
Chapter 134: Isekai ( Story Part 1 )

This is the story of a group of dragons who wanted to change the world where they lived, they could not stand this place where there was only destruction and senseless wars, the defenseless beings who had nothing to do with any of this were the most harmed, their deaths were easily forgotten, while the chaos will be remembered by the history of that devastating world.

A child was born, or rather appeared, he was from the Chaos Faction, evil dragons that only sought to destroy the world at all costs, that was their goal for as long as they could remember. That boy had something special, he was the descendant of the Demon King who now has that title, he looked at his hands, his feet, his whole body, he looked at his naked body, he felt confused, his horns appeared as well as his wings and tail, he did not hesitate to extend them to realize what he is. Mostly, or rather, every day in this Faction there is only noise, arguments and fights, the sound of conflict and destruction, but for some reason this was totally calm, there was no disturbing noise, it was pure silence, the boy felt confused and walked slowly towards the light, the closer he got to the light the boy grew rapidly, becoming a young man in a matter of seconds, with his magic he dressed and kept walking. The light became so strong that he had to cover himself with his hands, the flash was dynamite. When he came out the first thing he saw is all his Faction shouting for joy, the silence was forgotten, everyone was roaring and shouting.

『The Demon King has already appeared!』『Let's destroy the world!』『You are our pride!』『Demon King finish everything!』『Now the Gods and Harmony Faction will not be able to do anything!』

Looking down he saw a horde of dragons, all shouting with excitement and joy at the end of this world. A strong dizziness quickly hit the Demon King, he did not avoid hunching down and touching his head, at that moment memories of the ancient Demon Kings came to his mind, destruction, annihilation, they did not hesitate to use their power to cause death, their objectives and goals, all came to the Demon King's mind, he could also see how it was the births of these, every time a Demon King was born, the dragoness who gave birth to them ends up dying in childbirth, the Demon King looked back with a headache, he saw the corpse of a dragoness in the background, her belly was destroyed and blood was gushing out.

『Follow our goals』『Destroy the world』『Use your power to kill』『Follow our work and finish it』『We are the evil of todo』『Nuestro power is yours, you have to use it for destruction!』『Pon end this world』』

The voices of the ancient Demon King came to his mind, they wanted to blind him , they transmitted their thoughts to him so that he would become what he is, a Demon King, he could not resist anymore and crouched down ,the headache was too much, the horde of dragons were still roaring and screaming, the King touched his head, he could not stand this noisy place anymore, with his magic he teleported himself to an isolated place, to a forest in the middle of the night.

"Get out of my mind!!!』

He shouted loudly, as the voices continued, a strange energy began to come out of his hands, he was still trying hard not to succumb to these words.

『That's enough! Just leave me alone!』-『I'll see what I'll do! Just go away!!!!!』

With all his strength and effort he succeeded, the souls of the former Demon King came out of his head in a resounding way, little by little the voices were leaving and he began to calm down, so as not to fall to the ground he helped himself with his arms, he began to inhale and exhale sharply. When he saw his hands he noticed that he was wearing claws, it was the Mythic Claws that only the Demon King can use, he looked tired and without strength his body fell to the ground. This was the first day of the new Demon King, he just wanted all this to happen.

The sun rays said good morning, the Demon King woke up and felt better, his eyes were amazed by what he was seeing, before he only saw a gloomy and destroyed place, now he could see a beautiful and peaceful place, he quickly knew which one he liked the most, his stomach suddenly roared.

『I'm hungry』.

The Demon King's first days were simple, he decided to stay away from everything from the beginning, he didn't want to know anything about what the world was going through, he wanted to ignore it but his mind wouldn't let him. He quickly discovered his abilities, it was like that as an instinct, he had a great power, the first time he discovered it was out of pure innocence, from his claws he launched a small sphere of energy that could easily destroy 1 entire nation.

『...How scary.....better not use it....』

Quickly he also learned the news of his Faction, that the Demon King was missing, but this had nothing to do with it, the war continued whether he was there or not, so for a while he lived away from everything, enjoying the tranquility that lived, while he flew back to his forest, he met in it someone he did not expect at all, it was not an animal, it was not an insect, it was not an undead, it was someone who looked like him, she had horns and a tail, as he descended he could see her better, she was wearing a white clothes, she was like someone pure, her long white hair, and her pale skin, she was a dragoness of the Harmony Faction.

