
Chapter 207: Memories of Pequeños Part 1

The first time I arrived to this new place, to this new neighborhood, the truth was that I had little hope that something in me would change, if before I lived surrounded by only relatives it was difficult to empathize with them and even left me with small sequels, but that was enough for me at that time to believe that I could not socialize with others.

The day before going to elementary school for the first time, I imagined what the other students would be like, would those people be the same as my cousins with whom I spent most of my time? Would they make fun of me for being the youngest? Will they make bad jokes believing that I am the same as them? Will the words come out of my mouth at the important moment? I didn't know. I was just lying in bed, I had already finished watching a series, I was tired of playing on the computer, I just wanted to be doing nothing and that's all, sometimes you just want to lie down stretching your whole body and stay like that for a while.

But it didn't last long as I quickly felt that the sun's rays were blinding me and warming me up a little at a time, this was enough for me to decide to move a little. Maybe the sun pleases them a lot, since it can mean many things, among them that it is a good day, perfect to go out to play among the trees or to take a simple walk. But for me the days were the same, I didn't feel a change if the weather was good or bad. Although when it rains hard or there is a storm, there is a chance that the lights will go out and that is a problem for me. So we would agree that I would care even a little bit about the weather.

When I was about to close the window and cover it with the curtain, I quickly managed to hear some laughter and what seemed to be a funny conversation. They were coming from the house next door, just a few meters from my room, which was on the second floor. It made me curious since perhaps I had never noticed it before, it seemed that they were talking about the fact that they were also going to study soon, by the tone of their voices I think they were my age. I decided to look out the window to see something, it was a little girl and a little boy.

It seemed that they were having fun just talking, what are they talking about to make the atmosphere so funny, it was something that I didn't understand before, I couldn't see well because I could see very little, I could see in a blurry way those two people, I think the girl has hair like a helmet?...I can't see it well, while the boy seemed to be wearing glasses and ..... I can't see well because I'm looking out of the corner of my eye. My head is starting to get dizzy and sore from the effort I'm making.

It was already starting to bother me not being able to see them well enough that I was going to decide to look at them head on without any fear, maybe it's because I'm inside my house and my room that I could get up to look, but it didn't stop me from grabbing at the curtains. But quickly it seems that the guy with glasses realized what was happening and happened to look at the window of my house, he could notice that it was closed with curtains and with slight movements.

Menhera-chan went to him asking him what had happened, where Rino answered that he already remembered, that recently a new family had just moved here, the little girl looked curiously through the window and even shouted in case there was someone in that house not to be afraid to appear.

Meanwhile I quickly found out that I had caught the attention of the boy with glasses, I quickly covered with the curtains and protected myself by kneeling down so he wouldn't see me. I was very nervous and my words did not come out, and even worse because despite my quick action, they realized that I was here, Menhera kept calling if there was someone and that made me more and more tense. At last Menhera's insistence stopped, as he thought it was useless to keep forcing someone who did not want to show up, it was bad for him to force others. But it seems that the boy with glasses, Rino, was calm, he even blurted out a comment thanking her.

"They moved out even though something very serious happened here, maybe they don't know it or maybe they do, but anyway, this brings me peace of mind, little by little everything will be back to normal or even better....』

At that came in Menhera's mother, Kyoko who was bringing some snacks for them to share among all of them. It was some chocolate cookies, but as soon as she made the call that she brought the snack, quickly came Jersey accompanied by 2 small 2 year old babies apparently she was carrying them in both arms. Konomi was also passing through the passageway when she saw the cookies and wanted one. So she decided to go into her sister's room to take a few. Kyoko left the plate of cookies on top of a small table within everyone's reach, Konomi when she was going to take in the most calm way, quickly Jersey seemed to quickly grab the cookie that Konomi was going to grab. You could tell from Jersey's expression that she was very happy to eat them, but quickly her joy went away as she saw her sister Konomi with an expression of being upset.

