
Chapter 53: Nekomata Case 5

July 27th, ****

I can't back out after this opportunity I've been given, I've planned what I have to do to make my friendship with Ron stronger, I don't want him to stay as someone who would be the last option, is that really so? Kyto said it, as silly as it sounds, he really does pay attention to his surroundings, I've been feeling it lately too, with him paying more attention to my friends than to me, I'm not saying it's bad, but you kind of want to be that one person that he'll go for without thinking about it...being his first choice must feel nice....

I feel like when you need someone's company, you have in mind who you want that person to be, it can make you happy and make your heart pound, because you know they're the right person for the situation you're in. I want to be that person for Ron, that when he's in trouble...there will be people stronger than me, there will be people more agile and cunning than me, there will be people braver than me...but even with all that, it would make me really happy that out of all the options he has, I'm the one he's been waiting for to show up....

I don't really understand how love works and how to achieve something so unique in life, at least for me it is unique, love is unique and special... That's why of all the plans for the future now that I know I'm going to accompany Ron, I'm going to make the most of it. This coming to the beach was an incredible idea, I have to make the most of the whole year that it has to offer, there is still more to experience, August is still to come, the night will be lit up, in October people will dress up to coordinate their wishes, and after a short time, a very important time of the year will arrive. That month where again everything starts to be covered with snow by the little drops of the day and night...My goal is clear...it has to be at least until that time to strengthen my bond with Ron, we are already half way through the year and I have made very little progress, when you least expect it, a whole year will be gone and I won't have made any progress...but...it would be nice....

『It would be nice...for the next few years...to be able to spend time with you...Ro...R...n...*smiles* Nekomata-san』

At this Giji was still in his mind imagining all the things that could happen from here on, he still had a lot of options that he didn't want to miss out on, most likely all his friends would be there too, all together...having fun and sharing good times, just like he would have his private time with Ron, where they alone would have to create their own personal moments. At this, Giji was already imagining a lot of things, his face couldn't hide it, he was so happy that his mouth was twisting with the joy he felt. Where this one was going to head to be by Ron's side, but it seems that he ended up being overtaken, because when he opened his eyes again from his illusion, he could quickly come across one thing that brought him back to reality. 

『Nekomata-san...what's that in your mouth?...』

When Giji noticed, Ron had a sea cucumber all over his mouth, and it wasn't a simple one, they were the kind that looks like they have a bunch of legs or spikes around their body, it really wasn't very nice to look at, it even kind of scared Giji a little bit by the fact that it was in his friend's mouth....

Before I could say anything to him, Ron quickly dropped the sea cucumber in Giji's paws, who, realising what was happening, realised that, once again, in all the imagining he had been doing, it seemed that all this time, Ron had been collecting and gathering everything he could find in the rocky sea mounds, There were various types of sea cucumbers, from the most extravagant to the most simple, there were also a few crabs and assorted crustaceans walking around, a few starfish, though they had too many limbs. .. It seemed that they were creating a fauna at the Harpy's paws, he wanted to get away from that array of animal variety, but as he took even his first step, his wild instinct quickly kicked in, as he could feel a predator staring right at him. When he looked up to look, he realised that it was Ron who was staring at him, as if staring at his prey. This did surprise Giji, but after a while he got over it, so he wanted to paw forward again and....


『Oh that hurt!!! Was that you Nekomata-san?』

He ended up hitting him on the head with a hermit crab shell. At this Giji didn't understand Ron's attitude, but one thing was clear, he didn't seem to want her to move away from the place where she had accumulated a couple of things. Does he want Giji to keep an eye on everything while she collects more stuff? Giji wanted to accompany Ron through the sea rocks, but ended up staying in one place watching the things her friend was bringing. So...

『It's okay Nekomata-san, you can explore by yourself, I'll take care of everything you bring so it doesn't go away』.

At this Giji had no choice but to accept the situation he found himself in. The plan wasn't that, it was supposed to be a fun and entertaining ride for the 2 of them. But at this from what Ron was hearing staring at Giji, he kind of took him at his word and smiled at that moment, walking away and went back to searching around the sea rocks. 

『I have no choice *sigh* But why is Nekomata-san collecting all this stuff? What's he going to do with all this stuff he's bringing? Besides...I'm surprised that he probably brought all this stuff with his mouth...sometimes I get the feeling he's more like a dog than a cat...』

After the shell that was still on his head, he seemed to start to feel small steps, a small hermit crab had emerged on his head, where Giji was surprised that he didn't see it coming, instead of continuing with his fear that it was more of a surprise. He seemed to have become familiar with his surroundings, and ended up sitting on the same stone he was sitting on, while he kept looking at the great variety of aquatic life that Ron had brought along. At this Giji started to remember what his friend Ema once told her friends and then came to her ears, that some felines to show affection and return everything that is given to them, they kind of bring things to their owners, this Ema commented adding that once her cat, ended up surprising her in bed with a cicada in its mouth, that seeing that when she woke up in the morning and right in front of her, ended up scaring her a lot. ...it ended up scaring him a lot since he couldn't stand bugs and insects, especially in this summer season when they are more common.

『So you're afraid of bugs Ema-chan, then how about going out one of these days to a nearby forest to collect bugs, the first one to catch the best beetle wins!!!!』

『Eh???? Why do you say that...you want to make fun of me? *sad*』

『That's the idea, I want to mark on a nice picture where you are in real danger!!!』

『(๑•̆૩•̆) How mean you are Kyto-chan...』

『That's right, your knight will come to save you from the claws of the beasts and after a picture where you are in danger, mark it again with a picture where everyone has a happy ending!!!! Come on, what do you think of the idea Ema-chan? *excited*』

From what Kyto was proposing to Ema, it seems that the idea didn't quite please her, she doesn't like being in the middle of the woods and hills, she feels like they are too wild for her, she commented that she wasn't so sure, that maybe to a nearby forest she couldn't go, but maybe to the Distant Duo of the North, since it's very touristic and also beautiful.