『Eh? Who are you? and what are you doing in my forest?』

In a curious and calm manner the Demon King asked, the dragoness who was petting a creature turned around when she heard the voice.

"Your forest? but it was me who created it』.

Quickly the dragoness gave him an answer, where the Demon King in a childish way would refuse, he started waving his hand saying no.

『(; ̄︶ ̄) No no no no no no no, I was the one who took care of this forest, the one who took care of every creature, so by right of my efforts this forest is mine, besides I was the one who first found it ('꒳`)』

『But I tell you it was me who created it.....( ̄︶ ̄;)』

They both looked at each other confused not knowing what to answer, they stared at each other wanting to look away, both couldn't and ended the silence with laughter, both were laughing merrily. They sat next to a huge tree leaning against its trunk.

『I see you are a dragon too, nice to meet you, I am from the Harmony Faction』-The dragoness in a friendly way was addressing the Demon King-.

『Ah! of course, introductions, I almost forgot about that.....although I have doubts...if I say the name maybe you'll end up hating me and I think that wouldn't please me, besides you're the first one I talk to...ah! okay, I'll do it! Life is no fun without risk! My name is the Demon King and I am the Demon King!』-Decided said the Demon King-『But .... no...it wasn't like that, was it?』

The dragoness was confused for a few seconds, the Demon King got worried, but she quickly didn't pay much attention to it and decided to forget about it completely, she already knew this would happen so there was no need to be surprised.

『I'm...I already knew it, your Mythic Claws were what gave you away』. ( ̄ω ̄)

At the dragon's response, the Demon King did not avoid falling upside down.

『Come on.....provoke so much tension just for that, I felt like my heart was going to burst out....』 ( 'ー`)

Quickly the dragoness approached the Demon King, she began to analyze him with her eyes, they were so close that only centimeters separated them.

『Uhmm....ya veo (^~^)』

Pom, a finger swipe just hit the Demon King on the dragoness' forehead, who the dragoness recoils and strokes herself to lower the pain.

『Yes you don't respect personal space, don't tell me you're one of those』. ( ̄^ ̄)

『No no no, of course not, how mean』 ('・ε・̥ˋ๑)-She was rubbing herself while looking at the Demon King in disgust-『You just looked very normal to me, I thought you would look more extravagant』

『Extravagant? like, with a deformed body, huge horns, spikes on your wings, and a face like you're pissed off all the time?』

Quickly the Demon King changed his appearance to a more abominable one and with the features he said.

『Yes, just like that』. (๑-́ω-̀)

The Demon King returned to his normal form, it seems he has the power to mold himself.

『Nah, it looks stereotypical of any creature, toy better like this, I look more front and the cape I have makes my genius stand out more, you have to learn to love yourself as you are , I think if it's well said.....creo...』 ( ′~‵)

Seeing the Demon King's attitude to the dragon, that I acted in a juvenile and even childish way was funny to her, she started to laugh because of the Demon King's manner.

『Eh? What are you laughing at? ( ・ὢ・ )』 -This was now the one who approached the dragon-『Come on, tell me the joke, please tell me, or do I have to look for the joke...come on tell me (๑-̆૩-̆)』

『Uhm...I see, what happened to personal space? ԅ( ˘ω˘ԅ)』

『( ̄□ ̄)I'm the Demon King so I can ignore all that, besides I'm just paying you back for what you did to me, come on tell me ๑ΘдΘ๑ 』.

They went on like that for a good few minutes, at the end of it all the joke was never discovered.

『And what happened to you? Aren't the Demon Kings supposed to be looking for ChaOs and dEstrUctIon? 』 ヽ('∀`ヽ)

『Why do you put it that way? (゜.゜)』 -He was intrigued by the form of the words-『Well, it's not like one day I woke up and said』.

The Demon King went on to stand up and make a little theater.

『Noak.....Today I got up....Today I got up re crazy | ͠° ▃ °͠ | ͠ ͠ 』

Another Demon King appeared out of nowhere, we quickly learned it was a clone of him.

『Why Ma...Demon King?』 : ◉ ∧ ◉ : ╏

『Why if 』 (>囗<?)

