
Chapter 70: God (Conclusion)

Shuddering blows could be heard all over the place, the city finally turned to dust, leaving only a large dirt field where 2 Gods of Destruction were fighting.

『Hahahahahahahaha! What's wrong? Stop fighting, you make it more complicated for me to control you too』-Champa was attacking with powerful blows-.

『(It's not the parasite I know, the one from world 1 and 2.....this is another one....)』-I was covering myself from the overwhelming attacks-.

『Stop defending yourself-You fight back too!』

With my quickness I appeared behind him and hit a ball of energy on his back which he explodes, I quickly jump back, Champa quickly comes out of the smoke to kick me, I quickly counter with a kick as well.


My tail maneuvered him to grab his foot, Champa noticed and grabbed my tail, he started to whip me to the ground.

I heard how hard he whipped me, I put strength in my tail, and with it I threw him far away against the ground. I ran towards him to give him a series of blows, he just looked at me provoking a strong wind that made me hold back a few seconds.

I covered my eyes with my arms, and when I removed them, I was hit in the face. Quickly, instantaneously from the blow I received, I landed a kick on his cheek of the God, we both went off in different directions.

We skidded on the ground, this one stopped us.

I'm tired, exhausted, I feel that my body at any moment will stop moving.....He is much stronger.....because of the change I.....have become weak, for being years without returning and without training in my God form....I lost power.

『(I have to end this.....or we will all die.....)』

Worried and nervous, I curled the tip of my tail, threw myself hard against Champa.

He held my fist with his palm, the black stain began to emerge from his hand, and I pumped my fist with energy, destroying the stain.

Champa surrounded me, because he was so fast he left images of himself to confuse me. An image came to attack me so I tried to hit it. It fell apart and I was hit in the back. Another image comes, so I ignore it, I was hit in the chest hard. Quickly, all the images came to hit me, I just covered myself, before such blows, I gave off a burst of aura with a scream, the images disappeared, I found the real one.

I began to throw bursts of energy from my hands, Champa invoked spheres of energy that appeared around him and attacked. Explosions caused these. He kept attacking so I kept attacking too. He appeared on my back and slapped me, threw me to our energy attacks, he left in his position even more energy spheres, these hit me full on hitting me with many attacks.

I fell to the ground...I was bleeding and bruised. I heard his footsteps approaching me. He placed his open hand on top of me. The black spot started to come out of it.


I threw a small sphere of energy into his palm, destroying only the spot, his palm stopped my attack.

I looked up with one eye closed and the other half open, my blood was falling in drops to the ground.

『You're still resisting』

『No.... I don't plan to...go through the same thing again.....』

『Ohh, so you were already possessed by another parasite, what does it feel like. It's like in a second you stop living. While another one controls your body. Although if you remember.....then you must have great willpower. So tell me. It felt good to be a spectator of your own body, to see things you don't want to do, that sure irritated and annoyed you, didn't it?』

『Not at all. Rather, he did me a favor....ya that thanks to him. I was able to get a Loli Neko who loves me very much. I thank him for that. Although that's only the good part, but that's what life is all about, trying to see the good things in bad situations, right?』

『I think I understand now why that parasite couldn't handle his mission. He's an idiot, he let himself be influenced by you guys. I'll finish what he couldn't !!!!』

Champa readied his fist and punched.


With both hands I blocked his fist that was directed at my chest.

『I will free you too』.

I proceeded to throw series of punches.He dodges them and went on to punch me in the stomach, I spat blood. I somersaulted , hitting him with my kick and tail at the same time, I managed to send him into the air.

Champa spun around a little and pulled himself together. He saw me as from the ground I made a big leap towards him with my fist.

He quickly grew his purple aura, he gave a loud scream, he also threw himself at me.

I clenched my fist tighter, it was all or nothing in this blow I was going to give, I gritted my teeth hard, Champa was coming with everything, with his loud scream and fist in front of me.

We were face to face, the decisive blow would happen soon. The blow, by only a matter of millimeters, I managed to dodge his fist that would surely pierce my chest.

My tail, the tip of which was curled up, I uncurled it, a white light came out of it and was propelled to the front, with the tail I curled its arm and I squeezed hard so that it would not escape. I opened my fist and squeezed the white light hard, I gave a full blow to Champa's chest. This from his back began to emit a white light, Champa began to scream, with a defiant look and I would be silent, the light was still emitting, finally you could see, the spot was coming out of Champa's body, the white light became more powerful , the parasite finally came out of Champa's body, the God fell to the ground, I appeared in front of the parasite, I gathered energy in both hands, put them together and launched a wave of energy, destroying the parasite and letting see the attack in the skies.


Tired and with a slight smile on my face I said, I fell to the ground fainted, a slight rumble was heard, already lying down I returned to my human form, I was just as I was 17 years old, with that blue sports jacket, and gray sports pants, and the red scarf that was on my neck.





『....(;'_ヘ;)('○`)~ゝ(ノдヽ)...There.....my body.....it hurts.....』

An unknown boy was waking up in the center of the dust and dirt. His clothing was of the typical black uniform of every high school and he was slender. He lifted his upper body, he was clutching his head. When he opened his eyes, he saw Mewtwo and Lugia, they were in front of him. They had an angry look on their faces.