The surprise came to her so quickly that she almost got stuck with the cookie, she was struggling for a while not to get stuck and at the end she was apologizing to her sister. Konomi gave a sigh and when she was about to take another cookie, she again found that another person wanted the cookie, their hands collided and as Konomi is one of those people who have little patience, she was about to get upset and make a comment. But in the end she stopped when she saw that the person she bumped into was a baby, more specifically Rhino's younger sister.

Both looked at each other and crossed glances, Konomi was judging him with her eyes seriously, while the baby just looked at her without further ado, Konomi is not one to give up on anyone, to sum it up with a phrase, Konomi is "No matter who the opponent is, You have to give it all" or the "No exceptions" Konomi was fighting internally with herself, you could see her looking away and her mouth twisted, where she was slowly taking her hand off the cookie, but the baby kept looking at her by the expressions she was making.

¡¡¡!!!! Konomi couldn't take it anymore and quickly took the cookie and made her take a bite...the baby, without saying any words, implied that she was giving her cookie to the baby. Konomi is not very good at giving encouraging encouragement as one would expect, she is just good at being straightforward and sincere which many would categorize as cold.

The baby named Iroha was the calmest and quietest, she seems to have the serenity and assurance that her brother Rhino, Iroha subtly and softly with her words thanked Konomi for giving her her cookie. Konomi scratched her head for thinking so much in an easy situation. But it was too late, we could say she played the clown, everyone present laughed at the situation, especially at the expressions she made and how she resisted against a baby for a simple cookie.

『Thanks a lot Konomi-chan』

Rhino who was laughing thanked Konomi for being kind to her little sister, Konomi to forget everything was going to take another cookie, but it seems that history was going to repeat itself because in the middle of the way her hand collided with Rhino's other sister, Kaede, who was direct like Menhera but much more determined and with the personality of a leader. They stared at each other and quickly, Kaede took the cookie and ate it without further ado, and you could tell she was giggling at the fact that she had beaten him. She ate it in front of Konomi's face and even mocked her.

In Kaede's laughter she could tell that Konomi was really upset and in her if she wouldn't treat her the same as her other sister, but quickly before Konomi could do anything to her, she took refuge behind her brother Rino, now that she was sure to stick her tongue out to tease Konomi even more. Where Rino was stroking his little sister Kaede's head as he blurted out a comment.

『She seems to admire you Konomi-chan』.

This was weird for Konomi to hear since she didn't see it that way, if she really admired him then he shouldn't be teasing her, but the thing is that he really did admire her in a way, babies at that stage, they go on to imitate their figures who they have more trust with, and it seems that Kaede has a lot of confidence in Konomi even though she never showed such a thing, maybe what attracted her to Konomi is that she is straightforward and unafraid of her words affecting other people, for Kaede that attitude was the best thing that could be.

『Stop looking at me brat, I'm not your nanny to be taking care of you, let alone see where you mess, I'd better go to my room, they make a lot of fuss here』.

Konomi was standing up, who Kaede was sticking her tongue out at her, she stopped when she saw Konomi leaving, she quickly went to follow him but to impose and teach him a lesson, Konomi slammed the door in Kaede's face hard, this was enough for Kaede to pout and cry, she sought refuge in her brother Rino, who was hugging her and caressing her head.

Menhera and Rino's family were very good friends, they have always helped each other in every problem they had, even on that day of the tragedy, someone had to take justice into his own hands, which would also trigger his loss and bring consequences for his family.




It's been a few years since I entered elementary school, and thanks to meeting Menhera and Rino, I was able to grow up a bit and get closer and closer into the big person I want to be. I also made some crazy friends, so to speak, they were crazy in a good way, since they were always going from here to there, and even worse since Jersey joined us, there was practically nothing that could stop them.

