
Chapter 285: The Key to Being a Leader

L͇a͇ ͇c͇l͇a͇v͇e͇ ͇d͇e͇ ͇s͇e͇r͇ ͇u͇n͇n͇ ͇L͇í͇d͇e͇r͇

It is the first time I wake up in a place that is not my home, although of course I am lying to myself at this moment, it has already happened several times where I woke up in places I didn't even know, it happened many times, several times, and in all of them I couldn't do anything, although I wanted to I simply couldn't, another being had taken possession of me and forcing me to do things I never wanted to do, the way in which I destroyed everything and ended the lives of many people, is something that is still marked in me, is that why lately I feel uncomfortable when I go to my God Form, maybe that is why I refuse to use my powers, I do not know many things, and that is why I am in this of my own free will, maybe I can learn how to mature after all. As long as there is someone who is guiding me, I know I can do it, lies are something I'm not very good at, I don't know how to react to one of them.

『Why do people lie?』

From so much conflict I have with lying and not being able to do it, since I always end up telling the truth, why do people lie? there are even times when they do it as if it were something as simple as breathing, don't they feel bad doing it? don't they feel that there might be a consequence if you don't tell the truth? why would you lie to someone who you trust and love a lot, I would never be able to do something like that, it's just something wrong, but to a stranger? it would be ok to lie to someone you don't trust, right? well it would be much less, because simply how can you want to trust someone, how can you want to be friends with someone, if you start telling lies, how can you live full of lies, it's something I always had in mind, my family...yo....

Suddenly a cell phone rang next to Cliston, this did not alarm him so much since he was lost in his mind, he quickly remembered that Tomeo told him while they were on the ship, that in the establishment, in his room, there will be a special cell phone so they can communicate when they need it or when they are out on a mission, the truth is that Tomeo had not thought of giving a cell phone to Cliston, if they want to communicate, the headphones were enough. But when he was at the Nimura family home, the mother asked him to at least let her communicate with her son, the insistence and the mother's love that she felt, he could not refuse. This cell phone has access to worldwide calls, as long as there is signal, you will be able to call him from anywhere in the world without any additional charge, again what good quality.

Cliston picked it up and it looked like a simple cell phone, who is calling, he asked himself, since the number that appeared was censored, when he finally answered, he realized that it was his mother who was calling him. Listening to her how she was asking for him, how she was worried about him, that tone of sadness could be felt, it was something that with just her voice, he could feel his mother close.

『Cliston? Is that you?!!! Finally this number works!!!! Tell me how are you!!! Are you all right? You didn't get hurt? How is your arm? You haven't done anything crazy? Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Thank you! I've been waiting for hours for this thing to work, they told me that I can only call you if I do this, and that, I don't really understand much, but the important thing is that we can finally communicate. !!!! Cliston? it's you isn't it?』

Mother Nimura, from her home, was communicating with the help of her phone that was connected to the home computer, so that she could communicate with her son, she needed to know about computers, download a lot of things, but in the end thanks to the fact that she wrote everything down on a piece of paper, she was finally able to do it. The mother was so worried that when she finished her words, she became afraid that her son might have been the one who answered. Cliston didn't speak, because he was so happy to hear his mother's words that it brought a smile to his face.

『Yes, it's me mother, I wasn't speaking, because I thought I would never hear your complaints again 』

『I don't care that you're on the other side of the world! You'll hear me how I care about you son!!!! But what a joy, then if you're well, if you're well...how nice』.

They began to talk about the most common things as if they were next door, the atmosphere that was strange and unfamiliar from the beginning, now was calm and even relaxing, all because of being able to talk to his mother, answering her concerns and doubts, was what made Cliston smile the most. He began to tell her how was his first day, the things he did and all the new things he learned, quickly his mother saw him wrong, and began to complain about why he does so many crazy things, how is it possible for him to face an army alone and above all, that he was targeted behind his back, that was what earned him a scolding from his mother.

