
Chapter 68: God (Megas)

『First I'll finish you off, I can't forgive everything you did these 100 years either』-Mewtwo was determined to finish off his rival-.

『If you're going to stand in my way, I have no choice but to eliminate you』-Lugia stared at her rival-.

『No friend, I'm going to defeat you』-『For being the accomplice of tainting this world』.

Mewtwo used Quick Move slamming his fist into Lugia, The Pope blocked by grabbing Mewtwo's fist.

Mewtwo proceeded to use Iron Tail, an air pressure generated on Lugia's neck repels it.

Lugia with his free hand prepared an Air Sphere and was about to hit Mewtwo.

A psychic slash protected Mewtwo.

『You're not the only one with good defense』.

They proceeded to intersperse punches and kicks each, they were dodging and blocking at high speed.

The sisters and Shizuna were waking up, already regained consciousness, squinting their eyes they watched as the 2 legendaries fought each other.

『We'd better take cover, let's avoid being a hindrance』-Luna grabbed her shoulder, and gave the orders-.

They were retreating in pain to safety.

『(Where is M...)』-Glace wondered worriedly.

Lugia took flight and launched a powerful Hydrobomb from its mouth. Mewtwo in his palm creates an Aural Sphere which he uses to protect himself from the powerful attack.

Lugia appeared behind Mewtwo , in its palm it had an Air Sphere, which was going to hit the legendary squarely.

『....?』-Lugia was puzzled, his attack was gone-.

『Seems to be that your biggest attack, so I nullified it, I'm going to take advantage of this time』-Mewtwo was saying with a defiant look-.

The legendary created proceeded to enclose Lugia in a cube-shaped barrier.

Lugia was hitting the barrier hard, but this was very resistant, Mewtwo went on to create a weapon in his palm, it was a Psychocortex, he passed his barrier as if it were passing a mist, he launched himself to attack Lugia.

A whirlpool covered Lugia's body so that the attack could not reach him, Mewtwo's weapon opposed the defense. Mewtwo smiled , a Wave in the form of the weapon expanded, reaching to hit Lugia, this Wave attack went through Lugia, reaching to hurt her.

Lugia began to spin generating a strong whirlwind, Mewtwo came out, the cube ended up breaking and destroying, leaving a powerful whirlwind, from this Lugia comes out with a Dragon Charge, Mewtwo created a barrier to protect himself, holding Lugia, his barrier began to break, it was destroyed and ended up hitting Mewtwo.

Mewtwo from his hands launched Psychoray, Lugia dodged them flying around the place.

Lugia appeared behind Mewtwo, he was going to hit him, Mewtwo's tail caught Lugia's arm.

Mewtwo proceeded to soar into the skies, Lugia was attacking with Hydrobomb from its mouth, Mewtwo went on to snake to dodge the attacks, now that they were high up, Mewtwo was descending with great force,

Before Lugia hit the ground, Mewtwo was going to get out of the attack, but a barrier of air prevented him from escaping, instantly all that air pressed him with great force, also reaching the impact that Lugia would receive.


The 2 hit the ground aggressively and abruptly, the smoke spread quickly with a blow that collided these 2 legendary, Lugia made more force overcoming Mewtwo, he was going to hit his face, but a barrier prevented him,

Mewtwo proceeded to attack with a Zen Headbutt, it hit him squarely in Lugia's forehead, Lugia backed up a little, Mewtwo appeared behind Lugia, taking advantage of the fact that Lugia backed up, he took out his Psycocut and pierced Lugia with the attack, it did not cut him in itself, but the pain was so strong that it is as if you were actually cut.

Mewtwo now appeared in front of Lugia, with an Aural Sphere in his palm, Lugia clenched his fist, a strong air pressure pushed Mewtwo away, Lugia was now attacking with Sacred Power, the spheres were going straight to Mewtwo, he dodged them agilely,

He arrived in front of Lugia, now everything was cloudy, Mewtwo used Mist, quickly Lugia, extended his arms causing a powerful wind, Mewtwo was in front of Lugia with his fist, Lugia counterattacked with his fist as well. It seemed that again in terms of strength Lugia was going to win, but this time Mewtwo shone a white color all over his body, the clash was won by Mewtwo, with his other fist he wanted to give a blow in the stomach, the air shield was useless, Mewtwo easily went through it and hit Lugia's stomach. Mewtwo was hitting Lugia hard, even though Lugia tried to block them, the attacks still hit him.


