
Chapter 133: Isekai ( Pre History )

The place became silent, M watched with his own eyes his own bloody hands, how the same murderer killed a little girl, a little dragon, a little loli. He could still feel the pain of his action, but he knew that this was necessary, Mira was a threat to this world since she was born, she would never manage to control her power, her percentage was unlimited and with that dimensional power she has, she could have become a danger on a multiversal level. M had to be the one to end his life, he had to do it. He heard footsteps approaching, he quickly wiped away his tears and turned to look with an attempt at a smile.

『I'm coming』

Kanna without waiting ran to M and rushed to hug him with a little jump.

『I missed you so much M』.

She innocently sunk her face into M's chest, who this warmly caressed Kanna's head.

『I missed you a lot too Kanna-chan, I'm glad to see you're okay, you had to fight in the end?』

『Yes, but I lost, Dux was much stronger than me, I was very sad to have lost.....』-Kanna made her grip tighter-

『Kanna-chan lost her wings in that encounter』-Lucoa turned to me-『Hello, long time no see M-kun』-With a cheerful smile the former goddess said to me-『-『It's been a while.

『...I see, there's nothing to be sad about Kanna-chan, you gave everything in that fight, you overcame and that's what matters, I'm really glad you're alive』-I tried to calm my little friend-『Where did Lucoa lose his wings?』.

『When I finished my fight, I used the portals to go to Kanna, I found her lying with cuts on her body crying, the first thing I did was to heal her, when I looked at the place I saw only feathers, her wings had been mutilated without leaving any trace』.

I asked Lucoa since I could use my power to attach her wings to her body and heal her, although it was only once, when my arm was cut off, my healing was able to reattach it, I can't get to regenerate so it's impossible for Kanna to get her wings back. Kanna looked up looking at me with those big, trembling eyes.

『You're still strong Kanna-chan』-(b~_^)b-『Now it will be my chance and I can pay you back for everything, I will now be the one carrying you on my back』.

Maybe it's not the best way to comfort someone, but don't avoid saying it, I wanted to just get through this bad time. In all this I did not avoid since I saw Lucoa, the intrigue caught my attention.

『Lucoa.....and those scars?』( ̄へ ̄)

『Ah, this, don't you think I look prettier?』-Lucoa started showing off her scars proudly-.

『Well, hey .....ah! Kuro-san, long time no see, though it was only a few days』-He just averted his gaze the moment I spoke to him-『Yep, quite the emo our Kuro』.

『Hoygan.....』-Kobayashi approached where we were-.

『Hello Kobayashi-san! Glad to see you're okay, I see the curse is gone, at least Tohru did deliver, by the way, where is she? I feel like bothering her a little bit』-I was cheerful and happy to see my friend safe and sound-.

『.....Could you cure her? She's just lying there like anything』-Kobayashi pointed with his hand.

I could see Tohru in a state I never thought I would see her in, I approached and got a better look at her, she had a broken arm and both her legs were broken, all her clothes were stained with blood and severely injured, I quickly switched to my Lucario Form and started to heal her. She woke up because of my actions in the middle of the healing process.

『M?.....You've finally arrived.....Yes you took a long time furro』-Her eyes were slowly drifting towards me-.

『Still in this state you want to bother me.....that's a good sign, don't make any moves, though it might be hard for a troublesome dragon like you』.

『And you, I see you're just like that, it should have been easy to wipe out that army of humans』.

"Easy? Well, how shall I put it to you...I died』 ('꒳`)

『¿? Did you die? yes of course, then right now I'm talking to a dead man, I don't think you'll die, you're someone hard to kill』-There was a bit of sarcasm in her words-.

『Enseriously?( ̄ω ̄) Uhm, I see, it must be because I'm someone strong, a kind-hearted guy who doesn't bend to anything, right?』-She quickly praised me and my ego rose to stratospheric levels-.

『You can be cured, it's as simple as that』-Tohru quickly answered me with complete sincerity and possible reality.

『...(; ̄︶ ̄)So simple.....you're right』

While we were having our talk I finished completely healing Tohru, I switched to my Human Form, she stood up, started to move her foot and hands, she did some small warm-ups, her body was responding to her and she felt like new, the only thing was that her clothes were torn on several sides and full of blood. While she was jumping and doing exercises, I stared at her excitedly.

"Wait a moment Tohru-chan, can you hold still?

The dragon quickly stood still, and calmly answered with a yes, I approached her to stare at her, she quickly became nervous, she didn't avoid getting a little red because of the quick approach I made, I kept looking at her for a few seconds, where she was playing with her hands and wanted to look away.

