
Chapter 284: Lies


In the metal bird where Tomeo was both with his men, finally after an hour they arrived at their destination, quickly this one mobilized them and made them enter the combat zone, his way of commanding was direct, you could even see how his expression changed and even his tone of voice was more serious than normal.

『Quickly!!! everyone go down one at a time!!!! We can't let them continue to do their misdeeds!!!!! They already know the plan, formation 1, shield style!!!!! We must rescue our soldiers first who are at least 1 kilometer away from us!!! Do not be afraid! The gadgets we have are special!!!!! Besides the most important thing, their skills stand out among the others!!!!! If you see that someone is in danger, help them too by prioritizing your own life!!!! We can't have any casualties!!! (I promised their families) Those bastards are finally going to pay today for all their misdeeds against peace!!!! Today will be the day!!!』

With energy he led his men who coordinately these made a formation where they aimed and locked on all sides, a barrier that would be difficult to pierce, with special shields these were getting closer and closer. But his men seeing that they first advanced slowly, they noticed that it is different from the last time they came, they always used this strategy, because if they came closer they were in danger of being shot down are missiles, there is no burst of gunfire, no bombs or grenades in the sky, there is not the screams they heard, there was only the desert air current and the heat.

『If I may speak leader, there is no war here anymore』.

Tomeo to this he took his special binoculars to be able to analyze the area again, he had already done it while they were in the skies, as the leader of the bad guys knows how to set traps, he thought he hid his men in the sands, now that he is on the ground, this to make sure, he would ask one of his men to throw the special grenade that they possess. Quickly he placed himself in the center of the formation protected by the shields and with an opening that was made, he threw with all his strength to the front, the grenade was thrown several meters, almost equal to the professionals, upon impacting against the sand, quickly there was a small explosion of waves, it stunned and at the same time pushed towards the surroundings everything he had, they do not know exactly, but they believe that this grenade pushes up to a weight of 500 kg. The sand was dug up where the grenade fell, Tomeo looked through his binoculars hoping to find the enemy or that they would counterattack, but nothing. Still nothing happened, to this Tomeo smiled confidently, as only one thing could have happened.

『Cliston surely took care of finishing them off, I didn't expect him to get serious and he was calm in the ship, although the strange thing is that he doesn't see any body, maybe he exterminated them completely, you surprised me in your first mission young Cliston』.

Tomeo was drawing his own deductions of what could have happened, and it is as if he did not regret the death of people, or at least for those who are bad, Tomeo as any person, he was born without knowing anything, he was born pure, with the passage of time we all build our personality and person with what we are surrounded, he had a good family, and above all he liked the theme of heroes, when he grew up he never forgot his great passion, wanting to be a hero or do good things for others, he first thought of being a vigilante in his country or place of origin, but nothing happened, in the place where he lived, rarely happened something, the most would be a clean hand robbery, and that's all. To become a policeman in this country is practically to live peacefully, since there are no crimes, there are few complaints, nothing can be done, he would only be on duty in some job that was indicated to him, that was not what he wanted. When he found out about the Secret Organization of Asia and all the jobs they do, he was very motivated and decided to enter at once, telling the same thing would be boring, so I will only add something, with the passage of time, with so many missions, he learned that there is only one way to stop those who do bad things, and that is death. There are simply those who can never be corrected, never. His hands have been stained with blood several times, but he never hesitated to have in front of him the person who made others suffer for his well-being, he never hesitated and never will, the kind of justice he has is the most direct and simple of all. He learned to live this way, that's why he doesn't want his children to know about his real job and what he did to be in his position. By the way, the way to contact the Secret Organization of the continents, or to apply for the auditions, is confidential, hidden from the eyes of all, the policemen, the colonels which is the highest rank, know about this world secret, they are people of trust and values, plus they are also tested to know the secret, they themselves are the ones who have more in mind the most qualified to want to join the Secret Organization of their respective continent, and how Tomeo could find out if he did not want to join the police? Simply that when he was young, he met by chance a colonel who was in civilian clothes, and as if life showed him his way, there was a small robbery that he quickly acted upon, they had an exchange of words, where the colonel judging him with his eyes, decided to confide that secret to him.

