
Chapter 286: A Different Way

U͇n͇a͇a͇a͇n͇e͇r͇a͇a͇ ͇d͇i͇f͇e͇r͇e͇n͇t͇e͇

In these missions I've been doing for these 3 weeks, I haven't been feeling well after all, I was doing my best not to think about it, but it doesn't help the job I'm in, I didn't think it would affect me this way, to use this power, I don't feel well. Lately, well, all these missions I was involved in, mostly had to be present wars, I didn't think there are so many battles in the world, or at least in this part, if so here, how will it be in other places, there are also wars that nobody knows about? Or they just don't realize that there are, it must be the second one, since I didn't know about these things either. I had to destroy enemy bases of terrorism, I had to dismantle many buildings, I had to be directly in extreme battles, why, why send me this kind of missions, if when I'm with Tomeo, I can manage to hear that he sends other of his men to do more interesting jobs than these, like discovering a contraband, stop those who illegally smuggle drugs through the airports, even stop dangerous criminals from different countries, go undercover, infiltrate. Those jobs and missions are much more interesting to me than what I do, that I am simply here because I have the strength of a God and that's it, I want to do other kinds of things where I have to use my skills, that would be helping, helping? Wait, I think I'm forgetting something important, am I directly helping people or just stopping them?

The only thing I've been able to see after the first mission, are only faces full of sadness, hate, anger, a huge frustration, it didn't happen again with those men from the first time, so it must have been luck and a unique opportunity for that to happen. But I have also realized something, in wars death is something normal, I know from the several times I could talk with Tomeo's men, that if they are really in trouble, he has permission to kill. Killing....solo the fact of seeing a corpse, makes me remember that sensation of my past life, my body trembles, I feel cold, my head goes blank when thinking about that, this is not what they call sequels? uhm, I think not, besides I don't understand it either, but these men said that when they entered and some time passed, they stopped being themselves, even a little, in some of them you can notice the drastic change, others prefer not to even talk about it, the environment changed them, will it happen to me too if I continue with this? I hope not, the only thing I want at this moment is to notice a huge change in my life. I'm already into it though so xd.

『Wait a minute, could you help me with something please』.

The ship was landing in the middle of the mountains in order to dismantle a small and almost extinct organization that was their base here. Tomeo was bringing his men down, training them and guiding them as they had agreed on the plan. But Cliston waited until the last to do something that would be much better for him, it would be much more entertaining and interesting, and he would also demonstrate that he could do the same without having to resort to his powers. He spoke to the one who stayed last with him, and asked him to borrow his special suit as well as his weapons, because of the social circle that had been formed since he joined, that companion to whom he asked the favor, agreed gladly. With the atmosphere of dark dusk due to the clouds laden with rain, the wind that hit the environment, the orders and the formation, accompanied by the fact that he was putting on the special suit. It made Cliston feel a giant thrill in his chest, now it seemed that he was making a mission for himself.

『Fast!!! Everyone must be in formation!!!』

Tomeo shouted when he saw that not all his men were at the front, Cliston would go down with his helmet on thus perfectly fooling the mustachioed man. Thus initiating the plan they had, as Cliston had been observing and working together with several squads, he was able to learn even a little bit what they had to do. There have even been many times when he has gawked at these men rushing forward, with their tactics, shields and weapons. Being able to see it in the front row was something that Cliston didn't have to miss, although by that same carelessness he was the easy point of the gunfire and even missiles that were there. Although it also served as a distraction so it worked for his idiots anyway.

『Hoygan! They let a few escape! Quickly catch them!!!』

Tomeo noticed that a small group of bad guys had escaped through an opening that was there, Tomeo's displeasure could be noticed as he snapped his mouth, he quickly sent his men to stop them, there were 3 of them and among them was Cliston, who if it wasn't for the helmet, they would see how happy he was.

『Fuck, I knew it, I knew we would be their next target』.

『You'd better shut up and run, take advantage of them just walking around with their shields and shoot them!!!』

『But it's useless, our weapons can't pierce them, besides even if we could defend ourselves, surely God came with them』.