『But what else can I do mother, that's what I'm into now, you know, how can you grow fruit, if you're not there to do it, it's not going to grow by itself, although it can...so...(ah, I got stuck) the thing is, you can't do something if you're not there present, and I want to be able to help』.

His attempt to look like his grandmother was a failure, even he himself realized that he is not so good at setting examples, his mother wanted to understand, tried to understand, but the very thought that her son is in a dangerous place, is just something he never wants, even if he has the power of a God, even if he is safe anyway, danger will always abound, you never know what can happen, one carelessness and it can all be over.

『Then I will always keep my eyes open for that not to happen, I am also aware of the danger, for that very reason I have to mentalize myself that nothing will happen to me, besides yesterday was my first job, with that so will be my days from now on, I promised those people to return home, I want to see them as they do and reunite with their families』.

Cliston quickly got up from his bed and would walk to the door of his room, but this one found out that even if he would paw the door handle, it just couldn't open, this was weird to him, will it be for security...he happened to look at the clock and realized that it's just 7 am and so many in the morning.

『Is it the culture of this country not to leave their rooms at this hour? I guess I can wait until 8 to have breakfast』.

Cliston would put the cell phone to his ear again and comment on something he is suspecting, and that was that he will stay for a long time without coming home, as he thought he could, but now seeing everything that happened, it makes him an idiot that thought he had.

『Eh? Chiba-san didn't tell you anything?』

Mother Nimura was confused, since in the talk they had that morning, Tomeo explained to her all the conditions that Cliston will be subjected to when he is under your command, among them is that he will be far from home and will not be able to return to you after a time, a long time. This at least until the timetable that all the leaders agreed upon is fulfilled, or also if they give him permission to return home, which I don't think will happen much, since everyone wants to solve their problems quickly when Cliston comes, including Tomeo. But if the mustachioed one didn't say anything to Cliston, Mother Nimura would propose something.

『So, can you go back home one of these days to rest? don't take the doubt I said as important, you can come back whenever you want, it's your home, where your family is waiting for you, please come back when you feel you can't take it anymore son』.

What his mother said, left Cliston with a little doubt, he began to think about what could happen if this happened, would something bad happen if he returned home? Well if Tomeo didn't tell him anything about it, or at least so far, then I guess it must be okay. Cliston with a pleasant smile would reply to his mother that he was fine, that he would be coming home this weekend. Hearing this, his mother was very happy, but to be sure, she would make promises to her son several times, thousands of times, that's how she wanted it since she knows that the Nimura Family never breaks their promises.

『Well, then that's how we agreed, I will prepare fried chicken for you when you come, I will tell the family, see you later son and take good care of yourself, by the way, stop getting into dangerous things, you worry me too much』.

『But I told you that's my job, yes, see you later mother, I love you very much』.

The call ended with a nice ending for both of them, Cliston was looking forward to the weekend already so he could go with his family to hang out, a quiet moment wouldn't hurt after so much hustle and bustle to come. As expected, he would go back to sleep in his bed until 8 am. Just then someone came to knock on his room asking for Cliston, where he confirmed that surely it must be a tradition here to get up at this time, although it would be better if he would investigate on his own.

It was the same guide of yesterday who took him to his room, who also took him to the dining room of the agency, where he could find Tomeo taking his breakfast, with an outstretched hand he called Cliston, and as if making a good example of his figure, he told him to go to the banquet and grab all the food he wanted before he was beaten, Cliston excitedly would go and meet different dishes of food from the region, he simply could not believe it, the smell as it were, it was noticeable that it carried many spices unlike the food of his country, he would quickly take his tray but of course, as he does not know what foods will be good, he would ask the soldiers of the place who were also serving themselves.

『That what you serve yourself is good? then I think I will also serve myself』.

But of course, they couldn't understand each other, so they all quickly said yes to everything in their language, and even they themselves were the ones serving the food on Cliston's tray, this was noticed oddly first by Cliston, who then could hear how the same guy he asked had raised his voice.