Maybe because of those dynamic and very altered moments I had with them, I felt that sometimes I wanted much calmer emotions, a friend whose mind is calm, I don't mean that my friends' minds are bad, no no, it's just that sometimes there are moments where I want to touch deep topics and listen, talk to someone about normal things without it turning into something different. That is what used to happen with my friends, we would start the conversation not about animals, and we would end up creating any blowjob in the sewing workshop, very strange, isn't it? And I'm not saying it's wrong, it's fine, that's what friends are for, to do and talk about fun things for no apparent reason, but sometimes, I would like to talk about things or do more realistic things.

But when I was 9 years old, when we were all in 3rd grade, it's like someone finally listened to me, I can't say it was God since I don't believe in any religion, but if it's really like that, then I just have to say something "Thank you."

『I think it's fine like this, yeah 』 -*:゚*。⋆ฺ(*'◡`)-『My name is Sato Akihiro, but please can you call me Albert』 ⁽⁽ ◟(灬 ˊωˋ 灬)◞ ⁾⁾

A new student just joined our class, we were all with different feelings in our mind, you know, from what this new kid looks like, where he is from, what he likes, why he looks so normal, I think I was the one who thought the latter, is that he really looked so normal, if you would put him in a crowd you would hardly recognize him, normal black hair, normal height for age, normal clothes and you could even say the personality is normal. You could say what I said is bad, but it wasn't, that he looks so normal gave me hope and encouraged me in something I never thought would happen.

『(I want to be his friend!!!)』

I was determined, I would be the first friend I have in this new school, since I know about that, even though it's not exactly the same I know about that, about coming to a new unknown place and trying to fit in. I will teach him what I was taught, not to be afraid of the unknown and to have confidence in yourself, although I don't think that will be necessary because if I compare him to my presentation, he is much better than me. The first time I introduced myself I stuttered a little bit and with a simple failure in something important already makes you want to die of embarrassment. My friends gave me the nickname El Pato, because I stuttered so many times that I looked like that animal.

The Teacher told him which seat was his, in the end his seat ended up being next to the door at the end of it all, that simple action still made me think that this kid is actually someone so amazing, well why.

『(He ended up sitting at the end of everything next to the door! He's definitely a normal guy!!! Not like the guys who sit by the window and stare at him while thinking about other things, no no no no no no!!!! Akihiro.....Albert if he's normal!!)』

I was excited that it's already break and I can talk to him, I was really looking forward to at least interact a few words with him. I know I said I want a quiet friend to talk about quiet and even serious topics, but ..... aren't Menhera and Rino like that? Well yes they are, but they're also a bunch of crazy people these 2. I was about to start the class where we were each getting ready for another day at school.

『(_ _||||)(That wasn't Mr.Beast...LA PTM!!!!!)』(((((T-T*)))))

POMMM!!!! A friend of mine without further ado upon learning that he was not the person he expected and that many of his wishes may be fulfilled, ended up giving a loud bang on his desk where it resounded throughout the classroom, we all stared at him confused and even scared, but we are already somewhat accustomed to his behavior that simply the teacher gave him a wake-up call.

Albert laughed at that scene but at the same time he was worried, and that was the beginning of our new school year, with a new student in our ranks.


My friends were very thankful that Sato Akihiro was called Albert, and they also decided to call him by other names, because they thought it was funny to be called in other ways. At that time I had 5 friends, and this is what they chose:

Original Names: Names they called themselves:

-Okada Botan -Brayan (Alias El Tilin)

-Honda Okada -Omar (Alias El Perro)

-Nimura Cliston -Cliston (Alias El Gordito)

-Kimura Taro -Potter (El Tio Potter)

-Bushida Raiden -Rojito (Alias Rojito)

Those were the names that were given to play Albert's game, they didn't think much about it, they just looked for names in other places in the world and randomly selected what they would be called. But you may ask yourself dear friend, why Cliston is still called the same way? Because the reason is that your name doesn't sound so oriental, and well, since the first time we heard his name, we already knew that something didn't add up. And why one of your friends is called rojito?

It is also very simple, because on his first day of school, his uniform was not yet ready so he came with only red clothes, well, it was not all red, it was just a red coat, but as the boy was so small, that coat covered everything, and for that simple fact he got the nickname and name of Rojito.

