my eyesight starts to settle down and give me a clear picture of where I am, all I can say is...

"Ugghhhh…..what a shit hole...."

As I gather my whit and try to understand what's going on, I feel a dull pain in my head and start to remember who I am, or was before I woke up, and as it came back to me the only thing I felt was anger...

Mostly at the kid that was piloting my body, but when I look back from a neutral standpoint, it all kind of makes sense, a body always smaller than children his age, 2 older brothers equipped with breathtaking levels of assholery, Richard and Kyle, and their cunty mothers, well those toxic bitches not only seem to condone their sons' dick-like behavior, they even encourage it.

And this kid or me to be specific, and no I don't think of it as me taking over someone else's body or any shit like that, I see it as my body running on autopilot while I was skipping the shitty baby life I really didn't want to live through, a very meek and fragile autopilot...

I would say that this kid was bullied, but that word is too light for what he went through, just looking back at some of the shit those "brothers" of mine did, in the old world would have them in a pharmaceutical coma from all the meds they would be on, and don't even get me started on the shrinks….

For example one day my brothers came to me and told me they wanted to play a game, and my lonely ass thought 'hey things are starting to turn around!', long story short. no, they weren't.

So they brought me to a clearing just outside my shack, yes I live in a shack at the side of the castle, not in the castle, and yes seems like the family has a castle but more on that later.

And as we arrive my excited ass asked them what we were going to play as they both just smile with that psycho smile that all deranged children in movies/anime get, yeah you know the one…..

Well the game was called "how long till you cry" and I didn't seem to enjoy this game, it was me being held down while my psychotic brothers Pokémon practiced a few moves on me, and even if they are weak, so was I with a frail body.

Anyone 20 minutes and a broken rib later they decided they won this game and walked off laughing leaving the 4-year-old me basically dead on the ground until a guard found me 10 minutes later, and took me to the infirmary after which he notified the lord, who actually came for some reason.

Anyway back to me looking around my shack and thinking about my situation, when a thought hit me. Where are my magikarp, houndour and beldum?, I have no memories of them, so I don't have them yet. Well, I gotta find them, and soon my situation is kinda fucked at the moment.

But then another thought occurred to me, I don't know shit about the Pokémon of this world? and then as if something clicked a subtle feeling started to lovingly stroke my brain...

With the 'subtlety' of a brick to the face, and my mind being lovingly caressed by a thousand fiery chainsaws. The word pain doesn't describe what is happening to me right now, no it's so much more….

It's not just my head that's being assaulted by imaginary fiery power tools, no no, my bones are being taken to task on a fucking wire wheel, like growing pains in nightmare mode

I have to say, these gods have fucked me royally for their entertainment, but I did choose to take their deal so kinda 50/50 on that, but from what I'm getting from what memories and the knowledge that's slowly and oh so painfully making its way into my head, my lazy life is ganna need some prep work.

After what felt like days of pain, it started to chill out a little, and slowly things became clearer, colors deeper, it was trippy, to say the least as I look around with a bit more clarity of my situation as a whole, and remember the last thing that I can recall is me in the infirmary, my father asking which wild Pokémon attacked me, me telling him I don't know him leaving and then waking up as me again…..

So those little fuckers lied to father about what happened and my old self just went along with it, well can't really blame him, I have 0 support, no Pokémon and honestly no one who cares about me besides my 'father' who I don't care for, he seems to have a soft spot for me by is just gullible to believe those snakes he calls wives and those little murderers in the making who also seem to have him wrapped around their little finger.

So probably gonna have to take some shit till I get some of my crew together, some money, and hopefully a little older before I can take off out of this cesspool that is the nobility of Sinnoh as I can't imagine my family being unique to this type of behavior.

As I'm stewing on what to do next, I look at my hands and then it hits me, my hands have a little more meat than I remember. I look at my hands for a good couple minutes before I heave my small frame from the straw-stuffed sheet these people call a mattress, and find a polished bronze mirror to look at myself, and what I see surprises me.

Before I woke up, this body was around 3 feet tall, with almost sickly pale skin due to the fact the olf me was a vegetarian, and the fact his brothers constantly made sure he couldn't eat properly, white hair which was quite dull, paired with dull red-colored eyes, to make what could be a decent looking kid if it wasn't for the fact he looked like an abused puppy

Now on the other hand, the changes were minor but made 'him' look like a new person, he had grown Roughly half a foot, which was quite tall for a 4-year-old, the average height in this world I found was around 5'7, his pale sickly skin got a bit of a….. I won't say a tan, but not sickly white anymore, his hair seems to have lost its dull and oily appearance, and decided it wanted to look like a majestic mop of silvery goodness and my eyes, my eyes were…..hmmmm, I want to say magnificent but it's too much… let's just say they have some spirit in them now…..

And my body, well I don't wanna say I look chubby, it's just baby fat, but I definitely put on some meat, no longer skin and bones and I'm ganna have to change this soy boy diet of non meat… all in all I could only describe myself as cute as fuck….

But as that was being processed in my mind I started to feel the reasons for these changes, and it's not due to those gods wanting me to make some dramatic comeback story…. No, it was only what I can assume is running through my body…. Aura….

I can feel it dancing around my body as if it had a mind of its on gently flowing around my bones and muscles, and it felt amazing. I felt strong, stronger than any 4 year old had a right to feel, it was like a high, constant and natural that seems to just boost everything, pretty dope…

As thinking and feeling all this….foot steps were becoming louder, normally I wouldn't be able to hear them but I can chalk it down to aura shenanigans.

The door opened slowly and 2 children stepped in, no knocking or anything just waking right in... and as they stood at the door and looked at me one of them spoke with a friendly yet creepy smile.

Richard " hello brother…"

Well... fuck

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