『سريع! اخدموا الله خير!』=『Quickly, serve God well!』

All the soldiers nearby, quickly left their plate trays, and went on to serve him on Cliston's, all kinds of foods that to them seems the best, from one moment to another Cliston could see how his tray that there was nothing, quickly created a mountain of food that by the weight obviously could not support, plus one of his arms is bad. Tomeo was watching all this and when finally Cliston had returned, the same man was who had carried his tray to the table, where Cliston would sit, this one quickly wanted to leave after giving his respect to his leader as well as Cliston, where Cliston would answer.

『Shukran Jazilan』= 『Thank you very much』.

The man who wanted to retreat, was confused by this word from Cliston, even now looking at him well, he looks very innocent and even good, he remembered that he even gave him the same expression when he spoke to him, it could be noticed that he had a sweat on his forehead, he instinctively blurted out a word.

『متوسط』= 『It's normal』.

Also with a farewell from Tomeo, finally this man was leaving even more confused by the situation. The first thing Tomeo noticed was the mountain of food Cliston had on his tray, on one side was the Falafel, on the other side you could notice the Kabsa, on the edge of the plate Kofta, what is on top must be Hummus, below was very liquid, for sure it is Shikamba, what is sticking out is Chicken Tikka Masala, there is even Jalebi too. Tomeo could not believe that this, all this could be eaten by Cliston, although he who is a fatty and because of the same fault of this being able to eat foods from different places brought him his pansy, he would not be able to eat such a mountain.

『It's a lot, I don't think I'll finish it, but it would be bad if I don't finish it...Tomeo, could you help me, even a little bit?』

Cliston commented that these people are very kind, but he also commented that their kindness is too much, even more than that of his country, again he wondered if it was because of their culture, just as he commented that these people woke up at 8 o'clock to do their activities. Where Tomeo doubtful about what Cliston was saying, he was asking him if he didn't realize how he was treated or why people were behaving this way with him, where Cliston would receive something new for him.

『It's not that these people are very nice because of their culture or anything like that, they are just like us, I just think religion would come in here instead of culture, you know, there are very weak people in various parts of the world, their faith cannot be compared, and like any superior being you praise, you have to show them respect. All these people see you as a young God Cliston, that's why they get nervous when you talk to them, especially in a language they don't know, you know, respect comes with fear, if I don't do such a thing that satisfies him, I may receive a punishment or I did something wrong. That's what happened, that's why everyone put you first than them, that's why when you show yourself as you are with them with actions they can understand, you lose for seconds the idea they have of you, what that man said before retiring was "It's normalito" You left him with many doubts, that if you are a deity or someone like him』.

At Tomeo's explanation, Cliston could only just find out what happened, he would slowly turn his gaze to look at everyone and realized that as soon as the soldiers notice him looking at them, they would salute him and bow, when he saw this Cliston realized that he didn't like it at all.

『But why, I never said that I should be treated differently, I simply made many things clear that day, more of a personal matter, I never asked them for something in return, I don't need them to see me as someone superior, I don't like it』.

『Yes, but your power, your position and your phrase of "I am God's favorite" has taken more much relevance in several parts of the world, more in the religious, you are lucky that they see you as the good one and accept you, for sure there will be places where they reject you for the simple fact of being you, and for that very reason you have to show them that it is not so, you have to adapt to the custom of each civilization, that is how I always work, there is not something or the same solution for everything, I already tried it and it doesn't work』

『Then you have to adapt, I think it will be difficult for me, especially now that I just want to be myself, but I will try 』-『By the way Tomeo, what happened with the people from yesterday? I want to see them again and know how they are』.

Making clear the previous topic, that everyone has a different view of Cliston. They would move on to another important topic before he forgot, and that was the believers Cliston had, Tomeo would take a deep breath and move on to look at Cliston who was delighting over the food in front of him, and with a quiet smile this one would say.