『Yep, you look prettier to me with your hair down』.

Calmly and with certainty I said, quickly her face changed to a more embarrassed one, and pretended to see other things, she started pointing all over the place and trying to change the subject.

『Eh? But look at those birds.....(;~〓~) Didn't you get hungry? But what a nice day it is, it's perfect for a barbecue...(@Д@;I see you improved M..... makes me want to give you a few blows!』(;゚д゚)-Quickly she approached me-『Thanks....(*'ェ`*)』

I could see her embarrassed dragoness face, trying to look at me where she quickly looked away when our gazes collided.

『You're welcome dragoness, I really like that touch you have』. (^▽^)

Quickly she went on to slowly pound my chest, while I laughed and enjoyed the moment, pom..pom Pom...POm...POM....(^▽^;) Her blows were getting harder and harder and the pain was getting even worse.

『Ya stop.....para.....ヾ(*`⌒'*)ノ Ya stop! I feel like you want to take my heart away...』

『Eh? Whoever wanted to steal your heart must be full of nonsense and bullshit』 (๑・`▱'・๑)

We again had a silly little fight between us, while a prayer from someone I least expected stopped our little fight.

『Are you 2 okay?』-Fafnir was staring at us-『You guys are acting weird, you look like a bunch of turtle trash, it's starting to disgust me』.

『Ah!ミ●﹏☉ミ Can't you see right Fafnir-san! The only one in my heart is Kobayashi-san! If you're going to say things like that, let it be when I'm with Kobayashi-san!』-Tohru quickly refused flatly and nervously-.

『In my case, the only ones who are in my heart and to whom I would dedicate all of me would be...the Lolis!!!\(*゚∀゚*)/Tohru is not a loli so she's completely ruled out, no fuchi ( ̄ω ̄)』

I said without hesitation in my words, I quickly felt a powerful pressure next to me, Tohru had her gaze lowered and a dangerous aura I could feel.

『Eh? And now what's bothering you? ( ̄⊿ ̄) And if I ever get a partner, or wife, definitely by my balls it has to be a loli!』 ( ̄^ ̄)-I've been true to my word for ages, too.

『Would you go to prison.....』 (・・;)Kobayashi commented upon hearing us-.

『Then I can! 』

A voice that I have rarely heard but I am used to it, a new voice for some and a familiar one for others, a small dragon with red hair, dressed only in a cloth, her shark teeth, the ears of an elf and what stood out most about her, her tremendous and abominable but what the fuck is this shit with her breasts... the dragon that I fought for in my mission was coming at me. I quickly panicked and got nervous.

『No!!!!!! Get away from me, you stupid asshole! !!!!!! I already told you no a thousand times!!!』૮( ᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌ )ა

Pom! The dragoness laid me against the ground and started hugging me even though I didn't want to. I could feel her deformities all over my body and face, my blood was boiling and my anger was becoming present. With struggle and with utter contempt I wanted her off me.

『You're not a loli! Lolis have to be small!』(;`O')o

"I'm small!』

『The lolis have to be innocent!』(۶ૈ ᵒ̌ Дᵒ̌)۶ૈ=͟͟͞͞ ⌨

『I am innocent!』

『Lolis have to be flat!!!!』ヽ(#`Д')ノ

『I'm flat!!!!!』

『Your fucking mother is flat! Get away from me already!』(╬ಠ益ಠ).)

It was an easy contrast to notice, while one was flatly refusing with all the anger and contempt possible, another was overflowing with affection and joy, she wanted to be together with M. Kobayashi and all those who were watching the scene confused and clueless. A footsteps were heard, a voice of a real man was heard, this guy was by Kobayashi's side to remove his doubts.

『It seems that he was fond of M』-It was the Hero in his True Form-『The dragoness could see and feel how in all that time M has been fighting in order to save her, she recognized his effort and bravery, at no time did he stop, even tired he kept fighting for her sake, it seems that was the trigger for me to love him a lot, well, if someone does the same with me I guess I would also have a lot of affection and respect for him, right my Lord God』-The Hero finished praying at the end of his words-.

『Well, respect let's say they don't have for him.....(⊙﹏⊙ Who is he? Why is his whole body all worked up and loinclothed? Strange people are appearing all the time.....) Excuse me.... but who are you?』 -Kobayashi wanted to know answers to his doubts.

『I am the youngest Hero ever seen in history, the most faithful to the word of God』. (・▽・)

Tohru took a good look at the scene, of how M was pushing the dragoness aside with an annoyed face while she was struggling to be as close to him as possible.