『(Now the previous colonel is dead and I am his successor, thank you for showing me the way to be a hero, and all that you have taught me, if it were not for you I would not have become what I am, just as you taught me that there is no mercy at the time of decisions, this is a world that no one else should know, a world where we stain our hands so that others can live well)』

Tomeo could not help remembering how it all began and his meeting with the previous colonel, everything pointed to this moment, although the only thing he regrets is having put on weight, he wanted to look like his colonel, he even copied his mustache style, but he could not with the peace that his country had, especially with the arrival of his children that he was a little careless when he was with them or at home. Tomeo was anxious to see Cliston, if he has done what he thinks, then he is no child, but an adult who knows how to think what he should do. Tomeo mobilized his men to get to the bad guys' base as quickly as possible. His proud smile could not be removed at all.

『This haber...was something like أنا كليستون? or am I wrong? xd』-Here he said "My name is Cliston"- 『Ah! with that they eat this Kabsa, with that this is Kabsa, eh! It's tasty, the truth thank you , ah no, شكرا』-Here he said "thank you"-『Hoygan, aren't you hot with all this desert? eh? xdxdxd I got confused, although you must be used to it by now, ah! con que este es la vestimenta que mayormente usan』

Cliston had in his hands an Abaya and a Hiyab which was a garment that covers you all over, like a big dress or a big long cloak. But what he noticed is that even though he was presented with these garments, none of the men and women wore them, they preferred because of their lifestyle, to have little clothes on them, something that would give them more mobility and feel the air on their bodies.


Cliston would switch to his God Form and it would give off a blast of air, which all the presenten who were all gathered in the training ground, felt happy and relieved by the wind they received, which with laughter and joyful movements showed it. Here he also resumed his novice way of being able to communicate, to see how they were teaching Cliston his language, it was something fun to watch, especially for the reactions that he made, they even made him say a phrase, which he does not understand that when he said it, everyone started to laugh.

『Haber, then it would be...لدي صغيرة』

Everyone present started to laugh at what Cliston said, who this one didn't know what he said, but he was glad that everyone is happy about what he is doing, even those who were close to him, looked at him especially his crotch, and started to laugh touching his shoulder in a joyful way. What he just said is "I have a small one" xd. This thing of someone foreign saying funny things is a tradition everywhere. Like seeing Cliston eating, this also gave the others an appetite, they started to distribute the food to everyone, Cliston did not expect this way of interacting with others, unlike how he lived, that everyone gathered at the table to eat as a family, everyone here in the same place where they were, they looked for small chairs or something to sit on, they brought a big pot from where they distributed the food in plates, eating also the Kabsa that they served to Cliston. It is not that they always eat like this, obviously these people have their manners of sitting in the dining room, but being a special situation, gathering in the field of their base to talk all, it was something they did repeatedly, but now they are kind of more lively, it will be because of Cliston's arrival or what.

『(This way of eating and socializing, seeing so many people chatting and having a good time, no matter the place, maybe because this is new to me because I am in another culture, but it is nice and relaxing in its own way, surely those who live far away from all this, interact in the same way)』

Cliston couldn't help but look with a smile that he had already returned to his Base form so as not to spoil everyone's lunch, he doesn't find it messy at all, but rather, kind of cozy, he came here with the intention of stopping them, and it seems to have worked. He was startled at first, but he was very glad to have acted normal and not fallen into reality, eh? acted? as in acted, all that before, was it...?

At that moment the Chief of this base sat next to him, bringing a drink to Cliston, which was Saudi Champagne, a non-alcoholic fruit drink, when Cliston saw the glass that had fruits in it, he received it thanking him and drank it. Also in passing, the Chief spoke to him, but of course, Cliston did not understand anything, when the Chief called out to someone, slowly approached the big guy who had previously decided to confront Cliston. And with his finger, the Chief pointed at himself and the strong man.

『لي』-『ابن』-『شكرا لإنقاذه』-『Thank you』

What the Chief just said, is that the strong man next to him, was his son and he was thanking him for saving him about the cannon. Cliston understood this perfectly thanks in the way he spoke, and by the gestures as well as the movement of the fingers, which the son also happened to thank.

『Shukran』-The son said "thank you".

The latter leaned down wanting to touch the sand with his forehead, where Cliston quickly grabbed his shoulder to make him stop, which did not expect the reaction of both men, both father and son, is to look at Cliston in a cheerful and happy way, again they thought it would be the opposite when this day comes, that everything would be chaos and a look of hatred, so it has always been, against those who fight looked at them that way, it could be said that Cliston is the first person that despite knowing that they are bad, he gave them a second chance, God just gave them another chance, these people also because of their upbringing and culture, they are respectful and welcoming, besides being very religious to their traditions, it is like an enlightenment to their lives, that both father and son went on to praise Cliston and tell him God.

