
Chapter 69: God (M vs Champa)

『I am the God of Destruction of Universe 6 , Champa』.

The God said menacingly, his anger and annoyance could be felt in a great range.

『Fast, let's all escape!』

In my despair at this fact, it was best not to face him and escape, as none of us would stand a chance against him.

Almost as soon as I finished my words, I had the purple cat in front of me.

"Do you think I will let them escape after what happened? This place will be their graves』.

I clenched my hand , I was going to attack with an Increasing Fist, just with a touch of his finger to my fist, he pushed me back with great force, I felt my arm was going to be torn off by that simple movement, he appeared behind me , he hit me in the face with his palm, I was thrown back sharply.


Champa noticed, Mewtwo and Lugia were coming to attack him.

『I won't forgive you! You controlled me for all these years, you made me take lives, the only way to remedy that is to kill you!』

Lugia was in rage, screaming at the fat cat at those facts, the God easily dodging the legendary's melee attacks.

Having him close, the 2 legendaries launched Hyper Lightning Bolts. The God didn't even think to dodge it and received it.

An explosion was seen, out of the smoke comes out the God, flying towards them, with balls of energy in each of his hands, he attacked and hit the legendaries, the pain was so much and the power, that they ended up fainting in the explosion.

Luna now saw to attack melee.

『Moon Party!』

Champa saw everything black, his senses disappeared, he summoned small balls of energy around him, these attacked everything around him.

By the end of the Moon Party effect, Luna was more damaged and bleeding.

Flareon attacked from God's back with a Flamethrower, Champa simply looked at him and protected himself from the fire attack. Glace threw Ice Beam at him, Champa simply raised his hand to protect himself from the attack.

Glace proceeded to touch the ground, the ground began to freeze going in the direction of the God. He made a move with his arm, a powerful wind destroyed Glace's technique.

Jolt was behind God, quickly the yellow one retreated, the area where the cat was, glowed yellow, abruptly a powerful Lightning bolt emerged from the ground. Footsteps were heard, the God walked out of the attack without any difficulty.

An earthquake was heard, water fluttering was heard, all moved away, Sira came with a big wave towards the God, he threw small balls of energy into the wave, they exploded destroying Sira's attack.

Maya with her threads took and pulled lots of huge stones, these were aimed at the God, they impacted, but on contact the stones were destroyed. Maya now used her threads to catch and hold him.

A huge Flower came out behind the God, a Solar Beam was shot, it hit hard, a huge explosion was heard and seen.

『I've had it....』

The God came out of the smoke, attacked Jolt in the stomach with his fist, knocking her unconscious, appeared behind Luna, with a touch of his finger on her back, knocked Luna unconscious. Lea attacked the God with her vines, he flew towards her, with the wind that caused his flight, he destroyed the branches, with a ball of energy in his hand, he hit Lea's stomach, it exploded, sending her flying to the skies.

Maya attacked from afar with a Psychoray, it pierced the body of the God, but it was only an image because of its speed, it hit her in the head, Maya's eyes turned white and she fell defeated.

Sira threw herself at Champa with Aqua Jet, the God grabbed her face and made a small explosion on her face, Sira fell with a bruised and bleeding face.

Glace put ice into herself, creating an ice giant that she controlled from the inside, she attacked with her huge frozen fist, Champa did the same, without difficulty she destroyed the giant and defeated Glace.

Champa dodges a surprise blow from Flar, upon seeing her well she sees that her eyes are red and parts of her body are on fire, she is in Sea of Flames, she knees Flar, quickly Flar passes to her normal form and falls defeated.

Champa raised his arm, began to accumulate energy, he was going to kill them and the place. She heard footsteps approaching, Champa's ear twitched, she turned around and saw M.

M came with a bleeding arm clutching his shoulder, it was not only his arm, but also his whole body, he was limping to get here.

The God smiled in a cheerful and defiant way. He made his attack disappear.

『.....It can't be....this can't be real...』

I looked at my friends' bodies and panic and fear set in, hope was slowly disappearing.

『You made me come to this』

I had the God in front of me, he began to speak sinisterly to me.

『I will make you pay for what you did to me』.

Instantly, I felt how my whole body was rapidly thrashing, it knocked me back, the pain is unimaginable. Before I fell, the God held me, he proceeded to kick me, he lifted me up to the heavens, as he lifted me up, he tapped me on my back to make me rise higher and higher, before passing the earth's atmosphere, he appeared above me, in his hands he had an energy ball he threw it at me, it hit my body and exploded, he proceeded to throw energy blasts at me, these made me decay as I was brutally damaged. Like a meteorite, I fell to the ground.