『It was difficult to convince the judge of the region, but I managed to get everyone on the same path, and now they will all be with their families in a cozy home』.

He said it with such normality and calmness, that Cliston believed it without a problem, seeing how his smile was generated, was reassuring for Tomeo.

『With that they are home, I wish I could have seen them one last time, but I'm glad everyone is okay, they were good people after all』.

Cliston was taking with his cutlery the food, just like Tomeo, who when he heard again that he said they were good people, and just remembering their background, made him want to break the cutlery with his own strength, but it stopped so that Cliston can't suspect anything. Crack!!!! Anyway he couldn't help it, his justice couldn't bear to hear this, the cutlery fell to the ground where Cliston excitedly couldn't believe that Tomeo had broken the cutlery with his strength.

『Waos!!! So chubby guys do have strength, you're awesome Tomeo』.

『Ahahaha thanks, being strong is not easy』.

Tomeo looked at the cutlery that managed to leave and remembered what happened this morning, it had started at 6 am sharp, all the believers who were gathered in different cells, shackled so they can't do anything. They were accompanied by their guards to the outside, a large free area where the direct sun hit you, now was just rising, here they were directed to stand in line and in columns, everything gave a bad vibe from the beginning, they wondered what would happen, many already know what will happen, because since their boss left and did not return, many are already suspicious of what happened. Among them whispered to each other of what could have happened.

『من الواضح أنهم أعدموا الرئيس.』=『Obviously, they executed the boss.』

『لذلك نحن جميعا سنموت؟』=『So we're all going to die?』

『هذا مستحيل مستحيل ، لا يمكننا أن أن نموت ، تذكر أن الله إلى جانبنا ، سوف يساعدنا』= 『It is impossible, we cannot die, remember God is on our side, He will help us』.

The last one to speak was the son of the Chief, who seeing that everyone was beginning to suspect and draw conclusions about their fate, could not help but want to stop all this, his father was a religious man and he himself also inherited it from him, yesterday even if it was little, but Cliston showed him that he is a good person capable of forgiving them, he is a true God who can be trusted. All the watchmen were surrounding them with their guns in hand, no matter where you look, they were all armed waiting for orders.

『تمامًا مثل والدي وضع كل ثقته في الله ، يجب علينا علينا أيضًا ، أعلم أنه سيأتي مرة أخرى لمساعدتنا لمساعدتنا ، يمكنني يمكنني رؤيته ، يكره يكره يمكنني يمكنني رؤيته ، يكره يكره الحروب والموت في عينيه عينيه ، لم يجرؤ على قتل أي منا ، هو إذا نظر إلى إلى أعيننا على أنها متساوية متساوية ، ، فهو فهو إله من لحم ودم ودم قادر قادر على صنع المعجزات ، ، أطلب أطلب منك فقط الاستمرار في الإيمان ، ، من فضلك ، بالأمس قال لي شيئًا ، لم أفهمه ، لكن نظرته أخبرني أخبرني أن كل شيء سيكون على ما يرام ، أنا أنا أؤمن به ، يجب عليك أيضًا أيضًا ، ، هذا هو آخر آخر شيء شيء لدينا』=『Just as my father put all his trust in God, I know he will come again to help us, I could see it, he hates wars and death in his eyes, he did not dare to kill any of us, he does look us in the eyes as equals, he is a God of flesh and blood capable of doing miracles, I only ask you to keep believing, please, yesterday he told me something, I did not understand him, but his look told me that everything will be all right, I believe in him, you must do it too, it is the last thing we have』.

The son became very fond of Cliston after yesterday, since his father was no longer there, it was his job to calm his men, who all saw their lives passing through their eyes, suddenly all the soldiers saluted their greatest leader, who was Tomeo, well uniformed he made his appearance, all the believers looked at him without blinking, they had in front of them the man with whom they fought these last years, literally they are enemies seen face to face, Tomeo climbed on a small wooden elevation that they had placed, and this would finally begin to speak, he translated it better and a small summary to understand it better.

