
Chapter 54: Nekomata Case 6

August 8th from ****

Well... it seems that everything can go well this time, now that I think about it, a lot of things happen in Summer, like there are many moments or events that always have to be captured in the life of a student, or at least that's what light novels, anime, and visual games say, it's really like it's an obligation among so many options, to be able to go to that place together. Although they make it seem like the only celebration of the year, woahh!! that can only happen here. Well not really, investigating what could happen in the future, I really realized that the festivals...happen in any part of the year...Yes...Of the 4 seasons that the year has, because in all of them there will always be a festival for an event that happened in the past, or something commemorative for a population. Really when I realised this it was practically.... "So why is the main focus always on the Summer Festival?" It's always around that time, I guess because it fits in well with the stories they want to tell, because practically the students go on holidays, they just kind of have their lives in mind without any complications at least for that point, everyone is free, everyone can meet and... It's such a basic thing that of course we're not going to ignore it either, I don't really know why, but it's kind of more exciting at that time of year, although a festival in winter with all the snow...or a festival in autumn with the leaves falling...I bet they must be much more beautiful than the classic tone, but who am I at the end of the day? Good!!! So we have everything ready for this day, I don't really have anything planned for what to do as soon as we arrive at the festival, so as I understood a while ago, I'm just going to live the moment together with everyone, I don't expect anything special on !!!!! Although in most of the summer festivals, it's kind of the best time to make something happen...there's always the typical scene where the main character and the heroine kiss or at least make some progress...And the truth....

『(I wish that would happen to me today too!!!!!!) *excited*』

But...weren't you expecting anything? In the end, he really wants something to happen that could take his friendship with Ron to the next level. Also before these days, of course they don't meet in a row, everyone is free to do with their days what they want, they were all quietly spending their holidays alone or with company other than themselves, it's also something very common that the stories ignore, that we also take time to enjoy our solitude. But it seems that for Giji it wasn't like that... after having been together not only in the studio, and meeting to talk together about something important, and especially because of that day at the beach. He felt like he wanted to go out with his friends every day, he was really anxious or even a bit worried about having to spend it all together... It's not that he has something wrong with him or that he's sick, it's just that he has this need to go out with everyone again.

If Jun was previously the idea of going to the beach together, now Giji wanted to be the organiser of many outings with everyone together. He happily told everyone in the group chat that when they could all go out together again, his face couldn't hide it, he was really excited to go out anywhere and just have fun with everyone, his wing was already in better shape, so going out would be a good way to get back on his feet. But it seems his encouragement was too much, as the first to respond to him was his friend Kyto, who told him.

『I'm sorry Giji, but now I have to go visit my granny out of town, we're staying for a week so I won't be able to go to what you're planning』.

『I won't be able to accept either Giji-chan, after the beach thing, I have to recover a bit to go out again, skin for a woman is very important!!!』-『By the way Kyto-chan, so when you come back from your granny, are we going to go to where we've arranged to meet?』

『Yes, I was just about to let you know, coming back we are going on our date Ema-chan 』(◞ꈍ∇ꈍ)◞⋆**✚⃞ྉ

『One week then...with what I already rested in this time...well!!!! I'll be fully recovered by then! See you Kyto-chan, and I'm sorry I can't hang out with you Giji-chan *smiles*』

『Nahh nahnhn nahhh! You guys are too much, can't you see that our Giji wants to spend time with you !!!! Although granny is important as Kyto says, I'm surprised by her attitude, and Ema I understand it, always in summer or in hot days it's like everything is fine, but then it's like she shelters in cool places』-『Don't worry Giji!!!! I'm free! We can hang out whenever you want! Just name the time, date and place and we'll see you there!!!!』

『No, not anymore』


『ꉂ ꀞꀞꀞ(ᕑᗢूᓫ∗)˒˒』

『 (⁙ู꒪ู︠͒◞̴ਊ◟̴ู꒪︡͒⁙ู)』

Literally when Jun agreed to go out somewhere with Giji, Giji quickly cancelled everything. This practically left a moment of silence in the chat room, where in each other's houses and rooms, they were quick to laugh at how funny it all was. Ema and Kyo couldn't contain their laughter at that moment, while Jun, who was in his room with his phone at hand, kind of got a kick out of it, and everyone quickly thought he was going to get angry and take it out on everyone again. Even Giji by his natural reaction that he had, like he was quickly correcting himself.