Champa was on the ground with me, he looked at me.

『Ohhh.... you used your aura around your body as a shield, to avoid a serious impact』.

I had a faint glow my body blue, it flickered and fell apart.

『Not yet』

The God was not satisfied, he went on to hit me body to body, he made me stop with his psychic and it was technically his punching bag, he was hitting me all over my face, all over my arm, all over my leg. At first it was just the sound of the blows, but then a chilling laughter started to emerge, the God was laughing while he was hitting me, my companions were still lying there without reacting, it was as if they were dead.


The God hit me hard in the face, I was thrown abruptly, I sank a little on the ground, this was the one that held me. I couldn't move anymore, I had no strength, I had no chance, no one in this world has a chance against a God of Destruction.


The God flew to where I was. His smile turned to one of normality, as if something began to interest him.


My body began to crack and break, pieces were falling to the ground, I was like a shell.


Champa saw this and only at that moment, he just watched carefully.

My body was still splitting and breaking, just like the Dragonite, my Lucario body was breaking. I slightly lifted my face upwards so I could see Champa, my face fell. Leaving my human face visible again. My whole body started to break, my arms fell, my legs fell, I was standing up as the pieces kept falling to the ground.


The god said a last name as he saw the human who left Lucario's shell.

『(I need.....need...to go back to the way I used to be!)』

I started to scream as a purple aura started to surround me, this same aura was destroying the floor from the powerful wind. The human kept screaming more and more. The purple aura became bigger, little by little his body was changing, a light shone, Champa had to cover his eyes so he wouldn't go blind. The light disappeared, Champa removed his arm from his eyes, quickly, he was attacked in his stomach with a knee, knocking him back a few meters.

Champa took a good look and saw that he was facing another one like him, his brother, a God of Destruction, the God of Destruction of Universe 7, who is now M.

『Now we are evenly matched, there is still hope in finishing you off』.

『Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha』-『I knew I needed something from you, I knew you were not normal, how lucky for me, I will be able to possess 2 Gods of Destruction, this does make me happy』.


I know I'm sore and exhausted, but I'm not the only one, he also in his Dragonite form ,also received damage ,we are in same conditions, but now, I want to confirm me of something first.

Champa came towards me dodging them, he appeared behind me, he was going to kick me at my feet, I dodged him by rising a little, with my tail I grabbed his foot, and I started to spin him.

I threw him to the ground, and he made a loud noise as he fell.

『I said it from the beginning, a tail is beneficial』-『(I already confirmed it, yes...this presence that I feel...is being controlled by a parasite)』.

Champa from the ground launched a great energy towards me , I counterattacked by doing the same. An energy shock was seen in the sky, these exploded and we proceeded to throw ourselves, the explosion dissipated before our blows, we succeeded each in hitting our cheeks.

『(This is...fighting against a God.....)』

We proceeded to fight melee, our blows destroyed everything around, blasts generated , destroyed the still standing buildings of the destroyed city. Kicks, blows, we hit and dodged, the winds destroyed everything, leaving only desolate land the city.

The bodies of the sisters, by the incredible power combat, were thrown to the skies by the clash of the fists of the Gods.

『I got it』

Mewtwo regained some consciousness , with his Psychic he carried the sisters to safety.


Lugia too, with his Psychic to other sisters he took them to a safe place, while the city was dusting before the fight of the Gods.


The fist of the gods collided, a powerful blast of these generated, destroying the city, leaving only dirt and dust, I appeared behind Champa, but he was no longer there, I received a blow from above from his fist, I curled my tail on his arm, he quickly descended with power while taking my tail, I hit hard against the ground, I felt the pain. I pulled myself together and went on with the melee. He dodged them and hit me in the stomach, I spat blood, and then he kicked me, I was thrown, but I quickly flew at him with a fist, our fists collided, at first we were even, but he was wrapped with a thick aura on his body and arm, he hit me and hit me full in the face, he passed in front of me, I covered myself, instantly lots of blows hit me, I saw it coming so I covered myself.

『....(What is this..... aren't we even?.....)』

He happened to hit now with his knee to my face, I covered myself with both hands, quickly he appeared behind me, and quickly hit my back , it was a lot of hits in that second, I was going to fall, but I held myself with my arms, I was sweating, worried , nervous.

『It's about time. For me to use all the power I've stolen all these years』.

He still didn't use all his power, now he will use the power he stole and consumed for these 100 years. M is between the ropes still returning to his God form.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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