『الله 』『الله 』『الله 』『الله 』『الله 』

Clisto to this to see what they were doing, he wanted to stop them, but as the chief was doing it, everyone present left their plate of food and also went on to pray to Cliston, for giving them a second life and that they would now also start praying to him along with their other religions as well. Cliston couldn't handle the masses, so he tried to stop them, so he slowly waved his hand, this was enough to make everyone present rejoice at this. Come to think of it, everyone here must have known that strong man was the son of the Chief, so why did they decide to shoot him with me. Everyone has a good and bad side, right now behind this good comfort, they were judging those who fired the cannon, they could not complain or object, fear made them act, the Chief also already gave his verdict, which for these guys would be execution. But they will do that behind everyone's back, no one has to watch, especially their savior, they want to think of their God.

『But...but...WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE!!!!!』

Tomeo finally made an appearance and he couldn't believe he was looking, his open mouth and even his mustache were trembling, this one was standing on top of the knocked down door and he saw how everyone was praising Cliston, and as he does understand several languages, he didn't understand why they were saying God to him, why they were saying thank you for this second life.


He gave tremendous shout Tomeo that quickly, all the men mobilized and in the blink of an eye they were already surrounding all the enemies in their own base, the joy was over, these began to sweat and in wanting to defend themselves, but one false move and they would be shot right here. Quickly Cliston would run to Tomeo to stop all this. But Tomeo could not believe that the young man, the supposed hero is coexisting peacefully with these people.

『I see, you tricked them to let their guard down and I'll be the one to finish them off, okay, on the count of 3, 1 2』.

『What, it's not that Tomeo, these are good people, I've already checked』.

Hearing that Cliston said good people, Tomeo quickly did not avoid being internally furious, he wanted to clench his fist, all his men were still aiming at the enemies, even these were also going to make their moves, but by order of their Chief with just a look, they understood that they must remain still, that their God would help them. Tomeo had to accommodate his thoughts, so with a heavy sigh, this one with a raised hand, gave the order that they no longer continue to target them, with a dubious look he looked at Cliston.

『Haber, I want you to tell me everything from the beginning, and make it logical please』.

Cliston would go on to tell Tomeo about everything that happened, where Cliston thought that in the parts he tells where he endured the bullets and explosions, Tomeo would get excited, but no, his gesture was still serious, so it was until he got to the end of it all. Tomeo just can't believe this happened, actually these guys gave up because of Cliston's words and now they are so well living together, it's just unrealistic.

『You know that all these people have made innocent people suffer right, you know that these people have killed my men right, you know that their lives are worthless before our justice, right, so tell me, why do you extend your hand to these kind of people』.

『Well...just .... why did I want to do it this way...it never crossed my mind to make them suffer...I just wanted to stop them and that's all...I just went along with who I am』

『At the moment you were defenseless and they aimed at you, they could have killed you, you were going to die, what are you not aware of, dying in your first mission...with the enemy you never have to hesitate for a second, in a fight like this, there are only 2 options, either you die and everything you love, or he dies』.

『But it didn't happen, I think at that moment the Boss stopped his man, and now we are living together, that's not the best thing?』

Tomeo just realized something he hadn't noticed before, he had misjudged apparently, Cliston may not be good, if not too good. This can play badly for serious moments, maybe today he was lucky, but it won't always work for him to want to be nice to everyone. Tomeo remembered when he met the Nimura family, and as he heard, Cliston is the image of everything that family represents, he could confirm that now with all this. The discussion wasn't going to go any further, so they might as well stop it for the time being.

『Can you accompany me outside, we need a change of scenery』.

『You're not going to do anything to these people』

『No, I won't do anything to them, don't worry, let's just talk』.

Just as he said, they were both retreating from the base, Tomeo's men never left their position, they would be watching the bad guys in case they make any move, these were not moving either, they wanted to be able to defend themselves, but their Boss was telling them that it is only time to resist, it is a test of time, commenting to leave everything to their God. As well as a few of Tomeo's men went to check the base for evidence, information, all the things they did.

『First of all, I want to congratulate you Young Cliston, it's very different from how I thought, but yes it was quite a success your first mission! I wish I could have seen you act as an invincible in this battle, you really can do it all by yourself, this really changes things a lot from now on』.

Tomeo became good-natured and cheerful again as he usually is, this Cliston took it in a good way, thinking that before he behaved serious because he was in public, but now that they are in private he can behave as such. But Tomeo's cheerfulness ended as soon as Cliston noticed, now he would become serious again.