『Well, I haven't seen this God! HA! Why does everyone call him God, if he's just a kid playing around thinking he's a hero, if I had been the lucky one, right now I'd be destroying my enemies and consecrating myself as the best in the world!!!! 』

『Well, that's unlucky!!! We are not the lucky ones!!! You better run because they're going to catch up with us!!!』

They were 3 friends of the bad guys talking to each other while running away with all their might, by their appearance and tone of voice, they must not be over 20 years old. One of them would turn around to try to shoot with his gun, but it was useless, he was easily held back by the special shields, annoyed this one would take a grenade and throw it at them.

『Dammit, I joined because you told me there would be money, whores and that everything would be fun and easy! None of this is fun!!! I'm not going to prison to rot!!!! Take this!!!』

That boy would throw the grenade with all his strength towards the shields, who coordinated perfectly to make a small shield blocking all sides, thus avoiding the explosion, this same explosion moved the building where they were, dust fell from the ground as well as small debris, but most importantly, the grenade made a hole in the floor where they were, leaving those who were chasing them without a pass.

『Well! It would have been better to kill them, but at least that will give us time to escape!!!』

『Hey idiot!!! They said not to throw grenades at the base, this one could fall apart at any moment!!!』

『Shut up!!!!! You better thank my bravery for doing something while you run away!!!!! AHH!!! Why do I have to listen to them!!!』

In haste and without thinking it through, they rushed into a room on the ninth floor, since there was no other place where they could escape, while on the other hand, they themselves commented that for sure their other companions were being caught and for sure they would go to the authorities and collect for all their crimes they did.

『AH!!! Just thinking that makes me cringe!!!!! And why did we come to this room if there's nothing here!!!』

『What else could we do, the rooftop above is blocked by debris, but we could have gone there if we had used the grenade you threw at them!!!』

『Hey, you're getting mad ugly, don't worry, I'm sure I have another grenade, I got it, I got it...got it...huh? where is it?』

That duo was having a discussion, where the other friend was looking through the drawers and the place for something that can help them escape from this one, just as he was looking out the window and could see both the storm that hasn't started yet and Tomeo's men going in and out of the building.

『We might as well have turned ourselves in and avoided all this, I already regretted playing brave...』

『But what are you saying!!! Turn myself in, me? You're crazy!!! Stop crying, I'm taking the grenade out of my balls!!!』

That angry friend who seems to have no qualms, it seems that he already remembered where he had the other grenade, this one quickly raised his hand, and his goal was to rummage through his private parts, where his friend, the only woman in this group of 3, because of nerves, fear and embarrassment of the nonsense that his friend does, this one would stop her at the last second before he starts sniffing in his balls.

『Why are you stopping me!!! Don't you want to get rid of this one?』

『Of course I want to get rid of it. But what will other people think when they find out that one of your balls saved us!!!! Think about what they would say about me!!!!! "What did your friend's ball save you with, there, and it didn't hurt? how about the explosion? ahaha" AHH!!!!! I definitely don't want that!!!』

『Is this really the time to complain about that???? Let me get my grenade out!!!』

『I don't care!!! And you're not going to pull out a grenade!!!! You're going to pull out a ball, stop embarrassing me already!!!!』

『Guys, they've caught up with us...』

The friend who was sniffing the place, realized that finally the 3 men who were chasing them, have managed to find them, if it had not been that these have started to fight among themselves, perhaps they could have escaped from this, where quickly the friend would happen to give a strong blow to the head to his friend with whom he was fighting, this angry and already fed up with the situation, would take his gun and start shooting with everything he had, anyway he was followed by his friend who with a machine gun was shooting to try something. But it was not possible, the shields were so strong that they could not manage to do anything.

『Where do they get those shields from, I want them too, so I can break everyone's mother, so I would get riches and whores, fuck I want whores』.

『Sometimes I wonder how come I'm friends with you』

『!!! I came up with an idea!!! Stop firing and aim at ------』

Just at that moment they ran out of ammunition to their guns, thus leaving the plan that their friend had in the trash, who these remaining 2 were apologizing for acting in a direct way without thinking something through first. Seeing how the one who had the idea looked disappointed at his friends, he said the same as his friend.

『Sometimes I wonder how come I am friends with you』.

『Hey, it was you who told us about this organization!!!! Don't play smart with us!!!』

Before another fight I was going to see, these were frightened when they heard that the men in suits were starting to approach, it no longer mattered what they would do or what ideas they would have, here would end their ideal good way of life, and above all that they thought it would be easy. At that one of the 3 men would break formation to get closer than he should, this alarmed the other 2 specials who didn't understand what was going on.