『Yeah, I was thinking about that place too, but there's already a friend who's planning a lot of things, I want it to be a memorable place for him, a place just for him, it would fit him quite a lot as Giji is, plus it's a very romantic place for me and I kind of don't get those things, I feel like I'll do any antics that don't fit the moment, but a forest with bugs if it's a good place to spend time alone!!!! *happy*』

『I feel like you're one of those guys who, on his first date with a girl, would invite her to eat at a street cart stand 』

『You read my mind *smiles* and...Tell me Ema-chan, wouldn't you like to join me? *blushes*』

Kyto ended up extending his hand to Ema at that moment, where he seemed to change his attitude from one moment to the next, he no longer seemed to be a clown or a clown, but rather he said it with total seriousness at that moment. Eh??? Eh???? He was inviting her on a date just like that? this came as a surprise that even Ema was surprised, she was quiet for a while, where Kyto was waiting for her answer showing confidence, but it was clear that even he was afraid of these moments. So after already seeing his friend's intentions....

『Okay, let's go out together one of these days *smiles* 』(✿ヘᴥヘ)

At Ema's answer, this quickly brought a big smile on Kyto's face, who didn't take long to even get up from the seat they were sitting in, ah! They were in a family restaurant where they started to talk when they saw each other, one thing led to another, but Kyto was so happy that he couldn't hide his excitement. 

『Well, then let's meet up *smiles*』

『*happy*You look so happy, that makes me not regret my decision, it's decided, I'm going to try hard to look pretty for our date 』

『*excited* Really!!! And you say it like it's nothing!!! then I'll try my best to look my best too!!!』

The 2 seemed to be happy with the plans as they were left alone and personal. You could see on their faces, as the calm and amused Ema was smiling with her red cheeks, while Kyto was excited and couldn't sit down because of it, then....

『Let's go to the street cart *happy*』

『Let's go hunting for bugs!!!! *Happy*』


....¿¿????? It seems that there were already confusions at this point, it seems that both of them had opposite ideas to what they believed each other. It seems that Ema was left with the idea of going to the street cart, while Kyto had the idea of going bug hunting very much in mind from the start. At this, both of them were looking at each other's eyes, they were no longer so happy, but now there was a feeling of discord between the two of them, and it didn't take long for this to happen.

『No no no no no no, you said we were going to go to the street cart』

『Eh? no, you said the street cart, I only approved the case that I would take a girl to the street cart, but I didn't propose it as such, I'm more in favour of going bug hunting, and since you already accepted Ema-chan, I hope you'll bring your cage and net to win me over *smiles*』

『.....No, listen Kyto-chan, I thought that -----------』

..... It seems that they have already started arguing about where they should go, and by the way they are not the only ones in the family restaurant, Jun was also there at the time as she was accompanying her friend Ema, who happened to bump into Kyto on the way. At this Jun overheard everything, and actually seeing how they were arguing over something so silly, she was having fun commenting that....

『*laughs* They look like a married couple *smiles* 』

That to her comment that she said it because of the moment she was watching, it kind of made if stop the discussion somewhat and turn to look at Jun, who as there was silence from the 2 friends, this kind of made Jun uncomfortable and wonder if it wasn't so....


『But what a thing to say Jun, me getting married? That would be amazing, you may see me thrown into a lot of things, but when it comes down to it, I get to chicken out a lot...like it's easy to see myself doing it at the beginning, but at the end of the road...like I get scared...like I feel like at some point I might mess up in a serious matter. ...』-『This hanging out and spending time with you guys is fun for me, it's also a lot more fun if it's a personal topic, but more in depth...that must be why I like adults so much, I don't see myself going that far...』

To this Ema seems to have stuck to the word marriage, to this Kyto seems to have ended up talking out of turn, and even letting go of something he had deep down, the issue that he's not as strong as he appeared to be. So why does he act mostly confident and with great skills, with great said knowledge...although all of this we mostly see when he's next to and in the company of Giji....

『Ahh...(this got serious out of nowhere...) Don't worry Kyto, I'm glad you told us that, it seems like you've been keeping it to yourself for a long time, I just want to tell you that ....( ahhh!!! in these sensitive topics I don't know what to say...Ema!!!! Help me please!!!)』

It seems like Jun is not an expert in such things, maybe telling her to keep moving forward and get strong is the best thing to do, but Jun is having a hard time with how to address her friends in this kind of situation. He telepathically asked Ema for help, as if expecting her to do something, whereupon it seems that Ema was staring at Kyto, who didn't know what expression to make...

『Don't worry about that Kyto-chan, I'm rather glad and like that about you, that you see more for the present and you're afraid of the future, it's something normal that I recommend to avoid at all times, the illusion, thinking or imagining about the bad things that can happen in the future, is harmful to everyone』-『You are still a little child, you don't have to think about what things will happen in the future, the best recommendation I can give you as your friend is to live in the moment with a simple purpose, sometimes having big goals makes you a slave to yourself 』.

Ema passed from one moment to the next to give advice and talk as if she already had experience on the subject, this was perfectly heard by Kyto and Jun, who for both of them being kids who entered high school this year, hearing someone as mature as Ema talk, really made them a bit confused so much.

『So don't be scared, let's have our date and we'll see what happens in the future *smiles*』

He ended up shaking hands with Kyto who ended up more surprised, it was a bit weird, it seems that it was the first time he saw Ema that way, how peculiar was that moment...already many times Kyto stared at Ema and had a clear image of how she is, but this time even her look was different, as it was somewhat attractive and relaxing for him. Even now that he was touching her hands, it was softer than usual, he could even notice that there was some dominance in Ema's hands. At this Kyto was feeling better, and with a pleasant smile he said.

『Yeah, let's have our date Ema-chan, thank you very much *smiles*』


『Let's go bug hunting *smiles*』

『...OK....』 ల(*'= ◡ =`*)

Ema's acceptance was the most obliged that Jun could see in his life, but it seems that it ended well, Kyto and Ema seems that they could have their date alone at any time in the summer, while Jun to this was happy, commenting if it is that someday something similar could also come to him, the truth to be able to experience what is at least a hint of love, if that would make him happy and excited like every girl, to this of what Kyto listened he replied.