『I finally got them where I wanted to see them, you miserable inhuman scum』.

With those first words that Tomeo said, all the believers had it more than clear, the end of their lives would end today, some began to tremble, others to cry, and others simply peed themselves. Tomeo would go on to give them a speech about all the bad things they have done and the kind of people they have been all this time. Listening to him as he insulted them and talked to them as if they were the worst thing in the world, they couldn't deny it, because if they were all that came out of Tomeo's mouth, they understand his anger, they did things that couldn't even be said in a normal way.

『They killed thousands!!! All these people are afraid because of their misdeeds!!!! And all for what!!! To live the easy way!!! What a shitty life is to favor you in exchange for an innocent!!!!! They disgust me! They are all walking shits, they deserve hell!!!! All my men who came with the hope of being victorious and bringing peace, you slit their throats and mowed them down without thinking!!!! Even children and mothers! You have no respect for anything! Those who are determined to commit a sin, are also willing to accept them, just like your boss who is now in a better place』.

Tomeo had in his hands a cloth sack that one of his men had brought him, he just threw it from where he was, what was inside burst and rolled to where his son was, who was in the first row. He did not want to believe it, he did not want to see what was inside, luckily it did not come out completely, but he could only see the hair, this was enough to scare him worse of the fate that awaits them, the believers next to him, were so scared that one of them tried to escape from the place, even with shackles he would try to run, where by order of Tomeo, he would send one of his men to shoot him in the head, thus ending his life.

『Well, there goes another one who will keep his boss company, I don't want to look at them anymore, they only bring me bad memories, put them in front of the wall and you know what to do』.

Tomeo gave the orders, the believers could not believe what was happening, because seeing a corpse, which was their daily bread, now they were too terrified just to see it or witness it. All the soldiers led the believers to their final destination, where the son with his eyes wide open, trembling, scared to the bone, could not believe what kind of man he had been fighting all these years, Tomeo looked at him as if he were a piece of garbage from his position. Where without strength, the son was falling defeated on his knees to the ground.

『انت شيطان』=『You're a devil』

『لأن شيطان مثلك بجانب الله』= 『Because a demon like you is next to God』.

The son spoke already without a soul, all the faith and belief he had in Cliston to help him, was still present, but this flame was disappearing little by little, because the only one who can give a fight to a God, is the devil himself. He had him in front of him, he thought all this time that what he was fighting against, was a man of justice and responsibility, he had heard little of the leader of Asia, but if he seeks peace and tranquility in the continent, he thought he would have other methods, he was always seen or imagined as a man who gives second chances, even his appearance gave to understand it, how is it that a good-natured, mustachioed and chubby like him, who is a family man, has this method of doing things, it is simply to be wrong.

『Enseriously you call me a demon? me? I will answer by simple vagues your question. Why to bring justice one has to become a demon』-『No one remains pure forever, not even heroes』.

As Tomeo spoke, there was already one of the soldiers next to the son with a saber, he was lifting him up to cut off his head, he would have the same end as his father, the son finally understood, he could see it clearly, he would lower his head resignedly accepting his end. He could not handle this man, Tomeo was not what he really looked like.

『You're wrong, God, Cliston, if he is what he seems to be, a good guy that we all believed the opposite, if we who had no qualms about it, according to you, managed to change on our last day, then surely he has a chance to change the world in his own way, simply by being himself』.

Tomeo was surprised by the son's way of speaking, I translated it directly, but what surprised Tomeo was that all the things he said, that was because he heard things that he also thinks, and just having the same thought as these people, made him dirty that he would need a bath. Seeing the hopeful eyes of the boss's son, made him want to vomit and his stomach burn, that expression was only available to those who never did bad things, he can't tolerate someone like them having the thought that they would be saved from this or have another chance. Tomeo would take a breath of air with his lungs and say.

『The same method doesn't always work, you guys are nobody』.

