
21st Century Knight

Self-reliant Gabriella Keller has never had a dependable man in her life. Her experience with the opposite sex has been disappointing, to say the least. It's no wonder why she's become skeptical about the male race while secretly still hoping to find the love of her life, the evidently extinct noble knight. But fate has an unexpected way of guiding the hand of love and Gabriella might find romance bumping into her in the unlikeliest of ways. Question is, is this damsel ready for a knight unlike any other? Straightforward millionaire Brandon Whiteley has seen it all... The women with curves, the jewel encrusted blondes and brunettes, the 'marry for money' types... What he sought might be rarer than a pearl in the artic - and that was a woman the world would be put to shame by. But angels do exist and he might stumble into one when he least expected it. Question is, can he recognize an angel in disguise?

MJKristo11 · Thành thị
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33 Chs

Epilogue: How I Met a Millionaire

"Okay, I got the license. What's next on the list?" Brandon asked Gabriella one afternoon. They were sitting on the couch in his house, preoccupied with preparing for their wedding (Gabriella had officially moved in with him upon his request). Brandon was ticking off the checkboxes on their list of things to do. They had insisted on doing everything themselves and had politely turned down help from their family and friends. Needless to say, they were thoroughly enjoying themselves planning their own wedding as very few couples actually throw their own weddings exactly the way they want it.

"Venue. Usually those are the hardest to get because you're supposed to book them in advance," Gabriella said.

"Gabriella, you're forgetting who you're getting married to," Brandon winked at her. "Leave it to me, I can get anything done." Gabriella turned to him with an arched eyebrow and trailed her fingers down his chest.

"Okay, Mr. I-can-do-anything. What did you have in mind?"

"Hmm… I don't think I should tell you what I have on my mind right now." Brandon's voice became husky as his own hands snuck around her waist. Gabriella smiled and slipped her hand between his shirt buttons, her fingers feeling cool against his skin.

"Then tell me about the venue," She breathed.

"Angel, please. Not while you have your hands in there. You're distracting me to pieces," Brandon rasped. Gabriella pulled back and sat up straight, tucking her hair back.

"Okay then. I'll save that for later," She said demurely, making Brandon laugh.

"When did you get so beguiling? That's my role."

"I can play that game too." She said, rubbing her knee against his. Brandon purred at the feeling before clearing his throat.

"Who am I marrying? An angel or a siren?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Don't let your mind wander just yet. We have a wedding to plan," Gabriella reminded him. He sighed happily.

"Just a few more days before I can make you mine." Gabriella laughed.

"Barry honey, you don't have to wait a few more days for that. I'm already yours." Brandon's heart soared at that and he leaned forward.

"Okay, then I better get this venue fixed up, fast."

"Sassie wants to be the maid of honor… Teddy will be the ring bearer… Peter will be the best man…" Gabriella counted off items on her fingers. "Oh! And we also need to send out wedding invitations."

"I already invited all our family and friends. Is there anyone else?"

"I wanted to invite my friends from Little Dove Center," Gabriella said inquiringly.

"Of course! We can't forget them." Brandon nodded vigorously.

"And my old boss, Jess. She's a good friend of mine too."

"Consider her invited. I'll send the invites out right away. We're gonna have everybody there!" Gabriella laughed again, infected by Brandon's gusto.

Some days later, while she was preparing dinner, Gabriella got a call from Sassie. She picked it up, wondering what it was all about.

"Sass, what's the occasion?"

"I'm worried, Gabby. That millionaire of yours tends to go over the top with planning and – I just had to hire a wedding planner for you!" Sassie blurted out.


"I couldn't help myself, Gabby! You should've seen his ideas for the proposal – I wouldn't be surprised if he's as bad as Beckham when it comes to the wedding!"

"Sassie, we've got it well in hand, don't worry."

"I know, you're level-headed enough to keep things normal. But just accept a little help, please?"

"Okay Sass, since you insist."

"Thanks, Gabby! The wedding planner will meet you in Central Park for an interview. She comes very highly recommended. She's also a publicist and I figured you two could use some expertise in bringing your wedding to the public in the best possible light since Brandon is practically famous as a millionaire and all—"

"Thanks, Sassie!" Gabriella said loudly to break her monologue. Sassie grinned.

"I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I? Okay, I'll talk to you later, have fun!" She said and hung up. Gabriella blew out her cheeks as Brandon came into the living room just then.

"Who was that, Angel?" He asked. Gabriella bit her lip, wondering how he would feel about getting a wedding planner.

"Er, Sassie. Barry, how would you feel about an interview with a wedding planner?"

Brandon didn't stop sighing all throughout the drive to Central Park and Gabriella didn't stop petting him in response.

"I know you don't like it, Barry, but we already have everything planned out, so why worry? I just couldn't say no to Sassie."

"And I had everything planned so beautifully…" Brandon whimpered. Gabriella leaned towards him and pecked his cheek.

"I promise we won't change a thing. I'm only doing this to indulge Sassie. And besides, the wedding planner can help with making our wedding public without the paparazzi smearing dirt over us again."

"Okay, if it'll make you happy, I'll go along with it," Brandon yielded. They soon arrived at the park and met up with the wedding planner who was waiting for them at the picnic tables. She was a woman in her early forties, neatly dressed in a prim coat and skirt, her hair in a tight ponytail behind her head, and large square spectacles perched on her nose. She greeted them formally as they sat down.

"It's very nice to meet the bride and bridegroom-to-be. My name is Eva and I'm here to help you with your wedding." She interviewed them well and soon Brandon's reserve about hiring her wore off; she seemed to know her stuff and was very professional. She also accepted that the couple had already planned nearly everything down to the detail and approved them for taking the initiative themselves. Finally, she asked them about the vows they would make at the altar.

"Oh, I haven't had time to think of that yet," Gabriella admitted. Brandon smiled.

"I already have mine written down, I can help you with yours if you like," he said. Gabriella met his gaze with love-filled eyes and it was a minute before Eva had to clear her throat to get their attention.

"Everything sounds wonderful, so far. I just need some details about the press release for the public. I'm sure all of New York will want to know how its most wanted millionaire met his bride-to-be." Gabriella and Brandon looked at each other with secret smiles on their faces.

"Should we tell her?" She asked him. He nodded.

"It may not have been the most romantic meeting, but it was the start of our story," he said, turning to Eva. Eva looked interested.

"Really? Tell me all about it," she said. Brandon took Gabriella's hand in his own as she began.

"It all started with a hotdog…"

The End.

WE'RE AT THE END! WHOOOOO! Or maybe I should be crying to say goodbye... but honestly, I squealed when I reached the end. I hate to say goodbye, but all the love you guys have shown my characters makes it worth it! I'm so happy! PS, I couldn't help myself giving this last chapter another cliche title, lol.

We're really at the end and I'm in happy tears... Give Gabriella and Brandon one last star to show how much ya loved them!

Thanks for sticking to the end of my Millionaire's love story.

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