『It's over? fiiuuu...yep, this is more exciting than being transformed *smiles*』

Cliston would introduce himself to everyone by undoing the shield which this would shift to some sort of heavy but light metal stick. Taking off his helmet and extending his hand, he would ask those in front of him that they could return home, accompanied by his characteristic smile that he has. This left everyone confused, both the bad guys and the good guys, where the latter quickly one wanted to inform Tomeo of the situation but the other fellow would stop him and that they better watch how Cliston by his own hands will solve this, not that these 3 in front of them are dangerous either.

『Cliston? can you hear me? I can locate you by GPS, are you upstairs? what are you doing, hey Cliston』.

Tomeo was trying to communicate with Cliston through the headphones he was wearing, but Cliston simply preferred to ignore this fact, as the excitement and wanting again to interact with people, was even stronger to do this little prank.

『(What do you mean he's going to take us home, this is Cliston? that uniform looks too bad on him, especially his face, he wears glasses? he looks bad? ha! well I look good, so that makes me better than a God, ready, I'm up for it!!!! I'm going to launch my best attack!!!)』

The idea that this guy came up with, is to take a handful of debris that is in the room to throw it straight at Cliston's face, with the incapacitated he will manage to stop him in one blow, while because of the confusion, the other 2 will let their guard down and his other friends will be there to defeat them, his plan was the best, he even turned to look at his friends confident that they know about the subject, but they didn't think the same.

『(Oh no, he thinks we know what he's thinking)』

『(I hate that confident smile, stop being so childish)』.

The plan would be about to be realized, that friend would take debris at his hand's reach and would throw it straight to Cliston's face, just as he expected in his plan, the fatty didn't see it coming, he would start rubbing his eyes, now it would be his turn to run to throw a strong blow to Cliston to stop him but quickly the 2 men who accompanied Cliston, acted as a shield and with these same ones pushed that friend who devised all this. Frustrated he would hit the ground shouting how his plan didn't work, that they must have been shocked by his move.

『You're an idiot!』

『What a jerk you are』

『!!!! At least I do something!!! I fry my head for you guys and that's how I get paid!!!!! And at what point were you going to cover for me by getting rid of these other 2 !!!!!』

『Ya shut up!!!』

Pom!!! She couldn't take it anymore, the friend ended up giving her friend another blow to the head, and it seems that the blow was so hard that she left him lying on the floor. Well, at least one of them was unconscious in all this. Cliston, now much better after wiping his face, would ask his companions to stop covering for him and that now he will do things right.

『That was a good move, I didn't see it coming, yeah, this is definitely more exciting than not getting hurt』.

『Enseriously this is the god?』

They simply couldn't believe it as Cliston's personality was to this, the chubby guy would leave his shield on the belt of the suit and come even closer in order to chat with them, Cliston happened to look at them and yes, these were afraid of what they might come to do to them, but mostly this one was happy, since after time, he can finally understand what others say and talk to them in the same way.

『What a joy, I can communicate without so much effort』-『You are surely afraid of what awaits you, aren't you? Well, don't worry, I promise you as I said in the beginning, you can go back home to see your families again, isn't it the best thing?』

『We are orphans』

The friend responded to Cliston's words, where Cliston remained silent with his little smile, quickly he would try to change the topic of conversation and add other kinds of things.

『But the best thing will be that they won't be involved in this anymore, it will be hard but they can rebuild their lives』.

『It's not like that, when someone resigns from the organization, it's considered treason, so the remaining ones who are still free including the boss, they will do their best to find us and make us pay for our treason, that's why those who got out turned themselves in, it was either being imprisoned or it was dying or being persecuted, either way we couldn't have a normal life』.

Now the one who spoke was the other friend who looked a little smarter than the other 2, before his answer, Cliston again was left with nothing to say, this had not happened to him before, it is something totally new, quickly he would start sweating for not knowing what to say, but the other 2 who were still in front of him, saw him differently, they do not know why he is happy and even excited about this, either he is worried or he is happy, they do not know.

『Hey, are you really the one who spoke to the world? you look just as normal in person』.

『That's what I get a lot lately, and I'm glad, even though everyone makes the same gesture as you, it makes me happy, that means if I am what I am』.

『Ya...and why aren't you transformed, it would be much easier and you would save yourself these troubles』.

