
Fuck it….

Hey guys me again, sorry for the slow grind of info, just trying to establish the mc's character and give a sort of overview of what sort of guy he is and a little bit of world building so you can kinda imagine what's going on, not that I'm very good at it.

I will be doing different povs from time to time to spice it up, he won't be 4 forever, just ganna get some character details and introductions in before and kind of time skip.

I have a general outline for how I want the story to go with some twists and turns I find funny, got most of it written down and change it bit by bit was I write and inspiration strikes, but yeah I hope you enjoy.


As tweedle dee and tweedle dumb are standing in the doorway looking smug as 7 year-olds possibly could, oh how I want to slap that smugness right out of them, but it's not the proper time, gotta lay low until I can pull my crew together and do a little training with the growth bonus I couldn't imagine it taking to long.

Richard storm…. My brother…. Spawned from the women known as Jennet storm, they both have blonde hair and a very punchable rat face, longish nose beady eyes, and generally just rat-like behavior….

Honestly, I couldn't imagine how my 'father' would marry someone like that until I remembered political marriages was a thing here. And I also just remembered that she came from a prominent viscount house about 4 weeks' travel northwest from here, did I forget to mention this world is fucking MASSIVE!, I did? Well, we can speak more about that later.

Jennet comes from the Orneal house, as I said a prominent viscount house to the northwest but what I didn't mention is how fucking cliché they are with their family's famous yellow hair, and what type of Pokémon they raise?. Do I even need to say it?

Well, I'm gonna anyways, it's electric type…..shocker I know! Jennet gifted her precious little pile of psychotic entitlement a light green talent baby shinx for his 7th birthday which was a year ago and he hadn't trained it, it's kinda fat, to be honest.

And then we come to tweedle dumb aka my other brother, Kyle storm… I know right cringy fucking name, and spawned from fathers second wife jade storm, formally known as Jade Lurrest, daughter of some baron 'close' to jennets father, as far as looks go she's actually pretty solid 6/10, blue hair, and what would catch your attention the most and something that seems almost illogical is her tig ol bitties, when I say illogical I mean DDs on a smaller framed woman.....In this age, bras aren't a thing yet so she must be struggling….

But back to Kyle, could actually be described as handsome if you squint your eyes and tilt your head, but that's probably just biased because I hate his guts, one of those people that looks like a nice guy type but ends up having like 7 bodies in his basement type of person, and trailing behind him is his little furry bundle of cuteness...evee, the fucking femboy starter,

As they walk into the room, Richard opens up with a "hello brother"

I internally cringe at that, fuck this kid and his little greeting, 'no Gideon no, bad Gideon, stick to the plan!', I have to remind myself that violence isn't the answer…

Richard " I see you have recovered from your little 'accident'" said with a smirk

Well…. Turns out violence isn't the answer like I thought, violence is the question and it turns out the answer is yes...before I even realize what's happening my fist is in slow mode moving towards Richards face at full strength, mind you I'm 4 and normally it wouldn't be much, but my friends don't forget the aura juice running through my veins!

As fist met nose, I felt a crack 'yep, that's broken!' And as everything speeds up again and Richard, I won't say flew I'll say tumbled a couple of feet away, I suddenly turn to his taser kitten and reel my leg back and punt it as hard as I could, and it seems aerodynamic as it flips a few times and collided with the wall.

Kyle is standing there stunned as I don't give him a second to think as I kick him square in the cherries, and would you look at that, his face matches his hair, but all of a sudden his evee, is growling but with another quick punt it's sent across the way next to his buddy shinx who has recovered and sparking ready to fuck my shit up,

Fuck, they are sturdier than they look, not gonna go toe to toe with a Pokémon in a 4-year-old body, and I turn to leg it, jumping over a crying Richard with a spring in my step I make for the main gate, with a very upset taser cat on my heels and only one thing was playing in my mind….

'Where the fuck is my fish!!!'

Not even mentioning my hellhound and cyborg crab, but as I'm running like my life depends on it questioning my very short new life choices... I feel it, like a pulling sensation in the direction of the ocean, and I knew what it was…..

'My fish buddy, he cometh!!!'

Gotta make it to father to make sure I live long enough to find him, so sprinting like a man…. A child possessed in what I can only imagine as some sort of 4-year-old world-record-setting speed and that fucking asshole cat, not even 10 feet behind me I managed to see a guard and his Pokémon, which looks like a dog with a mustache, I call out.

Gideon" hellllllppp!!! Pokémon attack!!!"

As the guard and his mustache dog jump into action and run straight at me, the cat seemed to notice and backs off, turns around, and runs back to his pile of human garbage, he calls a master. Friend? Whatever doesn't matter I'm good now, the guard comes up to me, and suddenly he recognizes me and kneels down.

Guard " young lord are you alright?! It didn't get you anywhere did it!?"

He seems panicked and weird, but yeah I'm feeling fantastic, punched a kid, kicked a cat, and can even tell that my fish boy is on his way, all in all, a feeling pretty good about myself.

Gideon" yeah I'm good my man, cheers for the help, any idea where pops might be? I gotta see him about a thing"

Guard " yes young lord, I'll escort you there!"

Gideon " alrighty my dude, lead on"

I'm thinking what just happened is probably gonna bring me some problems, but fuck me, did feel good, even if all that bad shit didn't actually happen to me, the memories were very real,

Ganna have to deal with the aftermath soon but for now, I gotta see a man about a fish….

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