Although those are the names that we called each other at the beginning, Ah! They called me the same way, since they were all used to call me by my name, since the grace was that we call each other in those ways or that at least resemble each other, but they were so used to call me by my last name or first name that it was impossible. But my nickname of El Pato did stick. Continuing on from before, even though we gave ourselves those names, we didn't refer to ourselves by them, sometimes we used other nicknames that were born as our shenanigans went on, you'll see when the story tells itself.

『Well, we have our names!!! From now on we will call each other that!!! What a good idea you had, Albert!

This was very funny to Albert, but in the end he was a bit puzzled, as he looked up the meaning of his name to put on Albert's name, when he told that to my other friends, they were silent, as they just put on the first thing they saw or the one they liked the most without looking further.

『Seriously? Well, it seems to be a hassle so we stuck with those names!!!!! You heard!!! From now on, you will be Cliston Alias El Gordito, you will be Omar Alias El Perro, you Potter Alias El Tio Potter!!!, you Rojito Alias El Rojito, Mori-chan Alias El Pato or also Esqueleto, and me the.....I will be the Master, of course I will』( +・`ω・ω・)b

Brayan who was who most led us if not Jersey, referred to everyone by the names we had agreed upon, and also referring to them by what they are most characterized by. In the end we also gave Brayan a nickname with what he is best known for. Brayan is an uncontrolled guy, he honestly does things without thinking, and then thinks about what he has done. Besides that he is a little guy and he is very active at times, if you don't tie him up he will do something weird. Because of all of the above we all agreed to call him with something that is a blessing, but more to the point it becomes disturbing.

『Listo, sorry <Chato> But nade de Master ni tus mamadas, from now on you will be called Tilin, so get used to it』.

<Translator: Chato in many Latin American countries means: Small or of short stature>.

Cliston, aka el Gordito was heading to Brayan to give him that mythical hated and loved by many that nickname, and honestly it is something that suits him very well. Since Brayan is a person you can like, but mostly you can dislike, especially for his ways of reacting that are somewhat strange and even aggressive.

『Que? Que wuebada es eso? LIKE THAT TILIN <MAMAGUEVO>!!!! AHHHH!!!! YAMBRA SCRATCH!!!!!!』

<Translator: Mamaguevo or Mamahuevo in the vernacular of some Latam countries means: The term used is mamahuevo or mamagüevo. Although it is generally a vulgar and offensive term, on the Atlantic Coast of Colombia it is used to designate a very submissive, meek or docile person. It is synonymous with pendejo, bobo.

Synonyms of mamaguevo are pendejo bobo

Used this way in Colombia "Not all the times mamagüevo is an insult.">

( ・`ω・') Brayan was with an expression of indignation and eager to unleash offense against those present. We were more than satisfied since he deserves it after everything Brayan has done to us so far we are friends. I'm going to tell you something very quickly, I once scratched his notebook like this, but this small, but almost unnoticeable. But El Brayan made me the:

『Omaewa mo shindeiru』 o(`*ω*')


And the hdp gave me tremendous scratch on my notebook from here to the moon!!!! If I hadn't stopped him he would have torn my notebook pages!!!!! From there I understood that I should not make jokes to him, or if I make jokes I should take good care of my things, since Brayan is one of those people who take revenge with other people's belongings. Without further ado, Brayan was upset for being called Tilin from now on and he launched himself against Cliston to do one of his most memorable techniques. The Yambra Scratch. Which consists of hitting anything like a donkey in heat, and seriously, he does it xd. I mean, not directly, he does that blowjob but he moves his hips resembling that movement. It seems like a joke but it is a reality, when he goes into that mode, the only thing we can do is to run and not fall into his final technique.

This guy already had his hormones really up since he was a little boy and the worst thing is that he was not attracted to women at that time, and it is something that is ok, he makes jokes about it but he doesn't make them, it is between acceptable and joking. I wonder where the Brayan learned to do that move.....