Tohru said confused and hesitantly, the dragoness was taken aback and stopped what she was doing, M quickly took the opportunity to scurry away from her like an earthworm, she quickly sought shelter by taking cover behind Kanna. ( ̄^ ̄)

『Tohru?』-Iruru also said confused.

『Iruru or was it ilulu? Well never mind, what are you doing here Iruru?』

『That question I ask you Tohru, I thought you were in the other world』-Confused and innocently answered-『Well never mind, that makes things easier and in regards to why I'm here』.

Quickly Iruru appeared behind M's back, grabbed his shoulders and made him lie on her breasts, M was scared and surprised , while Iruru showed a gesture of joy, I could see her sharp teeth.

"This human made me change my mind, before I hated humans with all my heart, but after seeing that he risked his life to save me, he earned all my gratitude and affection, besides he likes lolis, and I'm a loli』-Iruru spoke sincerely towards her Faction partner-.

『(It can't be.....change this part of the story....σ(oдolll)) And one thing....I've told you a thousand times that you're not a loli! Ya deja de chingar y chinga a tu verga! (ʘ言ʘ╬)I refuse to accept that you are a loli.... no sir!』

In complete anger I was heading towards Iruru again, who she softened her embrace and shifted to look normally, her surprised gesture was puzzling, it was as if the atmosphere changed abruptly, I felt bad now for telling her that, I think I should have controlled myself and been more tolerant.

『I see』-(◞‸◟)- Iruru lowered her gaze, quickly the guilt flared more-.

『Ah...sorry.....I shouldn't have told you that.....could you apologize for what I said to you?....I wasn't in my element, maybe if you're a kind of loli....it's something I have to acknowledge.....you're nice and all....and I appreciate you're fond of me....*sigh*I have to be true to my word, I love all lolis....』

After being honest with her after my lack of politeness and tolerance, I was hoping a miracle would happen and this would all end well.

『I see..... ( ◢д◣)』-The gesture of sadness did not disappear from Iruru, I felt even worse-『You are a Tsundere, aren't you? ヾ(Ő∀Ő๑)ノ』.

Quickly my anger was not long in coming, my vein came to the fore (╬゚◥益◤゚).

『Yes you'll be a snotty thousand P$t@$!』.

It's been a while since I've done this, it's very de-stressing the truth, that's right, the mythical, legendary and glorious boob smacking is back! Angrily but hitting softly since my goal was not to hurt her, I was hitting softly with an angry gesture her breasts, these moms were going back and forth, while Iruru was laughing, I remember Syl wanted me to stop already and she didn't like it at all, but it seems this one doesn't mind.....


After a while things calmed down, I was feeling better and we all gathered to be more informed about what happened, I was sitting on my loose legs on the floor, while Iruru was standing behind me using her breasts as a cushion for my head. She was smiling while I was already accepting it. Kanna saw this, she had been watching for a while, innocently walked towards me and sat between my legs. It seems she doesn't want to lose to the new dragoness.

『So, who starts it off?』-Kobayashi said loudly.

"I'm me! 』-Iruru raised her hand animatedly, you could see how her hands were dragon claws-『This happened days ago, I was calmly going through a forest, I already had the information where Tohru's whereabouts were, my goal is to exterminate Tohru just in case, but while I stopped to eat some food, I met a dragon, she had blonde hair and was very cute now that I remember, but she quickly burst out in anger and with her flames knocked me out ヽ(〃・ω・)ノ』

With those quick words we knew it was Arnna, Kobayashi quickly recalled the first few minutes when we came, he remembers seeing flames from a nearby forest in the distance.

『So that was it』-The human said to herself-.

『Then a group of humans found me and held me prisoner inside a magic cannon, they used my power for their personal ends, and that's where M came in! He bravely and fearlessly fought to save me! Even when he had to face 100.000 soldiers he didn't give up and was able to save me in the end』

『100.000? Heroe-kun came in the end, maybe I should give him some silver...』-I found myself whispering thoughtfully-.

『 He saw me hurt and placed me on top of him and started to heal me and died \(・ω・)/』

The last word left the others confused, Iruru was with a smile on her face.

『Did he die?』-Tohru said in confusion.

『Died』\(・ω・)/-Iruru answered her without hesitation-.

『Did he die?』-Kobayashi also asked-?

『Did he die』-The Hero affirmed the doubts that were coming-.

『So if it's true that you died? Then how come you're here? Did you come back to life? "Tohru found himself coming to terms with what happened earlier.

『When I arrived I found M lying in his own vomit, it seems that he went into cardiac arrest, but quickly with a strong pulse with my powers I brought him back to life』ヽ(^□^。)ノ-The Hero like a young man claimed-『The only one who can resurrect is our lord』ヾ(・ω・*)ノ

It was strange for the others to see the Hero, acting in such a youthful manner when his appearance is that of a bearded old mammy lord.