『I hope this is the last time you act this way Cliston, all the men under my command, I promised their families that they would return home safe and sound, you saved those who stayed in the trench, thank you, I am eternally grateful, you are a good person, very good person, the way you were raised, is special and unique, and for that very reason I want to ask you something, just share it with those who are good on the planet, please, I ask you, limit your teachings』.

『But, that wouldn't be right Tomeo, discriminating others is wrong, so I was taught, I don't want to be different with others, I want to be equal with everyone, like what I am now, I had my doubts how to act, but being as I am I think in the best option』.

『Those men, that old man who was next to you, killed many people, I don't even know how to introduce myself to their families to give them the bad news, I can't, who is willing to kill is also willing to die, my colonel told me that while teaching me, if you see them as humans, you have to change your way of seeing them, humanity can be lost and never recovered, these people only think about their own welfare, they don't deserve to smile or a radiant tomorrow, they live from cruelty』

Between the conversation they were having, Tomeo's men were investigating the base, in one of his men was checking the back of the base, stealthily and hidden, he could see and arrive late, as if it was a tradition to betrayal, he clearly saw how a group of men with wavy swords, deca####### to other men, these were the ones who shot against the son of the Chief. Quickly Tomeo's man shot silently against these guys, looking at the scene closely, he could do nothing but wail with his eyes, it is something to which people like them, they sacrifice themselves so that no one else will see them.

『They are rats who don't judge in finishing off other people, even their comrades out of simple boredom, the same could happen to you, they could kill you at any time, you can't trust someone with a tainted past, no, just no, if you're going to be a Hero, take your role seriously, this isn't a game where you make friends with everyone, here it's do the right thing or die trying』.

『Tomeo, you're like that normally, right, or at least in your job, I'll just say, I'll do what's in my power, and that also includes not only my power, but what's really in my power, my decisions and all, if possible, I'd face in my original state to change it』.

They both had different opinions, it's not how each one thought, in just their first mission together, they realized many things that they didn't see before, this is going to bring a lot of problems for both of them, Tomeo already confirmed that the area is safe so he is sending to bring his ship to pick them all up. Cliston would ask for permission to return with the other people, where Tomeo with a slight movement of his hands indicated that he could go. Tomeo gave a sharp intake of breath as he rubbed his eyes, it seems he has a lot to teach Cliston after all.

When Cliston finally entered the base, he noticed that everything was the same, no one was moving, but when his believers saw him, they started to ask him for help and that he is fine, quickly Tomeo's men targeted them, where Cliston passing his God Form, stopped them by incapacitating them in energy barriers, and stacking the weapons on one side so that there is no more tension.

『It's better to live together, don't you think?』

With Cliston here, their believers were more secure and confident, as they could do nothing else, they continued to eat trying to ignore that they are in front of their enemies, but what else could they do, they simply cannot ignore the weight that will fall on them. Cliston was being talked to by the Chief, he was telling him a lot of things, but he did not understand him, but by his expression as well as his son, they were worried, so he told them.

『You'll go home and get back to doing your lives honestly, I promise you *smiles*』.

Although they may not have understood each other, from the way Cliston said it, the Chief went on to want to cry because of the security and confidence that the frenton brought him. In those the same men who were also with Cliston on the ship, observed everything and also had their own opinions, unlike their leader, Tomeo, perhaps this is another way to be able to change the world, simply by being as one is.

『(This young Cliston, I know I said he is not fit to be a hero, but now that I see him, I think I can change my mind, but anyway, we just follow Tomeo's orders, he is the one who has the final decision, if you want to see these people again, you are going to have to ask Tomeo, which I see him)』.

At that moment, the special headphones that the squadron has started to ring, the one who was talking was the man who found the terrible scene, he was telling everyone and Tomeo about it. The latter clenched his fist and commented that he was right, that he had been in the world and its surroundings long enough to know how they think. Tomeo thought that in order to change Cliston's way of seeing, maybe he should show him the scene, but if he does, wouldn't it be too traumatic for the young man? maybe he even wants to withdraw or go to the extreme of saving everyone, when in reality it's not like that. He doesn't know how Cliston will react, because he simply doesn't know him as he really is, wouldn't it be better.

『Hide it from him....』-『Bring the corpses secretly, those will be the first to enter the ship』.