『No no no no lie!!!! Don't believe Jun!!! Yes I would love to go out with you!!!! What I said before was pure...pure...』

『Pure truth...』ꉂ ꋧ(⁎ˊ̭ સˆ̀)◞₎̵₎

『Don't interfere Kyto!!!!!』-『Let's go out one of these days!!!! Please yes? let me fix my mistake from before....』

To this Giji in his room was upset that he had messed up. Where he was trembling and with a sweat on his forehead, he was nervously waiting for his friend Jun's reply. Who it seems her next message was....

『So it'll be a date?...I want it to be a date...』

『Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!! A date! A walk!!! An outing with friends! But please don't get angry...』

『I'm not mad and I wasn't going to get mad, I just...like I don't even have a chance for this kind of thing...and I'd like it to happen...』

At this, Jun's friends did feel that weight that their human friend has. Who at first when they read the message and saw that Giji insisted that they could all go out together, like at the beginning when they saw that the others already had plans or just couldn't. Like she was going to be a good friend and the two of them would go out together, as friends, but let's just say that the idea of spending time alone with a guy, even if he was her friend, did excite her a bit. 

『Take responsibility for your actions friend Giji, really this little bird talks a lot 』.

『Please Giji-chan, you wanted us all to go out together, but there's going to be chances that can't be like that, being alone is also fun in its own way, it de-stresses us *smiles* But your encouragement made me think that you might look really good with Jun, at least for this time, can you go out together please? 』

『Ema, don't say it like I'm being pitiful』

At this point Jun was in his room a bit discouraged by what was going on, seeing that Giji was responding seriously and at the moment that he was going to keep his word and correct his mistake after all, the simple fact that he told him that they were going to go out together. It kind of made Jun happy, and he couldn't help but smile at his phone at that moment. So with a message, he was confirming that he agreed to go out together one of these days. At this Giji was happy, as she would be able to make up with her friend, although she herself said she wasn't upset. It seems that everything ended well at the end of the chat, you could see Jun's smile at that moment, she happily put her phone away and left her room since she had just been called for lunch. While Giji was still in his room, and at the end he said....

『Because things don't end up the way you want them to *sigh*』

It was obvious that what Giji was looking for by getting everyone together was to be together, and by together we mean Ron would be there too. Spending time with her is what the Crone is looking forward to the most, but since this guy is too much of a coward to tell Ron directly to go out somewhere, and what happened to the attitude from before? when everyone was studying, Giji didn't look for Ron to ask him out? This bird... Giji prefers to save his intentions with a group outing, it didn't work out this time, but at least he should take responsibility for his actions he didn't think it through, Jun is a nice girl after all, maybe a bit too energetic for his taste, really a guy who has the same mood and attitude would come in handy for Jun,or maybe the opposite, a calm guy who can keep Jun calm. And that calm guy is....

『I guess I'll have to play that role, but it's okay, we'll have a nice day and I'll also get to talk about it, I wish Ron would have responded...』

At this Giji kept looking at his phone, and how it would have been a different story if the Nekomata had answered. Maybe since Ron likes to be together with Jun, the three of them would have gone out somewhere. The Crone could only lay back down on her bed while staring straight ahead, but she quickly put on a better expression. So she shouldn't see it as a bad opportunity, rather she should see it as living in the moment and this was the result. No wonder this method is better, because something is always going to happen that you didn't expect at all.