-----------.........Those were the last words that the boss's son could hear, now his head was next to his father, for some reason Tomeo asked that the man who cut off his head, make show the expression that the boss put on, he took it well out of the cloth bag, and Tomeo was annoyed with this that he even snapped his mouth, because both father and son, had an expression of having saved in their lives, in their souls. He commented in his mind that as promised, the families are reunited in a better place where they can no longer do anything bad, but for some reason he does not feel satisfied, not that every time he does justice he is, but at least he has the feeling that I book the world of evil, right now the only thing he feels, is an annoyance in his chest. While he was retreating to take a bath, everyone was already gathered at the wall being aimed by the soldiers, and with silenced weapons and secretly in the light of everything, that is the best hiding place, they committed their justice after several years.

『(Cliston able to change the world? if he doesn't change his way of being, then both of them are wrong)』.

After finishing his bath, he would head to the dining room, where everything we saw before happened, again Tomeo would look at Cliston, who this one had finally filled up, but he couldn't finish his meal, this one would turn to look at everyone, again as happened before, all the soldiers would give him a salute, and even if they don't understand him this one would say.

『I would appreciate if you treat me as someone else, not superior or inferior, as an equal, because we are all born in the same place, the earth, just because we are from another place or have something that someone else does not, that does not give us the right to behave as the best, I just want to ask you if we meet again, no longer be so formal or respectful to me, let's be friends, I am not a God, I am just Cliston, please keep that in mind』.

Just as I expected, despite I wanted to make clear what I thought about it, the soldiers did not understand anything, in that Tomeo would raise his voice to translate what Cliston said, who Cliston was glad for this, and quickly there was the reaction of everyone, they were talking to each other, there were still doubts that did not want to take the first step, then the one who approached Cliston was the guide of yesterday, the same one who when he spoke to him in his language, this one started to tell him lots of things, he came, stood in front of him and greeted him.

『السلام عليكم Cliston』

『As-salamu alaikum』

This one showed him the elbow, where Cliston was glad where also in the same way, they would bump their elbows in a friendly way between them. When the soldiers saw this, they could not believe that they could have this kind of relationship with a God, or rather with Cliston, and quickly the soldiers who hesitated at first went to greet Cliston, and he returned the greeting, others shook his hand, others more daring gave a kiss on Cliston's forehead, although with the forehead that Cliston has, who did not want to give him a kiss there xd. This simple fact of interaction made everyone present see Cliston differently, he was not someone who deserved praise, respect, everyone deserves respect, but seeing him as a friend, it was something they never believed, to be friends with a God, that had never happened before.

『(Cliston, if you are a good boy, you want to get along with everyone, then all the more reason, I should hide even more things from you, I don't know how you would react if you find out that I lied to you)』

Tomeo watched the scene with a smile, watching his soldiers interact with Cliston in a fun way, it made him feel joy in his heart, it was like watching....era like watching the same scene as when he arrived at the bad guys' base, they transmitted the same vibe of having a good time even though they just met. Tomeo at this very moment, he does not know why he does not feel happy, what is the difference between one being good and the other being bad, it is something that he has just started to think about in depth.

He knows very well, Tomeo knows very well about the lies, he feels that what he is going to live with Cliston, will be like going back to the past when he was under the command of the previous colonel, he taught him everything he knows, and among them is the lies, the art of deception he knows very well, because he himself was the victim in all this. And he does well, although he does not know it, we all have a small accumulation of negative energy, or rather known in history as the ashes, these represent the most hidden and secret side of people, and it increases more when we enter in conflict with ourselves and live experiences that we hate. Hiro experienced it but never reached the point of falling to the ashes, not in this story, if someone is consumed and succumbs to the ashes, he would pass to his Corrupted Form. The worst version of yourself, you become what you hate the most, if Cliston gets it, what could the future hold, someone as good as him without him realizing it, if he finds out and lives bad experiences, bad memories, what kind of person would he become? The God we all know would disappear, our fatty would disappear, none of us know about this danger, so we can only trust Cliston, who as he, little does he know about things.

