
Chapter 206: Another Reality | MT 6

I was having a fight with 2 little people that I think I will have more conflicts with. Eve is very crafty, but really too much, she takes advantage of every circumstance to make fun of me in a perverted way, I even feel that she really insinuates herself on me to do and provoke me to do other kinds of things. But at least let's say he is subtle and clever in his words, he is not so vulgar in saying what exactly he wants. It's the first time I've met a girl like that and she has that behavior, I really don't know how I would treat someone who is direct in that sense, you know, someone who tells me directly that she wants to have sex with me or her insinuations are very direct. So I'm going to pray that I don't run into a person like that, hopefully?

And for those who did not realize I am referring directly to Estela, that person was the one who was the most insinuated to me quickly, although it makes sense for everything that happened, it is wrong to say it but it would be the right thing to do. Estela is a person with psychological problems, in the Reality of M, Estela met Lam and soon after they got married, at the time I was opposed to the idea, because .... is very fast!!!! You can't get married quickly with someone who you hardly know about, what happens to people who think that way!!!! Call me grandfather or old habits, but I think you should spend more time with that person and in the future you should consider the idea of getting married, *sigh* marriage is a serious thing, you can't take it as if nothing, for many people, specially for women, marriage is one of the most important moments in their life, and Estela.....de truth that her dream of a fairy tale was stronger this time, it must have been the only way she could endure everything, with that idea that one day she could be happy and everything would be over. But the sad part of it all is ..... that we know the truth of what that ending is like, we all know what the person Estela lists as her Prince Charming is like. For the moment M can't do anything.....

MT had already decided to continue with his journey, at the beginning he hid his happiness, since he never expected that in his journey he would be accompanied by several people, the simple fact that they accompany him makes him very happy indeed. But this one at the end denied it showing that he is a Tsundere.

『As I couldn't tell at first, you have all the characteristics in a Tsundere, you get angry and fed up, but at the same time you are understanding, you refuse things when you actually want it the most, the fangirl you have on your face, that tender feisty attitude you carry yourself, you look away, you blush easily for every little action, and even sometimes you seem to have the behavior of a cat hehehehehehe』(* >ω<)=3

Eve was teasing and portraying with words to MT who this one was embarrassed, your face was red either because he was very shy but at the same time annoyed, without doubting Eve's amusement, MT happened to take it and turned it as if it was a screw to look at her face to face.

『Hey buddy, can you say Nya?』 (๑-́ω-̀)

Eve imitated a cat even made the little claw movement, her mouth and eyes changed to look like a kitten (ฅΦωΦ)ฅ. MT without hesitation was upset so this time he would make him pay for everything he did to her, he has long been like a boiling kettle that has been blowing for a long time.

『You know what you're playing don't you? The one who's going to pee is going to be you』 ('◣д◢`+)

MT was really upset and this was felt by Eve, she went from her funny face to a really worrying one, she was sweating like never Eve because of what her friend would do, MT without hesitation showed his free hand while telling her that he also had the right to touch her wherever he wants.(@Д@;

That comment really scared Eve, it was as if she had forgotten she could talk and all the while she was meowing like a feline who wanted to escape from the clutches of torture. Maya who happened to turn around to see what all the fuss was about, noticed that Eve was laughing out loud involuntarily, this due to the tickling her friend was giving her.

『Hahahahahaha stop it please!!!! I'm really going to pee myself!!!』 (๑ॢ˃̶͈̀ ꇴ ˂̶̸͈́๑ॢ) л̵ʱªʱªʱªʱª

Eve was rolling around on the ground like a worm as she was laughing and trying her best to get away from MT, but MT was turning into an annoying rock and wouldn't stop until she was satisfied.

『Well.....at those times I don't find little esa』(; ̄ー ̄A danger anymore.

Maya was looking doubtfully at the scene while Syl was laughing quietly, but you could tell from the look on her face that she was amused and wanted to join in as well. Eve was still giggling as MT kept tickling her, it seems she found a way not too aggressive but with strong consequences of how to express her annoyance with Eve. The little girl was begging and pleading for her friend to stop, where already MT since some time ago was already more relieved and kept doing it since it was fun for him, but out of nowhere MT stopped since a little smell could be felt coming from below, this was missed by the smell where he looked at Eve who looked very helpless and violated.