Mewtwo gave a strong punch, Lugia covered himself with both arms, he was thrown off.

Mewtwo's glow disappeared.

『I'm done with the Force Shift』-『I was able to beat him melee』.

Lugia crashed into a wall, her clothes were and herself were bruised, Lugia had her eyes down and didn't say anything.

Mewtwo didn't want to let his opponent rest for a second, he pounced with an Aural Sphere in his palm, Lugia was still looking down.

Lugia's palm stopped and destroyed Mewtwo's attack, its arms started to change, they became bigger, with a white tone, it was Lugia's wings that now served as arms, its tail appeared, its blue color plates appeared on its back.

An air current ,like a small whirlpool on his arm appeared, hitting Mewtwo hard, Mewtwo defended himself with his spit, the attack easily broke the barrier, hitting Mewtwo in the stomach, he spat blood, it was a double damage, besides the physical damage, the powerful air that was generated also hit hard.

Mewtwo hunched over in pain, Lugia looked at it with a soulless expression, its arms became wings , they were large compared to its body, the tail that moved, and those plates that appeared on its back. It was Lugia's Released Form.

『Then ..... I'll get stronger too』

Mewtwo pulled himself together and stood up, he clasped his hands together on his chest, a lilac and white colored aura enveloped Mewtwo. Mewtwo began to glow then as if a cocoon exploded beautifully, revealing Mega Mewtwo Y.

『Continuing Lugia』

Without further detour, they continued their fight, Mewtwo now left as an illusion that lasted for few seconds when it moved at high speed, Lugia with power moved leaving trails of wind in its path.

They took to the skies, colliding their attacks, Lugia with its large wings used them as fists, Mewtwo attacked with a Psychic Sphere in his palms.

They were clashing attacks from each other.

Mewtwo launched discharges from its palms, Lugia stretched out its arms, creating a powerful wind that repelled the attack. Mewtwo appeared behind Lugia, Lugia's tail attacked Mewtwo with an Iron Tail, Mewtwo's barrier protected him,

Now Mewtwo from his palm lassoed a Hydrobomb, Lugia's air shield repelled the attack, Lugia prepared his fist, this was wrapped the air, and threw towards Mewtwo, a powerful air with force was going to attack, Mewtwo created an Aural Sphere in his fist and pressed it with force, it was created as a field that used it as a shield of aura that avoided the air attack, since if he created his barrier it was going to go through the air.

Mewtwo used Psychic on Lugia, Lugia was left without moving, he took her back to the ground, Mewtwo hit the ground, he was attacking with Sharp Rock, a visible wind shield was generated around Lugia, it destroyed the rocks on contact, Lugia was released from the Psychic and attacked with great speed with an Aerial Attack, its wings glowed white, and quickly hit the small body of Mewtwo.

Some branches trapped Lugia, Mewtwo created clones of itself, they all threw Ice Beam, they managed to freeze Lugia, the original Mewtwo raised its arm, and began to gather electricity, it was doing a Volt Ball, but a huge and powerful one, Lugia wanted to escape, but the other clones of Mewtwo froze it so that it would not escape. It was ready, Mewtwo launched the huge Volt Ball towards Lugia, there was an explosion of electricity and air, Lugia was able to defend himself with his Air Sphere that at the last moment he managed to squeeze.

Mewtwo squeezed behind her, with an Energi Ball, the plates rose and created an Air Sphere, these 2 attacks collided causing an explosion,

Lugia quickly hit the ground with its tail, a powerful whirlwind was generated , they trapped Mewtwo inside, Mewtwo used Psychic on herself to avoid being swept away by the wind, she soared, looking down, she saw Lugia launching a Hyper Lightning from its mouth, Mewtwo countered with a Thundering Fist and launched straight into the attack.

『Switch Attack!』

Mewtwo's Thunder Fist powered up more, but at the same time made Lugia's attack more powerful, Mewtwo used another Physical move, Giga Impact,. With 2 powered up attacks to the Physical, combined they overcame Lugia's powered up Hyper Lightning. But it didn't stop Mewtwo from taking damage.

With his other free hand, Mewtwo created an Aura Sphere that he squeezed hard on contact with the air shield, it enveloped the air with aura making it disappear, Mewtwo hit the huge Volta Ball attack right into Lugia's body along with the Giga Impact. The Force Shift effect ended.