『Well, it's boring』

『Boring?! How's that!!! I thought it would be something cool!』

First he would start talking to the smart of friends, that exchange of words was noticeably not going at all, but little by little it was taking shape that even the friend joined the conversation, they don't know how she did it, but the other 2 men accompanying Cliston were witnessing how she was having a quiet talk with those supposed to be bad guys, if before it seemed not dangerous, now it seems helpless to them. At the same time Tomeo contacted these two men asking if they were with Cliston, where they sincerely told their leader not to worry, that he had the situation more than under control and that soon they would also come down with the others. Before the conversation Cliston would say something.

『I didn't think this would be difficult, as you said, yes it's great to have these powers and be someone special, but what good is it if I stop being normal, I understand? ah.... I mean like in everything, not everything is eternal, you know, having fun, laughing, or being angry, it's something temporary, it doesn't last forever, by the way you made me laugh because of your conversation you had, you must be good friends, but what I want to get to is, that even this emotion of being someone special is momentary, you see it simple with the passing of time and you prefer to do what you have mostly done and it allows you to live more new experiences, in my case to be me, Cliston, not a God, besides if you are for a long time involved in something, you stop being yourself. In summary what I want to say, ah, I know! if I had come transformed and finished everything in a quick way, I would not have been able to talk to you, I would have missed this nice meeting』.

To Cliston's sincere words, it was like telling his personal problems to strangers, this happens many times, where you go through something that matters to you and you want to talk about it or even know the opinion of another, mostly your friends or someone you trust. Talking to Tomeo about this problem, he knows that it would bring him trouble, especially for knowing this side of the leader of Asia, so telling young people like him, who also look doubtful and innocent in their lives, would not do him any harm to do so. When the two friends heard this, they first looked at each other, drawing their own conclusions, "Is this really Cliston? This is the person behind that God being?

『『You're weird』』』

Both friends as if they were synchronized, had the same deduction, where Cliston was glad for this answer, then it is stated and characteristic that he has 2 terms said by all people or its majority, Normal and Weird. Which now that he thinks about it, how can one be both if they are opposites? Cliston first thought of taking his hands that were on the ground, but then he better decided not to, he didn't reach that confidence with them to do so, so he simply said.

『I promise you that you will go home, if you don't have one, I will give you one, if you don't have a family, you can form one, I want you to live the best way you can in your own way, far away of course from all this xd. You are not going to have to be afraid of anything anymore, neither of the consequences nor of the world, I will also strive to see you grow up *smiles*』.

Hearing these words from Cliston, for both friends this could be considered the first affection they have received, the first to notice them, since all this time for them to survive, they have had to steal food and commit petty crimes, they knew it was wrong, but what else could they do if those were their conditions, likewise when they joined, they did it to stop having a life on the street, although they knew anyway that they would be the laughing stock of the organization. Both friends again met each other's eyes, where they drew the same conclusion.

『『But we don't like each other』』.

They meant about starting a family, this Cliston was amused commenting that this was not what they meant, although it may if....denew seems to be getting stuck. Again Cliston would extend his hand to give it to these boys, where after all this, they know there is no other way, it is hard to trust, but they were sure of something both, they would not take the hand at this moment to God, but to a simple boy that although his words are not true, that feeling of concern towards them if it was true. But at that.

『Aha!!!! I knew it!!! Yes I had another grenade!!! Take this and suck my rat!!!』

The friend who was asleep finally woke up, breaking the formation and the bond that had been generated, what he threw was not a simple grenade, but a grenade of light that could blind Cliston, he quickly commented to his friends that it was time to escape, but they remained still without knowing what to do, they felt that this did not have to be so. In that moment, this annoyed man would take them by the hands to go to the exit, but he realized that the other two men were not stunned by the light grenade, and this was due to the helmets they had, he quickly let go of his friends' hands and launched himself to throw a strong kick against the shields. This obviously failed to do anything, but quickly that friend who lunged, clung to both shields grabbing them with his arms and as if he was a small child, he would start drooling and smashing his face against the transparent shield.

『Now run away!!! I'll hold them off!!!』

Know where he got his strength from, but he put all his weight against them to try to remove the shield, this forced the agents to continue carrying his shield, but seeing that this boy would not simply stand still because of the emotion he was carrying, both men agreed to push him against the wall gently, although it was not gentle at all, since by the same counterweight that the friend did, he ended up receiving more damage than normal.