『This...I can explain...but first.....I'm so sorry for what I did to you Lugia, I know an apology isn't enough for what I did to you, but it's the only thing I can do...I didn't think all this would happen』.

The unknown boy knows what happened.

『You turned out to be possessed too, I can't take it out on you seeing that you're also a victim』- 『But at least』.

Lugia put his hand on the boy's chest, an air punch hit him. The boy hunched over touching his chest.

『Accept that for everything that happened』.

『I will remember this pain as a form of apology for everything I did』.

The boy said painfully touching his chest.

『It hurts a lot...but the pain of these 150 years to this world must have been worse....I can bear it』.

『Well, everything is fine here, I'll see if M regained consciousness』-Mewtwo was walking away-.

『...M?.....』-The boy was rubbing his chest, with his gaze he followed Mewtwo, he saw M on Glace's lap-『....Mori-san?』




『...Where am I...is it all over now?....』

I was squinting my eyes, after a few tries, finally I could open them, I saw all of them who were around me.


All the sisters shouted my name , they were joyful and with a few tears in their eyes.

『I'm glad you are alive. Seeing you not reacting I thought you were dead』-Glace said with feeling as she held me in her lap.

『Don't ever scare us like that again, you don't know how worried I was』-Jolt said with a smile on his face while he had tears that wanted to fall-.

『That's right, this fear, don't make us feel it again』-Maya said also with feeling-.

『M, you really are a person who brings happiness and sadness』-Lea said from her heart-.

『You came out winning somehow, had you lost it would have been all lost, I'm glad you're alive M』-Sira said from her heart-.

『Yeah, who knew you'd become a fluffy cat too, we owe you one for saving the world M』-Luna was happy-

『It's just that in all the worlds I'm going to be called a furry cat.....(-。-;』

『¡M!』-Flar started hugging M-.

『Hey! He's still not fully recovered』-Glace was annoyed with his sister-.

Flar was still rubbing up against M.

『Mori』-The unknown boy said-.

We all happened to turn to look, the boy was standing looking at me.

『It's you,isn't it,Mori?』-『I don't look very well without my glasses, sorry if I insist』.

『Yes, it's me, fatty』-M said as she looked at him-『Yes, it's me, fatty』-M said as she saw him-

『Fatty?"』-Maya asked confused.

『Ah hahaha, that's his nickname』-M went on to answer-.

『..... Do you two know each other?』-Jolt asked.

『We are classmates』-I said with a smile-.


『I get it, you guys are classmates in your world』-Maya and everyone understood-.

『That's right, his full name is Nimura Cliston, aka the "Fatty"』-I was already standing and with my hand I introduced them-.

『Nice to meet you, I'm Mori-san's classmate』-『And sorry for the inconvenience I caused, I'm sorry』<(_ 』)>

『Ehhh....with your real name being Mori』-Jolt was interested-( ̄ω ̄).

『No, that's my last name』( ̄⊿ ̄).

『Then what's your real name?』-Luna became interested-?

『You didn't tell them...M's real name as you call him is------』-Cliston was about to tell them, but quickly ,before I let go I covered his mouth-.

『Please, I'm M now ,yes?』( 'ー`).

Cliston as he was someone respectful and a good guy, he helped M.

『Sorry, apparently after so many years I forgot your name (^~^)』-In a sincere way Cliston said-.

『Ehh.....that's too bad....』-Jolt was left wanting just like all-('・ε・̥ˋ๑).

『Fatty, could you tell me what happened to you, how you came to this world』-It was story time-('・ε・̥ˋ๑).

『Okay, but tell me your story later, but I'm glad, you didn't get run over that day』(=^_^=).

『Fatty...』-I said his name lightly-.

『Well, attentive everyone, I will now tell, of how I came to this world and what happened to me』.

It happened a month after the news that M suffered an accident and his disappearance, I was returning from high school, it was an ordinary day, I was walking quietly through the neighborhood, I heard a strange noise coming from the floor, I looked down and stopped, from it came out a Rainbow colored portal, I stared at it for a few seconds, I kept walking I jumped to get past it, and continued on my way. I thought it was a hallucination because of the heat but just in case I jumped, I heard the sound closer, I turned my head and the portal was following me, I started to walk faster, the portal also increased its speed, I started to run because it scared me, the portal also increased its speed even more. I was heading to my house, when I turned around, the gate was gone, but I would not stop, I opened the gate of my house, I raised my voice to call my mother, when I took a step I was plunged, when I looked down, the gate was under me, I fell into the gate. I think my mother came out because I managed to hear her, not seeing anyone, she must not have taken it seriously.

It was like falling into an abyss, I was like in a rainbow portal, a being of light was rising towards me, I remember him, he had big ears and was fat.

"I choose you, don't let me down』

That's what he said to me, he went on to join me, after that , I kept falling into the portal, the portal opened, I fell sprawled on the ground. As I fell on my face my glasses ended up breaking. I was rubbing my head, I was on the edge of a forest, on a rocky outcrop, I took a good look, it was night, I could notice a city, a city I had never seen before, it wasn't in my city, I could notice that quickly.