This is how we ended up arriving at this day, the 8th of August. The day Giji and Jun arranged to go on a date, just the two of them. It was a nice day, it's summer, so there's no worry of rain or cloudy weather, or at least that's what today's news said. They arranged to meet at midday in the city centre, it was noticeable that people and species were making their day, also many took the opportunity to go out in groups or as a couple, it seems that the fashion is either to go out with a summer suit, light clothes, or to adopt the culture of the West. Just imagining Ron in a light white outfit with a classic white straw hat, in a field of sunflowers, again made Giji forget his surroundings and imagine how cute the Nekomata would look in such an outfit.

『Looks like you've got me beaten, Giji *smiles*』-『I'm here 』.

At this point the Crone was waiting at a signpost, she finally snapped out of her own thoughts, and when she looked at her forehead she realised something. It was as if what she imagined had become reality, Jun to this she ended up looking cheerful and blushing at the situation, where she quickly as always has to be the one to take the first action.

『How do I look? Do I look pretty?』

To this Jun presented herself as she had come to this day, it was a bit weird to see her in the pose she was in, like she looked much more? Weak? no, that wouldn't be the word, it's like before Jun was standing with her chest out and looking straight at you as if challenging you, this Jun in front of her, it's like she looks a little smaller? Eh? Has she always measured like that? There's no longer the attitude of superiority from before, nor is she excelling in big things, it's like she's standing in front of a girl just as innocent as Ema, or even much more than her friend....

『It's like you read my mind, I was just thinking about that garment, it's really confusing, like it never occurred to me how well you could look like that Jun』-『Yes, you look really cute *smiles*』

At this, like Giji's sincerity he could see it instantly, you know how his friend is, he can't hide what he really thinks at the moment, it must be a defect of harpies after all. But to what his friend said, this made Jun even happier, she would quickly make jokes about it herself.

『Right?! Even I'm surprised at how well it suits me too, I was planning to go with torn trousers, you know, the ones that are fashionable in the west, but then I remembered about my butt and...in the end I didn't think so much about it and wore this light garment with a white hat, I wanted to look like those heroines in romantic stories, and it seems to suit me very well *happy*』

『I could even say that you're another Jun』

『Today I'm more desirable than ever!!!! I'm sure to attract a few stares at last, so Giji-kun, I'm counting on you *smiles*』

『Giji-kun?...*smiles* All right, I'll do my best』

To this, the moment she added kun to her name, Jun leaned over to look even more tender than we ever imagined. But the crone was surprised that her friend would say it that way, but at the end of the day they were here for this, to have a good time with friends after all. At this it seems that Jun really seemed like a different person, that quickly as they were both walking side by side, like she wanted to feel more like a heroine, so she would go on to hug Giji's wing so they could walk together. This action surprised and blushed Giji, who wondered to her friend that it was not necessary to walk together like this.

『Huh? What's the matter? (Ŏ艸Ŏ) Did I make you blush and nervous? Are you already understanding my feminine attractiveness? *smiles* You don't have to be afraid Giji-kun, not that we were doing anything wrong, but I would have seen a better expression if Ron had done it, right? *happy*』

『!!!!!! WHAT!!!ゞ◎Д◎ヾ No!!!! Of course not!!!!! (((( ;°Д°)))) If Ron had done that he would have kept his composure!!!!! (⸝⸝⸝ª̷̛იॢª̷̛⸝⸝⸝) 』-『I have to make myself respected and look special to her....』(*'ェ`*)

At this he clearly got nervous and showed a better reaction than he did with Jun. Just imagining that instead of being bitten, he would hug him tightly, really seemed to be too much for the Crone. At this, Jun instead of letting go of his friend, he wanted to tease him even more, so he even squeezed his friend a little bit, who was looking at him with a sweat on his forehead.