Quickly as the soldiers were attentive with the boy, they didn't notice that the other 2 threw themselves against them, they thought they would be protected by the suit they were wearing, but they didn't expect that first one would remove their helmets and another would just hit them in the head, thus leaving them unconscious.

『Perfect! I knew they would follow my plan!!!』

『That's right, because we're a family』

『And even if we fight, we help each other』.

Both friends from before had it well in mind with Cliston's saying, but what gave them more importance was the fact that they had someone to rely on, a family, as they have always been together, that bond simply can't be broken. The other one, who could not hear any of the above because he was sleeping, told his friends that they had to escape, where first they saw that Cliston could not see anything, he tried to look at something but it was impossible. They had to choose, or a promise that they did not know could be fulfilled, although it would be a miracle if that happened, or stay together with the only family they have. And so...


They chose what they have now and not what they may come to have, though they are very grateful for what Cliston could come to offer them. Quickly these would try to escape and now if they would try to climb up to the rooftop, but as they thought the debris would not let them through, this would not prove to be a problem, as the friend would again pull another grenade out of his balls.

『What do you mean you have another one!!!?!??』

『Of course I have another one!!!! It's always 2 that we have!!!』

He threw the grenade making the building resound again, again dust and some debris was falling, Tomeo who was with all his men at the base of the building with the bad guys detained, was suspicious of this, and quickly sent everyone to quickly get them out of the building, where he would raise his eyes to know what was going on up there. The 3 friends went up to the rooftop, the atmosphere was getting worse, the wind got even stronger, but they should be thankful that the storm had not started yet.

『What do we do now?』

『Is that really all you had in mind?』

『Oh!!! I just woke up and you're already yelling at me!!!! Get a hold of yourself woman!!!』

These two started to fight again, it was already a habit, but the other smart friend, he looked down and saw how everyone was leaving and even made all his friends from the bad organization enter the ship. He looked sad and thought about what Cliston said, is he really able to have a good life after your background? Because he knows very well that Cliston is not the leader, the one who makes the decisions is Tomeo, the leader of Asia. If indeed Cliston is someone normal, how can he get to promise such things that only important people have power.

『That boy lacks a lot of studying and I didn't go to school』.

As if the scene was repeating itself again, Cliston was able to catch up with them on the rooftop, all the friends turned to look at him, who this one was simple, no longer any shield, no helmet, just being him.

『I don't know much, but I'm one of those who looks at others and defines them by that, for example, the guy over there looks dumb and he's dumb, the other one looks crazy and she's crazy, but you, if you're a normal person, you shouldn't go around promising things that you can't keep』.

The smart friend started talking while looking at Cliston, taking as an example what he had around him, this made the other friend angry who very annoyed would also return the joke.

『And you look very cocky and you are cocky!!!!』

Cliston also believed this was for him, since his friends also tell him that he is a believer xd. But back to the previous topic, the smart friend knows what he heard and what he sees, in his organization there was talk that if you get caught by Tomeo's men, they will take justice into their own hands, there is no place for evil doers, there is simply no second chance. This was very much on his mind, if Cliston works together with Tomeo, then everything he told him about living in a house, family and a quiet life, is all a lie, someone who claims to be normal can't go around saying things that delude people.

『I...you're right...thank you, I learned something from you, it was wrong everything I said before, talking is not the same as doing it, all the time I told Tomeo to help all the people we stopped, I was not present, I didn't see them again, I must be there present, right? But I want to trust, I want to trust that Tomeo is a good person who does what he says, not everything I said is a lie, you are really going to have a good and honest life from now on, you will always be together as a family I promise』.

Cliston was giving his point of view to all this, and he could learn something important, it's important to be there, just there to see how your words have become real, that's what it is to make a real promise. The smart friend wanted to talk because his simple way of thinking makes him see things that other people do not. But in that he was beaten by his other friend, who shouting would tell Cliston.

『But what's the use if you don't do it yourself!!!! If you say so, you should do it!!! Why leave it to someone else!!!! It's okay to trust!!! I trust my friends! That's why I'm always present with them when I think of something!!!! A promise! Promises you make yourself!!!! So stop the nonsense that you can give us a good life!!!!』

At the words of this friend, left everyone surprised, even Cliston who had not thought about it before, why did not he think about it before, promises one must be present, it is something logical, then why....again his absent-mindedness and distraction to other things did not make him see something as obvious as this. The one who shouted again reached between his balls and pulled out another third grenade.