『You are very bad Yashiro-tan.... I didn't think you were one of those who humiliate and make women cry.... I warned you and you kept on hitting her until the liquid came out..... now I can't get married.... you did it midget, you destroyed all confidence of a defenseless girl.....』o(;△;)o

Eve looked like she had been outraged without being outraged, I don't know if it was acting like the previous times, but this time it was so real that I really felt bad for what I did. In a quick way I bowed to the ground apologizing for having gone to such an extreme to him, but I think nothing I say will make him forgive me for what I did to him, I was regretting since we barely reconciled and now this time if I had all the blame.

『So you swear? That you won't treat me badly again and you will always love me no matter what, one must answer for one's crimes yes or yes』.

Eve was really destroyed, both her words and her appearance were heartbreaking that would break anyone's soul, at first I wanted to refuse because that is very extreme just for that little offense, but it is still very serious, the first words came out but I quickly covered my mouth because a part of me said not to do it. I had a struggle with myself to say those words.

『It's...It's.....It's okay...I....I....I....will love you no matter what happens until the...the....Fi.....Final.... 』

It was getting to notice how it was hard for me to say it, I even looked away and my mouth made a little candy mouth gesture since I really didn't want to say it, even if it's a joke, although I don't know if it's a joke, but saying that kind of words have a lot of weight, I was so embarrassed and at the same time shy that I was able to say it. At that it could be noticed how Eve smiled victoriously and out of nowhere celebrated alone.

『Good! Perfect! You promised! Now you must never break your word, you practically swore me eternal love, although I would like to think that it has always been so, well, piolasa my friend, now that you have sworn, let's continue with our trip』.

Eve from what she was shattered and seemed to be hopeless, out of nowhere she became very happy, as if everything before had not happened. She went back to being that cheerful and playful Eve from the beginning, this was strange to me, since I did not understand her way of doing things or why she does them and without further ado I told her so to her face.

『It is to have more confidence, words affect a lot to who listens to them, and more if they come from the person who you love very much, even if you do not take seriously what you said, I will appreciate them a lot, it is something we learned in our stay with you』.

Eve has that side, sometimes she acts funny and playful, but from one second to the next you can tell that she is a person who has been through a lot and has several incredible stories to tell, seeing her so normal, it also brought me security, and I thought that all this has been an act so she can have fun and I fell right into her trap. I thought that I am really someone so important to her that she is capable of doing things like that just to hear those words from me... I was touched my chest and I really wanted at all costs, deep inside me to believe and have that friendship that Eve and I are supposed to have.

But in my confusion I asked her then what was that liquid and little smell that I felt, since it would be what had me intrigued the most, Eve was looking at the sky pretending that she was looking for an answer, but most likely she already knew since a long time ago her words.

『That liquid, even I don't know where it came from, besides that is an offense my dearest pimp daddy, don't you know that women don't pee or poop? We are so beautiful and perfect that we don't do something as disgusting as throwing waste that our body doesn't need, we are always pure and therefore we don't go to the bathroom!!!』o.(+・`ω・+).o

Eve was speaking as if she was the voice of every woman in one, swearing that women didn't go to the bathroom to do what men do, which is mostly a paj------xd which is mostly pissing and kk, no no no no, if you see a woman going to the bathroom it's obviously, to take out products to clean-------I'm literally playing it up by making those jokes, don't funen me plis.....so I better stop, if you see a woman going to the bathroom it's to obviously what we all do!!!! Cell phone!!!! An outlet!!!! Charger, sit on the throne and enjoy what you have to do!!!! That's why you go to the bathroom! They call it the throne for a reason because you have all the comforts at your fingertips. And that's what Eve wants us to understand!!! Although I'm really doubting if Eve is really a woman, because when we met she said that they took this appearance because it was what I "literally" like, I don't know how that got there but what can you do. In the middle of the discussion I was listening perfectly to Eve and how she said it with confidence, while Maya looked at everything and told herself that.