『If you stop being such a little man, maybe -------------』


Kyto ended up getting hit hard on the head again, where it seems that it made him regenerate and bring back the first bump he received earlier, to which Jun embarrassedly went to complain to his friend.

『You'll see!!!! I'm very womanly and can have any man as a partner!!! Only I'm saving myself for that special person!!!!』

『That doesn't make sense with what you were saying before ------------』


From what Kyto was getting up from the blow, as he opened his mouth again, he ended up getting another blow to the head where it looks like this did knock him out, where Jun was with his fist and an attitude that it looks like he was going to make it someday.

『You shut up Kyto!!!! When you least expect it!!!! I'm going to be the first one to get a mate out of all of you!!!! Neither you nor Giji will beat me!!!!! You heard!!!』( ง ᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌)ง⁼³₌₃

At this Kyto could not move for the blows proposed by her friend, all she could do was to give a thumbs up as a sign that she wishes her good luck. Where Ema was happy with this goal and was again commenting her good wishes to her friend Jun.


It was like we were in a dark place, and the only thing you could hear was as if someone was trying to scratch or trying to pull something out with his paws but to no avail, and again he tried again to pull out something that was deep inside. But whatever it was trying to pull out, it seemed to be hiding very well in that place. Ron had found an opening in the middle of the sea rocks, this caught his attention because he felt that there was someone inside, so with his cat paws, he put it in the opening trying to get out what he had detected, it was really something tender to see this, to see how he stretched his paw and tried to get it out, it really made her look like a kitten. Giji even made friends with the crustaceans and aquatic life that Ron had brought along, and it seemed like he was telling them something...

『How do you guys see her? I might be a coward at first, but if I put my mind to it I can go all the way! The moment of truth is where you shouldn't hesitate and keep going!!!! *sigh* I really don't understand how Kyto manages to not be afraid...and it seems that Ema and Kyto agreed on a private date, I really don't get it, the things that he comes up with in the moment work, but what is supposed to be prepared and thought out beforehand, it should be better, right? What do you guys say? Is it better to be a throwaway or to think it through? 』

Giji was talking to the crabs that were at his feet, and it seems that they were really paying attention to him, can common species and animals communicate? To this a crab approached Giji to be able to give him his answer, maybe if he was against or for, to this Giji saw the crab approaching and ....*crack*...He was pinching him with his pincers that he had on Giji's legs, but this one could not feel anything not even a hint of pain, it seems that his legs if they are really resistant. At that moment he heard a small splash or movement of water in the vicinity of the sea rocks where they were and ....

『By the way, for the last few minutes it's been smelling something strange...when we arrived at this place we were the only ones, at least at first glance...』

At this Giji looked up again because someone was coming back, he could see clearly what it was that maybe he was hearing and smelling a while ago. What was that, it was like tentacles wriggling back and forth, and the smell it gave off was a tanto....

『Nekomata-san...what are you doing with that on your head?...』

Giji wondered about this when she saw Ron with an octopus literally on his head as if it was a kind of hat on top of his head. This felt weird, maybe he should take it off, having an octopus on your head must not be good at all, he tried again to go to Ron, but another crab shell was quickly thrown at Giji's head, where Giji understood perfectly that...

『All right, I'll stay here 』」( ̄▽ ̄」)

Ron ended up getting to where Giji was, it was a bit agile actually as he was jumping and making small movements across the rocks. It was a bit weird to see Ron with an octopus on his head like a hat, it might look a bit erotic? But it kind of looked more like a clownish thing that Ron would do. At this Giji sort of tried to take the octopus away from Ron again, but the cat quickly scurried away and was so fast that she gathered up all the crustaceans and aquatic fauna that had gathered when she saw that they were moving away. At this Giji did not understand what was going on, and as he was in the middle, he remembered Ema and the comment that cats have a habit of bringing things to their owners, but Giji is not their owner, or maybe it is a way of showing his affection? This made Giji somewhat happy, but quickly ....

Ron sat down in front of him with his octopus hat on and clasped his hands together in a bow. Eh?...Wait...the way Ron licked his mouth, the way he was showing his fangs and other sharp teeth, the way his eyes were glistening at the sight in front of him...

『Eh? Nekomata-san, why are you looking at me like that?...』

Ron didn't see a Harpy in front of his eyes, what Ron saw at that moment, was his food that he collected all this time. !!!! At this quickly Giji could feel it, where he knew Ron's intentions, so being bitten by her, maybe it's an achievement? *crack!!!!!* At the first bite of her wing again, he couldn't resist and ended up screaming loudly at that moment, and as if history was repeating itself, he started to run in a circle around the place where they were.

『It wasn't that he was giving me presents, he was preparing his food!!!! Nekomata-san!!! Stop trying to eat me! !!!!』

But Ron was clinging to Giji's wing, after all it was clear, cat eats bird, in this case, Ron eats Giji. Giji was running to find a way to free herself from her friend, where quickly the octopus also seemed to want a little bird bite, so she ended up taking a big leap propelled by her powerful harpy legs, where she could reach a high point of the sea rocks, where this to her habit of being in a high place or in the daily cases of the harpies, is that they get to visualize and have more detail all the area around them. So it didn't take long for them to see that behind the sea rocks where they were standing. There was a pair of humans...no...a human and a Kobold doing ....


Before he could scream, he covered his own mouth with his wing to keep from saying anything, while Ron was still so intent on eating Giji that he couldn't notice this. But as his curiosity got the better of him when he realised that there were more subjects, he turned his gaze away. .... Giji quickly gave priority to his friend Ron, who covered himself with his wing and covered his friend Ron so that he could not see. Where he to this there was no way to avoid it, he was watching the most intimate act between living beings. He was shocked and watching this in a way that felt like a sin to him at the moment. So because of the pressure he was seeing and the danger it could be to Ron if he were to see this, then.....