Cliston was still quietly socializing with everyone until the metal bird arrived for them. When he arrived, the first thing he did was to go down in the back of the enemy base, it was also time to mobilize all the believers, that Tomeo's men took their weapons to make them listen to them, but Cliston commented to everyone that it is time to go, they only have to accompany him for a moment and then they will return home, even if they did not understand, they were just following Cliston, since he was the only thing that could save them.

『Okay, there is enough room for everything, please get in one at a time』.

Tomeo was the one leading everyone, or so it seemed, since it was really Cliston who they followed, as if he was a little snake, they followed him from tail to head, and when he met Tomeo, Cliston gave Tomeo a kind of bread, which was Khubz. Cliston smiled at Tomeo, who also smiled back and went on to eat the bread, commenting that it was delicious. And as if watching over everyone, Cliston ran backwards so that no one would stay behind, he felt he had to take care of them, he promised them, that each one would return home.

Already in the metal bird, Cliston was chatting in the area where the believers were, they always have a special area, where the bad ones are and another one for the good ones. From the good time he was having, Cliston was called by Tomeo to accompany him, where he kindly complied. He thought they were going to continue talking about it, but he only called him to give a small toast with everyone, it is a tradition in his organization to celebrate with a small glass of sake while they return from their work. Remember that Cliston is now of age.

『Oh, I see you're feeling better already!』

Cliston met the man whose arm was injured, this man was already better than when he found him, he received first aid and now he was with his arm bandaged, where this man commented to Cliston that now they make game for having arms that can't move.

『O that's what I would like to say, yours will heal with time, but already the nurse who attended us, told me that there is no other solution, they are going to amputate my arm so that the disease does not spread』.

The way he said it, was really like already of acceptance to what will happen to him, when Cliston heard this, he could not help but feel bad internally, he commented that as he heard, that 1 week ago they have been in that trench, if they had decided to do this as soon as possible, maybe he would not have lost his arm. Where the wounded man commented to him that.

『No, better that way, for difficult decisions, you always have to think about it a lot, if that was the time you had to delay, then fine, but stop being able to do that face, I will live, without an arm but I will live, the good thing is that it is the left, I can still make some at night hajaja』

His companions before this comment of the wounded man, laughed to liven up the atmosphere, Tomeo commented to his men that they would not return for the moment to Japan, all the problems that they manage to solve, always has to be judged by the authorities of the country concerned, right now they were heading to the central city of this country, where they could finally decide the fate that these people will have.

『They will have a secret trial, the judge dictates what will become of them, both your decision and mine count a lot, so Cliston, don't you have something to tell me before arriving at the agency of this country?』

When Tomeo turned to see Cliston, he was wearing the classic cap of this country, and asked Tomeo how it looked on him, whereupon the mustachioed man laughed and told him that he was very fond of this culture. Tomeo added that all cultures have their beautiful side.

『You said that if I have something to tell you, I just want to ask you something, please help these people, I feel that if I manage to promise with what I said in this first mission, I will be able to fulfill the others in my own way *smiles*』.

『Okay, but what I want to know is something else, you didn't take off or damage the headset I gave you? I wanted to contact you, but it was impossible』

When they took out the hearing aid, they saw that this time it worked, but he didn't understand why he couldn't communicate before, Cliston explained to Tomeo that his transformation to God comes with little things included, he told him that the things he wears or wears are not reflected in his God Form, but they are still there, they are still there, like something internal, ah. ...how would you explain this, and when Cliston is already in his God Form, and he puts on for example in this case his glasses, he does not become one with it, but there if he has them on, if it is reflected in his appearance, literally it is like dressing and putting on something new.

And if he is in his Base Form again with the example of the glasses and goes to his God Form, he would still be with the glasses on but this is not reflected in his appearance, but he would no longer have vision problems, since he would have them on.

『Ahhh!...did I make myself clear?』

『I think a little bit.... could you explain again?』

Cliston also commented that attacks done to him in his God Form, would be reflected in his Base Form, if he gets a rip for example that hurts him, when he returns to his Base Form the rip would be reflected with his ripped clothes and even body. This transferring the pain only works if they receive an attack that can hurt them, that is to say an equal or superior power that they have. Cliston tried to explain it in the best way, but Tomeo simply couldn't deal with this kind of confusing logic.

『I give up I don't understand...』

『Haber...I base wear glasses pass god form become one not reflecting appearance but looking good』-『Suffering damage God Form ay! Seeing oneself reflected in clothes and body Base Form』

『Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I get it!!! Yeah that's a really weird link』.