『How did you pull out another one!!!! You have 3 balls????』

『I do have the balls to do what I say!!!! Compared to you who are just words!!!!!』-『Stop wanting to embellish life!!!!』

He would throw another grenade where just Tomeo went up to the rooftop to see what was going on, but he was too late as the grenade was being directed at Cliston, but the latter could not manage to say anything or be able to react on anything. At this moment he started to think that if he really kept all his promises he said to all the people he talked to, are they really safe? did he look at them? The doubt made him lose it. Tomeo quickly reacted and with a shield that he had in the shape of a stick, he would throw it with force against the grenade, managing to hit it and hit it back.

BOOMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!! There was an explosion on the rooftop that by the force wave, sent Cliston crashing into a wall that was there, managing to spit blood on impact through the mouth, like the other 3 friends, product of the wave these have also been hit by the bars that had cushioned a little his blow, but it was not the only thing that happened, having so many explosions and the building almost in ruins, this finally began to collapse starting from the top.

『Why do you always act without thinking things through beforehand!!!!!』

『I'M SORRY!!!!!』

Both of them were falling with all the huge pieces of the building to the ground, they couldn't save themselves from this one, they were going to die from the fall and then buried by the building, this was their sad end for the 3 friends. But as soon as they had given up hope, a barrier appeared to protect the three of them, who could not believe that they had escaped from it. In the same way, the other two men who were asleep were protected by their respective barriers. While those who were outside, noticing that this building would collapse at any moment and by Tomeo's orders, moved far enough away while they watched the building crumble. In the end only wreckage was left, thus ending the dismantling of this already destroyed organization.

『Eh? did we survive? have I awakened my powers yet?』

『Could you stop being an idiot for 5 minutes?』

『The one who saved us was...』

Before another fight, everyone looked up, and saw how 2 other barriers were coming down, one was where the other 2 men were, and the other was where both Tomeo and Cliston were in their God Form. When they reached the mainland, Tomeo communicated to everyone through the headphones that they can come and pick them up before the storm starts. And as if he had done it on purpose, the rain began to fall suddenly, Tomeo annoyed would go to walk towards the 3 causing this, who upon looking at him instinctively quickly made a strong bow, touching their foreheads on the ground.

『You guys provoked this?』


『!!!!! You are idiots!!! If I hadn't noticed they would have killed all of us including their classmates!!!!! Why are they such assholes!!!! No wonder they say that idiots are dangerous!!!!! What a bunch of assholes!!! !!!!』

Tomeo started to scold them like never before, I guess he couldn't wait to judge them with the respective authorities. Cliston was watching this and his glasses were fogging up with the raindrops, so he decided to take them off and put them away. But when he moved his arm, he realized that it began to hurt more than it should, surely the impact made him hurt his arm again, well, he must be used to this kind of things. Cliston would go to Tomeo who's scolding seemed to have no end, when he addressed him, he saw Tomeo's expression which was of pure anger, and told him sincerely.

『Please don't scold them anymore, I was to blame for this』.

The first thing I look at from Cliston was, he was in his men's suit, again he was clenching his fist tightly although he tried to disguise, he took a big breath of air with his lungs and commented to Cliston that they will have to talk in private later, thus finally letting the 3 friends who were pissing themselves free, but hatefully whispering.

『With that guy, people like us have no future』.

Clarifying the smart friend who said it by looking at him, just like he said before he just looks at how people look and from there he draws his conclusions, Cliston happened to look at Tomeo, his back. And he does not know if he is right in what he said or if he is in doubt. Now yes, the 3 friends who were kneeling on the ground, which now turned into mud, looked at Tomeo with hatred, but Cliston again extended his hand to them, he did not say anything to them, just extended it with a pious smile.

『If you give me a choice, I'd rather follow someone who doesn't keep his promises, than someone who rejects me』.

The smart friend would take Cliston's hand, followed by the others, thus concluding that even if they don't trust Cliston and his words haven't touched them bottom, faced with the reality of seeing Tomeo or Cliston, they would definitely prefer this normal guy who doesn't know if he is special or not.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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