『You're talking nonsense *smiles* Every person likes to see what the person they fell in love with is like, without filters or anything, being him as he knows best *smiles*』

At this they were walking together, where they were clearly getting the stares of those passing by, and the first thing that came to people's minds when they saw them, was that they were a couple. This kind of made Giji, even though he tried to hide it, really nervous trying to hide his blushes, while Jun's cheeks were still red, and seeing his friend trying to look manly in more ways than one, kind of made him thankful and he said.

『Calm down Giji-kun, I'm sure there's someone in the world who will like you being you, the only problem is that you want it to be Ron, so make an effort my friend.』

Now Jun was patting his friend's back hard, this simple action did remind Giji that yes, this girl here is nothing more or less than his friend Jun, that no matter how different she looks or shows another side, she will still be herself in every aspect. So they were on their way to start their little outing as friends, first of all Giji had no plans of what to do on this day. Just a walk with Jun around the city, the park, buying something to snack on the way. They ended up arriving at a park where it seems that their talk didn't stop, as Jun told him about things that happened to her, and that's how she found out that she didn't always get to have short hair like she does now.

『I was really proud of my hair, but my classmates were quick to tell me that my long hair didn't fit in with my violent attitude, to which I responded with even more violence and shouting! 』╭( ・ㅂ・)و

『And that's exactly why they were telling you...』(・・.)ゞ

『Even if I say violence and shouting, I just tapped them like I did you, because they didn't pay attention or said too much!!! You raise your voice at them, and they don't even understand!!!!! So when I see you, you and Kyto, you really remind me of those little fellows I had, what's more, now seeing your face makes me want to hit you』. Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)

『 Σ('д ` メ)』 

『It's a joke *laughs* I'm not going to do anything to you, I'm just meant to be surrounded by people like that, and I really like them a lot *smiles*』 

『(He just called us all fools again...) For you to like being with people like us, well you're a fool too Jun...』 

『Yeah, every fool for his own fool, I'm capable of doing crazy things for my friends, ah! But nothing that endangers one's integrity, then I'll give you a good punch so you won't say anything stupid again *smiles*』. 

The conversation continued while they were walking through the park, when they saw a stall that sold crepes, Jun was the first to order for the two of them. There was a problem with this, as it was difficult for Giji to hold it with the bad grip he has, in that Jun commented that although the chat conversation could be seen quickly, in reality Giji was late in writing his message because of the bad handling he has because of his grip. In these moments when he's having a hard time, I can't help but think about Lain, and the whole switching thing, being able to do Ron's thing, being able to switch his wing to a human's hand, he feels it would be the best thing to do. After all, it's not like it would give her any benefits to have wings, not even flying le....

『Open mouth 』 

『Eh???? *blushes*』

『What do you mean, huh? It's a! I'm going to do you a favour and give it to you in your mouth, so come on, open your mouth 』.

At this Jun had Giji's crepe in his hand, and wanted to chomp it into the Crone's mouth. At this, our Crone did get a little bit out of her mind, she really felt like she was doing all the things she would have liked to do with Ron, she thought it was going out as friends, but it was turning into a private date with Jun. Jun kept insisting that she wanted to eat hers too, so under the pressure and nerves that Giji had, like a bird, she literally took the whole crepe in her mouth, looked up at the sky and was swallowing it whole. You could even see how it all went down his throat and....

『Ahhh...I'll never do it again...』

『Giji-kun, you really made him like pelicans...』-『Come!!!! Again!!!! Now eat this but now I'm throwing it into your mouth!!!!! *happy*』

『No no no no no no!!!! That's yours!!!』

Giji was stopping her friend from doing it, where Jun actually looked happy to see something like that in her life. At the end of this short walk in the park, Jun finished telling us the reason why he ended up cutting his hair, having the style we see now, as I said before, Jun's hobby is athletics, although he doesn't take it seriously, he really loves all this dodging obstacles and running at full speed. And her long hair used to be uncomfortable, even if it was in a ponytail, so just because it was uncomfortable, she just cut it off, and she's really happy about it, because it makes her more agile, cooler and less stumbling.