『Are they dumb or what? Literally any living organism does her undoing, no matter how cute or pure she looks, so how did she make it clear....ah! Ya se!!!! Your Chinese monkey and waifu do the 2!!!!! Your partner makes 2!!!! It's....literally something simple!!!! Really where did guys get the idea that women don't do our needs.....son...are they dumb or what? But at least I know that this guy in front of me must not be like that, I hope』

『What a relief, you had already scared me away Orejona , because it's obvious, isn't it? Women don't go to the bathroom to do that』 (`・ω・')

Maya was giving the true opinion and reality of the farce circulating in the world, she had hopes, but little hope that MT would not fall for that lie, but listening to her words she was dumbfounded without believing what she had said. In comparison to Eve who was cheerfully giving him her approval.(σ`・∀・')σ

『Enseriously are we going to have to accompany these idiots?』

Maya couldn't believe that these are the dangers that they have her worried about, she literally now thinks that these 2 are just idiots who have nonsense in their heads, but what would leave her shocked would be Syl's words.

『Eh? But is it true Maya-chan, or do you go to the bathroom to do that?』

Simply but doubtfully said Syl without further ado, where Maya was startled and alarmed, she slowly turned her head to look confused at her older sister, in her mind she was saying to herself that it can't be, that they already passed her silliness to her Onee-sama, but....if it comes from Syl maybe it's true, maybe women don't poop and she's the only one different from everyone. Quickly Maya got a knot in her brain from so much thinking which one was true that she fell to the ground, but in the end Syl couldn't take it anymore and told her that she was joking.

『Seriously? What a relief, but....is the first time you've ever made a joke』

"Oh! Really? That's great! So that's how you make jokes, but you have to lie and I don't like that very much, fine! Then I'll try my best to make small jokes, if it brings out a smile and laughter from others *smiles*』.

Syl was determined to try harder to make others amused and help emotionally in making others amused, it is something that she is not very specialized but she will try anyway, Maya who saw this was strange to her, as Syl had never done something like that like making a simple joke, she looked at both young men again and had other thoughts about them.

『Oh! That's right! Before we go I'd like to check one thing, Hey Frentona, the only threat in this world was that fat man, right? Or is there another one that could be a danger in the future?』

Out of nowhere on my question, Eve gave me a lunge that made me spit out air and I inevitably fell against the ground, where Eve seemed to be complaining saying that if you have any doubt, just tell her, I quickly gave her a straight punch on the head and would move on again to address Maya.

『Another threat? (The only dangerous ones were them, there are other organizations that do evil but there is also another one of Heroes that are fighting against them, so I could say there is nothing wrong, but ....¡!!!!! Wait, the day when The Awakening of Metamorphosis happened was Karma and Kilar's fault, we survived but them being very close to the explosion and already knowing practically nothing about them, then they should be dead, right? Who knew that a clumsiness would free us and in turn would be a great change for everyone) No, those were the only ones』.

Maya would end up with that conclusion upon thinking it through very well regarding the subject, but remembering those scientists also brought back memories of how they experimented on them to achieve their goals, and yes, they succeeded. Those days of torture, inhumane experiments, she never wants anyone to go through them again, none of her sisters. I listened perfectly to Maya where I understood, now I was more sure that I left nothing behind and that I could leave without any resentment. Out of nowhere I felt a light finger tap on my forehead, who was Eve, seeing her I noticed she had an expression of being upset.

『I told you to just look at me』 (๑-̆૩-̆)

『What's wrong with you? You look like a baby』

『Oh! There's also a version of me but smaller, they seem to be having fun and getting along well』.

I didn't understand sometimes Eve, she talks about weird things as if you know it too, without further ado I would get up as it was time to leave. Come to think of it I would like to ask Eve a lot of questions, of what powers she has or how strong she is, but I guess that can wait until we cross the other side of the portal. Without further ado I said the words of the spell and the dark green portal appeared in front of us.

『Is that color your portal? It's not the colorful one like mine, that's what I beat you at』.

Again he was saying such normal things as if one knew it, we were all ready, I was about to take the first step but suddenly I felt a strong throbbing all over my body. In a quick way I had run out of strength, I felt very tired and my mind was flying.

『(Coño..... I forgot to pass to my God Form...But I still would have fainted....)』

I was going to fall straight to the grass where Eve was noticeable with a playful expression and rubbing her hands together, since as practically MT will be helpless, she can do whatever she wants with it. But quickly and without thinking, something didn't happen as Eve expected, Syl went to tackle MT with her back, this really was an action that left both Eve confused and the young man.

『Eh? Why didn't I fall down?』

I was trying hard not to close my eyes and fall asleep, I wanted to know what happened, I don't know where he was leaning but he felt very warm, I felt like falling asleep because of how good and safe he felt. At that I heard Syl's warm voice and with her simple words she gave me to understand everything.