『The weekend is here, I wish it was the week I told my mother.... these days I was doing the same thing all the time, I was stopping bad bases and stopping people, but as since the first mission, Tomeo is supervising me more closely, I can't interact so much with people anymore, I would like to talk to them, but as we go from another country and country, none of them understand me, but it doesn't matter, well it does matter, all the people I help I leave it in Tomeo's hands, I trust him and I know he will help these people, each region has its own way of judging them, I wish I could be present, but no way, after this mission I will go to see my family, it's been a while, how long, how long? 2, 3 weeks, I am anxious』

Cliston was aboard the ship or metal bird by the saying and remembered everything that happened in these weeks and days, because with all the work and missions he had, he had no time to visit his family, he already consulted with Tomeo, this will be the only mission they will have for today, it's a weekend, he already called his mother, so he is anxious to finish it, it's easy, they just have to dismantle a building that was formerly the base of a terrorist organization, for sure there are only few who stayed, they will only need few men to stop them.

『The place we are going to is a small organization, they had great power, but being so few members and finding out that we are on a roll destroying the terrorists, their group split up and some even surrendered and turned themselves in to the authorities, this is easy, just by having Cliston our success rate increased by 80%』.

『It's not that Tomeo, you guys did more than me, I don't know anything about hiding or the tactics you use, to me you guys are much more incredible』.

『Says the one who can withstand missiles without taking damage? sure, how awesome we are』.

Cliston and Tomeo were having a quiet chat in the ship, where Tomeo's squadron was also on board, these were flying through the skies where their target was nearby. Tomeo commented that if he wanted to go ahead to stop the few remaining bad guys, but Cliston refused, Tomeo did not understand why, but he quickly deduced that he surely understood that he should act in his eyes and by his side.

『(I see, since we have been working together for a while, he is getting used to the fact that I have to supervise him, well, I like it that way, so there is less chance of accidents happening)』.

Arriving at the place which was among the mountains, there was a huge building already deteriorated with time, the one that guarded the base of the bad guys, he was scared that he would quickly enter his base to warn his allies, to be received without any shots and missiles, it was like a fresh air for Tomeo and his soldiers. Quickly descending, they all got into position and were guided by Tomeo, they entered each one where the shooting had already started, but they could not do anything to them, their special shields covered them from everything.

『Perfect keep it up, let's take advantage of the fact that they are not organized and lure them all to the center!』

The operation was going well, Tomeo's men didn't even need their weapons, the simple shield was enough to corner them. At that their plan failed as there was an opening, a group of bad guys took it and were planning to escape, this Tomeo saw them and sent a group to chase them, quickly as about 3 men were going after them.

『And to all this, where is Cliston, at what point did I lose sight of him?』

Tomeo wondered, but it wasn't time for that. The bad guys who wanted to escape were being chased by Tomeo's men, they managed to corner them to a room on the ninth floor, even if these shoot with their guns, they couldn't pierce the special shields, they would wait until they run out of bullets to catch them, seeing the desperation of the bad guys was normal for Tomeo's men. But in the formation they were in, a man came out in front with his shield and right at that moment they ran out of ammunition.

『I'm done? fiiuuu...yep, this is more exciting than being transformed *smiles*』

That voice is easy to recognize, the 2 men in the group of 3, were confused, since that voice was Cliston's, as to do the operations they always wear helmet, they couldn't see his face, in there the one who came out in front, removes his shield and helmet, surprising everyone present that it was Cliston with the special uniform. And with a smile and extending his hand he said.

『I'm all done, come on, let's go home together *smiles*』.

The bad guys couldn't believe this, why Cliston is just like another soldier in uniform and all, if he has always been in his God Form for these things, where the other 2 men who accompanied him, only limited themselves to smile for now the other idea that came to mind to the only hero in the world.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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