He hit a tremendous punch to the clone who quickly disappeared, but of course, the one who disappeared was the one who gave the punch, the real Demon King was the one who received the blow from his clone.

『Of course not, you see? why do I have to hate the world? why do I have to destroy it, what did they do to me, nothing? simply because it is my "goal" I have to do it, it is not even my goal, they are from the ancient Demon King, I am me and I will do what I want, just like that, if one day I feel like destroying the world pos I will do it, although it is something impossible, I like this little fragment, it really is beautiful』.

He was being sincere the Demon King, the dragoness quickly saw, from long before that it was different, she did not avoid smiling and feeling happy.

『Well, I'm glad you like my little creation, ah! and I forgot to tell you something』.

The Demon King turned around so he could hear what I was going to tell him.

『Thank you for taking care of my forest』 (^ω^).

『You're welcome (≡^∇^≡)』

It could be seen that these two were getting along well since they saw each other, but there was something that intrigued the dragoness from long before, something she wanted to tell the Demon King since she saw him, she couldn't hide it anymore, she was getting more nervous and her chest was throbbing faster and faster.

『Demon King...(・'ェ`・) Demon King.... (*'_ゝ`) King....』 -She stuttered her words, she couldn't help it, this one looked confused and curious about what she would say- 『Demon King...(*'ω`*) Demon King.....don't you have a name? ( ̄⊿ ̄)』

The Demon King looked confused, even he didn't expect himself to say that.

『Don't you get tired of us referring to you as Demon King...( ̄ ̄^ ̄) to me, to the one who is writing too and to those who read for sure...( ̄ ̄ ̄). We need you to have a name or this might end badly for all of us』

For a few minutes both dragons thought of a name for the Re.....ya I don't want to write it down xd yes the dragon was right :v.

『King? Why not call you King?』 -The dragoness suggested cheerfully- 『It's short, easy to remember and say, plus you still keep your importance with that name, good! it's decided, from now on your name will be King』 ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

『King?....uhm....I like it! yep, a cool name for someone cool, okay ⸂⸂⸂⸜(ೆ௰ೆ๑)⸝⸃⸃』-She looked happy King-『By the way, what's your name?』

The confused dragon turned to look happily at King.

『My name is Queen , nice to meet you (・w・)』

『Because I feel this says a lot of things 「(°ヘ°) (If you don't put effort into the names the one who writes.....)』

Author's Note: If I try hard :'v

And that's how these dragons met, they spent a lot of time together since that day, they got to know each other a lot more and had a really good time, it was like watching some young boys socializing with each other.

『What a pity we can only have fun here, the world is a complete mess as it is right now』 -King looked at the world and how catastrophic it was.

『Wouldn't you like the whole world to be like our little place, calm, quiet, everything to be peace』 -Queen was addressing this one-

『Truthfully, now that you say it I think so, if everyone was like here it would be much more fun, but I have no reason to do that either, what I have is enough』.

『Do you really think so? Well, I think it's logical, you were born in the Chaos Faction, but someday, I would like the whole world to live in peace, no wars, no death, everyone can live without fear of anything, that's the future I will build someday, I don't care if it takes me centuries, or ages, I will do it』.

It was the goal Queen had, she couldn't take care of her forest because of how busy she was trying to come to an agreement with her Faction and that of the Gods, she decided to take a break and take care of her forest, where she didn't expect to meet this guy, who since she saw him he can maybe help her with her goal. But as things are going I don't think it will happen, King is content with what he has, he is still a young man, someday he will grow up and mature, he still doesn't find his motivation in life.

Several years passed, and these dragons did not stop meeting and spending time together, as expected something arose between them, and they began a relationship, a relationship that no one would accept, a dragon of the Harmony Faction and a dragon of the Chaos Faction began to love each other. They started out somewhat shy when they noticed that they felt something more between them, when they crossed glances they didn't avoid blushing and pulling away.


『Hello....( *'ノェ`)』

In the end they confessed, it was kind of weird, they confessed at the same time, they both became like tomatoes and their words were tangled, anyone who saw them wouldn't help but say to themselves that they are idiots. After being a couple, well let's say something changed, they still acted normally but you could see the affection between them, they acted like fools if they saw one of them getting embarrassed, a childish relationship we could say, but the hottest day of all came, yes friends, that day just arrived, the veran---no lie, King was lying on a bed ,in a house they made in the forest, he was naked and covered his body with the blanket while he didn't avoid getting nervous. (。・・。) When the door opened he saw Queen in a way he had never seen before.