Well, I think I already talked too much about that person, I was laughing because Brayan was able to catch Fatty and was doing the scratching, he was holding on to his leg while doing the move and Cliston was trying hard to pull him off. At that I saw beside me and noticed Albert was with us, his expression was of a lost mind not knowing what was going on.

『Ah!!! Albert!!! I forgot you were with us!!! Don't look! Don't let the pendejo』(,,゚Д゚)∩

I quickly covered Albert's eyes, but that wouldn't work, so I decided to grab his hand and run as fast as we could. Brayan seems to have signed the new boy as he wants to release him as soon as possible, he let go of Cliston's leg and quickly rushed at Albert.


Pom!!! But out of nowhere, Uncle Potter tackled Brayan so he can't grab Albert, while telling me that they will do everything they can to stop him until he calms down. All my friends joined me so that I could go with Albert to a safe place, I understood that they don't want a person like Albert to be corrupted by people like us, especially Brayan.

As if we were escaping from someone very dangerous, I had no better idea than to go up to the roof, even though it was forbidden, I would have to enter anyway. I closed the door without further ado and all the way up, I could not take it anymore and I just fell down sitting on the floor. I was sweating and very tired, I was not the type to endure something so sudden and fierce.

"Are you all right, Albert?

『Hahahaha but how funny *grin*』.

Albert was laughing, he could tell he was tired and sweating too, but he had the strength to laugh anyway. The sun was shining where Albert was standing with a very happy expression for everything that happened.

『This is definitely a lot of fun *smiles*』

I think he felt like screaming but he held it back, but his gaze towards the sky was present, seeing him so with that expression was something I didn't expect. Maybe due to the fact that I already categorize him as someone normal, but it may not be like that.

『Does something like this really amuse you? With what we do everyday, this doesn't compare to anything』.

I was heading to Albert who finally sat against the floor as well, his uniform that was neat and clean at the beginning, now showed signs of being messy and disheveled.

『Yeah, I never thought my first day would be so busy, you know, not to make you feel bad or feel sorry for me, but I'm not one to stay in one place for long』.

It seems he was telling something serious, and I think it was something I didn't expect, I was also looking up to the sky where Albert would continue with his words.

『My father always goes from here to there, either looking for work or because the place where he works sends him to faraway places. That's how it always was if I remember correctly, and as he moves and our econ..... we decided to accompany him in everything, that's how our family is, I have seen many houses and lived in them that would be difficult to count, I could not get attached to one or call it a house as such, since I knew that at any time I would leave, I do not mind the truth, if it is something we have to do for the family to be well, I'm happy to do it. I've also changed schools many times, I've even moved to another school in the middle of the semester, isn't that funny? *smiles* 』-『Once, because I couldn't sleep because I was in another unknown house, I managed to listen to my parents, they were having a discussion, where my mother told her about my situation, where I couldn't go on changing from school to school, my father also understood that it was wrong what I was doing but he had no other choice, and he promised that he would do everything he could to make sure I finished at least one school year without interruption, and as you can see, he did it, I am here and I hope that every day will be as fun as this one, and I will not waste it, I will make an effort to learn a lot so that one day I can help my family and not always be busy, besides I have a little brother, he is the one I want to see suffer the least from all this』.

I listened attentively to Albert's words, and there it is again I emphasize it again but this time with more force, I even bowed my head to the ground, that when Albert realized quickly asked me to stop doing it and of why I did it.

『I'm sorry, it's just that I listed you as someone normal without knowing that something as ugly as moving from place to place all the time was happening to you, I'm really sorry』.

I was closing my eyes tightly as I practically insulted him without both of us knowing it. When Albert heard my words, everything went silent, this made me very strange and worried, I looked up to check if I offended him even worse.

『So I'm someone normal...thank you very much Mori-san, I'm glad you thought that about me *smiles*』

Albert was with a smile, a smile to say the least, don't expect him to have that kind of reaction, to be categorized as someone normal, I didn't think there's someone who would be happy with that. Maybe by always having a hectic life and not growing up like most, he never had a fixed place, if he got attached to a place, he knows he would move away from it and may never be able to see it again, go to school, change schools, for him he was the odd one out in class, since who does that? He could never finish a full year or even a semester, he felt so far away from everyone that when one person told him he was normal. It made him give him a lot of joy.