A powerful Thunderbolt fell on the 2, Mega Mewtwo Y is characterized by raising its Special attacks, The powerful Thunder shone all over the place.

The earth made small discharges of electricity, Lugia was lying on the ground, badly damaged, her strength was gone, she was defeated.

Mewtwo barely got up, he also received damage from the Thunder.

『Yo....gane....』-Mewtwo returned to his normal form-.

Lugia lightly hit the ground with his fist, he started to shed some tears.

『No.....no...I never lose...why...dammit....』

That expression that seemed to have no soul, he was crying because he lost a fight.

『I just need.....I just need....more power...I...have...to go with it.....』

Lugia hit the ground with his tail, making it jump, with what little strength he had, he decided to escape and head to where God was.


In the other fight.

『Hahaha, what's wrong, is that all you've got?』

Dragonite was still mocking why M couldn't hit it.

"Damn it, stop playing with me!

I gathered aura in my fist and hit , God blocked it with his palm, you could see how a blue aura, went through Dragonite's body, but without hurting him.

『....You're getting better boy』-『But you still need more』.

He put his palm on my chest, I quickly created an aura shield, Dragonite launched a Hyper Beam from his palm, my shield was destroyed and the attack hit me and carried me away.

『(Stop playing with me.....seriously attack me.....it frustrates me that you hold back with your attacks....)』

As I was getting annoyed and filled with anger that he wasn't serious, a shout was heard in the distance approaching.

『God God God!』

Lugia came screaming God's name, she was badly hurt, bruised, it was as if she had just lost in a fight.

She knelt down in front of God.

『I know it's inopportune, but I need you to give me some power, I can't lose, it's unheard of, I don't have to lose.... I don't want to lose....』

With some traces of his tears Lugia was asking God for more power, God just looked at him and smiled. Lugia seeing this I could finally see at least a slight smile on his face.

Suddenly, God grabbed Lugia's neck and started to squeeze.

『I don't need such a weak helper, but don't worry, I'll get stronger at the cost of your life, asking me for help.....was a big mistake.....』

Lugia was suffering from pain,you could see how it stole Lugia's strength from its arm,Lugia returned to its normal form.

『Stop! 』

I lunged at it with my aura-encrusted Fist, aimed at its face, but its shield prevented me from hitting, it repelled me, a Dragon Pulse came out of the ground, grabbed me by its mouth and carried me away from the spot.

『If you had been stronger, this wouldn't have happened, I should have found someone else....』

『Enough is enough!』

Mewtwo appeared with a Psychic Sphere in its palm, its attack collided with Dragonite's shield.

『At last I got you face to face, you're sneaky, how can you do this to Lugia.....Stop!』

Dragonite's shield let Mewtwo pass, with its free arm it grabbed Mewtwo's neck as well.

『Switch Force!』

Mewtwo prepared a Thunder Fist and attacked Dragonite's face, but it didn't affect it.

『.....(But what.....if I change strength with it...my body feels.....)』

Dragonite was also stealing strength from Mewtwo, his strength was being absorbed by Dragonite.

『Eh....you also have good strength, just this once I will also take yours』.

It was still absorbing the power of both of them who had fought each other before.


Dragonite turned around and saw M attacking its shield with its fist again. It simply didn't care and kept absorbing.

M's fist began to emulsify with a blue aura with traces of red and orange lightning, little by little Dragonite's shield was breaking.

M gave a loud scream at the serious situation. The shield managed to break, and hit Dragonite's face with a strong blow, and he was thrown.

Lugia and Mewtwo fell to the ground, they were both very weak.

『Take it seriously damn it』-『Because I, now I'm going all out』.

Orange and red rays with a blue light enveloped me , then like a cocoon explode, let Mega Lucario be seen.

『You had an ace up your sleeve, let's see how much good it does you』.

I used Extreme Speed, my feet were cloaked in a blue aura, leaving an even bluer and stronger aura than before. I hit with my fist, Dragonite covered himself with his arm, I quickly located myself behind him, he with his arm hit him, it went up in smoke.


God was confused, that was a clone, the real one was still in front of him, with force and my fist enveloped in blue aura I hit Dragonite's stomach, a powerful air came out of his back, I sent him to the skies.