Quickly Giji ended up spinning around and thanks to the flexibility of his legs, he was able to remove the octopus from Ron's head, and in a timid manner the harpy threw the octopus where the pair were, and as if he was an expert in the handling of the skies. It was able to land back where they were before. It could be heard as soon as the human complained about the octopus falling on him, where it seemed that this was going to continue a little longer and ....

『Nekomata-san...we've already done too much here, let's go back to the beach *shamed*』

At this he didn't hesitate long, seemingly out of nervousness to leave as quickly as possible, he strengthened his legs and with Ron still biting his wing, the two of them finally made it off the pile of sea rocks on the beach.


This seemed to be a lot of encouragement that Giji didn't expect, his face said it all, he was very tired and after seeing what he had just seen, it really seemed that all his spirits were gone. He commented indignantly how on the beach there are those kind of people who don't care about others and start doing it in a public place, aren't they afraid of being discovered by people? A little carelessness and...seriously these people are not afraid of anything and....

『I need a break....』

Giji had no more strength left, even his wings were dragging sand because he couldn't do it any more. The good thing about this is that Ron didn't seem to notice, he kept biting his wing with no sign of letting go. Maybe it bothers him a lot that maybe Ron can see this and find out about that part of the world, it's normal but...Giji wants to protect Ron's innocence as much as possible. Protect him? Someone who fell in love with Ron because he saw him under her skirt? Yes, of course ....

『Shut up, that was my first impression, but now that I'm getting to know her slowly, that feeling changes...』

『Ron-chan! We finally found you Meow *smiles*』

『Ron, it looks like you caught a big prey this time *smiles*』

As Giji looked at his forehead, he ended up hearing 2 different voices this time, one was an adult female voice, while the other seemed to be that of an adult male. At first he didn't understand what was going on, but he quickly noticed that Ron's ears twitched, and when he looked in front of him, he stopped biting Giji and ran away on all fours for the adults in front of him. This surprised Giji, as she had never seen Ron like that before, so happy and pure in that sense of love for other people. He jumped on top of the adult man, who also received him with affection, while the adult woman was stroking his head while showing her love to the little cat.

『Huh? Are those two her...parents?』

『Or you'd better say your in-laws *smiles*』

『I see you guys are back, too』. 

At this Kyto appeared next to his friend Giji, who was quick to tease him, Jun and Ema also appeared to complete the group. While the reaction to seeing this was unbelievable, Jun was happy because she could easily see that the adult couple were Ron's parents, while Ema was happy to see a very nice moment, a happy married couple with a cute daughter, where she quickly told Kyto to take a picture of them, where he wasted no time and showed her the picture he took, which was....

『This only focuses on the mother's breast....』 

『Small mistakes, good! *happy* now if I'm going to take a good one!』 

『Are they your friends Ron? Yeah that's a fun bunch as you told us daughter *happy*』 

『Are you going to take a picture of us? Meow! Perfect, could you do us a favour and take advantage of the moment? 』 

To this Ron's parents and his daughter herself, who *happily* seemed not to be paying much attention to the photo, and rather was very happy to be with her parents, Ron kept grooming her head with his father's hug, and as her mother was also nearby, she was also grooming her head with her mother's affection. This really brought a smile to everyone's face, so Kyto announced that he was going to take the picture, where with a quick countdown. He managed to take a happy picture of the gathered Nekomata Family.


It seems that they didn't know about the news that Ron's parents were also going to go to the beach with them. Ron told his parents that he was going to the beach with his friends, as they had some free time at that time of the year, so they decided to go to the beach as they hadn't been there in a while. They might be a little late because of some things they have to do first, but they should let their friends know so that there are no unforeseen events, and it would be nice to have adult supervision in a group of only secondary school children, because yes, secondary school children from start to finish are still small children.

『Well, Ron-chan didn't tell us anything』. 

『Even the cat is able to talk? 

『Silly Neko! Those things are warned in advance!!!!!! ah!!!! Sorry Ron's parents!!!! I didn't mean to!!!....』 

To this it was somewhat careless of Ron not to let his friends know that his parents were also coming to the beach, that they might have changed their plans so that they could all go to the beach together and handle it better. But to this in the face of his habit of calling her a fool, she quickly corrected herself by having Ron's parents in front of her.

『Don't worry, you seem to have a lot of confidence in my daughter, my name is Nekomata Fuu』. 

『And my name is Nekomata Yume, I'm so happy to see that my daughter has finally made friends, and I see that she's made some really cute ones, especially the one in the middle, your name is Ema right? *smiles* 』 

『Eh? me? Yes, I'm Ema, you're also very painterly, an adult Neko, how cute *happy* it must feel good to hug you *smiles*』 

『Meow! hehehe thank you very much, it seems that even if I try hard I did end up falling for your words *happy* You're very cute too Emameow! ah!!!! *happy* Emameow! Emameow! Emameow! How nice it sounds!!! *smiles*』

This made Ema happy to see how a Neko Species was repeating her name in a nice and warm way, even adding the Meow to the words. This made her blush and like herself even more, she really wanted to go and hug her because in front of the charm that cats have, she really can't hold back.

『Puripuripuripuripuripuripuri』( '͈ ॢꇴ `͈)੭ु⁾⁾-°˖ᔆᵘᵗᵉᵏⁱ✧˖°

And it seems that it didn't take long to do so, because as if they already had confidence, Ema started to caress and caress Yume's face, who let herself be caressed with total tranquility and seemed to like it very much. It was really nice, but at the same time strange for everyone to see this. To this Ema quickly thanked him for giving her such a moment of peace, where Yume just said.

『Yes, you guys are certainly very attractive too *smiles*』.

Yume was stroking Ema's head at that moment and...her hands and arms were those of a cat-like feline, just like her daughter Ron's. Where at this Ema was happy and even thanked him again. Although Jun was kind of suspicious at this, like they were talking about something that only they could understand because they caught it at the beginning, in the end their conclusion was.