『Don't look at me so much.....』

Quickly King lowered his head while smoke was coming out of his head, Queen had to take the initiative as King proved to be more childish and shy in this kind of things. He still remembers fondly the first kiss they had, King had to assimilate what they were going to do, he made excuses like he is dizzy or he has to pee, Queen couldn't take it anymore and grabbed King and kissed him forcibly, they never forgot it because of how embarrassing it was.

Queen climbed on top of King who King quickly acted like a child.

『Are you ready King?...』

『Yes...NO!.....Yes!?.....NO Not anymore! Mommy help me! They want to rape me! I don't want to anymore....I'm scared...it's going to hurt for sure....』༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽

『That should be for me to say.....』( ̄︶ ̄;).

Queen grabbed King's arms so that he can't escape, he was quickly impressed and closed his eyes, it took a few minutes of suspense for him to open them again in fear.

『You already did it?....(☍﹏⁰)。』

『I don't know how to do it.....』(・・.)ゞ

A silence there was in the room, only to eliminate it with their calm laughter, all nerves were forgotten, they were still them even in serious situation like this. Still that night if there was delicious, both dragons entered the adult stage. What King will remember most that day will be that.

『...Because.....Because she was bleeding....』-( ⚆ _ ⚆ )-The atmosphere changed drastically to one of fear-『I felt like I was killing her.....because blood was coming out...how scary....if that's how it's going to be every time...I don't want it.....』

That day something changed inside King, he didn't want to see Queen suffer, although in the middle of the process the suffering changed to a more...pleasurable one? Well, King was so traumatized from the beginning that he doesn't plan to do it anymore, his first time was his last time. He still remembers the times when Queen asked him to do it again, but he fearfully refused.

"Let's do it! 』ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

『No...I don't want to....I don't want to hurt you』(つ﹏⊂).

In their first time they did it, Queen turned out to be pregnant, these were happy to find out, normally dragons hatch from an egg, they cover them up and take care of them until it hatches, but since the child to be born is from the Demon King, it will be a pregnancy like mammals, they saw Queen's belly growing, this made King curious who did not avoid asking questions and getting closer to the belly, he felt kicks and little bumps.

"How scary! Is it already alive?...no..no no ....That thing must not be from this planet....I even think I heard it talking to him.....』

『Don't call him like that, I've researched and many creatures their gestation is like that, it's weird to do it in a way that's not from your race』-Queen scolded King-『I just know he's going to be born safe and sound, I'm already looking forward to it, we're going to be parents King』.

Queen showed a cute smile, King was still confused but ended up accepting the reality, he also smiled and caressed Queen's stomach.

"Sorry son, or daughter, I really don't know, but when you are born I promise to bring you a lot of happiness』.

The gestation lasted much longer than any other, but he was already about to be born, Queen alarmed notice King, this one looked worried since he still remembers it, the way he was born, he burst the dragon's stomach from where he was. She was afraid that the same thing would happen to Queen, so with her powers she made the little dragon appear in the air, where he gently lowered into the arms of his mother, Queen was happy and did not avoid shedding a few tears, the little dragon took his mother's hands, fingers and saw his mother with a big smile.

"Oh, it's a boy! 』-King was happy, he went over to see his son.

"That's his little tail』-Queen happily answered.

"It's a girl! I'm a father! I'm glad! What a joy-.... Both of you are doing well 』

King did not avoid shedding a few tears, he thought that the same fate would have Queen, but instead of losing she turned out to win with a great prize, her family grew even more, but the family is yet to grow. She is also a rare case, since she was born as a girl and not a boy, she is the son of the Demon King so one day she will also take that position, but in all the history the Demon King was always a boy, that she is a woman can change things a lot, maybe it is because she was born in a normal way and not by a special reincarnation that the Demon King have, but even though she is a girl it is seen that she has a male appearance, somehow this affected her appearance. It was time to decide her name.

『How about naming her Princess』-With joy King suggested-.

『...Are you okay or what's wrong with you?』-Queen didn't avoid giving King a funny look-.

『Ah...well...like you and me..... well...I thought it would be good for there to be play..... no?』

『I already have a name for her, she's going to be called Sora』-Queen joyfully held her daughter in her arms-...』.