The Dragonite opened his eyes, and saw a lot of Lucarios in the sky, all of them launched an Empty Wave, this attack, even though he protected himself with the shield, still went through him and hit him.

Dragonite screamed and an electrified field appeared around him that easily expanded, it destroyed my clones, I created an aura sphere to protect myself. The Dragonite came at me with a Dragon Charge, to dodge it, I propelled myself with a powerful Vacuum Wave, I managed to dodge it, but Dragonite saw it coming and hit me full force, we hit the floor.

He moved away a little, I got up badly wounded, but I could still continue, he hit the floor hard, a lot of Dragon Pulse came out, M dodged with Extreme Speed and created a small shield if he saw that an attack reached him.

I got to be in front of him, I created a Bō and attacked him rampantly, Dragonite dodged my attacks, he hit an image thinking it was me, he was already so fast in this form that he left images for a few seconds, I appeared in front of him, and with the Bō I attacked his back.

『(With the Mega Evolution, I become a little faster than him...I have to take advantage of this)』

Dragonite stomps on the ground, out comes a sharp Rock that hits my chest hard, it was going to go through me, if not for my spike on my chest I avoid it.

Dragonite appears above me and attacks me with both fists together, with my Bō I defended myself, but I fell crashed to the ground, Dragonite was going to step on me, so I rolled a little to dodge it.

He was attacking me non-stop with his claws, I kept dodging and deflecting his attacks with my Bō.

While I was fighting Dragonite, the sisters appeared to help Lugia and Mewtwo.

『This is bad...』-Maya saw the situation-.

『M!』-Glace shouted M's name as she saw M fighting-

『Quickly! We have to somehow help M』-Jolt said worried and desperate.

『The only thing we can do is to give it our energies, we can't fight in our states, after fighting for a while with God, it learned its attack pattern and moves』-『Give energy to the boy』-Mewtwo said lying on the floor-.

M just got hit in the face by Dragonite, it quickly recomposed itself and attacked with an Aural Sphere on its face, but M was already exhausted, that this attack didn't affect it much.

The ground began to shake and break, M dodged and jumped from place to place, Dragonite appeared in front of him and hit him hard in the stomach. M strongly returned to the ground, the earth and pieces of rocks fell on him, sinking and burying him.

Dragonite was flying in the sky, prepared a Hyper Lightning, but this time it would be a powerful and serious one, the place and rocks where M was began to tremble, with a roar M came out and with a powerful jump threw himself to M.

『(This is as far as I go, I will gather all my strength in this fist, I will give it all I've got.... in this blow!)』

Bleeding in the face M was going all out for Dragonite, it launched its Hyper Beam from its mouth, it was so strong its attack that it rocked the place, these 2 attacks collided, M was going through the attack little by little.

Different colors of energy were directed to his fist, yellow, red, light blue, purple, black, green, blue, lilac and white.

Jolt, Flar, Sira, Maya, Luna, Lea, Glace, Mewtwo and Lugia were giving their last strength to M.

This was reflected in his fist that glowed all those colors.

M was screaming with all his strength, and with all his strength united, he hit Dragonite in the center, for the first time, Dragonite winced and spat blood, there was an explosion of colors in the sky. Dragonite's body fell to the ground, M also fell to the ground exhausted.

The two of them made a small clatter in their fall.

M got up in pain, he had to see if this was really over or not, he went to Dragonite with his body in pain and bleeding everywhere, in the process he returned to his normal form, he had Dragonite in front of him, Dragonite didn't react.


Dragonite's core cracked, it was like a crack, its whole body started to crack and break, as if it was a shell. Dragonite stopped.

His body in parts was falling to the ground, pieces, like a shell, he looked up and looked at me, it fell down, revealing half of his face, the face of a human.

『Hahahaha.....you know..... don't call me God after all...』

God whispered as he looked at me and his body kept breaking. I was puzzled and worried, I didn't understand what was going on, but what surprised me the most was seeing the face of that human, who was using a Dragonite's body as a shell.

『Clis....ton...』-Was the name I said when I saw the human's face-.

The human gave a loud cry, a purple aura burst out of it roughly, its Dragonite shell finally cracked, revealing the new being it had become.


I was with fear and worry, as I knew the danger that the being in front of me could bring.

『I am the God of Destruction of Universe 6, Champa』.

He wasn't lying after all, if he was a God after all.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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