『Breasts attract whatever it is...*serious* 』 

『And then don't say Jun that we grabbed it with you when you're just looking for ----』

At that moment Jun wanted to hit him again but didn't, leaving him only as a warning where Kyto seemed to be asking God to thank him for being saved from the blow. Giji was shocked by what he was seeing, he really had in front of him the same case as his family. The father is an ordinary human, while the mother is a species, in this case a full-fledged Neko, and as expected if she acts like one she would be the species, even sometimes she has that cat-like touch that nekos have when talking. Yume had cat ears, they were very obvious, also his arms, hands, feet and legs were those of a cat, but unlike Ron, Yume only had one tail instead of 2. This was weird, maybe he imagined that the mother also has 2 tails but it seems not to be so. 

『Well, we're a little late but how about we have fun together!』

『And after a great time! It's time to enjoy the food! Meow! We brought everything we need to have a barbecue on the beach, so you don't have to worry about the food, it's on us *happy*』

The parents, who looked very young, were really ready for anything. When they heard that there was a free barbecue, Jun and Kyto's mouths were watering and they were drooling with joy that they had come on this day. There is still time, so let's spend all the energy they have, having fun together. !!!!

『『『『『Let's go!!!』』』』』

Everyone raised their fists and paws because now they could all spend time together. Even Ron who perhaps wasn't as excited before and tended to hide his expressions on many occasions. Being with her parents, she also seemed happier and raised her hand that...eh? was a human hand again? But anyway, the fun wasn't over yet.

『So here we go!!!! The one who wins the match!!!! He eats more meat than salad!!!Meow!!!』

『『✩⃛∗-⁽⁽◞(˃◟̵◞̵˂⁎=͟͟͞͞ ⁎˃◟̵◞̵˂)◟⁾⁾-∗✩⃛』』

The most excited to win were Jun and Kyto, who wanted to eat meat for sure. The first game they were going to play was beach volleyball, they had already made the field with the net. At this point the teams were divided, it was Jun, Kyto and Fuu vs Ema, Ron and Yume.

This was decided in the end because first of all to make it even, but it seems that even though the women's team was at a disadvantage, they wanted Giji to be in the men's team, which was a good idea. ....

『What do you mean, the boys' team!!!! I'm here too!!!!』

Jun at this seems to have ended up complaining, Giji at this did want to play, but when he wanted to hit the ball with his wings, it seems that the previous bites he received from Ron made the simple touch with the ball hurt a lot. He was not going to be able to play, so of his own free will he preferred to retire and take a rest, of course he didn't want to ruin the moment, but the others kept on playing and told him to wait until the next game. 

『And I'm here again...rather than having fun I'm watching the others having fun...*smiles* But it's okay, I'm glad they're happy 』

Giji sat in the sand as he watched his friends and Ron's parents play together. Although he couldn't really participate, it made him happy to see how the others were playing, especially how Ron was playing, yes...you could see the advantage that the Neko species had because of their agility and reflexes. You could really see that they are experts and I'm sure they didn't even train or dedicate themselves to it. 

But it seems that the opposing team also plays well, Jun can predict Ron's moves, it seems that all the running around and playing games with her did do him some good, while the most focused and skilled is Fuu, it's as if he can read his wife's mind and know her moves more accurately, he even makes feints that he knows his wife is more likely to fall. 

『It's a very even game, but still...I'd like to get to that level of coordination that Yume and Fuu have...』

At this, as he imagined how well Ron's parents got along, the image of the species and humans together quickly came to mind. And with it the memory of what had happened earlier on those sea rocks, him as a human and a Kobold, for ..... Just imagining it made him much more shy and embarrassed, how it seems that the species barrier no longer even has any weight in modern times... In that maybe he could also have a chance, maybe not to stay with what his friend Kyto told him that day on the rooftop, that maybe between different species, taking humans aside, something could be concreted...

In that moment he felt like going to the toilet, so he just left saying that he would be back in a while, but it seems that the others were so immersed in the game that they didn't pay attention to him. But in the middle of the way to the bathroom, it seems that someone caught his attention more than anything else, it seems that a Lizardman was also on the beach, you could notice his huge size and the greenish skin he wears, his species is well-built as always but...

『So what do you think? After the beach we can go somewhere else, how about dinner afterwards, if you like what happened this day, we can do it again and -------』

『Can you stop following me already? Also why are you talking as if we were dating? I was coming to the beach to meet some friends and you showed up out of nowhere to make conversation with me...sorry but you better stay away from me, I don't want you to scare my friends 』

It seems that the Lizardman was making conversation with a human girl, they seemed to be a couple, but quickly faced with the harassment of the species, she couldn't resist any longer and left him so that he wouldn't follow her anymore. To this the Lizardman stayed still in the same place with his eyes down, if he can be a bit scary, he is too big, even if he is chunky for his species, most women are not really attracted to extremely chunky guys. Plus he looks kind of funny because his whole body is green and the only different colour is his red shorts.

『Uhm...this is very difficult, it seems I'm not good at this kind of thing...』

At this the Lizardman looked to his side and noticed that the only one who was looking at him was Giji, who, as they exchanged glances with each other, kind of saw himself reflected in him in a way that...

『You're having a hard time, too...?』


At this they kind of understood each other, so Giji walked to be in front of the Lizardman, where the reptile also walked surprised to have met someone with the same situation. Both of them were in front of each other, the Lizardman was really too huge, it could easily whip someone to the ground. Where at this Giji was going to extend his wing out of sympathy and similarity, but it seems that the Lizardman beat him to it, kneeled down and ....

『Please! Let's have a date!!! *nervous*』


¿?????? But what...why is this Lizardman proposing Giji to go on a date, why is he looking really flushed right now? huh???? This was weird, Giji didn't expect his first date to be proposed by a Lizardman, and it wasn't even a Female...but a Male just like him....


It seems that now that a few minutes have passed, they might start to get along well after that first contact they had. The truth is that Giji, upon hearing Lizardman's request from before, was seriously wondering what was going on, does he not look like a man? He is a man, so he must be a man, right? But as lately and after those words of his friend Kyto that he looked a bit effeminate, it seems that the Lizardman's action confirmed to him that he was indeed. ....