『How annoying it was that you were pulling your own hair with your own movements...』

I was saying it for all those who had long hair for the first time and how annoying it was to be able to take care of it and manoeuvre your day-to-day things with it. They were heading to the Aquarium, which is exactly where they were going, because Giji told his parents that he was going out with a friend, and they quickly took it to mean that he already had a partner or was about to have one, so they gave him a better allowance that day, and they had already prepared some passes for him to the city aquarium. 

Everything was amazing inside this aquarium, it could also be said that it was Giji's first time to be in an aquarium after a long time. Since he couldn't stop looking at the animals in front of him, the dark bluish light touch in many places, it kind of looked like it could be a good place for a date, so he didn't think so much and...

『I want to invite Ron to this place...*happily*』

Jun and Giji were no longer walking around hugging each other, but they were looking at everything the aquarium has to offer, from the smallest animals to the biggest animals. At this point they were both in front of a large glass enclosure containing a lot of marine animals, the tranquility and curiosity that the place gave you was a unique sensation. 

『Shall we take a picture Giji-kun?』

At this Jun proposed the photo by taking out his phone, at this both of them were going to take a selfie at the place, they were really having a good time together. Jun quickly sent it to their group chat, where it seems that the message was soon answered, as Kyto saw it while he was having a snack with his grandmother, he was happy to see it and commented that he was having a good time.

『Good thinking guys! With that one Aquarium, let's go to the next one all together, do you think I'll let you catch some? That fish at the back sure is delicious』

『How happy the 2 boys look *smiles* Every time I see life in the sea, it makes me think how calm and relaxing mermaids must be』.

『 (⌒▽⌒)ゞ Thanks guys, of course we're all coming back here together』.

『Here with Granny, say hi granny *happy*』(*≧∀≦*) (≖ᴗ≖✿)

To this, Kyto also wanted to share a picture he just took with his grandma while they were in the living room of the same which looked traditional, to this you could see Kyto happy with a contented expression, and his grandma who was also happy with spending time with her grandson. His other friends also commented on how nice the picture looked and how well preserved Kyto's grandmother was, even Ema commented that old ladies also brought peace and tranquility to her being. 

『What are you making eyes at my grandmother Ema-chan? Do you want to reach that age too? 』

『I would like to reach that age as soon as possible』 (✿ヘᴥヘ)

『You always say weird things Ema-chan, good!!! Then I'll try my best to be like my grandfather, too 『COPY00 Grandpa!!!!! Tell me the secret to stay senile!!!!』 

『Wouldn't it be "young"? *laughs*』 

At this Jun was laughing at the nonsense that always has to happen to Kyto, where as he looked to his side, he kept running into Giji, who this one kept looking intently straight ahead, with all the wildlife that was and....although he didn't quite say it, but he really likes the one who....

『All the animals, all the species get along well...*smiles* It should stay that way forever』. 

At this Jun turned his gaze back to the wildlife that Giji was looking at and...he kept his phone where he was once again clinging to Giji but this time it was just that, they were side by side while they were just gazing at the scenery in front of them. 

At Ron's house, the mother seems to be having a little argument with the father, who should make lunch for the day, although we could say that it's a day to day thing, since Yume does feel like cooking, but...

『You already know it, you don't have a good grip, let alone the necessary cooking, go on Yume, go and rest while I make lunch, okay? 』 

『Like I don't have one!!!!』 

Fuu seemed to be trying to calm down his wife, who Yume was annoyed, so at that moment, she ended up grabbing a cucumber that was in the kitchen, she threw it, and at the moment it was falling, she became serious from one moment to another, with her claws she ended up cutting the cucumber several times, her husband was watching this attentively, where the whole cucumber fell on the chopping board, or at least it seemed like that.