An explosion was heard nearby, a green wave went all over the place, expanding rapidly, smoke started to come out of it, I was going to go there to help, but the earth on the edge where I was collapsed, I was falling, I was screaming with fear, I was about to hit, but I was quickly lifted to the sky, I was flying. When I saw my hands, they were purple, I looked and touched my whole body, I became a fat cat with the ability to fly. Without hesitation I flew to the explosion to help, as I did not control the flight well it took me a long time to arrive, it was already dawn, the sun was shining, when I arrived I saw a destroyed building, the fire was already consumed, I stopped flying and started walking. At that moment I thought to return as I was, mysteriously I returned to my human form.

『But.....what...this is very strange』.

A portal between the bushes appeared, from it a parasite came out, the parasite already saw the God return to his human form, it had already confirmed it.

I went to check the place, to see if there were victims, I lifted the debris and searched, there were many things, syringes, serums, it was best not to touch them.

I felt a presence behind me, when I turned around, a big stain came over me, it enveloped me, the parasite had controlled me. Quickly, I was in a dark place, a large screen let me see what my body was doing, what the parasite was doing.

The parasite came back to see the things I said I would not get into, it grabbed a serum, it said "eternal essence" on it, it was intact, it looked for a syringe, put the serum in and injected it, at the end I did what I said I would not do. I don't know why he did it, I don't know why this happened to me, I don't know what will happen, I don't know anything. .....

My body began to suffer changes, it was as if I was mutating, little by little I became a dragon, a Dragonite.

Time passed, the parasite met Lugia and managed to possess him.

『From now on you will serve me, I already accomplished my mission, but .... to get more power would not be bad, it would help our father a lot, listen Lugia, I have a way of how to get it』.

I go on to tell him about his plan to get more power, but this parasite , he was special, he only wanted the strongest, of the strongest.

『The world will know me as God, and you, as the Pope』.

『You understood sir, I will faithfully abide by your orders』.


『And that would be the most relevant part of my story』-『What did you think?"』-Cliston finished telling his tale-』-『Conn.

"So you also have the eternal essence, that explains why you lived for so many years without any change』-Luna analyzed the situation.

『And you M, tell me your story now』-(⌒∇⌒)-『Although I don't think it will surpass mine』▼ω▼-Cliston was animated-.

『Ehh.... you want a good story? have your good story』( ̄ω ̄).

I went on to tell you everything I experienced since I first saw the rainbow portal, what happened in the first world, in the second world, and currently what I experienced in this third world.

『How do you stay?』( ̄ω ̄).

『Incredible, your story in much better than mine』(^∀^)『But don't sing victory yet, an unexpected twist may happen to me and I may visit worlds』(`▽') too.

『That's right!』-(☆▽☆)-『We are the same, we were taken to other worlds, we are Destroyer Gods, we went through complicated situations, and we have one goal in mind』

『You mean』('w`*).

『That we both want to return to our worlds』.

『That's true!』d(^^*)

『The 2 of us will now embrace each other in a journey that consists of going from world to world, aiming to reach our home world,going through happy moments, sadness, struggle, an adventure we 2』.

A mosquito passed near me, its buzzing annoyed me, so I transformed and threw a lightning bolt at it, I didn't want this moment to be interrupted.

『Meeting and making friends in each of the worlds, don't you think it's amazing Cliston?』▼ω▼

『Now that you say so, it would be a once in a lifetime experience, yes yes yes, you have to do it』{*≧∀≦}

M was happy, since now from this moment on, he will not travel alone, he has a companion with the same goal as him, having a friend to accompany him from world to world and not feeling guilty about taking him along, is something M wanted since the first world.

『He's so happy that he forgot that he's badly hurt』-Mewtwo was making a comment-.

『Give me those 5 Fatty!』(●>ω<●)-A silence was felt-『....Fatty?』(*'∇`*).

A shout in the distance I heard.

『¡M!』-Cliston was screaming at the top of his lungs.

As I looked down I saw the rainbow portal in front of me, this one was on the floor, I saw Cliston who was inside and falling into the portal.

『Cliston!』-I shouted worriedly-.

I stretched out my arm to the portal, Cliston transformed into his God form, he was flying towards me.

『¡M!』-Cliston shouted my name worriedly-.

The portal was getting smaller, I couldn't get in anymore, Cliston was getting closer, he was already reaching for my hand.


Maya pulled me back, my arm came out of the portal before I could reach Cliston's hand. The portal disappeared along with my friend.

『M...』-Cliston said sadly from inside the rainbow portal.

E͇n͇d͇ ͇o͇f͇ ͇t͇h͇e͇ ͇A͇r͇c͇:͇ ͇L͇u͇c͇a͇r͇i͇o͇'͇s͇ ͇W͇i͇s͇h͇

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

Note from the author:

Nimura means: New Town, may also mean, Generous, Active, Cheerful, Fortunate, Competent.

Mori means: Forest.

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