『I'm really sorry, I really thought you were a girl, it's just that since you looked so harmless and weak, plus you have a very slender body, I didn't seem to connect my neurons and quickly thought you were a girl *shrugged*』.

『Don't worry, I just hope it won't become common to mistake me for a girl...(seriously I think I should work on that too...)』

『When I saw you going to the boys' bathroom, I got a little confused, you're not making a mistake...I was saying, and in the end it turns out you were a guy the whole time, I'm really sorry for my confusion *blushing* 』

『Hahaha...but really? I look like a woman?』

『Well, now that I see you up close, I can tell you're a guy』-『And me buddy! What do I look like to the naked eye *excited* Do you think I'd be mistaken for a girl? Like it would be funny if that happened one day hahahaha *smiles*』

At this of what the two were talking about, everything seems to be going pretty normal, but Giji kind of got uncomfortable about this simple topic, and hearing if the Lizardman would be mistaken for a woman, well really...just seeing it....

『Ah, yeah...*smiles* If you try hard, you could be who you want to be...*nervous*』

『Ehhh *smiles* Thanks for your encouragement, but you don't have to be afraid of me, I'm not going to eat you or anything like that, or have they already tried to do that? 』 

『Uhm....then let's just say that if there's someone who wants to literally eat me, they'll bite my wings...ah! I already dropped a feather』. 

At this Giji and the Lizardman happened to watch as a couple of feathers from Giji's wing ended up falling into the sand. You could see Giji's gesture of discouragement, as it seems that Ron sees it more as his food or a toy to chew on when he wants to, rather than really looking for something special with it. To this the Lizardman kind of saw his Harpy friend looking down, so he would get up from the arena to clarify that....

『Could you tell me who it was? If he is on the beach then I would like to have a talk with that person, the fact that he would use his superior strength against someone who can't defend himself...I don't like that way of getting away with it...』

 At this the Lizardman looked somewhat calm and even serene to a certain extent. Giji who was still sitting on the sand by the reptile's lake, didn't expect that kind of reaction, he thought that maybe he wouldn't take it seriously or in the other case, he would get angry from him, and asking him to tell him who it was to settle it with his fists. If the Lizardman can already be intimidating just because of his size and body build, it seems that he doesn't want to make use of it to become easy in many things...

『You don't have to do that, she's not doing it because she hates me or sees me suffer, the one who wants to eat me is a friend of mine *smiles* That's all, it's just a game and as long as she has fun, everything is fine 』.

At this, when Giji stopped, he kind of turned to look at the Harpy who wasn't really hiding anything, he could feel that he even liked the person. She kind of accepted to calm down and sit next to Giji again, who was calmed down by being able to settle a situation.

『If it's a game and there's trust, then it's fine. But also don't ignore the obvious little Harpy, if you allow him too much trust or freedom like letting him bite you or do a lot of things he wants, in the end he won't respect you, you may be friends, but respecting you is the limit of how far he wants to go with you and the way he sees you. You are friends, yes, but maybe he sees you as a friend to bite or just a game, I'm sure he sees his other friends with different eyes, respecting and respecting each other, let me correct my earlier words, comes to create the ultimate way he sees you, it's even a way to get love in life *smile*』.

...At this Giji was somewhat silent about what he just heard, it was a bit sudden but necessary? He doesn't know how to describe this moment, but it seems that the Lizardman ended up opening up a bit with Giji when he saw the situation he was in. Maybe they have something in common? recently it seems that he was trying to flirt or at least get close to a girl, are they both interested in love? So respect defines how that person sees you... Giji seems to understand this a little, so he thanked the Lizardman for his advice, whereupon the reptile turned to smile at him.

『You're welcome little Harpy *smiles* I'm trying my best at this which is new to me. Oh, by the way, to stop calling us by our species, my name is Lain *smiles*』.

The Lizardman named Lain was holding out his hand in order to make passes at the Crone, who this one noticing that he may look a bit intimidating, really looks like he is an ordinary person or species, plus he kind of liked him or saw something in common in him, and that is that they seem to be interested in having someone special.

『And my name is Giji, nice to meet you Lain-san *smiles*』

『Nice to meet you Giji*smile*』

At this Giji extended his wing so that he could shake hands, as if at the slightest touch of the handshake they were going to shake hands. Giji quickly felt a sudden pain in his wing, as if Ron's bite was still affecting him. At this he complained about the pain, where quickly to this Lain apologized many times, bowing, that he was guessing that even though he restrained himself in his strength, it seems that it was not enough and he feels that he squeezed Giji's wing to the degree that it hurts.

『I'm sorry!!!! I'm sorry!!! I didn't mean to squeeze so hard!!!』

『No no...don't worry about it, it wasn't you, I told you, that little person previously bit my wing, so *smile*....』

『Uhm...*sorry* it's okay, you should rest for a while, ah! I can bring a first-aid kit to heal you!!! At least a bandage should do the trick!!!』

『No no, don't worry, it'll heal soon!』

『I can't leave you like this, besides we can spend more time together, the truth is that I'm interested in the situation you're in *smiles*』.

『I think it's easier to mistake a female Lizardman for being a male...』.

It looks like he was holding it in but didn't want to say it in front of Lain. At Giji's place, I went to look at the back where it seems that his friends were still playing beach volleyball, it seems that they were enjoying it a lot. But anyway with what Lain said to him, if he should get some respect at least with Ron, if he continues to let her do what she wants, in the end it seems that she will see him as anything but a potential special person...


At last Giji was finally with some bandages on his wing where he was having the pain, it was too much of a first aid, but it seems that Lain was insisting that he should be treated properly. After this they continued talking about his personal things, here it seems that Lain tells that lately he is interested in all this about love and having a partner, but he doesn't have much experience and he didn't get all the information, besides that looking for information about love is a bit...more than anything useless in many ways. Some friends told him to be adventurous and to insist on getting a partner, that was the only reference he had, but it seems that it hasn't worked out well after all.