『Although if it sounds a little bad to be told normal, but well, that's what I'm content with for now, but when I'm older, I know I'll have more opportunities, and I'll do my best to help my family. And that's by trying hard in my studies, making the most of this year and of course, having great and good friends, Mori-san, would you like to help me in my goal? *smiles*』

Without further ado Albert extended his hand to me, I was so to speak, shocked by his words and his way of how he really is, since he was little, what he seeks is to be able to be great and help his family as soon as possible, something that never crossed my mind, in that sense it reminded me that he is somewhat similar to Rino because of the mature way of thinking at such a young age. He is giving me his friendship, if by being his friend I will be helping him in his great goal, I think I will feel very good to be able to accompany him. I can see it in his eyes that are now full of brightness, he is just a kid that wants to have fun like any other, I hope I can be a good support for him.

『With pleasure Albert』-『And this also makes me very happy, since when I saw you I promised myself to become your first friend』.

"『Maybe it's something already said by fate, don't you think?

I was kind of weirded out by Albert's so dramatic words that I gave him a weird look, just like Brayan's look when he got that nickname.

『Eh? NO, of course not, don't confuse fact with fiction my friend』

『Ah! Right! What a fool! It's just that I like to get into those fantasy worlds and dramas, for a long time now I've been learning how to draw so that to create a story, I already have everything in mind and that's why sometimes those words come out, sorry *laugh* 』

『Wait what?!!! You draw?!!!! You want to become a Mangaka?!!!!! That's more than awesome!!!! Please could you show me!!!! I really want to see it!!! How cool it must be to have that dream!!!』

I was excited because in front of me I have someone who knows how to draw and wants to have that profession when he grows up, Albert was surprised by my now energetic attitude, where I explained that I could not help it, that when there is a subject where the person likes a lot, his fanatic and even geeky side comes out.

Albert commented that in his free time he started to practice better in his art of drawing, since he didn't need anything else, just a blank sheet of paper, pencil and above all your imagination, which was what Albert was full of, that was his entertainment that little by little was becoming his dream.

Albert commented to me that he would gladly draw me a picture of whatever, quickly as a geek of this world, I asked him to draw me Goku, where he was also curious where he said.

『Eh? Do you like it too?』

『Of course I do!!! No matter how many years go by, the classics will always be the best!!!』

『*smile* I think, we're going to have a lot more in common than I thought』.

Albert, a smiling boy with a positive attitude, tries to carry in the best way the situation that happens with him and in his family, I don't know if it's everything Albert told me a while ago, or if there's still something he didn't tell me, but I think it's enough, we have practically our time counted, because when the school year is over, Albert will most likely have to leave. And he will continue to make an effort wherever he goes, I was Albert's first friend since he arrived here, I will not disappoint him in the least, I will make you have the best year of your life, my friend.

In the middle of our conversation, Albert stopped me to tell me something important.

『Don't tell the others about my situation, okay? 』

Albert was asking me to keep it a secret about his problem, he doesn't want everyone to feel sorry for him and for everyone to change just for the sake of helping him, since it wouldn't be the normal thing to do, they wouldn't be being themselves if they know the truth about what's wrong with him. He wants everyone to be honest this year and do what their hearts tell them to do, he doesn't want to push others to do what they don't want to do. He doesn't want to receive grief from others, he also has his pride the little boy. Wait....if he is like that, then why did he tell me.

『Ah, it's just that you kept looking at me and made me very uncomfortable, I thought maybe you were a person I had already met but don't remember *smiles*』

Albert laughed where I also had no choice but to let out some fake laughter because the first thing I gave Albert to feel is discomfort and insecurity. But not now! I will strive to become Albert's best friend! Let's go!

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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