『Yes, it was, it was a huge surprise』-Now I would continue the remaining-『Then I asked Hero and Iruru for help so I could get there as fast as possible, I put them in context quickly, without hesitation they helped me, I was very glad to be honest, Hero is able to create Kuikku portals like Tohru so he was helpful, but since I didn't know the Demon King's Castle we teleported to a nearby place, and quickly, like Lightning Mcqueen, Fiunnnn! I quickly flew away leaving them behind』( ̄︶ ̄ ).

Everyone after our explanation went into context of who they are and how come we got to this place fast.

『Now, do you want to explain to me what happened here Tohru』-Seriously I was addressing the green dragoness-.

『Well...we saved Kobayashi-san, we managed to defeat the Anomenos Family...』-Her words greatly declined-『Elma died.....Kanna lost her wings.....Lucoa has scars....a bird exploded in my mouth.... (◞‸◟)』-I could notice how she slowly wanted to finish her words-『But hey! We achieved our goal, I promised to save Kobayashi-san and I did it, you can question of my methods, but not of my results』 (⌒▽⌒).

Cheerfully said the dragoness, we all stared at her with Poker Face, we didn't say any words, just Tohru's cheerful smile, I stood up and walked until I was in front of her.


My words were calm and I slowly brought my hand closer to her head, she quickly became nervous, and I was expecting something good, I could see a smile and blushes on her face and her eyes were shining. She was slowly bringing her head towards my hand, she surely expected me to congratulate her and caress her head, that was what her look conveyed to me.

Pom. Tohru was surprised, I just did a finger tap on Tohru's forehead, I was disappointed in my friend.

『Yes you are a fool』 ( ^ω^).

With a smile and friendly words, I started to make several finger strokes on Tohru's forehead, I used my 2 hands to make several strokes with my fingers, she just stayed like a tamed animal.

『This is what you get for not listening to me *sigh* Things could have turned out better if you had made the better decision』. -I stopped my punches-『And tell me, were they good people?』

Tohru was rubbing her forehead from the small blows I gave her, she lowered her head and then determinedly looked seriously into my eyes but with sorrow.

『Yes, they were good people..... sorry.....』 -Tohru for the 2nd time accepted her mistake.

『Well, things are already done, what can you do, but I see you grew up with this experience, use it for future events Tohru-chan』-Happily I showed him a smile to make him forget this bad moment-『Well, it's not all over now, we have things pending』.

A light I could notice in the area, as I looked I saw that it was coming from a crystal, it was glowing a yellow color, from everyone our attention was directed to this crystal, as I took a good look at it there was someone inside, I didn't avoid asking myself the question.

"Who is it?

『It's Sora....』Tohru answered my doubt-『King's son, the person the Anomenos Family fought for』.

The light flickered, it was like a beating heart, will the reason of the Anomenos Family finally bear fruit, we all came closer to see what was going to happen. The Hero took a good look at it and quickly realized.

『It's you....』

Quickly the light as we approached under his throbbing, we all felt confused, it's as if the surprise had disappeared leaving us with that suspense of what was going to happen.

『It's you.....my rival.....』-The Hero fantasized said-『Demon King』.

We were all dumbfounded by the Hero's words, our gazes went straight to him, we were confused, since the Demon King was King, but he had died by Tohru's hands.

『Are you alright old man?』-Tohru was addressing him-『He is not the Demon King, the Demon King is King』.

『Of course, King was the former Demon King, Sora is the current Demon King.....』-though I think I was wrong.....』 -The Hero had doubts.

Quickly the doubts among us grew even more, especially Tohru who flatly refused to these words, the crystal stopped glowing, Tohru approached the crystal for the Hero to see it well.

『How is this going to be the Demon King? It's King's son, wait....ya se! Maybe you got confused, age does affect, he's Demon Son, yep, that title fits him better, I know they look a bit alike, but you can still tell them apart, plus I clearly saw that he had the Mythic Claws, only the Demon King is able to possess them』

『I got it! Yes! She is Sora, the Demon Queen』-The Hero declared with full firmness in his words-.

We were even more confused by the Hero's words, especially Tohru who was acting childishly at this.

『She? Wait, she's a girl? But she looks like a boy』-Tohru took a good look at Sora to make sure-.

『It's a girl Tohru』-Kobayashi also affirmed-『I noticed it when I first looked at her, she's the current Demon King, the Demon Queen』.