『I think that insisting a lot and being a thrower doesn't work, I propose a lot of things and I always try to be nice, but it seems that nobody is interested in that...』

『(I don't know why I feel like this should be Kyto's situation...but for some reason it works for that idiot friend...ah...sure, that must be it...』

『What is it Giji?』

『I don't think the problem is not being thrown or insisting too much, I think the problem is...the real intentions you have...』


Giji seems to understand his friend Kyto, from all the times he spent time with him, it even seems like it just came to his mind. Giji commented that it doesn't matter what tactics or strategies you use, whether you're a thrower or slow. People are not stupid, and especially women, let's say that they are the ones who mostly analyse you, study what you are like, what you are looking for and in the end how it could all end. And if in the end they see that your intentions are simplistic, unfunny and that the objective is too obvious, they end up not liking you very much, or if they play along with you, maybe it's just to have a good time and that's it. But at the end of the day, Giji saw in his friend Kyto that the best strategy is...

『See the moment...』-『You don't have to think ahead to what you'll be like with that girl, although for us it can be a bit difficult *smiles* I do...I've imagined what my life with Ron would be like if I were to be with her *shrugs*』

『Me too? I don't think I've ever seen him like that before...』

『But it must be annoying always looking ahead, the best thing you can do now is live in the moment, I have a few plans for the next few months, but I think it's best to just not think about it so much and see what will happen when I'm there, maybe I'll get along better with Ron *smiles* as well as not, but...at least I can spend time with her, so natural that I know I'll enjoy it without thinking about it...*happy*』

....It seems that Giji is not as dumb as we thought, he seems to finally have a little change at this time of the Summer. To this Lain was listening attentively to Giji, he as the young Harpy did seem to be more excited about it, that it is better not to know what will happen until it happens. But that doesn't indicate that you're looking forward to those days that might be special...

『Live in the moment, I got it, maybe if I act normal I'll gain more confidence in myself, and love won't be so complicated after all, yeah...one doesn't know who will be or what will be tomorrow *smiles*』.

At this it seems that the 2 friends were having a good time on the beach, where it seems that they have created a friendship that may last for a while. Where it seems that the beach volleyball game is finally over, and as a result it seems that the women's team ended up winning. Jun's anger could quickly be seen even as far away as Giji was.

『This time they won!!!! But the next time we play!!! I'm going to show them how awesome I am!!!!』

『Meow! Are you able to jump 10 or 15 meters from your height? or hit a ball with your tail? *laughs* 』

『That too !!!! Those tails you have!!! You look like you have a third arm Yume!!!! 』

『So the Cat is...Four Arms!!!! *surprised*』

『Don't you think it's cute? It was such a delight for me to see Ron-chan and Yume-chan moving so close to me 』 (♡ >ω< ♡)

Come to think of it the male group, Ema was more distracted by the movements of the Nekos Species, did you see those times when cats just stand there watching their own tails move? Well, that's how Ema was, it seems that many tails wagging in front of her, ended up hypnotising her.

『So just like we said!!! We will eat more meat!!! Meow!!!』 

『Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! My meat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!』 

I don't think it's necessary to say who it hurt the most to lose the game. It seems that it is not all lost, as Ron's father Fuu commented that it was just a provocation from his wife Yume, that there really is enough meat to satisfy everyone. Jun's sad face quickly changed to a happy one, but then he didn't seem to like losing, so he quickly grabbed a stick and pointed it at Yume and said ....

『Now it's my turn! For me to win!!!』 

It seems that the next game will be the watermelon smashing game, where the hunting look appeared on Yume, who was accepting Jun's challenge. At this Giji was still talking with his friend Lain, who among so much chatter it seems that Kyto appeared looking for him, warning him that now they will all play watermelon smashing, at this Kyto kind of looked next to Giji, and realized that there was a Lizardman, seeing them together, the only thing he said was....

『You picked up a crocodile !!!!! We shouldn't underestimate your feminine side Giji....』

『It's not that!!!!!』

To this as after clarifying what happened, Kyto was passing by to greet Lain who commented that it was just a joke, and was extending his hand as a greeting, to this the reptile was confused as he didn't expect the human to be the first to take action. Kyto was waiting for his hand to be shaken, even saying things like.

『Come on, let's greet each other properly, I'm no slouch *smiles* besides it will be my first time to touch a Lizardman's hand 』.

Seeing Kyto so normal despite being in front of him, it kind of surprised him but at the same time made him happy. Because mostly when he tries to get close to other people, especially females and female species, they kind of end up rejecting him or taking space to have nothing to do with Lain. It's like it was said before, his simple species is not the most appealing of all.

『Much obliged *smiles*』

『Oh! The palm part is soft, and the back is rough and hard, I kind of wanted to see a female of your species *seriously*』.

『Yes!!!!! Female Lizardmans are very pretty!!!! When I was little I still lived in our territory full of Lizardman, there was a girl there who always attracted me a lot!!!! She was really cute, her scales, her light green tone with white, her eyes...*happy* She started to grow up with time and she became much prettier still, we may look muscular and strong as males, but the Females are slender and curvy!!!』

『Seriously!!! They must be very cute then!!!』

『(Eh? If you knew what they looked like, why would they mistake you for a female Lizardman?...)』

『I got along very well with her, my intentions were obvious, but she was too clumsy with what I was doing, but she was amused and tender with all my attempts! In the end we became great friends and I consider myself as a special person when we were young!!!! *excited*』

『Seriously?!!! How nice my crocodile! And how is she doing? Is she still in the Lizardman territory? Did they become a couple? Tell me more in detail!!! *excited*』

『Ah...that...When the law of species exchange came, as in all the species of the world, every now and then many leave our territory to the humans' territory, even though my friend Laia, that's her name, told me that she is not interested in the outside world and even less in joining the humans, I took her word believing that we would always be together. But it seems that the next exchange, she was selected to go to the human territory...this was weird for me, in the end I think she was curious about the outside world, she left years ago and...well, she never came back to our territory, the only thing we knew about her is that she gave us a last message that said "The outside world is amazing! I really don't regret leaving the village!!!! My tutor is very kind and nice, at the beginning there were some differences, but in the end we got through it all and...now I understand why the law exists, it is to expand our cultures beyond what we know!!! Thank you all very much, one of these days I will come back with many gifts"』-『Y...that's what happened...』

Ah.....Giji didn't know what to say when he heard this, the story seemed to go well at the beginning, but it seems that in the end it didn't end so well for our friend Lain, who you could see that his face fell down when he heard this. But Kyto who seems as he told us before, is not made for serious moments.