『You didn't even consult me....but well, with that Sora, I like it, besides it's a name that can be used for both genders, I like it, I already want to see those who get confused hahahahahahaha 』

『(Something tells me that the one who gets confused is going to be you) It's decided, from now on your name is Sora』.

Sora who was just a newborn showed a smile and joy, she waved her hands, her tail and wings. She would be the first and only daughter they would have that was blood related, but in the future there would come more little dragons that would join this new family. Time passed and Sora was growing up with the teachings of her parents, the small house in the forest seemed small to them now that they had a family, so they decided to make another one.

『Don't make it so big, one with 2 floors I think will do』.

"Huh? What did you say?』

Looking up Queen saw that there was a huge castle in the center of the forest, she stared in shock and confusion at the huge home they would now live in.

『A little bit cool, the bigger the better, besides Sora likes to run around, this place will be great for him』.

『*sigh* Well, it's done』

The next few years were spent there, Sora was growing up and now he was the age of ( to make it easier I'll put it in human years) 5 years old, both dragons were proud of how their son was growing up.

『Well my little son, let's play a little Sora-kun』-King was happily approaching Sora-.

"I'm a little girl, daddy』.

『Yeah yeah, whatever you say son.... wait, you're a girl? so it's chan? Why is your name Sora? Who gave my pretty daughter a boy's name?

King played with Sora inside the castle which was extremely huge, she was too playful and full of energy, every time her father wanted to catch her she easily slipped away, the strength and speed she had was extremely superior to ever seen before.

『(She's going to be stronger than me someday, and also the Mythic Claws will go with her, I'm glad she still kept the Claws even when she was born)』-King calmly thought about the situation-.

Sora joyfully approached the huge balcony of the castle and could see how beautiful and peaceful this forest was, her smile was one of the most beautiful things for this world, Queen and King approached to stand next to their daughter, but quickly Sora's smile disappeared.

『Uhm? Is something wrong Sora?』-King asked his daughter.

"Why are people dying?』-Sora said worried-『Why are they killing each other? Why are they dying? Everything here is nice and quiet, while outside everything is chaos and destruction...I don't like it』.

She had a vision and her skills were great despite her young age, Queen and King were worried, but before saying anything to their daughter she bravely and energetically answered her own questions.

『I will do it...I will bring peace to this world!』-『Why do others have to live through this? It's not fair, it's not fair to everyone, I don't want to be the only one living peacefully! I will help each of you and we will all live with a smile and without fear of tomorrow! I Sora will be the one to bring hope to everyone and bring an end to this world!』

With quite a lot of energy in each of her words little Sora declared, her parents stared at her in surprise and then showed a smile.

"Yes, she turned out just like you』-King calmly looked at Queen.

"What are you talking about? If it came out just like you』-Queen replied cheerfully-.

They both laughed softly with some smiles on their faces, they looked at their little girl more determined than ever, they were happy for what is and will be their daughter. There King understood one thing, maybe it is that his daughter motivated him to do the same, but it was more because he was a father, if his daughter wants that then he will help her in her goal, he will bring peace to this world, he will bring an end to this world, it is the only thing he will take from the words of the ancient Demon King. But he knew that they could not do it alone, so he decided to look for beings like him, dragons of the same Faction that have the same thought or that are different like him. He found them, Lami, Dux, Arnna and Mira, they will be the ones to help bring peace to this world, they are still small so they will teach them to be good people, besides King thought this as he knew Queen wanted to have more children, it was the day, the day came, when the Demon King would come back to present himself to the world.

『Here is the Demon King introducing himself!』-『I will only say one thing, we, every one of us will do our best to end this world! We will bring an end to that grotesque and disgusting world! With our power we will do what no one did, peace is in our hands, we will take it and create it』.

To the whole world King was addressing, with 4 little children and his daughter who was on his back, she was impressed by the words of her father, who could do nothing but admire him. And the white dragoness of the Harmony Faction, Queen.

『The Anomenos Family will bring peace! Never forget us....but what am I saying.....of course we will never be forgotten! Our feat will always be in the history of our world!』

And that was how this story began, of that family, of that Demon King who would manage to complete and help his daughter's goal.

------------------------------------------- → To be continued

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