『The first time I couldn't tackle you, but this time I did react in time, are you okay? *smiles* 』 』

Syl looked at me with a smile while my head wanted to shut down, but I was struggling to still be a little more awake. I don't know what this is I feel, I don't feel any malice in it, rather I feel very comfortable, like I don't care about the rest if I'm next to Syl. Without further ado I replied with a simple.


I averted my gaze as I don't like to make much eye contact with people, especially when these kind of nice moments happen, but what is this really!!!! Syl was certainly someone I could trust. Eve who was in the back was rubbing her hands and making crafty movements with them, her goal was clear, take advantage to touch him while he is passed out, but.

『Ah! Eve-chan, could you stop doing that? I think it bothers M-san a lot, at least now that he's tired, it would be best』.

Eve certainly didn't expect someone to interrupt her and much less Syl in her actions, because of the surprise Eve stuttered for a few moments where in the end she agreed not to do her thing while MT is defenseless, but it seems that it really bothered her to be interrupted, because she quickly went to Syl's side and told her very seriously.

『Really, are you sure you want to join us? Be sure that very ugly and disturbing things await us as I told you, a good person like you may not be able to bear them, even so, really.... are you really sure about accompanying us?』

Eve was heading to the big girl who as if she was her son was MT on her back carrying him. Eve was serious, that's what I'm saying, this girl is an expert at going from personality to personality that you would say is someone else, where Maya would quickly give her answer.

『Of course she is, Onee-sama is very strong even if she doesn't show it, when the moment of truth comes, she's the one that will leave you the most shocked, be sure of that』.

『I know I'm not much of a fighter and I also know that's what will be waiting for us a lot on this trip, but even if I can't fight, I will be there to encourage you, to accompany you in your difficult moments, I will be the first to help you if you are in trouble, I promise, and if it's possible..... I will give my life so long as you are well』.

Syl was determined, she did not back down before Eve's words and seriousness, where irremediably, Eve used her powers as one of the originals to see the story ahead and I knew it at once. At that moment Eve remembered when she had Lugia in front of her and how she protected Syl from her, that moment was very clear to her, if she had acted differently, maybe the future she saw would have been different. Eve made a smile on her face and said that she was very happy, she admired his tenacity. At that she could hear MT where she attentively passed by to see him.

『Hey Orejona..... the guy who you saved me from, who was it?』

MT was referring to the person with whom he was fighting, that guy who was Successor of Champa, the God of Destruction of the Sixth Universe, that because of the brutal beating MT could not know who he was, in this version he could never know who that person was, but I say again, we know who he is and Eve also knows it, without hesitation, Eve happened to caress MT's head without thinking and with a smile she said to him.

『He was nobody, he was just a successor who in the end decided to do bad things, he was no longer part of us, so you don't have to worry about him anymore *smile*』.

MT couldn't take it anymore, he was so sleepy that his last words were before he went to sleep.

『.... I see...at least..... I would have liked to...see him from the front....』

MT without further ado fell asleep, like a cat in its blanket, Eve kept stroking MT's head affectionately while she had red cheeks and showed a warm and loving smile. But she quickly changed to a determined look looking at that portal that her partner made, in it she was looking so much at what was to come, that to be honest with herself, she didn't like it at all, and for that very reason she is going to try to change it as much as she can. Eve really wanted, she wants to come to love Syl and Maya very much, she will literally fight against fate to promise the promise she made to MT, of which is to create a safe and sound path where everyone will be happy.

『(This time yes, it's the last chance, everything we know, will depend on the action of these 3 people, whether it's good or for bad, that won't matter to me, as long as I can always be with Yashiro-tan, I'll do the impossible).

With those thoughts and decision ahead, everyone entered the portal where he disappeared in that meadow, the only one who witnessed everything was as it has always been, that Cherry Tree. Just as Eve said, everything we know will depend on what these 3 do, let's hope it will be for the best.

NT: I think I'm going to leave it here since it would be very weird to go straight to another topic very different from this one, I had planned to tell about little Yashiro's past when he was in elementary school, but it would be better to leave it for the next chapter, so I'm sorry if this turned out to be a small chapter but I think it will be better. Ah! And I'm also going to warn from already, that a lot will happen, maybe a slight time to see what happens with another reality or if we continue with the MT one, a small warning xd.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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