『That's how I'm going to make your food』 (*ΦωΦ*)

Where the cucumber lost its classic shape, and instead of showing a nice cut in the vegetable, it seems that it ended up falling apart turning into cucumber puree...although there were big chunks too...the thing is, Yume was bad at cooking. When she saw her husband's face that was just what she was waiting for, quickly Yume tried to show him again that she can cook this time, and even came up very close to his eyes and said.

『With the other cucumber...if I have no faults』 (=ↀωↀ=).

『Yume...you're in your rutting season, aren't you?』 

At this quickly, both parents were in their aprons, and quickly Yume was cuddling her head on her husband's chest, who seemed to be used to it and was stroking her head to reassure his wife. Where quickly before this small sample of affection, quickly Ron had appeared at that moment giving a great jump from the stairs of the first floor arriving at the first. Where he quickly alerted the mother who ended up jumping up and Fuu holding him in her arms.

『Where are you going, child?! 』 


『I understand, but come back before nightfall!!!Meow!!!And we love you very much!!!!! Ron!!!!』 

At this Ron was leaving the house with the blessing of his parents, who his mother seemed to lower her ears because of the way Ron was behaving, that really her daughter is very moving and that ends up worrying her a lot, where the father only commented on one thing.

『She really looks like you when you were young Yume *smiles*』 

『 ='①.①'=?』 

At this point Ron was in the urban areas, where he was not even running normally. He was quickly running on all fours making use of the skills he has, for some reason he was going somewhere very fast.


At this point they continued their tour of the aquarium, where it looks like they finally got out of the fish area and ended up in the penguin area. They are really lucky to get there, because in the summer time, the exclusivity of seeing the penguins is unique. Jun was thrilled to see the penguins and even commented that they looked very cute, they were just as we all imagine them, small, they walk as if their feet were glued together, their black fins are actually evolved wings and...

『Who do you think will win Giji-kun, an underwater penguin, or an underwater Harpy? 』 

"Do you want to see me lose? Penguins have much more of an advantage in the water, they evolved and adapted to the habitat they were in, their wings became like flippers for greater mobility underwater and to reach high speeds. However, if a Harpy touches the water, our wings get wet and lose their flexibility, they are somewhat sensitive and quickly lose their composure, we cannot fly or swim with them』.

『Kyto told me about you guys, uhmm, in the old days they were much tougher, right? So if you could dive into the water like a bullet train and then come out with your prey, you sure were a lot tougher than you are now』.

『The species back then, they were better at everything than we are now』.

『The passing of time did work against them, also due to the exchange of species and culture, but hey, if you're going to fall in the water one day, try to live *smile*』.

『I'm not going to die from getting wet, you saw me on the beach, if I can resist those things』.

They continued their conversation as they watched the penguins as they listened to their trainer, fed them their fish and began to swallow them. Jun was quick to point out.

『Just like you, Giji-kun』.

『Don't remind me...』

『Swallow for sure if you beat them』


At this it seems like it was over the things they had to talk about, Jun commented on what else they will do after the Aquarium, where Giji told him sincerely that he did not prepare anything else, for sure they will have lunch in a family restaurant and each one will go home, Jun did not feel bad about the news, but before the silence that could come later, he ended up bringing up the topic of....

『Why can't you fly Giji-kun?』

This ended up interesting Jun long before, and especially since Kyto commented on several occasions that Giji was not able to fly, also the harpy herself did not hide this fact, but also did not give something clear about why she can't, maybe it's fear, maybe she can't, maybe a trauma or something like that, where Giji commented....

『I have no idea 』-『It could be fear, it could be trauma, or it could also be because I can't fly, but the clear answer is...I don't see the need to fly』-『I know it's something innate to my species, and like any other, simply by instinct you get to learn it or know it, but in my case...there was never a clear reason why I wanted to fly. ...there was never a clear reason why I want to fly, I'm not afraid of heights, I can imagine being thousands of metres high and I wouldn't be afraid at all, but...why would I go so high, why would I fly...I really wouldn't see the point』.