『How can you understand that, are you a little kid or what Tomeo』.

They were having fun in the conversation they were having, I think it was better explained here than when M had to say it xd. Being close to the city, the metal bird descended to land in a desolate place so that no one would see it, with the help of a transport that was already in place, where they were all, these were on their way to the agency of the country of ######. Here again as if it were a tradition, all the believers greeted Cliston by raising their hands, where he would respond.

『Salam Alaykum』

『Eh? have you already learned the greeting here?』

『It is that they teach my friends very well 』.

Cliston saw this more as a tourism, he had not noticed before, but the sky was already very dark, he remembered that he did not have lunch with his family and also believes that today he will not be able to go home to rest, I guess it is because this mission is special, tomorrow he will be able to go home, right? even if it is just for a while. The bus where they were all, entered the special agency of the country where as if everything was already prepared for this, as it was now the same men of their country who now showed them the way and what to do, they communicated and the believers already had an idea of what could happen here. They led them to a special place, where Cliston also wanted to enter, but Tomeo stopped him at the last second.

『Here I'm afraid you can't accompany them, they are preparing for the trial that will be soon, so quickly and efficiently we do our work, this will take hours, you can go to rest in one of the dormitories of the agency here, I will take care of everything』.

『But .... I want to stay with them...』

『(You are a hero, you have easy access to everything if you are with me, you can ask to be in the trial, why...why do you act like someone normal....)』

『If you can't then I guess it's okay, it's important thing as far as I see, but don't forget Tomeo, promise me that they come back home, please』.

『It will be so young Cliston, I give you my word *smiles* Come on, go to sleep أره غرفته من فضلك』

Tomeo just spoke the language of this place, where quickly a guy who was with us, happened to guide me where I should sleep, at that moment I thought, if he knows how to speak all languages. Cliston would greet his guide with what he learned from today, the latter was surprised and gaining more confidence, he would speak animatedly, thinking that Cliston knew his language, but no, this is already too much beyond him.

Already late at night, the trial was taking place in the most secret of the agency, Tomeo was present, watching everything from a good place for the position he has, we may not understand what they say or what they talk about, but a simple summary would be that in the end, the voice of all believers would be the Chief, he would be the representative to judge instead of everyone, he was granted this request which was accepted, the judge reviewed all his acts and with a terrible anger for not believing him, he told him lots of horrible things, there was even a moment where he started to cry.

『(A I get it, I knew this guy did bad things, he even killed the judge's daughter)』.

The Judge carried away by his feelings and as a form of justice that is what they deserve, he sent them to have each one's head cut off, that you can't let such bad people live on the planet, who brought chaos and fear to this country. That was the decision of the judge of the country, now it was up to the leader of all Asia, whose decision also mattered a lot. Tomeo stood up from his seat and I better translate what he said.

『They are people who did terrible things, they are a plague on our continent, on our planet, to finish them off would be the most righteous thing to do, but what I just saw today, a young man made me see many things that I had forgotten when I was young, and that is that everyone has a second chance, including those who lost their humanity』.

Listening to Tomeo speak, the leader was happy, his God, Cliston had intervened not directly to save him, to see how his gesture of sadness changed to one of hope, it was nice to see.

『You asked me personally to help these people, and as you know I am a person who keeps his promises, I promise you that you will see your family again but this time in a new home (all the people you killed) I will help them personally (all my men you killed) I hope this time if they think things better and live in the right way (all the people who lived in fear) My decision is (Now if I can fulfill it) Yanna』.

Tomeo said without hesitation in his eyes, when the Chief heard this, his joy did not disappear, rather, he started to cry without making any noise, this guy could only see one thing, a light was bathing him, he quickly found the peace he wanted so much, he could no longer feel anything, he could no longer hear anything, he was made one with the world. Without him noticing, in the darkness at his back, a man with a saber had come and the last thing the Chief said before passing on to a better life was.

『شكرا للله』

Which means "Thank God" a thump could be heard of something falling to the ground, followed by a body that no longer had any strength. The judge was more than satisfied with the decision, where Tomeo looked at the head and this had a gesture of having been saved from all guilt, this due to knowing Cliston.

『If you are going to continue with this way of acting Cliston, I will have no choice but to hide the truth from you』.

Already disposing of the bodies, the rest of the believers would sleep until tomorrow, which would be the last of their days, they would also have the same fate as their Chief, the only one who again slept peacefully was Cliston, who was surprised by how modern his room was.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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