There was no doubt, things were clear, at that moment we were confused and shocked, Sora, the one trapped in the crystal was the real Demon King.

"Yeah? I don't see it like that? You really look like a boy?』-A voice we never heard before came out-『And I thought I looked feminine, but well ....no..... now that you say it my father often mistook me for a boy.....maybe I really am a boy!...uhmmm.....no....I may be a little flat but I don't have a cucumber underneath.....ah! And yes my tail is my cucumber! The world sure is intriguing and so is life itself, uhm uhm , plus being flat is better, it means I have a hard heart!』

A charismatic and kind voice we could hear, just by hearing it it's like the whole atmosphere changed to a lively one brimming with joy. We all turned towards the direction where the voice was coming from, we met a young man, sorry, a girl not very feminine in our eyes, she had short hair and a short black dress, she had resemblance to her father but with more feminine traces in other parts, she confusedly looked at us, puzzled she looked towards her back and pointed her finger at herself, she quickly showed a cheerful smile on her face.

『This is Sora-chan introducing herself, nice to meet you』.

With her straight hand on her head and sticking out her tongue cheerfully she introduced herself, the first thing that came to my mind when I saw her is, "charismatic" she totally changed the atmosphere there was to a motivated one.

『Eh, I'm glad to have visitors coming, we don't have much but please make yourselves at home, but.....my house was destroyed...no, that's bad.....good! Things are done, so let's at least have a chat between all of us *smiles*』-Sora was energetic-『How good it feels to finally talk and be heard, it's something I missed a lot, all this time I could only watch like a ghost, I couldn't interact with anyone, thank you all so much for making this possible, I really appreciate it』-She leaned over to thank us even more-『I just got hungry. ..hahahaa.....but I can't eat anyway....dammit! ahaha』


I approached to ask her, I was in doubt, where she quickly makes them disappear for me with her attitude.

『That's right』

It was weird to me, since Sora was still inside the crystal, but out here is another Sora.

『Ah! That, don't worry, I'm using my power to at least show myself as an illusory being, I'm really still trapped in there hahaha..... 』-She scratched her head-『I've been doing this for a long time, but I couldn't manifest myself like I do now, I could only observe without doing anything, I've been observing for a long time, I could see every single encounter you had here, I'm really sorry again, my family, brothers and father already decided, I'm glad at least that they died without any grudge and with peace in their hearts』

『No no no, we are sorry, especially that lizard over there』-I pointed at Tohru with my eyes-『But at least I see that your goals paid off, you are here present in this world』.

『The small blows on the forehead you gave were the drop that made me wake up, again thank you all very much』-Sora passed to look at the sky-『What a beautiful day for a horrible event, the sun bathing the forest, the sound of the wind, nations of different races live in peace, but it's still missing, someday I will complete our task, I will create a world where everyone lives happily』-Sora raised his fist to the sky-『That is our goal! 』

I noticed myself surprised by Sora's attitude, she feels calm despite everything hints that it's the worst day for her.

"I like your attitude M-kun, you definitely have my approval』-She turned to me in surprise, I was shocked because I didn't do anything.

『You decide to put aside the other problems to focus on new goals, so you get new things so you can keep moving forward, and it will be better if you are determined on that path!』-I was left with nothing to say to his words-『Uhm....ah! You recently wanted to lift my spirits by showing me all the way, that my Family gave it all, but I can tell that you think I am ignoring them and pushed them aside, no? Let me tell you something, to put something aside does not mean to abandon it or throw it away, for me it means that one day I will see it again and that time I will be more prepared than before to give it my all, my Family will always live in my heart! My Family will always be present! I will show them that there is always something good in the end! I am the Demon King of the Anomenos Family! Never forget us!』-『There is always time for our goals, we just have to know how to seize the moment, we ourselves, our effort will compensate us』.

With pride and with one hand on his chest and one hand in the sky, Sora was shouting at the top of his lungs to the world. I quickly realized that she is someone unique, she is the one to bring peace to this world, that smile and charisma, that cheerful animated energy, that attitude made me understand that she is one of the best people I can get to know, and on the subject of her thoughts, they are simple but incredible.

『Could you tell me more? I would like to know the real story』.

Hearing that she spoke proudly about her family, I got curious and I can finally know what really happened that time, how did it all end up like this. She smiled happily like a cheerful child, she looked very cute to me and I saw that she was a girl after all.

『Okay, come on, everyone gather around, don't be afraid, we are all in confidence here』-『You are about to hear the true story of my Family, I hope you are ready and bring your snacks for this mythical and legendary story of my loved ones! The Story of the Anomenos Family begins!』

------------------------------------------- → To be continued

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