『Are you kidding Giji-kun? What do you mean flying doesn't make sense? It's one of the things that humans have wanted the most for a long time! And you're able to do it! If I could fly I'd go wherever I want, not having to worry about crowded trains, I'd be late!!! I'd use my wings and be on time!!!! It's really very useful to fly Giji-kun』

『I came here by train...』


『Don't look for whether it's awesome or cool Jun, I just see whether it's necessary or not, for sure if I take my first flight, the primitive instinct of my origins will be activated and I can fly with total normality but...there is no something that forces me to do it, or at least to such a degree to make me fly without thinking about it just with the aim of reaching something I want very much』.

To this Giji quickly gave us a valid answer to her condition of not being able to fly, although it would be more like she doesn't want to fly, it was a bit weird but I guess there are people like that in the world, they can do it but they just don't do it for their own reasons. This reminded Jun of that time when she met Ron for the first time, the time when she was falling from the jump she took to the ground, it wasn't only the cat who jumped in to save her, but also Giji... In that moment of danger, Giji didn't fly at all...

But there was another situation, when they were cornering Ron to become friends, at that moment Giji took flight without thinking, why did he do it? Because he only had in mind to catch up with Ron at that moment....

『I see, so flying is your way of confessing』-『Good luck Giji, for both of you to go far away *smiles*』

At this the Crone kept looking at her friend who was giving her all her support, where Giji was also happy at that moment, commenting that he was waiting for that day, but quickly among everything that was happening, both heard a sound that became familiar to both of them, where they did not avoid turning around and... Both, Giji and Jun could recognize that loud meow of the moment, and when they looked, they ended up finding Ron who was standing looking at both of them...? This was too weird for the two friends who were in the Aquarium, why did Ron appear out of nowhere? Did he come running? He looks a little shaken but it seems to be nothing and....

Ron would quickly run back to where the two friends were, this made Giji feel strange but happy at the same time, eh? why did he come running to him? eh? is he going to run to him? did he really want to come to the meeting? how did he find out? Was he paying attention to the group chat conversation? Huh? A lot of things were flooding Giji's head at that moment, but ....

『Ahh!!!! Ron!!!! But what!!! Don't jump on me!!!!』

At this Ron passed Giji and went straight to Jun, who was playing games with him, and because of the movement he ended up taking off his white straw hat and putting it on his head, at this Jun was complaining but ....

『AHH!!!! Don't bite my head!!! What's wrong with you silly Neko!!!!』

Ron was biting Jun's head at that moment, where this of course hurt, with small but sharp teeth those of a Neko Species, where he was struggling to get it off him but...at that moment he remembered about his friend Ema from what she told him about the cats and....

『Wait silly Neko, did you want to go on the date too?』

『ฅ(*ΦωΦ*) ฅ』

『You should have said it before *sigh* Don't tell me you don't speak in writing either? But anyway, stop biting me already!!!! It took me a long time to look pretty!!!』

Ron kept biting Ron on the head and...what was this...he was on his back, on top of his head while his mouth kept pulling him off him. The biting is a way of saying that the cat loves you very much, so I'm sure Ron was so happy to see Jun that he didn't avoid showing his affection to his friend. But well, that's how it happened, at least it seems that Giji's wish will be true, he will be able to spend as much time with Ron as he wanted to.

『Giji!!!! Hello!!! I didn't think I'd see you again! How are you doing *smiles* 』

At that moment it also seems that someone who wasn't in the plans came, Giji turned around and realized that a friend he made on the beach was also here, it was Lain who upon seeing his friend Giji, didn't take long to greet him and stand by his side. Seeing him dressed as a human was really curious, while...

『You too, hello! *smiles* Jun and Ron, right?』

At this quickly Jun wasn't afraid of anything, but Ron first thing he did was to hide behind his friend Jun's back, while Lain was happy to see her friends again, who looks like the 4 of them will get to know each other better.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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