『No shit, a human made him nt--------------』

At this quickly Giji was covering his friend's mouth so he wouldn't say anything, but we all know perfectly well what he was going to say, literally what he told us a while ago on the school rooftop, all of Kyto's words somehow if ended up happening in real life...To this like Lain if he was sad and....

『Laia didn't care about anything other than her species...but...then...what is it about humans that makes them have everything?....*sad*』

At this Lain's comment, it seems to have reminded him of what happened recently. Since arriving at the beach, of course there were pairs of the same species, humans with humans, but it seems that there were also company of different species, including humans. At that Giji looked to his front and was curious about what he saw, as they were literally passing by the said Human and Kobold couple who were recently having a private moment on the sea rocks that...

『Ah! Those 2 had ****』

At what Giji said without holding anything back, both Lain and Kyto quickly turned to look at their friend Giji, who quickly covered his mouth with his wings for the nonsense he said. Where both Lain and Kyto's expressions were open-mouthed at what just happened. Even the Female Kobold species noticed that they were looking at him, and kind of knowing what he did, she kind of blushed and told her human partner to get out of the way. This only confirmed that what Giji said...yes, he was right....

『Enseriously...Humans are taking away our females...*cry*』

『Seriously...Humans are dominating the world!!!! Yo yo yo yo!!! I also want to become a tutor in the future!!!!! *excited*』

Clearly there were 2 sides of the coin in this situation, to whom the species exchange law was a bad idea, and to whom it benefited a lot. To this, Giji was the one who had to come back to both encourage his friend Lain, and to take his friend Kyto down a peg or two. But really, it seems like this has time to spare...


『Ahh!!!! It can't end like this!!! Really so appealing to humans!!!! I'm trying too but I don't have any result!!!! So!!! So!!!! We'll fight fire with fire!!! I'm going to become human too!!!! And so we will triumph the species again!!!!!』

At that point Lain seemed to get so excited that she would raise her claws upwards, she seemed to be making a huge effort for something, it was strange. Both Giji and Kyto were watching this, I guess frustration brought him to that conclusion. From what Lain was trying so hard, he couldn't see any results, so the more strength and determination he put into it, he quickly noticed something that... At that it seems that something ended up falling into the sand, as he watched a little...

『Scales? Hey crocodile, are you doing skin swapping or something? 』


At this Lain showed her finger to her 2 friends, who were confused by this, but at the same time surprised by what they had just seen. Somehow with her effort and determination, she managed to turn the tip of her thumb into a human finger....ya it wasn't reptilian, it really looked like a human's...But quickly that human finger returned to its original shape, where it left the 2 friends confused, especially Giji who...

『Hey Lain...what was that? ....』

『A change...*tired*....I understand that...by interacting with humans so much for so long...we are able....to adapt...*tired*』

He was really tired at that moment, that Lain was breathing heavily, to see how his mouth was open with his teeth showing, was again a bit intimidating. At this Kyto had kind of hit on something.

『Ah! So it makes sense then, that explains the cat 』.


『Our friend Nekomata-san seems to have mastered perfectly what you tried to do Lain-san...that change thing』...』

『It can't be...as I understand it's a very difficult characteristic or skill to attain...has your friend Nekomata-san been practicing for a long time? If not, then you're just playing a joke...』

『Well, I see her going from change to change, if you want to take a look at my crocodile *smiles*』

『¿?...Alright...if what they say is true...I have to see it with my own eyes...in any case it would be...』

To this, Lain didn't believe that something so complicated among the species could be mastered by a single species in a simple way. At this Kyto and Giji went on to take Lain to their group of friends, where by delaying and taking too long, they were already playing a game of Watermelon.


『Ah!!!! No way!!! I was one centimetre away from hitting him!!!』

『I told you, one step to the right Jun!!! 』

『Forget that a step for you, it's just a little step...*screaming*』

『Meow! Looks like we've all failed, but there's still our last card left, Ron-chan!!!!! It proves the evolution of the species!!!!! *excited*』

At this Yume was happy with this, where it was as if she chose her only combatant, Ron came out and showed herself to be the most determined in this. He took the stick in his hands where he was blindfolded. To this Jun commented on who will be guiding Ron, where his mother Yume proudly commented that there is no need for that, that Ron is able to detect his surroundings.

At this, both Ron's ears and nose were at their highest point, he could gradually sense the location of the watermelon. And as soon as he detected it, it quickly changed from human feet and legs to feline paws. This not only increased his speed, but also when he hit the watermelon with the stick. His hands turned into the claws and limbs of a feline, and with force he ended up bursting the watermelon, which exploded into several pieces. At this Yume quickly went to hug and congratulate her daughter for winning the game, where Ron was equally happy, as if she had done the only job.

『Well done Ron-chan!!!! I knew you could do it!!!! *happy*』


At this everyone was happy, and went on to share out the watermelon. They were all eating part of the watermelon, and as they saw that Lain was also there, Kyto gave a piece of watermelon to the Reptile, who was surprised by what he had just seen, and it seems that in the end it was what he had been suspecting from the beginning. ....

『Yes they exist...they are already beginning to emerge...(after a long time, it seems that the new stage of evolution of the species is finally arriving!!!! Their parents, a Neko Species and an ordinary human...the daughter Ron...has 2 tails...this is the result of the exchange of species!!!! A hybrid...)』-『An Interspecies....』

At this Lain was kind of excited to witness what he just saw, who was whispering and could not be heard at all. But one thing was clear to her, she kept looking at the Nekomata Family who were having a nice day...all as a family....

『Thank you very much Giji, I see *smiles* That it's possible』

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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